A message to the cyber-bullies on this DB: What a bunch of pussies. I swear you guys are just like the fucking bullies I used to pants in public. You have no problem ganging up on people and calling them names because you don't like their politics or their opinion or their _____ (insert anything here).
But the minute the tables are turned and things get ugly and believe me I'm just getting started with ole cum dumpster, you run around like pussies on parade.
A message to the rest of the 98% of TUSCL members: You want to clean this place up and get back to BAU? Then police your shit and stop gang banging a member, any member, because you don't like the way they post. 98% of the members here are able to do that. It's a very small handfull with that pathetic retard dougster including his surrogates and aliases in the lead that don't get it.
They think it's fun
He's laughing his ass off right now because he enjoys sowing the seeds of discord. It's classic, It's a shame.
Police the bullies and rein in the personal attacks or I'll fucking moderate the fuck out of this place. I'll fill it with so much fucking vitriol no one will want to come here. Let's see how fun 10 or 20 or 50 fucked up dougster limericks a day are. I'm gonna follow every single fucking thread and comment the fuck out out of this place until you leave because the fetid stench of dougsters gaping man-pussy over runs this board.
or get founder to implement a moderator that works. It ain't necessary mind you we're all adults yes even dougster. We can keep it civil if we want to. The dougster has made it clear that he dosen't want to. The dougster likes having a mob gang up on someone, anyone really, Alucard now, Jerikson later, Jester after that, the list goes on and on and on.
Dougster is and his brand of passive aggressive mob rule instigation tactics is the cancer here. I'm going to mestatize that shit and make it worse and worse and worse until something changes even if in the end it's just the dougster and I posting shit here because everyone else has fled the scene.
This I promise.
We all have the power to ignore posts and responses on this board. We all have the ability to delete PMs unread. We all have the ability to laugh at things that we find moronic and hell yes we have the ability to reply and contest and debate shit we don't agree with too.
We should engage and debate the shit we don't agree with that's healthy but at the end of the day to shit down my back because I choose to believe in God the almighty or agree with the policy to use force in the pursuit of the enemy's of my country, or because I think that Taylor Swift is hot, or because I like the Juicebox's f'd up poetry, that's wrong! Agree, disagree, don't give a fuck all fair positions but to attack me personally or worse yet recruit others to persecute me because I'm different, that's fucked up and that's whats got to stop.
Come on this is a fucking site dedicated to the shit we all love, strippers and all things having to do with strippers and you wouldn't fucking be here if you didn't. It's entertainment, yes! You get your jollies outta kicking some poor schmo in the nuts go some place else. Worse yet you get off on inciting others to do your dirty work? Go the fuck someplace else you fucking coward.
You wanna have fun and talk about clubbing, OTCs, ITCs, extras and shit stick around cause it is actually a blast to hang out here until the assholes show up and pepper every thread with petty name calling and personal attacks.
I'd like to hold 3 individuals up as examples of what this DB can and should be all about.
Papi_Chulo, Motorhead, Bullwinkle, Shadowcat, and SlickSpic
All have opinions, not necessarily the same mind you, but in having those opinions they are gracious in allowing others to maintain there own. With very few exceptions you won't see these guys shitting down other members necks but rather they will either disagree, make their point or two and move on or simply pass on getting engaged...live and let live
They all are able to detect the humor intended in sarcastic and sometimes poorly articulated posts made by others and even if it's borderline they invariably choose to "see" it as an attempt at humor. Additionally they all offer up tongue-in-cheek posts on a regular basis sometimes just to try and wind things down a notch or two...laugh it off
In case you haven't noticed all of these guys are smart. Not necessarily in the post-grad-mensa-Einstein sense of the word but they "get it". Even when they don't get it, they get it because they are thoughtful. It doesn't take a 40,000 word vocabulary and a 145 IQ to be smart, no, it takes thoughtfulness, the ability to think about something before you react to it. And by think I mean consider the results of you actions/cause and effect sort of thinking. That's why their posts and responses are not inflammatory even when the occasion arises and they vehemently don't agree with something... thoughtful and considerate
Now the one thing these guys are not is perfect and I am sure that you can dredge up examples that countermand my assertions but those would be the exceptions as opposed to the gang of thugs that has developed around here with dougster at the core whose posts tend to be personal attacks having nothing whatsoever to do with the topic or frequently nothing to do with the actual post of the victim for that matter.
I could have easily rattled off 20 or 30 names of members who are on equal footing as those 5 because you see the vast majority of us are like minded. We are here to enjoy the company of others who are into strippers and strip clubbing. It is an almost insignificant minority who are disruptive and thoughtless. Unfortunately they are a vocal minority and the time has come to take this DB back from them and clean a little house.
So the time is at hand for someone to step up or even better for everyone to step up and take back the ownership of the discourse on the DB. I'm ready willing and able. Primed and ready to go and I'll proceed with reckless abandon to achieve my desired outcome. I'm every bit is caustic and have tons of available time to vomit my foul stench all over this board until it's no longer fun for the runts of the litter, the spineless bullies to be here and when they go I'll go to or founder can step up and insert a moderator and if that happens I'll go too but the best outcome is if you, all of you who are like minded with Papi, and Bullwinkle and Shadowcat and Motorhead and SlicSpic, and Farmerart and Jackfrost, and Mondogogo, and GSB, and Juicebox69, and Duomaxwell, and crazyjoe, and mikeya02, and clubber, and the list goes on and on, you stand up and tell these jackoffs that YOU are not going to take it any more, that it's not acceptable and that enough is enough.
And I'll go away too...
The ball, as they say, is in your court.
Live and let live! Laugh it off! Thoughtful and considerate!
- He's gonna bully all the "bullies" on the site. - Alucard, jerikson, & jester are victims. - He's gonna make Dougsters life a living hell by trolling him 10-50 times a day. - He's really smart. - He wants a revolution. - He doesn't want shit down his neck & back. - Something about Taylor Swift. - He'll go away after bringing justice. - He has a list of people we should use as positive example. Some of the same guys I've seen in flame wars with Alucard, jester, & jerikson. So... - What are you gonna do with the ball on the court...?
I'm not as convinced as BigFagJohn's intelligence as you are, however. For example, a fallacy he tries to sneak past everyone is equivocating someone's behavior he doesn't like for moral reasons to their intelligence. Just because I don't like people who steal, for instance, does not mean I can categorically label them as unintelligent. Many of them may well be, but the moral behavior I do not like does not necessarily imply anything about their intelligence.
I would judge intelligence by ability to present a position supported by facts and logic which, especially, is not internally contradictory. As I mentioned equivocating between things he doesn't like doesn't lend itself to a high score by those standards, nor do ridiculous claims like we should pity the poor jestie-girl, jerikoffson and alutard for bringing the heat onto themselves that they do.
BigFagJohn/ranukam also seemed to have needed to experiment with a number of weaker aliases (Douugster, LunchBoxQueen) before he settled on this one to make all his sound and fury from.
The other funny part is where he implies that what bother him the most is people picking on alutard, and then, at the end, suggests that people should, instead, act like the peace makers who include crazyjoe! Not very well versed in board history it seems. But when have facts have got in the way of a good crusade. :-)
(Looks like he starts by dipping his toes in as Douugster with some weak post here.)
jerkoffson: "There's the alcoholics, the drug addicts, and 6 year olds, "
Don't forget the jerkoffs such as yourself!
jerkoffson: "Geezus, guys, get a fucking LIFE!!! "
Why don't you tell us a little about your life, jerkoff, so we have something to aim for you. How often you pay for pay. Also it doesn't sound like you have much in the way of income. Finally some stats on how many times a week you are bitching and whining about whatever stupid shit.
jerkoffson: "See ya, guys"
Bye! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out... What a net loss you will be...
The flame wars on this board don't bother me much - I read em, or I don't. It's a lot like Rush Limbaugh - just entertainment. Not very good entertainment sometimes; it is the same here.
Obviously Dougster places a lot of importance on using the written word to bully others. He spends a fair amount of time every day doing this, and perhaps has gone to the extent of creating other characters with whom he can start fights with, or who may side with him. Borderline.
mmdv's posts are so boring I rarely notice them and it few others do either since I rarely see anyone beyond txtittyfag respond to them (something about naming himself after men's underwear?) Truly another cog in the wheel kind of guy.
What I find amusing is that his confidence in his conspiracy theories has gone down from "it's fact!" to now a mere "perhaps".
As much as I hate to say it I've got to admit that you are impressive Dougster. You are like the perfect storm of stupidity. Your profound ignorance is really really special and I am actually proud in the same sense that a surgeon is proud of a grotesque growth that he's removed from a patients bowel. You are that most rarified of creatures that take supreme delight in your intellectual deficit.
I should see you as the pathetic worm that you are but with the pride of ownership you display for your thoughtlessness, the vapid repository of consideration for others on this DB and your staunch commitment to inane adolescent name calling you are a masterpiece. A flawed work of art.
Unfortunately it is all to clear to me that you are incapable of change and your sadistic intent to persecute others is intolerable so you need to be made an example of.
@BigFagJohn: Wow, so this is, like, supposed to be your withering rampage against me that is supposed to make my life hell and make the entire board leave or beg for a moderator?
Sorry, dude, looks like you over billed yourself a bit and haven't even far from your LunchBoxQueen alias with all the colorectal refereneces.
I mean seriously as if you had said you'll tear the place up with a machine gun and you show up with a water pistol.
That'll really all you got? Looks like you blew your entire load on your first two posts.
There once was retard named Doug Who pranced around and acted a thug Everyone around knew What they had to do Flush him down the toilet like he was a bad drug
@BigFagJohn: Still waiting for the rampage that will make my life a living hell. All you got is wimpy posts like your last? Sad see to you're all bark and no bite!
Yeah I was just thinking that is a mighty mean dog BigFagJohn has as his pic. But since he can't live up to it, maybe he should change it to something more appropriate - like a kitten. ;-)
Too funny! Looks like BigFagJohn's bluff got called down and now all he can do is make some posts as the even weaker troll Douugster. Maybe he'll post as the next weaker troll LunchBoxQueen - "shit, fuck, shit, fuck, fuck, fuck" to make it look like two trolls are on his side.
Let's agree to put a fork in this thread and call it done with Duo as the champ! Which o' my bros and sisters (and bros pretending to be sisters) are with me?
last commentThat and you are seriously in need of a breath mint.
Change is a comming my brutha's
Juice Crew United (themz some crazy mutherfuckers! oh my)
- He's gonna bully all the "bullies" on the site.
- Alucard, jerikson, & jester are victims.
- He's gonna make Dougsters life a living hell by trolling him 10-50 times a day.
- He's really smart.
- He wants a revolution.
- He doesn't want shit down his neck & back.
- Something about Taylor Swift.
- He'll go away after bringing justice.
- He has a list of people we should use as positive example. Some of the same guys I've seen in flame wars with Alucard, jester, & jerikson. So...
- What are you gonna do with the ball on the court...?
Anyway, he has my attention.
I'm not as convinced as BigFagJohn's intelligence as you are, however. For example, a fallacy he tries to sneak past everyone is equivocating someone's behavior he doesn't like for moral reasons to their intelligence. Just because I don't like people who steal, for instance, does not mean I can categorically label them as unintelligent. Many of them may well be, but the moral behavior I do not like does not necessarily imply anything about their intelligence.
I would judge intelligence by ability to present a position supported by facts and logic which, especially, is not internally contradictory.
As I mentioned equivocating between things he doesn't like doesn't lend itself to a high score by those standards, nor do ridiculous claims like we should pity the poor jestie-girl, jerikoffson and alutard for bringing the heat onto themselves that they do.
BigFagJohn/ranukam also seemed to have needed to experiment with a number of weaker aliases (Douugster, LunchBoxQueen) before he settled on this one to make all his sound and fury from.
(Looks like he starts by dipping his toes in as Douugster with some weak post here.)
Please continue to enjoy my pathetic attempts at junior high school level psycho babble!
Question to OP: Is there a reason behind your initials being "BBJ" ?
Carry on, John, I'll keep a ready supply of popcorn handy.
There's the alcoholics, the drug addicts, and 6 year olds, and now this.
Geezus, guys, get a fucking LIFE!!! See ya, guys.
I feel left out. Don't forget the ridiculously overweight PL's
Don't forget the jerkoffs such as yourself!
jerkoffson: "Geezus, guys, get a fucking LIFE!!! "
Why don't you tell us a little about your life, jerkoff, so we have something to aim for you. How often you pay for pay. Also it doesn't sound like you have much in the way of income. Finally some stats on how many times a week you are bitching and whining about whatever stupid shit.
jerkoffson: "See ya, guys"
Bye! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out... What a net loss you will be...
Obviously Dougster places a lot of importance on using the written word to bully others. He spends a fair amount of time every day doing this, and perhaps has gone to the extent of creating other characters with whom he can start fights with, or who may side with him. Borderline.
What I find amusing is that his confidence in his conspiracy theories has gone down from "it's fact!" to now a mere "perhaps".
I should see you as the pathetic worm that you are but with the pride of ownership you display for your thoughtlessness, the vapid repository of consideration for others on this DB and your staunch commitment to inane adolescent name calling you are a masterpiece. A flawed work of art.
Unfortunately it is all to clear to me that you are incapable of change and your sadistic intent to persecute others is intolerable so you need to be made an example of.
Sorry, dude, looks like you over billed yourself a bit and haven't even far from your LunchBoxQueen alias with all the colorectal refereneces.
I mean seriously as if you had said you'll tear the place up with a machine gun and you show up with a water pistol.
That'll really all you got? Looks like you blew your entire load on your first two posts.
Who pranced around and acted a thug
Everyone around knew
What they had to do
Flush him down the toilet like he was a bad drug
to make it look like two trolls are on his side.
Let's agree to put a fork in this thread and call it done with Duo as the champ! Which o' my bros and sisters (and bros pretending to be sisters) are with me?
Troll on TDHQ... troll on indeed!!!