
Bouncers Expecting Tips

On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
Saturday, May 11, 2013 10:35 PM
The Hi-Liter in Phoenix has this annoying practice where a bouncer walks you to a seat, and expects to be tipped. Unless they actually do something to get me a better seat, I don't usually tip them. Last week I made several stops at the HL, and each time the club had plenty of empty seats on the LD wall, but the bouncers continued to walk me to my seat. One of these guys walked me in to choose from maybe a dozen empty wall seats and asked me if I needed anything. I said, "no thanks, I'm good", and sat down without tipping him. He huffed off and said as he walked away "Of course you are", obviously pissed that I didn't see the need to tip him for walking with me about 50 feet to a row of empty chairs. I think this practice is stupid, and this is the only club in Phoenix that does this. Who else has to deal with this? Do you tip for such a meaningless gesture? I'm particularly interested in what the other HL regulars think of this.


  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I've never been there but I must agree on the uselessness of it all. It's one thing if the bouncer/doorman actually provides a service worthy of a tip. Since we're on a tipping topic, what's up with the assholes that are also known as bathroom attendants? I know how to dry my hands, thank you. I have taste in cologne and you don't keep mine in stock. Learn a trade. At least the shoeshine boy has a skill.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I have only tipped a bouncer once. I was leaving the club and discovered that I had a flat tire. I attempted to call AAA but my cell phone died on me. The bouncer used his to call them and when they arrived he came back in the club to get me. I gave him a $5.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Cool bouncer. Anybody ever tip people who don't expect tips? Not tipping but my mom still offers repairmen beers. She's old school.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    The many ways of "Making $$$$". Don't like it, take your money elsewhere. Very Simple!
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Don't get me started! Everybody expects tips today just for doing their jobs! I ignore tip jars on counters of take-out restaurants--why should I tip somebody for taking my money? Waitresses are different. They provide a personal service and are paid less than minimum wage. They deserve to be tipped.
  • mmdv26
    11 years ago
    Tipping bouncers for anything seems absurd.
  • thenumber10
    11 years ago
    I've tipped bouncers in the past. Usually just a five or ten depending on the change from whatever I just paid the house for a room or booth. But that's only the guy watching the time and counting dances. Never a doorman or a floater that's just marching around. It has paid off over time too, sometimes that guy counting dances one day is the doorman another. Every now and then it means no cover, not opening the door to the VIP when the time is up, or looking in on a LD. Sometimes it helps to grease the wheels, just make sure its the right wheel.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Send in the RickyBoy! He'll grease them bouncers like you ain't never seen and then try and tell you there ain't nothing gay about it!
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    I wouldn't tip any bouncer unless he actively did something to make my clubbing experience better. So far none has. There is a club in MN called Fat Jacks where VIP room is bed dances. But they have such strict rules there the customer is not allowed to touch the dancer at all, zero. So I went VIP with a chick, and the bouncer literally sit in a chair 3 feet from the bed and watched the entire time. If I even moved my arms a little he would make a comment about no touching. Then at the end the stripper whispers to me I should tip him something. I told her if he needs money so bad she can tip him some of the tip I gave her. I've been to that club many times and I've never gone back to VIP again there. Every time a stripper tries to get me back there I tell her it isn't worth it and I buy VIP costs worth of couch dances on the main floor instead. Still can't touch her but at least Brutus isn't 3 feet away staring at us. I agree with what Jackslash said to a degree. I don't automatically leave tip for wiatress. However, all they have to do is be competent and pleasant and I will leave a minimum of 10%. Do a good job and the tip goes up. If they are grumpy, unfriendly, or screw things up big I'm not paying for that though. If a barber screwed up your haircut would you still tip? And damn! I went to one of those "deluxe" chinese buffet the other day that also has a sushi counter and hibachi. There was a tip jar at the hibachi. There was a tip jar at the sushi counter. It already cost 15 bucks to get in. This is for mediocre 'chinese' food, not fine dining. And I'm supposed to leave tips at each station too, and for the girl that brings me a soda and takes away my dishes? FUCK that!
  • how
    11 years ago
    Bouncers are a net negative to the club experience, so the only tip they deserve is to stay away.
  • samsung1
    11 years ago
    In Detroit bouncers expect a minimum of $20 tip to let you sit in the booths. I once had a bouncer at diamonds cabaret around Dayton Ohio walk me to a seat and stand around expecting a tip.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    The bouncers I tip are the ones I get slapped in the face with
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    Tipping is getting ridiculous. BAN OBAMA!!! BAN THE POOR!!!
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    I have never tipped the bouncers at Hi Liter. When I enter, I go to the bar and get a drink to let my eyes adjust, then find a wall seat on my own. The HL has become a classless club trying to act classy with its bouncers expecting tips, bathroom troll (in a probably 80-100 sq ft bathroom),and VIP that reminds me of a hockey penalty box. They also have some of the highest priced drinks in PHX and the dancer quality is considerably worse than it used to be. The latest trend I have observed is that many dancers now give sub par floor dances and try to upsell to VIP to get the same dance you used to get on the floor.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I've been in clubs where the "bouncer" monitors time & behavior in VIP. In those cases I will tip $20 up front and that usually stops prying eyes and clock watching.
  • Kinsact
    11 years ago
    No need to tip a bouncer for showing you to your seat. I tip people who work the door when I pay my cover. But by doing that I am exempt from their if your gone for 15 minutes you have to repay the cover. Something they actually enforce. But since I've gotten in good with most of them they don't do that crap to me. Tipping a bouncing who watches the time on LD or VIP's or is involved in any way with a LD or VIP can be beneficial as others have said. I tip my pizza delivery guy like 5-10 bux everytime I order. You know what, I get my pizza in about 10-15 minutes everytime. It can pay to be generous if your getting a service.
  • 10inches
    11 years ago
    the only time I have tipped a bouncer is on the suggestion of the girl that I take to VIP. she usually says that if I tip him then he won't bother us during our time. so far they have been right and have been able to stretch the rules about touching to include titty sucking, ass play and even finger banging
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I agree with txtittyfan. I always go to the bar, sit there for a bit then move to the wall if i like what i see. I was not impressed the last time i was there and did not get any dances.
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    Withhold tips at your own risk. The expression "penny conscious, pound foolish" comes to mind when I think of pissing off club staff over a few bucks. Most important, though, is the need to take care of the guy who is going to pretend that the girl is not back there giving you a BJ. It is downright dumb to let hundreds go to waste simply because you feel that it is unjust to be shaken down for another $10 or $20 for the bouncer/VIP manager/CR host (or whatever the fuck he is called at your favorite HM club).
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    @ Jackslash: I concur with you 100%. I usually laugh to myself at tip jars on strip club counters. Yeah, right, I'm supposed to tip the cashier for doing his/her job, maybe even giving change! If they even spelled "tips" correctly on the jar, I might consider it. But, when its usually spelled, "tip's" I just laugh.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    @ txtittyfan: Your comment, "classless club trying to act classy," reminds me of this: Q: How can you tell if you're in a classy place? A: You have to wear your baseball cap facing *forward!*
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    "Waitresses are different. They provide a personal service and are paid less than minimum wage. They deserve to be tipped." And that actually makes sense to you? Really? Her employer doesn't pay her enough, so you and I should compensate for an asshole employer. Right...yeah...okay...... Good lord people. Tipping is a very simple concept, but people make it into this insane, complicated emotional ridiculousness. If you think someone has gone above and beyond the call of duty, then maybe consider giving them a tip if you want. That's it. Nobody deserves it. Anyone who thinks they are entitled to a tip, especially for just doing their job, has got serious mental problems. And that includes 95% of all strippers working in clubs today. They have this weird entitlement mentality. But most guys are little pussies, and if a stripper EXPECTS a tip they cave in and tip her whatever she wants. And if a bouncer will give you a hard time if you DON'T tip, and maybe not let you get away with stuff in the VIP, the pussies here will cave in. Geezus. Grow some balls. People expect tips because assholes like you COMPLY and pay them tips they don't deserve.
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