
Comments by jerikson40 (page 56)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    $25 Lappers
    And you know what? Next time I go to a $10 lap dance club, I'm gonna give each dancer and extra $20 for each lap dance !!!! Awesome !!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    $25 Lappers
    Y'know, now that I think about it, I want to re-state my case... I think the guys who are paying a lot of money for laps are doing the dancers a service, and we should respect that. Guys like me who frequent clubs where laps are cheap are missing an opportunity to support our local strippers, and really we should re-consider our ways. I think we should all give a sold HIGH FIVE to those guys who pay $30 and more for laps. You're showing the dancers respect as women, and in turn you are respecting YOURSELVES !!! Good for you guys !!!!! You're AWESOME !!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    Are You Fucking SERIOUS ????
    Actually, I want to re-state my original post to make it a little less negative... Honestly, I think the guy who posted that review had a really good point. And, as others have said, anything that people post in their reviews shouldn't be criticized. And let's face it, sticking your finger in a girl's nay-nay IS considered sexual assault, so we should all be gentlemen and mind his advice. So I apologize to all who read my post as being critical and negative, and I take it all back. And I apologize to the guy who wrote the review and officially rescind all of my criticism. And if I said any negative words in my posts, I also apologize and take them back. Because I know people get upset by negative sounding stuff, so we should all be mindful that "WORDS CAN HURT!!" I love you guys...I mean it.
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    11 years ago
    New York
    What's Cool
    Okay, sclvr, you're right....I guess because I use too many capital letters and put too much energy into my posts everything thinks I'm really complaining. I'm just trying to bring up stuff to discuss, but I guess everyone takes it as a complaint and gets all "sad face" and stuff. I've decided to change my attitude when I post...from now on, I'll be sweet and lovable, okay? And hey, I think someone just farted !!!! (How's that, better?)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    $25 Lappers
    Okay, guys, you need to put your foot down. If ANYONE is regularly paying more than $20 for a lap dance they stop going to that club and let the owners know why you stopped going. It's only that high because guys who don't know better are willing to pay it. My standard lap dance with VERY high mileage in the LA area is $10. And that's with a girl grabbing your junk and trying to stroke you off and often reaching inside your shorts. There are a couple of clubs like that. A few more have $15 laps and even higher mileage, which I dislike for some of the same reasons Papi cited, like never having change and the extra $5 is always assumed as a tip. I generally consider clubs with $20 laps as "No Go" clubs, since there are so many better alternatives. Guys, I can maybe see $20 laps as being reasonable, even though I think it's too much. But if you're paying $25 or $30 or $40 or even $50 for laps you're being taken to the cleaners. It's insane.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do a lot of the hot dancers work so much?
    BTW, I think another universal rule that applies to women in general is that they feel stripping is a job for sluts and whores, and no girl wants to be a slut or a whore. So when they work as strippers they feel bad about themselves. And the hotter the stripper, the more they feel they are "too good" for everything, including stripping. So I'm convinced that hotter strippers have more disdain for their job than less hot strippers. They think that they are entitled to a wonderful life because people have been telling them how beautiful they are all of their lives, and even though they don't believe it, they think they SHOULD be on the arm of some really handsome rich guy because they're hot, and they deserve a really handsome rich guy.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do a lot of the hot dancers work so much?
    I'll have to agree with Mr. Motorhead. Hot dancers, in general, only work those times where they can get maximum return on their investment. They don't work dayshift, that's usually the less attractive and more 'needy' dancers. Hot dancers will work the Friday and Saturday late night shifts, but certainly not Monday evenings, for example. Sure, there are a few exceptions, but in general I think the rule applies. In fact I'm surprised that the OP feels differently. And hell, I sure wish the hot dancers DID work all the time, because I'd love to see some hot dancers show up on a dayshift or some of the less popular times, since I rarely, if ever, can make it to a club late on a Friday or Saturday night. But I thought it was one of those universal laws, like the law that says the hotter the girl the lower the mileage....the hotter the girl, the less she works.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    shine on you crazy diamond
    "And that Pink Floyd song is awesome" Yeah, it was okay. But most of the stuff they produced with what's his name before he slipped into drug induced insanity was pretty crappy IMO. It wasn't until Dark Side that it all came together and they produced possibly one of the greatest rock albums of all time. But before and after Dark Side it was, for the most part, a lot of self serving crap by a bunch of drugged out guys who couldn't find their musical niche.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    What's Cool
    Ahh, okay, I almost forgot... I just called Mojo/Mondo/whatever a complete fucking asshole for doing something that was clearly something that only a complete fucking asshole would do, so now HE can be added to the list of forum members who will hate me until the end of time and attack everything I post. But I don't recall what I said to sclvr, but it must have hurt him deeply cuz it seems like he's on the list too. And George...well...he's just George.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    Are You Fucking SERIOUS ????
    Okay, let's see... Now that I said something negative to Shadowcat, I can add him to the long list of forum members who are going to nipping at my heels and attacking everything I say until the end of time. Wow, you guys really, really, really don't like to be criticized do you?
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    11 years ago
    New Jersey
    shine on you crazy diamond
    Okay, I'm not sure why you chose the Pink Floyd connection from a song about an insane lead singer/songwriter, but anyway.... Yeah, I know what you mean. It awesome.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Would you do her Bareback!
    What kind of sad commentary is it that in this world a healthy, active male cannot meet his most pressing physical need without the fear and worry of getting an illness or even risking death? Geezus, what is this world coming too? Condoms? Are you fucking serious? How sad that we have to resort to such a ridiculous device that ruins the entire fucking experience (oh, wait...I made a funny...) !!!! If I was President of the Universe, my first order of business would be to funnel ALL government money into curing all STD's in the universe. ALL OF THEM !!! I'm serious. And then I'd rescind ALL laws against sex between consenting adults. You should be able to fuck any bitches at any time with no worry whatsoever about anything.
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    11 years ago
    Road R-R-Rage...
    Mondo, Mojo, whatever, I hate to say this, but dude, you are a complete fucking asshole. Seriously. Now you can come up with all kinds of excuses to justify acting like a complete fucking asshole, but that doesn't change the facts. And yeah, the other guy was equally asshole. But that doesn't change the facts either. It's best right now to accept that you are a complete fucking asshole for doing something like that, and decide that maybe starting today you will no longer be a complete fucking asshole, okay? And stop looking for all of you buddies who are equally assholes to make you feel better about yourself. All of this shit just to make you feel cool, and like you're a man? Dude, that is seriously fucked up.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Stripper Wisdom
    BTW, I had no clue who Psy is or what "Gangnam Style" is so I looked it up. The guy looks like a 1950's lounge singer, and a chubby little dweeb. Now is that supposed to be cool or something? I find it funny how some Asian cultures try to copy Western "cool" stuff and often miss the mark completely, and come up with some weird goofy looking shit that seriously not cool.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Stripper Wisdom
    "Shut the fuck up jerkoff" Aww, come on Joey...I'm sure you can understand how somebody would freak if he found out that, for example, YOU were one of the jurors deciding his fate? Holy shit !!! "Your honor or whatever, um, this guy's a fucking jerkoff and a fudge packer, so, like, I think he should go to jail and shit." Dude, that's some scary shit don't you think?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Dumped by ATF?
    athletic dancer
    There is nothing worse than a woman with zero definition to her body. Now I agree with Papi Chulo that a curvy/shapely girl is very hot. However, I also think that someone with no muscular definition whatsoever is NOT attractive. I mean, a tummy with no definition at all? Not good. I want to see at least a little bit of abs. And legs that are basically shapeless sticks or tree trunks? Nope. Gotta have some shape and muscular definition to them. I especially despise these pale Japanese girls with no muscular definition to their faces or bodies. I mean geez, what's to be interested in? Now on the other hand, I think I'm different from most guys in that I prefer girls who are bordering on being fitness models, with REAL muscular definition. Now the girls who are weight lifters and serious bodybuilders who have these overdone muscles and all of that shit is just wrong, looks too manly. But a tight, toned girl with good definition is awesome. I'm talking somebody like Ashley Lawrence (aka "Fembomb"). Fucking hottest thing in high heels.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    PL Scale...
    Now, on the other hand, I think that all men would agree that busting a nut and/or having sex is a good thing. We all want it, and it's an important goal we strive for in our daily lives. So having sex is honorable and worthy of respect. Nothing pathetic about it, correct? So how does a man get sex? Well, either by dating a real woman, or by paying for it. Now we'd all probably agree that paying less for more is also an honorable goal, correct? So if we all want and need sex, then the opposite of pathetic is getting sex for the least amount of money, correct? So I strongly disagree with those who equate going to a strip club and busting a nut for the least amount of money with being a pathetic loser. If it costs you, say, $100 to go on a date with someone and have sex with her, versus going to a club and spending, say, $60 and having sex with a hotter girl who you don't have to deal with when you're done, which is more desirable and honorable? And compare that to deciding to marry someone and have to spend the rest of your life and all of your money on her, just so you can get some occasional sex. Now THAT could qualify as pathetic !!! So I feel that those who drop into a club, spend a few bucks to bust a nut and have fun with no strings attached, are worthy of respect, not being called pathetic.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    PL Scale...
    I think you guys are totally missing those parameters that truly define WHAT makes a truly pathetic loser. Going to a strip club does not automatically make you a pathetic loser. What makes you a pathetic loser is when you to to a club and pay a girl lots of money to act like she likes you. That is the key component to being a pathetic loser. It's clearly pathetic because you're under this delusion that a young pretty girl, who otherwise wouldn't be caught dead with someone like you, is actually in love with you. And you are clearly a loser, because you are totally incapable of getting a real girl to like you. So if you want to figure out how you rate on the pathetic loser scale, you need to have the following information: 1. How much to you pay strippers/ATF's each month to act like they like you and suppress their gag reflex when they're with you? 2. How many dates with real women have you had in the last 5 years? So if you spend, say, $1500 each month for your ATF's rent, and haven't dated a real woman in 8 years, you might be the King of pathetic losers.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
    Bouncers Expecting Tips
    "Waitresses are different. They provide a personal service and are paid less than minimum wage. They deserve to be tipped." And that actually makes sense to you? Really? Her employer doesn't pay her enough, so you and I should compensate for an asshole employer. Right...yeah...okay...... Good lord people. Tipping is a very simple concept, but people make it into this insane, complicated emotional ridiculousness. If you think someone has gone above and beyond the call of duty, then maybe consider giving them a tip if you want. That's it. Nobody deserves it. Anyone who thinks they are entitled to a tip, especially for just doing their job, has got serious mental problems. And that includes 95% of all strippers working in clubs today. They have this weird entitlement mentality. But most guys are little pussies, and if a stripper EXPECTS a tip they cave in and tip her whatever she wants. And if a bouncer will give you a hard time if you DON'T tip, and maybe not let you get away with stuff in the VIP, the pussies here will cave in. Geezus. Grow some balls. People expect tips because assholes like you COMPLY and pay them tips they don't deserve.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Stripper Wisdom
    "....with posters here being an exception" Yeah, that's pretty scary....about posters here actually voting, that is. Scares the shit out of me. Kinda like imagining what kind of morons would be on a jury if you were ever on trial....Geezus, if that doesn't give you nightmares I don't know what would.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Stripper Wisdom
    And, BTW, in 2008 96% of black voters voted for Obama. Can you believe that?? 96 fucking percent !!!! But it WASN'T because of the color of his skin !!! I'm serious !! It wasn't. There as nothing whatsoever to do with race in those numbers !!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    More Stripper Wisdom
    Shadowcat sez: "Dancer: All blacks are Democrats" Well apparently the stripper was smarter than you... Approximately 90% of eligible black voters vote Democrat. Geezus, dude, at least do a LITTLE fact checking before you post nonsense.
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    11 years ago
    Worst Scourge...
    You guys are truly fucking morons.
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    11 years ago
    Worst Scourge...
    Absolute nonsense.... All three things, of themselves, are NOT BAD THINGS !!! You can want to acquire wealth and it can result in wonderful things to you and the world. You can spend your entire life seeking benevolent (ie, beneficial to others) power and change the world for the better. And you can spend your life following religious dogma and make the world a much better place. But what people do is they blame everyone and everything BUT THEMSELVES !!! They blame all this other crap, when in fact the worst scourge in the universe is PEOPLE WHO ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES !!!! People who vote Hitler into power and sit on their asses while he destroys the world. PEOPLE LIKE YOU MEET EVERY DAY WHO ARE DISHONEST INSANE STUPID ASSHOLES WHO MAKE THE WORLD A LIVING HELL AND DON'T GIVE A SHIT !!! And who will never ever admit they're insane stupid assholes, and instead blame everyone and everything else. THAT IS THE WORST SCOURGE. PEOPLE. People who could choose to be wonderful, caring, helpful, honest people, but instead are self centered, uncaring, dishonest, insane assholes who care only for themselves. But if it really makes everyone feel better to blame everything but themselves, then so be it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Naming names in reviews?
    The CORRECT way to provide PL's with useful information on specific dancers, while making it virtually impossible for LE to understand what is being described is to use the "asterisk code". For example, let's say the name of the dancer who gave you bareback blow job, cum in mouth, and swallow, then full service bareback, was named Carol. The correct way to identify her, while keeping LE clueless about who you are referring to, is to call her "C*arol". Or if her name is Princess, you identify her as "Pr*ncess". That's who the smart and savvy reviewers do it.