Strip-clubbing (and more) or Swinging?

avatar for notreallyme
That seemed to be my choice -- continuing to visit strip clubs and proceed to getting more extras, (or just visiting hookers, or cheating) -- or start swinging.

My wife and I married in the late 80s. I had only been with seven women before her, and while I was sorry to give up the chance to be with other women, I knew that she was the girl for me. My wife also was a bit reluctant to become monogamous, and even proposed an open marriage, but we decided against it. (OK, it was me. I was an idiot.) And then, with career and family, we weren't going to have time for other activities anyway. We stayed monogamous.

I had been to strip clubs maybe once or twice before I got married, and loved it. I started going more, surreptitiously, after we were married. Never very often, maybe three times a year at most, and only when I was travelling, or my family was away. Over time, the level of -- umm -- attention available from the dancers increased, but I kept myself under control, getting off sometimes, but keeping all parts in my clothes.

About three years ago, I just had to try more, and got my first hand job in a strip club. And then maybe a year later, from a "masseuse". I was slowly escalating my level of hidden sexual activity, and it was going in a direction that I couldn't sustain. Either I was going to get caught by my wife, arrested, or bring home a disease, or get involved with a stripper, hooker or mistress way more than I wanted to. I didn't like any of these outcomes. I also didn't like the hiding.

Then, my wife and I were at a party with some new friends, and sex was just thick in the air. There were three couples, all attractive. There was music, booze, pot, dancing, and it was just great. Nothing happened, but we both started thinking about swinging that night. (Later we found out that one of the other couples had been swingers, and another started soon after, but then their marriage fell apart.)

It percolated in my mind, and in my wife's. I was getting more and more sexually frustrated, so I decided to ask my wife whether she would be open to swinging. I had a lot of apprehension. On one hand, I know that she had once wanted an open marriage. On the other hand, I that was a long time ago. But at least if I raised the idea, 1) it might happen, and 2) my frustration would be out there, and we could do something about it.

So I asked, and she was immediately enthusiastic about the idea. We joined a swingers' website, and started talking about it. A few things happened right away. First, we were talking about sex a lot more than we had ever -- what did we hope to get out of swinging? what is missing from our own sex life? what are the boundaries? And some of the conversations were difficult. Sometimes it seemed like the idea was dead. Then it wasn't. Eventually we progressed to the point that we both really wanted to try it. Second, our sex life got a lot better, just from the anticipation, and from the fact that sex was now such an important issue to us. Third, I immediately cut way back on my visits to TUSCL and porn websites. I didn't try to cut back, it just happened. I stopped wanting to because the new possibilities were so much better.

Our first contact with swingers was with a couple who we met for drinks, just so that they could answer our questions. We met a second time a few weeks later and ended up in their hot-tub, having oral sex with our own partners. We then had a date with a couple we met on the website, and ended up playing with them that evening, just stripping, rubbing, with the others, and sucking and fucking with our own partners. (We could have done more with them, but we had set our boundaries for the evening in advance.) His wife was an unbelievably hot Chinese woman, in her 40s, with a body like an 18-year old. Unfortunately, we never saw them again.

A few months ago, we met a couple on the website, and have been seeing them every weekend, schedules permitting, since then. We've gone on a couple of trips with them, and we've had a ton of incredible sex with them, in all the combinations you can imagine (except for me with the other guy).

I felt like I was getting to the point where I HAD to have sex with someone other than my wife, either sneaking around, or openly. She said that she was getting to the same point. We get along really well, we will never split up, but we were getting bored sexually, and no amount of trying to "do things" for the other seemed to work. We finally realized that, and we are confident enough with each other to accept the other one having some fun, and not letting it disrupt our relationship. We still enjoy sex together, a lot, but swinging has really reinvigorated sex for us both individually, and together.

I still look in on TUSCL every so often. I've gone to a strip club maybe once in the past year. I jerk off a lot less, because I'm getting so much with my wife and others. Asking my wife about swinging was one of the best decisions of my life.


Swinging is a hell of a lot cheaper than strip clubs, the major expense being membership on a website, admission fee to clubs and parties, etc.

This was written from a throwaway account. I have a membership on TUSCL, but for privacy reasons have decided not to post this from that account.


last comment
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
Sounds like a good option if you have a wife who would be willing. But for me, and probably most married guys, strip clubs are the much more feasible option.
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
I prefer the anonymity of the clubs . The whole reason for clubbing is the unconnectedness of it. I do not want the additional complexity or emotional negotiation of swinging. My wife is my wife and all the other girls are just passing through. That plus I don't do dope so maybe the other wives are not as good looking to me.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
I can’t really relate since I’m not a married guy.

I suppose swinging is better than nothing/being-frustrated – but w/ the swinging it appears to be that you need to be attracted to the other person and the other person needs to be attracted to you; in order for things to go down – with strip clubs; you as the customer can pretty much choose whom you want w/o the dancer necessarily finding you hot/attractive (as long as you are paying the going rate).
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Strip clubbing (& the occasional escort) is a hobby that I prefer to take on by myself. But kudos to those couples that can make an arrangement together work.
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I've never seen anything wrong with swinging. One of the happiest couples I ever knew (before his untimely death) were swingers and I got to have the wife a couple times. It didn't matter much that she was older than me because it was about pure pleasure. Great times!
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
That wasn't my Chinese wife. She's one of my many concubines and paramours.
avatar for lotsoffun201
10 years ago
My wife and I have been swingers since we met 4 years ago. I was involved in it with my ex for 12 years. I have always like the open and non judgmental atmosphere and really found the sex to be secondary. My wife likes the ability to wear trashy clothes and act slutty with nobody even looking twice since most of the girls do that. Lately we have been a little bored with it so we took a "break". Whether we go back to it or not remains to be seen.

The one thing I do know is no matter how hot a stripper is and how well she grinds you or provides extras, it pales by comparison to watching your spouse with another partner or partners. That is just one mans opinion though.....
avatar for firefox
10 years ago
In my college days and shortly after I was never really into the whole strip club thing besides it could get expensive for a college student!!! The only reason why these really hot ladies are paying so much attention to you is for the $$$

I've been to clubs a few times of course the bachelor party and on occasion when in a really bad mood and in need of a little attention.

I wish my wife would just watch one of those late night Showtime/Cinemax movies once in awhile!
avatar for notreallyme
10 years ago
bvino wrote: "I prefer the anonymity of the clubs . The whole reason for clubbing is the unconnectedness of it. I do not want the additional complexity or emotional negotiation of swinging."

There are a few kinds of non-monogamy, ranging from sex-only with no emotional connection (open relationship), to sex with a full emotional relationship (polyamory). There are swingers all along this spectrum, but my sense is that, by far, most connections are purely sexual, often one-time connections at a club or party. Most swinging is as anonymous as a strip club, (assuming you don't form a relationship with your dancer)..
avatar for AllsFairInLovinWhores
10 years ago
Before I got married I did some swinging with a few married couples. I had good experiences. One couple had me over to their place several times and the husband would just watch or join in and we would play all weekend long, this was a good thing but, when I had to go on the road for work she started to come and visit me if I wasn't too far. This happened a few times then, it began feeling weird so I put an end to it. I met some really cool people while "in the lifestyle" but, I also had some close encounters with a few couples that became awkward after the sex was done. Like one or the other was only doing it to make the other happy and wasn't really into it. Overall, it was fun while I was doing it but, I have no desire to bring my wife into that world.
avatar for just4fun2
10 years ago
Well...timing is everything. My wife and I have been married for over 30 years. In the last few years since the kids are gone, our sex life has blossomed into something that I could have never imagined. We go to strip clubs whenever we can (out of town of course).

At first she was shy and timid, but the more we went to SC's, the more she was into it. She loves the attention she gets from the girls (she is 54, but looks 35 and is quite frankly stunning). It was her that suggested we do OTC with a dancer the first time. She admits now that she loves to be with a woman - with me (thank goodness!)

This weekend we are going to visit our first swing club. I hope to give a full report next week. Wish me luck!
avatar for san_jose_guy
10 years ago
My own marriage did turn into a disaster. I tried in every single way to repair it. Of course this included getting my own side of the street clean, like zero infidelities. But it never happened. The wife just for some reason was not able to further engage with me.

I need to clarify this. Originally things seemed okay for us. But conflict developed. Originally she seemed to be "with me". But after a while it seemed like she was always listening to other people, very conformist other people. So we no longer had a partnership.

Also, I needed to make a career change. And also, I see now that I needed to address some of the ways that I had been used as a child. So I needed to change.

The wife I believed would be a partner. She never was. She just got further and further away. She changed some problematic behaviors, but it was like 10 years after the fact.

She tried to rule by rage, emotional terrorism.

So today I need to understand it before I start going after other women, younger women.

I know my ex wife feels that I just wanted to dump her. And I know the allegation, trading the wife in on a newer model. I don't like that.

But I look at younger women, civilians, from SC's, and from AMP's, and I like them. But they really are not that much different from my ex-wife, I mean not really. But the mode of relating would be different.

Anyway I am glad that @notreallyme and his wife have been able to make things work.

In most cases I do not think it good that guys are engaging in a long term pattern of heavily going to SC's or other types of P4P and cheating on their wives. Maybe there are some exceptions to this, but generally I think these guys should solve the problems in their marriages, or end their marriages, or just be straight and end their marriages and make it clear that they no longer agree with marriage. I think they should come out in the open and own up to what they believe in.

So again, I am glad her to read of one married couple where no such pattern of continual deception developed.

JS69's marriage thread……

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