I'm guessing this is the first...

avatar for GoVikings
So, I just got done watching the Giants/Packers game, and during the commercials I saw this advertisement for the Paper Moon. Basically, it said if you use the password "ace", you can get in free tonight.

This is not the first time I've seen this commercial. A few Sundays ago, I saw the exact same commercial.

Am I just a n00b? Or have you guys seen commercials like this promoting free cover in your area, too?


last comment
avatar for RossVa
13 years ago
in Richmond?
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
It didn't say. So I'm assuming it applies to the Southside or Richmond location. I would go, but I got stuff for school to do.

Nice to see another VA person on here, by the way.
avatar for rell
13 years ago
that i havent seen
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
I've never seen a strip club advertise on TV except for late late night.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
The Fare Room runs ads during Sean Hannity and O'Reilly here in Dallas.
avatar for xpando
13 years ago
I remember the Playhouse having ads on cable 5 or 6 years ago.
I believe the cable company is alloted slots to run it's own commercials during football games and most programming.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Do you have satellite tv? Maybe cable is the same way now. I heard they will occasionally have targeted ads. I know my mother's regular basic cable never has some of the ads I see on my tv. The other night there was an ad for an online porn site on tv. It was followed up with an ad for online dating. Then there was an ad with a good looking girl and then a bunch of computer, video game shots for a video game. However I think the last ad was generic and wasn't targeted at me specifically but the guys watching Spike TV.

I've occasionally seen ads advertising one of the channels I'm not currently subscribed to. I believe targeted ads take into account the channels you are subscribed to. I'm not sure if cable is doing the same thing or not.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I should mention these ads I'm seeing are on regular cable channels even though I've watching via satellite.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I take it that other people watching the Spike TV channel did not all see an ad for pinkpussy.com did they? I was watching late at night and turned on a show while I was surfing the internet. I don't remember what show it was.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I've seen late night ads for a few clubs.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
In Seattle, the now-closed Rick's club used to advertise on at least two local radio stations. The ads were so tactful and subtle, that you had to already know that the ads were for a strip club, to understand them. That's a type of advertising that targets existing customers to remind them of a certain product or service. It doesn't attempt to attract new customers. The commercials didn't offer free admission or a discount as GoVikings mentioned.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

I noticed you didn't say anything about the Vikings getting Tebowed yesterday, lol. Anyway, I've never seen/heard any tv/radio ads for the NoVA Paper Moon. I did notice they now have a big banner above the club entrance promoting their "free" (with cover) lunch 12-2. Maybe some day they'll actually consider lowering their ridiculous dance prices.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
On one of our Detroit FM rock stations, WRIF, there are a number of clubs that advertise. Many years back one of their DJ's would host a night of debauchery at one of the advertising clubs.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
Radio, yes, TV no.
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
@ sharkhunter,

I do have satellite TV. And like I said before, this is the second Sunday I've seen the ad. The timing of it all surprised me the most. Both times, I saw this ad around 7:30PM Eastern time. I thought they couldn't advertise anything sexual, unless it's really, really late at night.

It probably won't be the last time I see this ad, next time I'm actually going to go.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
One of the clubs round here did TV spots, it didn't last long.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Shortly after I posted my message above, I noticed on one channel I kept seeing tv ads for Cougar something dot com. Maybe that was a national ad but I don't know. I have occasionally seen ads for an adult channel I'm not subscribed to that is available on my satellite and I'm glad those ads don't appear when I have wrong company over. Makes me think if I have certain company over, if I put a lock to hide all the pay per view adult channels if that would stop any possibility of one of those commercials. I'm not that worried about it though. Most of the time it wouldn't bother me if they had totally nude girls in regular commercials but I would really wonder how many people were seeing that ad. In that case it would be like the internet on your tv.
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