
Comments by farmerart (page 77)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Do strippers get off on grinding on patrons hard d!cks?
    @Stiletto25, "You save that fucking money and when you burn out for good, you invest it. I'm not looking back when I'm 50 and realizing I missed a great opportunity because it hurt my pussy." Music to my ears. I am in the midst of a North American road show trying to drum up money for this natural gas project I have begun up here in NWT. I am willing to give up 30 points of equity at $10m/point. How many points do you want? Oh, don't tell the various pros to whom I am prostrating myself of the terms I offered you. For those guys, I am offering less and asking for more. Special tuscl discount for hot dancers!
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    13 years ago
    Etiquette Question
    Come to certain Detroit-area or Toronto-area clubs and you will see MUCH, MUCH more than lap dances happening around, beside, behind, and in front of you! Definitely not for the shy or squeamish PL.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Detroit Vs. Paris
    @sinclair, I will agree that les sexy stripteaseuses Quebecoises have an aura that anglophone dancers lack in Canada. Style sense and attitude to men are different. However, when you start to chat with them in their langue maternelle, you will quickly discover that French-speaking dancers are just as ditzy as their English-speaking counterparts.
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    13 years ago
    Flashback to Great Strip Club Conversations w/ Dancers
    Sheesh, pablo!! I just looked at your profile and I see you review nothing but Houston clubs. And you never score in Houston clubs? Are all other Houston guys lying? There is always Canada, you know. Any guy who cannot score in the suburban Toronto clubs must leave this hobby and enter the priesthood for action. Even in my SC hell of Alberta a wily old guy can occasionally find a tasty bit of crumpet.
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    13 years ago
    @georgmicrodong, Awww, george. Camp is not so bad. No real winter yet, heavy frost every night but pleasant above freezing temperatures during the day. Sub-zero temps and snow are promised for mid-week by the weather service I use. Can't wait!! I have improved the food situation. The boys just purr over what is now available in the cook shack and I have also improved the accommodation. Come on up for a visit. The loadmaster often needs a mobile 100kgs to balance the load on the DC-3 supply flights.
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    13 years ago
    SC And Massage Parlour Symbiosis In Edmonton
    @trojangreg, Aha, you are a regular at Swedish Touch, greg? Never been there myself. I always liked Madame Cleo's (next to Dick's on Dicks), sadly no longer with us. That part of the block is primed for more condos. Fact is, I miss Dick's more than I miss Madame Cleo's.
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    13 years ago
    Dollar coins replacing dollar bills.....how would that affect your clubbing?
    @mjxo1: You must get out more!! fin = $5 sawbuck = $10 And in Canada, loonie = $1 coin; toonie = $2 coin
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    13 years ago
    Dollar coins replacing dollar bills.....how would that affect your clubbing?
    The loonie toss in Alberta SCs is how dancers are tipped on stage in my home province. I have not seen the same practice in SCs in Ontario, Quebec, or British Columbia. Throwing a loonie or toonie across the metre-wide divider between the stage and gyno row at a dancer's gaping vagina really does not turn my crank. The practice is entrenched in Alberta clubs however. The cagey customer in Alberta clubs has been known to go up to the stage after the dancer has picked up all her hard earned loonies and toonies, lay down a fin or sawbuck on the stage, and politely thank the dancer for her performance. Pleasant things may happen after this approach or, ahem, so I have been told.
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    13 years ago
    I have discovered that a dancer distracted by chat or mindless texting does not anticipate where my hands may wander. A couple of low contact dancers suddenly became high contact dancers with me as my greedy hands and fingers wandered into forbidden zones as the dancer's concentration was focused elsewhere. I can be a very bad boy at times.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Detroit Vs. Paris
    jack, you forgot to mention my favourite aspect of Parisian life - the mounds of dog shit you encounter anywhere you go. Next time you go to Paris visit some of the muslim banlieues - you will think you are back in the bombed out areas of Detroit.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Farmerart - Ever see this up there?
    No elk here, shadow. Did see a big bull moose about six weeks ago, a VERY horny guy. He was advertising the goods to any cow within sight. Don't know if he had any takers. I would love to have something like that to exhibit in Cannonball's VIP.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    French Prostitution Scandal
    Lille is not one of France's beauty spots. These lovely ladies were just doing their best to beautify the dreary city. I admire their selfless community volunteerism.
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    13 years ago
    Off-Topic: U.S. Indicies about to Take a Dump?
    @dougster, This roller coaster ride on my CAD-USD hedge during the last two months has been spectacular. Spot quote this AM has approached $1.01. That is not far south of my hedge price of $1.025. I am no longer beating myself up about the hedge. It looks like my hedge will be onside soon, protecting my oil profits until Dec 2013. Do you follow oil prices, doug? The WTI-Brent spread is closing. That is a very bullish signal for my industry and the North American economy in general. Gas consumption must be picking up in the US. That does not necessarily mean higher prices at the pumps either. The mess at Cushing has meant that most east coast refineries have been using more Brent crude than usually is the case. Now you guys have to quit messing around with the XL pipeline. Approve it and get it in the ground and watch oil prices! Brent-WTI differential will disappear. Everybody will win.
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    13 years ago
    We have it good in Detroit (SE MI). Wait.....let me clarify that.
    @zorro, Another guy who loves Slow's! I do, too. Surprisingly, it was a dancer from H8S that introduced me to Slow's over a year ago. She introduced me to many other Southern Michigan delights during the week I spent with her. That woman was the jolliest drinking buddy (for a woman) that I have ever encountered. Other jolly moments were spent with her as well. Not EVERY moment of my two year retirement was boring and miserable.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The Return of an Old Drug
    I recently had to fire a rig pig for testing positive for heroin use. First time in my career for an employee heroin positive test; cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, barbituates on occasion but never heroin before this test last month. That idiot just blew off a $1000/day job and got himself blackballed forever from the oil patch. Good luck pounding nails, you goof! Even worse, my partner and I had to fill in for the idiot until the drilling contractor lined up a replacement. I learned last spring that I am now too old to be slapping chains and shoveling mud.
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    13 years ago
    In Case Anyone Else Is Wondering ...
    @CTQ: Your cruelty has morphed into pure sadism. Your perverse pleasure in tormenting me with all these spicy tales of moving furniture in Toronto clubs is most unbecoming. Three weeks until my business trip to Toronto. You remain a despicable bastard.
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    13 years ago
    el numero 5 naranja
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    13 years ago
    I retired for two years. It was the absolute shits! You'll be back, fetish_dancer just like I am back in my old game.
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    13 years ago
    Favorite Bottle for BYOB clubs
    I know only a single BYOB club in western Canada. I bring a mickey of some mellow aged single malt if I am not driving back to Rancho farmerart after visiting this club. @samsung1, What happened to the beauty in the laundry room? That was my second favourite avatar on this site. vincemichaels' Melon Girl is my favourite.
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    13 years ago
    Getting the Stripper Smell Off
    clubber, Diesel is difficult to ignite. Now gasoline and cigars? NO THANK YOU!!
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    13 years ago
    Getting the Stripper Smell Off
    I had to mess with an electric generator this AM. Diesel would very effectively camouflage any malodourous stripper smell an unfortunate PL brought home. Not so sure that a wife would be any more understanding of a husband reeking of diesel than she would be of a husband reeking of Chanel No 25. (Apologies, stiletto. A cheap shot, I know, Just couldn't resist.)
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    13 years ago
    Off-Topic: U.S. Indicies about to Take a Dump?
    Well, doug, CAD has recovered nicely against USD. My hedge is still offside but not as bad as two weeks ago (early spot this AM - $.9896). I have tried to understand the index that you use but I cannot see how it is useful for my specific needs. Can you enlighten me? Or is the dollar index only a trading vehicle, not a hedging tool?