
Comments by just4fun2

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This might work in U.S. strip clubs. :)
    Rockstar: Thanks for sharing! I watched a couple...the guy that came up with this is a genius!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I find that the amount of money I spend on a stripper correlates to the frequency of the texts I receive from her.
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    10 years ago
    Club Recommendations
    I'm in Cincinnati, a virtual SC wasteland! I'd say go to Platinum Plus in Lexington , KY an easy 90 minute drive.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    She's too fat for me.
    I feel ill
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What is the most you’ve spent on one dancer on one visit ?
    About $1700 for Champagne room with my wife and two girls just last July. Since then we've had a couple of OTC sessions with one of the girls OTC for the price of dinner and a few drinks. So I guess it was an investment.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Best Strip Club for Couples
    My wife really likes clubbing with me occasionally. We don't do it often and always away from home. Our best experiences were at: Thee Doll House, Tampa, FL, Oz, St. Petersburg, FL and Platinum Plus, Lexington KY. All were a great time and we even had two OTC experiences. I'm one lucky SOB!
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    10 years ago
    Married ?
    Honestly, I've had one heck of a lot of fun clubbing with my wife. She gets a lot of attention from the girls....I like to watch it play out. We even got a OTC experience last April. That being said, there are some ladies who in no way need to be going with their husbands or boyfriends. Some get jealous and judgmental of the dancers; therefore some dancers won't come near couples for those reasons.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Could, or Should, Strip Clubs Do More to Cater to Older Customers?
    A lot of posts referring to age...but no one has mentioned how old they are. Time to show your cards gents. I'm 54. I still love to hit in the SC's; but usually with the wife these days. To me, I don't see the need to "cater" to old customers, we've adapted to the changing times quite well thank you. We will continue to do so just like you young bucks will some day. My only suggestions for SC's in general would be: 1) Clean the damn Men's Room - PLEASE! 2) Sorry, I don't smoke - never have. Please invest in a decent ventilation system. 3) Stop with the additional service charge if I use a credit card. 4) When I order a scotch or bourbon, please give me what I asked for, not some crappy bottom shelf rot gut that you poured into a top shelf bottle. WHEW...I feel better now. Thanks for letting me vent! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone on TUSCL!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Never again with a Stripper!
    maybe she thought you were a vampire!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT-But Real:Blocking The Plate
    "designated hitter" = worst rule change in baseball. Agree with Alucard - wait until the rule in finalized
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More from Floriduh.
    Dallas: That. Was. Awesome!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Either the club is too straightforward or its just damn boring.
    Man...you spent a hell of a lot of time describing in great detail what you believe was a horrible evening. Sorry...that doesn't make sense to me.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bringing your lady to the strip club
    lopaw: Yes, I agree with you, Some gf's & wives can get stupid. We try stay out of the limelight when we're in a SC. Quite frankly its our time to enjoy a special treat. We don't do it often and we NEVER do in town.
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    11 years ago
    Bringing your lady to the strip club
    @Club-Goer: I thought about it, perhaps I will soon.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Bringing your lady to the strip club
    I'm probably the lone exception here, but I honestly prefer to go clubbing with my wife. Now hold on...let me explain. First, my wife still very attractive, so she's not intimidated by the dancers. Second, she will tell you that a SC is probably one of the safest places a group of guys could go to see naked women. Third, she loves the attention she gets from some (not all) of the dancers. She tips them herself, has no problem with LD's or private dances. We've even had one OTC experience (AWESOME!) She knows and accepts what most experienced hobbyists know...it's really all about the $$$. It wasn't always this way. She was like most women until a few years ago when I convinced her to accompany me on a visit to one of the worst SC's in existence in Newport, KY. Her take: This is NOT a big deal! Watching her at a SC makes me smile. I am one lucky SOB!
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    11 years ago
    curvy dancers
    Clarification please: Are you looking for curvy dancers, or are you looking for dancers who like curvy men? Sorry....just asking.
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    11 years ago
    First time OTC
    My one and only OTC experience happened last April in St. Petersburg, FL. I like to go clubbing with my wife who looks a heck of a lot younger than I do. She likes to get dances and play around with the girls - but nothing ridiculous (too bad, eh?). On this particular night she and one of the dancers took off to the VIP room. I joined them after a few minutes. Well....it got ummm ridiculous. I had never seen her act the way she did; and we've been married over 30 years! The dancer joined us back at our hotel. Cost me $600 for drinks, dances, etc., at the club and another $400 at our hotel. You're going to think I'm crazy, but it was one of the most fantastic experiences I have ever had. We're going to Nashville today for a business trip - maybe we'll try a repeat.
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Kentucky Derby: Louisville Strip Clubs
    Just found your article - timing is everything. Leaving for Louisville later today and I was trying to decide if I should do a little "hobbying" and where the best places might be. Will try to give a full report on Friday. Thank you!!
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    10 years ago
    Earn Respect by Giving Respect
    Jack - I also tip the folks you mention - especially the bouncers. I also tip the DJ and I have occasionally bought the DJ a drink. In my experience the gestures go a long way.
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    10 years ago
    Strip-clubbing (and more) or Swinging?
    Well...timing is everything. My wife and I have been married for over 30 years. In the last few years since the kids are gone, our sex life has blossomed into something that I could have never imagined. We go to strip clubs whenever we can (out of town of course). At first she was shy and timid, but the more we went to SC's, the more she was into it. She loves the attention she gets from the girls (she is 54, but looks 35 and is quite frankly stunning). It was her that suggested we do OTC with a dancer the first time. She admits now that she loves to be with a woman - with me (thank goodness!) This weekend we are going to visit our first swing club. I hope to give a full report next week. Wish me luck!