
Comments by jerikson40 (page 51)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    "Would you still like her without the makeup on?" AHA !!! And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the root of the matter. Be honest, if your ATF was ugly would you even give a shit about her? Would you even think of this sugar daddy BS? Of course not. None of this white knight shit, you'd kick her to the curb. The bottom line is that we men are so desperate for hot sex with super hot women that we will do virtually anything for it. And we'll put up this honorable and noble front, when in fact all we really care about is that she's hot. Visit her sometime when she has no makeup, and no sexy outfit, and she's got a screaming baby in the other room, and she's smoking crack and asking you for money for her habit or whatever, and then decide if she's worth it.
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    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    "Yes, you are free to express your opinions without prior restraint; you are not guaranteed protection from the consequences to you after stating them." Absolutely true. But at the same time, it is also quite reasonable to expect and even encourage others to respond like adults, with rationality and due consideration of the facts, and not just childish emotional jabs. Don't you think? Oh, wait, this is the TUSCL forum. My mistake.
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    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    PL Travel Time
    The winners here will be the guys who travel from LA or NY to Bangkok or wherever just for pussy. Like 8,000 miles, and a $2,000 flight just to save a few hundred $$ having "really cheap" sex with hookers... I've never done that, but I did fly LA to Rio once, mostly just to see if all the stories about the girls there was true. And DAMN, it was all that and more. Those Brazilian women are the hottest on the planet. Oh, and I flew LA to Tampa once, long ago, just to go to strip clubs. Awesome.
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    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    Hey, I just looked up "misogynistic"... Hatred of women? Really? Uh, no... What I hate is anyone, male or female, who is self centered, childish, hypocritical, or whatever bad stuff you can think of. And after many years, I've developed a fair understanding of people and how they operate. And unfortunately I've come to the realization that most people in this world are, at their core, totally childish and self centered, in spite of the noble and honorable front they project to others. Women are like that, and men are like that. We are all, at our core, responding to our most self centered and childish desires. As far as hating women just for the hell of it? Um, no. My entire life has been marked by consistent love and support and commitment to the women in my life. I'm not the guy who leaves the wife and kids to fend for themselves, I'm the guy who spends my life loving and supporting them. So don't throw around nonsense attacks and hyperbole when you don't know what you're talking about. Although, that's what people do when they feel attacked. They start throwing mud, like little children in the playground.
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    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    I was just curious. I never said anything against you, just trying to understand. What makes me want to hurl is the concept of ANYONE paying strippers on a regular basis to like you. Paying their rent, whatever. I think it's indicative of someone with no self respect whatsoever. But that's only my opinion, and in the United States we are all allowed opinions. Now regarding being a homophobe. No, I am not a homophobe. A phobia is a fear, and in no way am I fearful of homosexuality. On the other hand, I do think that the practice is basically wrong, and is a sexual perversion along the same lines as pedophilia or having sex with animals. Kind of like humanity has believed for our entire history. Until lately, apparently, when we became convinced that it is suddenly okay.
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    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    Really? She's married to a girl? But I didn't think that's legal. Hell, I don't know. Whatever.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "I'm a good girl".
    "Does only giving HJs instead of BJs and FS qualify a stripper as being a "good girl"? Depends upon who is deciding.... For most women, being a stripper is "EEEWWWW!!! THAT'S GROSS!!!!", and you've pretty much lost the "good girl" label for life. Getting paid for being with men puts you into the "slutty hooker" category, even if you just dance on stage and talk to men for money. Now, if you are also wrapping your hand around some stranger's dick for money, well, the vast majority of the female population, especially the stripper's mother, would go into shock and have a heart just thinking about it. So it's more about how much of a disgusting, trashy whore you are. Women think in terms of "what would my kids think if they knew, and what would my mother think, and what would the moms of the kids that my son goes to school with think..." and stuff like that. So, if their 8 year old son or daughter were to walk in and see them jacking off a stranger, well, I guess we all know the answer. And "good girl" isn't an option. Now, if you're talking about whether the stripper, in her own mind, can convince herself that she's still a "good girl" after wrapping her hand around some stranger's dick and jacking him until he cums, and then receiving payment for services rendered, well, anything is possible. People believe what they WANT to believe, not what's rational or true or logical. It's what they feel good believing. And if she really needs the money, and can figure out a way to rationalize what everyone else considers being a "trashy whore", then sure, she can find some way to believe she's a good girl. On the other hand, if you ask most men, they would never call her a "good girl". They might get pissed and call her cold and stuck up, but there ain't nothing good about it.
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    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    I'm still trying to grasp the whole lopaw situation.... She's a girl, right? And she's married? To a guy, right? But she's a lesbian, and she goes to strip clubs to be with other women. Wow. That's one I've never heard before. And I can't ever recall seeing a single woman customer at any of the strip clubs I've been to over the years. And what's FWB? If it's anything like SM/SB, it makes me want to hurl.
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    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    "Takes a strong man or woman to come to terms with and accept a stripper's lifestyle and all of the drama and contact that goes with it." Right....."strong"...... Or maybe stupid.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Despite the constant negative press covfefe.
    What could I expect as club manager?
    What would I expect in a manager? Not much. They usually don't do shit as far as I can tell. Occasionally you see a girl walk into the manager's office and shut the door. Presumably to give him a BJ or whatever so he doesn't make her pay her daily fees or whatever. What I would LIKE for managers to do is fairly simple: Make the girls WORK for a living. As soon as they arrive at work, take their cellphones so they can't spend the entire shift off in a corner texting. And give them a reasonable limit of how much time they can spend in the dressing room. I know of no other occupation where girls can get away with that kind of BS. A manager should, y'know, MANAGE his employees. If you can do only that, you'll be so far ahead of just about every manager out there that you'll enter the strip club manager hall of fame.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Stripping as a stepping stone...
    If I had a dollar for every stripper who has told me she's actually going to college, and just stripping on the side, I would have, well, a lot of dollars. And it's always some noble undergraduate degree they're going for. Like nursing, or physical therapy, or business, or criminology. I had one black stripper who gave awesome lap dances, and always told me about her college work. But she kept telling me different majors. One day it was nursing, next day it was chiropractor, and on and on. After always seeing her in the club during day shift over a 5 year period, I finally realized she was just a stripper. "Don't you have classes today?" "Oh, um, no, I, um, went this morning or something"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Stripping as a stepping stone...
    The #1 rule of people changing their behavior: A person will never change unless they WANT to change. Period. True with alcoholics, true with druggies, true with you, and true with me. Any girl who has sex with strangers for money has got some serious emotional issues, whether you or she wants to believe it or not. And it is extremely unlikely that you or her or anyone else will change that. And the only way it MIGHT START to happen, with only a TINY chance of success, is if she WANTS to change. And nobody, including her probably, knows whether she really wants to change, and do what it takes to change. I recall seeing a news documentary on a group of people who attempted, as an experiment, to rehabilitate and bring into mainstream society a couple of homeless people in San Francisco. After a great deal of effort, and assurances by the homeless people that they truly wanted to get a job and live normal lives, the end result is that they preferred being in the street, and couldn't handle a job and responsibilities, etc. It worked for a couple months, and when they went back to check on them they were back in the street. Because behind it all, the real reason they were homeless was because of some serious mental/emotional issues. And these were people who seemed nice, normal, and just down on their luck. So the chances that she will rehabilitate, especially as a result of your efforts, are slim to none. Well, actually none, but I'm an optimist so I'll say slim...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I guess flagging reviews is a waste of time!
    I flag reviews fairly often. And for the most heinous I'll also PM the culprit and tell him to stop being a freaking prick and actually visit a club. That seems to work better than the flagging system.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    By the way, to veer slightly off the topic... Yesterday I watched a movie titled "Think Like a Man". Not the new one that just came out (#2), but the first one. Anyway, it points out how difficult relationships are between men and women. Why? Because basically we want completely different things. And to have a real relationship, both people have to forfeit some of their natural desires and "needs" in favor of the other person. And in the end, that usually ends up being the man doing most of the forfeiting. Men, for the most part, are happy just having sex with hot women. God made us that way. Sex is EXTREMELY important to men. Women, on the other hand, want long term love and security and commitment. They want A LOT from men. They choose the male based on how he can support her. Men usually don't give a shit about stuff like that. But for women it's HUGE. Men expect very little from women. Hot sex, a good meal, and we're happy. Women want money, a home, love, support, and on and on. Now of course, at some point men want to settle down and have a family. But we still don't expect much from women. Sex, a good meal once in a while, and take care of the kids. But women need you to pay the bills, fight your instinct for sex with other women, support her and the kids, give her total commitment, and on and on. So the point of the movie was that we often have to fool each other so that we get what we want, since our needs are so vastly different. Women usually don't really want sex in the way men want it, so they play games with it to get what they want. I've always felt that it's come kind of cruel joke someone is playing on us. Making men and women so different. Which is why the divorce rate has always been around 50%. Few people are willing or able to meet the other person half way, especially for the long term.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    Like I said, when you're in the club with her she sees a guy who goes to a club to oogle OTHER girls. Pretty girls. Girls who are prettier than she is. Women DESPISE the thought of that. If you were her man, she KNOWS that you would sneak out on your anniversary or her birthday to oogle other women. You do it now, so you'd do it in the future. Women would rather fool themselves into thinking that men aren't really interested in other women or just sex. So they select a guy who ACTS like he loves only her, when in fact every guy on the planet thinks of sex and other women. That's how God made us. But women hate that. I suspect that 90% of all strippers will tell you they won't date customers. Ever. And yes, the hypocrisy is mind boggling. A stripper thinks that a guy who goes to see a stripper like her is creepy because he's going to see a stripper like her. But that's women for you.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Relationships with a dancer.
    As others have mentioned, the divorce rate has been hovering at around 50% forever. Which means you're starting out with a 50-50 chance of any successful relationship with a woman. Add to it the fact that most strippers don't respect men who go to strip clubs, which is one reason why there are so few strippers successfully dating customers. They don't. They think guys who go to strip clubs to watch strippers like them are creepy. And if they DO have a relationship with you, they think you'll just keep going to strip clubs to see girls who are prettier. No way she wants that. Then add it it the fact that most women would NEVER become strippers because there's such a negative stigma attached to it. And if they do become a stripper its a high likelihood that they've got some emotional issues/history that allows them to do something so super yucky...so she's far less likely to be the kind of woman you want to trust to a long term relationship. Or anything else. Then add to that the fact that most strippers are strippers because it's a quick way to make money without having to have any skills or work at a real job that requires self discipline. How many jobs would allow you to sit around all shift on your cellphone? Only strippers can get away with that shit. Yeah, she's probably hot. All that means is she's a fun fuck. Don't expect more than that.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Porn Sucks
    "You can't go wrong with brazzers, digitalplayground, realitykings..." I don't know....quite a few of the videos you see on the free sites are brazzers or reality kings, and they still suck. Although they are a step above most of the crap you see. Maybe if I wasn't such a cheap SOB and I bought a subscription I might see some good stuff, instead of the junk that makes it to the free sites.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Porn Sucks
    So is anyone going to answer the question, or, as usual, all you guys can do is post moronic, irrelevant bullshit? Do you guys actually like what passes for porn nowadays?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I don't want a lap dance
    I *ONLY* go for lap dances. Nothing else. I have no interest in talking to strippers, whatsoever. Even though are nice, intelligent girls, and some are funny. I don't care. If I want to talk to a girl I talk to real girls, not strippers. There's nothing wrong with going there just to chill and watch. I did that long ago, before I knew that more even existed in a club. But now, talking to strippers is just boring for me. Most are just fighting their gag reflex talking to an older guy so they can make money. I also am VERY tired of the hustle. It sure seems that it's all about hustle with most dancers nowadays, and that sucks. And just sitting there and watching is tough for me, because I'm always wondering how hot the girls would be in the LD area, and how great it would feel to have her get me off.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    Porn Sucks
    I agree the Japanese stuff is better...except for the chicks. Honestly, IMO, most Japanese chicks are generally fugly. Pale, no definition, baby faces, just fugly. And I LOVE Asian chicks, but only SE Asian (Thai, etc.). So as good as the videos are, I just can't get it up for those chicks. BTW, did you see the Japanese porn where some chick is reading the news and guys come up and do bukake on her face? Weird shit. But I watched almost the entire 30 minutes or whatever.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    The End of an Era
    BTW, I find it kind of interesting and humorous that so many here are steering the discussion towards the age-old battle of the generations. Of course that battle has always been there, and always will be there. And some of the arguments between generations are true, and some are bogus. So what? Just because the generational battle exists doesn't imply that you should dismiss it, or that no part of it is valid. Of course the older generation comments on the younger generation, and the younger generation comments on the older generation. That's what we do. And sometimes the comments are perfectly appropriate and valid, and sometimes they are just pissing and moaning. But that doesn't mean it's ALL just pissing and moaning, does it?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    The End of an Era
    "Is the reason the strippers are buried in their phones because they can't talk to you or because you can't talk to them? Realistically, its probably a bit of both. Its also to be expected and not indicative of a societal degeneration of any sort. Interests, experiences, vocabulary, perspective, etc. all change as we grow older. Its naturally going to be harder for you to talk to 19yr old hotties at 50 or 60 than it is at 20 or 30." I agree with what you're saying. But I think you're missing the point. Many things in life are difficult. Of course it's difficult for a young hottie to talk to a stranger she doesn't know, especially if the stranger isn't a hot young guy she instantly connects with. That's obvious. But the point is how people handle it. The choice for the young hottie is to: A. put in the effort and learn how to talk to customers since, well, that's her job and that's how she will make money, or B. bury her head in her cellphone to avoid that difficult situation, all the while being supported by her peers because that type of self centered behavior is seen as normal nowadays. In different cultures and societies the prevailing attitude might be to expect people to learn how to deal with others on a personal level, and put in the effort. My point is that the culture of the younger generation seems to be that avoidance and self centeredness are the norm. Again, I'm not knocking the younger generation any more than I knock my own generation. As I said before, we all have our faults. We all suck. It's just a matter of HOW we suck. Personally, I grew up in the 70's and 80's. When I was a kid, it was the hippie generation. And I was ashamed to be associated with such a bunch of self centered leeches. We all have the same basic flaws. We're all self centered, we all have fragile egos, we all want to avoid difficulties, and on and on. But the different generations are marked by how they handle those flaws, and whether they try to overcome them or they convince each other that those flaws are awesome. IMO, in the current generation, self centeredness and avoidance have become accepted and promoted, rather than flaws to be overcome.
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    10 years ago
    New York
    The End of an Era
    Honestly, I think this whole generational warfare thing is ridiculous. When you get down to it, we all suck. My generation fucked things up in some ways, and the next generations faithfully do their part to do the same thing. It's just a matter of HOW we suck. Personally, I'm pretty much convinced that, if you put the young generation in our position, they'd do the same things, and fuck things up just as much. And vice versa. Young(er) kids were walking hand in hand with the older generation, and both generations were just as responsible for the Wall Street debacle in 2008. Lots of young traders developing these insane "financial products" that meant instant gratification, but long term destruction. You put a poor, out of work hippie from "Occupy Wall Street" at a trading desk on Wall Street with a flashy suit and a chance to make $1 million per year, and I guarantee he'd do the same thing to fuck up the economy. My only point is that the younger generation is being grossly misled into thinking they're so wonderful and socially connected, when in fact they are, IMO, the least socially connected and most self centered generation.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Minnow, nice analogy... However, when you guys keep referring to the benefits of "3 hour rentals" to strippers, I wonder why the fuck anyone cares what benefits the strippers??? This isn't stripperweb.. You guys act like it's so freaking important to consider what benefits strippers. Somehow it's okay to act like a pathetic old man as long as some stripper benefits? Amazing.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Dugan, as usual, you don't have the stones to actually address an issue that might make you look bad, so you put on your top hat and tails and start your tap dance. You are a master of deflection and dodging issues. I say most people would consider your behavior pathetic, and instead of addressing that, you deflect and give us this "I know you are but what am I?" childish BS. And you deflect with this insane, irrelevant argument that strippers and customers are free to do what they want. No shit, really? BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT !!! You guys grasp at this irrelevant BS that somehow you're doing this great public service for the dancers. Like anyone, including you, really gives a shit about how some stripper gets income. Dude, if she was ugly and working at McDonalds you wouldn't give her the time of day, so don't talk about altruism. It's just another deflection so you don't have to accept that you're a pathetic loser. A few years ago I was sitting in my favorite club, and I saw a 60+ year old customer and his ATF thru the glass in the VIP booth. And after their dance or whatever, he took her in his arms and started doing ballroom dancing with her. I can't think of any way to better summarize how truly pathetic regulars are. If you don't, or won't see that, then that's up to you. You can call me a communist, you can rationalize all you want, but at the end of the day, most people on the planet would call it pathetic. And if that's how you want to spend your life, then it's up to you. But some people have pride in themselves and wouldn't do that. Sure, I occasionally do stuff that's pathetic. I admit that. But that's not the point. If it makes you feel better to deflect by calling the other guy names, then fine. But that doesn't change the point about YOU.