
Comments by jerikson40 (page 55)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    Okay, duo, I take back the comment about that being a dumb question... The answers totally surprised me. I never would have expected that so many males would be so scared of the thought of a woman overpowering them and hurting them and making them her slave. Honestly I'm shocked. I figured most red blooded males would say, yeah, I'd do her in a heartbeat, and realize that as males they are stronger and would naturally take control of the situation, and being taken physical advantage of would not even be a concern. But apparently I was wrong. I'm not gonna say the guys here are pussies, because everyone will just get MORE upset with me. But maybe some guys might want to consider "manning up" a bit. Just a thought.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What cities is best for clubs with "extras"?
    "but it was asked and answered 3 years old and the dude didn't act upon the advice then" Dude, WHO CARES about answering the OP??? This is a public forum where ANYONE can benefit from the answer !!!! Geezus, it's not like you're doing some guy a favor, you're contributing information to a big community of guys !!!! FORGET THE OP !!!!
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What cities is best for clubs with "extras"?
    Anyway, to answer with what I know about the question about cities with extras...and assuming your definition of "extras" is full service (y'know, intercourse). On the West Coast, it's pretty much a wasteland EXCEPT for the LA area, and, of course, Tijuana. San Diego sucks royally, and San Francisco used to be good but has gone downhill in a big way. Seattle used to be good, but they got real strict a while back and now it sucks. Anyway, the LA area has some excellent, reasonably priced clubs where all kinds of extras are available, and Tijuana is extras heaven.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What cities is best for clubs with "extras"?
    Guys, are you serious? The guy asks a legitimate question. In no way, whatsoever, can the answers be used by LE. "What cities have the best extras"?? You think that law enforcement would come on here and ask that question? What, some cop in New York City will come on here and ask that, hoping that somebody will reply "New York City" so he can start a city-wide dragnet of all strip clubs and lock everyone up? Geezus guys, get real. And who the hell cares what the OP's background is, he asks a legitimate question, that others on this forum might find useful. And all you guys can come up with with high school goofing around with stupid jokes? And you guys complain about me....geezus.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Joke of the Day
    BTW, I noticed you even put the uumlaut or whatever it's called over the "o" in Motorhead. That means you're a true 'head, right ?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Joke of the Day
    Oh really? So they're still doing their thing? Are they touring? Actually Ace of Spades rings a bell, though I can't remember why. So are they still composing stuff, or just playing their old tunes? And you just got into them around 2006? That's wild, because I hadn't even heard their name for decades until I saw your username. I'll have to check them out now. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Joke of the Day
    And by the way Motorhead, I've been meaning to ask you something... When I saw your username or whatever it's called, "motorhead", I assumed it was because you're a fan of that metal group from back in the '70's, right? Now I thought I knew most of the bands from that time pretty well cuz that's when I was growing up, but honestly for the life of me I can't remember shit about Motorhead. And I *thought* that was because they totally sucked. Which isn't a criticism of you at all, just my opinion based on my fuzzy recollection and the fact I can't think of even ONE song they did that was the least bit popular. And with bands like Zeppelin around, why would you choose Motorhead? Again, I'm not criticizing you at all, just really interested what it was about them that you like so much? Maybe I just missed a really good band...
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Joke of the Day
    Not really, but I can guess. You're saying I'm a dick, right? That's funny. Really, I'm serious. That's very funny. And if you had called me a 'tard or a fudge packer, that too would have been very, very funny. But you didn't answer my question...do you have any friends you can joke with like this? Isn't that a legit question?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    Oh, so you guys are focusing on the "slave" part... I'm guessing that's not what she had in mind... I think she has a story to tell and that was a leading question to get everyone to ask her "OOoo, really??? Tell us all about it you naughty girl!!!" Thats the way girls do things...they don't ask or tell stuff directly, they beat around the bush with leading questions. I'm guessing she was using "sex slave" as a pseduo-naughty way of saying she wants to have lots of sex with the guy. Maybe not, but we'll see... In any case, most girls aren't really interested in that kinky stuff, so I wouldn't be too worried.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    Oh, nevermind...I think I figured it out... Bonesbrother is probably one of those guys who has decided to have multiple personalities here so they can rag on everyone. Seems like most of your posts are calling people names, nothing really useful. Just another one of the 6-year-olds who inhabits this forum.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    "You are one sarcastic ass hole. Too bad that you can't get laid." Great. Thanks for the input. And the purpose of your post was....????????
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    What's Cool
    Wow, and I thought that was a fairly tame topic, and even slightly insightful, with no chance it would upset anyone...but in spite of that you guys get all pissy?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    Wow...okay.... Well, personally, I'd fuck the bitch. Or let her fuck me. Whatever. No questions asked.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Joke of the Day
    Not to sound too negative or critical, but let me ask you guys something in all honesty... Do you guys have any male friends that you spend time with and crack jokes like this with, or does is forum your substitute for that? Because you might want to consider finding some guy friends who you can have a beer with and joke about fudge packers and dicks and shit. It's really a lot more fun when you're all drunk and watching a game and eating and joking around. And jokes are a LOT funnier like that. On a forum like this you lose a lot when you're just reading stuff. It's funnier when someone actually cuts a fart and makes you smell it and shit. Really. It's fucking hilarious. Don't get angry...Just trying to be helpful.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    A question
    So let me get this straight... You're asking a bunch of GUYS...if a hot girl asks us to come to her room and be her sex slave, would we do it? Nothing personal, but either that is the dumbest question ever asked here, or, more likely, a leading question so that duomaxwell can tell us cool she is that she asked some guy to be her sex slave. Okay, go ahead....
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do a lot of the hot dancers work so much?
    "When talent works hard, it's unstoppable." Oh, and Bullwinkle...with all due respect...um, dude, what are you smoking? We're talking about strippers, remember?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Why do a lot of the hot dancers work so much?
    Experimental, that's probably the most insightful post I've seen on here in a very long time. And I'm guessing you're probably exactly right. I never thought of it that way, but damn, I think you nailed it.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Orange County, CA
    Hey, I just noticed... Bullwinkle and mikey and sclvr have only submitted 1 or 2 reviews each...so are you guys just here to make snarky comments and not contribute anything useful? Maybe you should think about contributing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Orange County, CA
    "If only this site had reviews" Oh...is that, like, sarcasm and stuff? Oh, I get it. So you think the discussion forums should be for guys to show videos of girls with dogs and tell stupid jokes, or to help guys like this get an overall idea of the strip clubs in the area so he doesn't have to sort thru all the reviews for all the clubs? Maybe you're right...maybe we should stick to "what did the left nut say to the right nut" jokes. Yeah, that's better.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Orange County, CA
    Okay, here's the scoop on Orange County clubs... For it's size and population, and all the money that's in Orange county, really there are surprisingly few clubs there. Most are located in Anaheim (not far from Disneyland) and Santa Ana. Oh, and nearby Stanton has a few. But otherwise there ain't much. Especially south Orange County. And don't even THINK about San Diego, because it is arguably the worst strip club city in the country. Except for nearby Tijuana, of course. On the bright side though, one of the clubs in Anaheim rates as my #1 club in Southern California because of it's inexpensive ($10) very high mileage lap dances with surprisingly hot dancers. And that's Flamingo Theater. So if that's what you're looking for, you've hit the jackpot. Just down the street is Sahara Theater which is kind of a Flamingo wannabe, but doesn't quite measure up IMO. But still it has $15 laps, with regular specials for less, and very high mileage, but I'm not real thrilled with the dancers there. Now, if you're willing to get on the freeway and take a drive north, you've got an entire world of strip clubs all over So Cal. If you want mileage, City of Industry is where you need to go. There are at least three clubs right within about 1/4 mile of each other that will fit the bill. If you like black clubs and insane mileage, and don't mind the drive, Gardena is where you need to go. The clubs have $15 laps and some crazy stuff goes on there. Now if you're not looking for mileage, then there are tons of other options. There are high end, expensive, but low value clubs with fancy decor if that's your thing. But it all depends. Like I said, let us know specifically what you're looking for an we can help.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Orange County, CA
    "Definitely check out zbone.com. Best place for up to date intel specifically about LA/OC/IE clubs" You can try that, but I tend to disagree about the usefulness of Zbone. Used to be decent, but now it's just a bunch of buddies who frequent a FEW clubs and pat themselves on the back at how awesome they are and play silly games and speak in their insider's code but don't really provide much useful info. And just navigating the site has become a freakin' chore just to try to find anything.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Orange County, CA
    What would you define as a "good" club? Comfortable seats? Clean restrooms? No rap music? Dancers who act like they like you? Cheap beer? Expensive champagne? Elegant decor?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    $25 Lappers
    And honestly...Papi... Maybe you should reconsider your anger at high priced laps. As you said, "nobody likes an angry dick" So maybe take a softer approach, and accept others' differences, and respect those who choose to spend their money as they see fit.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    New York
    What's Cool
    I agree endless... After reconsidering, I'm now convinced my entire argument was flawed. Look, we live in a beautiful and ever changing world, and there's so much inventiveness and new things coming out every day. In fact, I think we're just at the beginning of an explosion in new and wonderful cool trends in fashion and music and art and films and EVERYTHING !!! Yeah, I was wrong...but know I've seen the light. Thanks guys. I love you guys.