Worst Scourge...
I was having a conversation with my ATF yesterday and I posed the question of what is--or has been take your pick--the worst scourge in history...
a) Acquiring Wealth
b) Lust for Power
c) Religious Dogma
I realize that there is a certain interconnectedness to them but for the sake of argument assume there is enough uniqueness to call them out individually.
a) Acquiring Wealth
b) Lust for Power
c) Religious Dogma
I realize that there is a certain interconnectedness to them but for the sake of argument assume there is enough uniqueness to call them out individually.
Over the course of history the Chinese were incredibly bloody among themselves. Is a rebellion 'lust for power' or a desire to be free?
All three things, of themselves, are NOT BAD THINGS !!! You can want to acquire wealth and it can result in wonderful things to you and the world. You can spend your entire life seeking benevolent (ie, beneficial to others) power and change the world for the better. And you can spend your life following religious dogma and make the world a much better place.
But what people do is they blame everyone and everything BUT THEMSELVES !!! They blame all this other crap, when in fact the worst scourge in the universe is PEOPLE WHO ARE FUCKING ASSHOLES !!!! People who vote Hitler into power and sit on their asses while he destroys the world. PEOPLE LIKE YOU MEET EVERY DAY WHO ARE DISHONEST INSANE STUPID ASSHOLES WHO MAKE THE WORLD A LIVING HELL AND DON'T GIVE A SHIT !!! And who will never ever admit they're insane stupid assholes, and instead blame everyone and everything else.
THAT IS THE WORST SCOURGE. PEOPLE. People who could choose to be wonderful, caring, helpful, honest people, but instead are self centered, uncaring, dishonest, insane assholes who care only for themselves.
But if it really makes everyone feel better to blame everything but themselves, then so be it.
Good question, jestie. Stalin most certainly did not have cause he truly believed in and was just building a monument to himself. Hitler, by contrast, most certainly did in his cause and was building a monument (thousand year reich) to himself.
It's too bad you don't talk about history more, because you sometimes have 10% of a clue about the subject and a definite interest in it. Everything else you post you just projecting your bleak internal state. (Or it could be much of human history is as bleak as your internal so that's the only time it seems appropriate for the topic at hand.)
2. Valet parking
3. Bathroom trolls
Wealth is power and power is wealth. And men have used region to acquire both.
But a good question.
Thank you Mr. Cat I needed that this morning. 8-D
There has been more war, death and misery in the world all done in the name of organized religion.
#1...STD's. Imagine what we could do if we didn't have to worry about those little buggers.
#2...stripper perfumes.
#3...Stripper makeup and glitter.
Take a few the A.H.s here with you.
It should also be kept in mind that many wealthy people got that way by following their passion, the wealth was just a side-effect.