My vent is about lousy English. I hear the most appalling English from dancers in SCs and there is a pile of English dreck here on tuscl as well. I educated myself by reading and now, reading and intelligent conversation remain the greatest pleasures in my life. In a SC of stunning beauties, I will always shower my cash on the beauty with the best English skills. Here on tuscl, my eyes glaze over and my brain winces in pain at all the atrocious grammar, phony neologisms, indecipherable texting code, and all the other barbarisms I have seen.
No tats & proper English ... isn't that the domain of the escort, where the high-priced talent provides companionship in addition to, oh, someone to play checkers with? [ie "King me!"]
Bless you Art for addressing something so dear to me. I'm heartbroken when a smoking hot girl approaches and she opens her mouth and is crude,coarse,unpolished and cannot carry on a decent conversation
Hear! Hear! (Stomping foot upon the ground.) The good queen's English slaughtered by the tongues of the oafish and neophyte! Words are bally-hued about like a monkey ringing a town's bell - a ruckus noise versus the soothing melody of song calling out from that marvelous iron cauldron. My word! The ignorance that hath fallen about my ears harming my good mind and causing ill disposition of my soul. But alas, if it were not for the good words of the most brilliant Farmerant, I would be nearly empty of hope - much like the absence of notion and design many put amongst their remarks here. (Stomping foot upon the ground!)
Ha! Now, where did I put my top hat and monocle?...
Honestly though, while there are many girls in the industry who are intelligent and educated, strippers generally get a bad rep BECAUSE it's an industry where you don't need to have any sort of training or skills to make decent money, just the willingness to take your clothes off. Smart, intelligent women would most likely be making money elsewhere, leaving behind the girls who are otherwise not qualified for better jobs. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy dancing and I enjoy the fistfuls of cash I take home every night - but this job really does wear one down after a while.
It is funny to me that the posters on this board seem to have such high expectations of dancers - first that we should provide sexual services in the VIP beyond a simple dance, and then having to fit your particular aesthetic (no tattoos), and now being intelligent on top of that!
Honestly, I think it is to the dancers BENEFIT to play dumb often. I tend to get sucked into conversations with "intellectual" gentlemen at the club who keep me at their table because of my ability to have "intelligent conversation" just to talk and not to buy dances. After all, I'm not dancing for him - why should he pay me? An unprofitable venture, to be sure. The worst is when they want to talk politics, which I have strong feelings about... I don't want to argue and offend a customer, but by god does it grate on my nerves to talk to a smarmy know-it-all.
While finding an articulate dancer is sometimes enjoyable, I expect intelligent conversation from a dancer no more than I expect it from a waiter/waitress, cashier or Disneyland ride attendent.
Strip clubs are an escape from the proper politically correct world, not a place to be elitist. As our society becomes more technological for communication, language skills will continue to deteriorate.
Agree with art and other posters that conversation will often seal the deal. Hey, rfcookie, a 7 who can keep a decent conversation going and can be playful will probably get into my pants (and wallet) faster than you'd think. We are not asking for hours of yakking. Those guys are cheap asses. But two or three songs of good conversation often leads to 10 or 12 dances. That's a decent investment on your part.
I do have to add that I have sympathy for some of the posters, though. I know that many people now check their email and surf from their phones, so the texting abbreviations and shortcuts understandably creep in. I started out determined that I would make my texts and emails readable, but--damn--those little keys and all that clicking once, twice, three, or four times gets old.
@Che - I'm joking around of course, but given your description, I sound like your type. I like to think I'm pretty good looking... this last weekend I had customers lining up to tip me on stage. Didn't have to hustle a single dance all night to break $600, I could barely fend off the crazed crowds with a stick! (...Okay, so I exaggerate a bit. But I'm pretty popular.)
I'm all natural, though I will admit to having a small tattoo on my shoulder which I am currently in the process of getting lasered off. (We all make dumb mistakes when we're younger, right?) And of course, I'm fairly bright as well, or at least the standardized tests tell me so.
I liked rf cookie's comment. And I agree with Farmerart too, mostly when it comes to grammar like that of Cydney Love or whatever her name is that just posted on the site a few days ago. That type of grammar is just lazy.
@rfcookie- if that is you in the picture, I love the bow. Love it,love it. It's the perfect pic idea.
I don't know if it's lazy texting or whether she really doesn't know the difference between "you're" and "your", but my ATF's consistent use of "your" to mean "you are" drives me crazy, and not in a good way. It's (and don't get me started on it's vs. its) a good thing she has many other wonderful qualities.
@steve...the questions is "What did she use it for?". I can think of a few ways I'd like a dancer to use my dangling participle.
This rant reminds me of an old joke. Guy walking around Yale's campus asks a student, "Do you know where the librarys at?". Student says, "At Yale we never end a sentence with a preposistion!". Guy says, "Ok, do you know where the librarys at, ASSHOLE!".
I also hate poor English, but I don't notice it so much in conversations with dancers (perhaps because I'm concentrating on their boobs). Where I notice bad English is in texts, emails and discussions on forums like TUSCL. Poor grammar, mis-spelling and the incorrect use of words are common, and they are easier to spot in written language. I poked some gentle fun today at a poster who used "gentile" for "genital," saying I would only bang Jewish dancers because he claimed you could get herpes from "gentile to gentile contact."
If you're a stickler for grammar, you would enjoy the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."
Expressing ourselves well should be something to strive for as a goal. That is UNLESS appearing illiterate & Stupid is something a person wants to promote about themselves.
If it's any consolation, I think colleges are now trying. Not sure about high schools.
After many years out of school, a few years back I went back to college in the evenings to get my MBA and I found college has dramatically changed. Nearly every course (even the quant courses - statistics, finance, accounting, operations mgmt)requires a lengthy paper/project where writing skills are evaluated on the same level as the analytical part.
And it's just not at the graduate level. From observing the undergrads, there really seems to be quite a lot more papers and speaking presentations required than when I was in school.
So, farmerart, there might be some hope for the future.
Well, I got some nice nibbles to the bait I floated in the water. Best response was the series of photos that showed up under rfcookie's handle. You go girl!! You got da goods!!
This post was semi-serious and semi-tongue-in-cheek. shadowcat hooked me on one of his posts months ago that was intended merely to roil the waters so I am delighted to see that I have learned from a tuscl master.
CT: exactly my thoughs. "OTC is legal, no VIP/cover/valet fees, and house fees of $30 for the dancers." Oh Canada, how I wish you were not so far away. :)
i'll work on my gramer & spelling. art you need to learn how to talk stripper. a lot of strippers talk like they are not well educated. they do that so you will feel orry for them & spend more money on them
last commentfamerart, give us a few examples of some of the "appalling English" that you hear from dancers in SC's.
However that took a lot more time to type.
I don't usually proofread before hitting the post comment button so I'm sure I have a lot of bad grammar on here.
Honestly though, while there are many girls in the industry who are intelligent and educated, strippers generally get a bad rep BECAUSE it's an industry where you don't need to have any sort of training or skills to make decent money, just the willingness to take your clothes off. Smart, intelligent women would most likely be making money elsewhere, leaving behind the girls who are otherwise not qualified for better jobs. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy dancing and I enjoy the fistfuls of cash I take home every night - but this job really does wear one down after a while.
It is funny to me that the posters on this board seem to have such high expectations of dancers - first that we should provide sexual services in the VIP beyond a simple dance, and then having to fit your particular aesthetic (no tattoos), and now being intelligent on top of that!
Honestly, I think it is to the dancers BENEFIT to play dumb often. I tend to get sucked into conversations with "intellectual" gentlemen at the club who keep me at their table because of my ability to have "intelligent conversation" just to talk and not to buy dances. After all, I'm not dancing for him - why should he pay me? An unprofitable venture, to be sure. The worst is when they want to talk politics, which I have strong feelings about... I don't want to argue and offend a customer, but by god does it grate on my nerves to talk to a smarmy know-it-all.
@rfcookie - I know what you mean. And the smarmy, Canadian know-it-all's are the worst.
Strip clubs are an escape from the proper politically correct world, not a place to be elitist. As our society becomes more technological for communication, language skills will continue to deteriorate.
I'm all natural, though I will admit to having a small tattoo on my shoulder which I am currently in the process of getting lasered off. (We all make dumb mistakes when we're younger, right?) And of course, I'm fairly bright as well, or at least the standardized tests tell me so.
@rfcookie- if that is you in the picture, I love the bow. Love it,love it. It's the perfect pic idea.
Yes, I am that neurotic.
This rant reminds me of an old joke. Guy walking around Yale's campus asks a student, "Do you know where the librarys at?". Student says, "At Yale we never end a sentence with a preposistion!". Guy says, "Ok, do you know where the librarys at, ASSHOLE!".
@joesparty, you gotta cut a little slack in that the "its vs. it's" is the exception to the rule. But I guess Russian is even harder.
@stiletto, [sigh] you make my heart flutter.
If you're a stickler for grammar, you would enjoy the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."
Expressing ourselves well should be something to strive for as a goal. That is UNLESS appearing illiterate & Stupid is something a person wants to promote about themselves.
After many years out of school, a few years back I went back to college in the evenings to get my MBA and I found college has dramatically changed. Nearly every course (even the quant courses - statistics, finance, accounting, operations mgmt)requires a lengthy paper/project where writing skills are evaluated on the same level as the analytical part.
And it's just not at the graduate level. From observing the undergrads, there really seems to be quite a lot more papers and speaking presentations required than when I was in school.
So, farmerart, there might be some hope for the future.
This post was semi-serious and semi-tongue-in-cheek. shadowcat hooked me on one of his posts months ago that was intended merely to roil the waters so I am delighted to see that I have learned from a tuscl master.