
The Return of an Old Drug

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 8:11 PM
Heroin: Smack, H, Junk, Shit, Horse, White Lady, Brown Sugar -- whatever you want to call it -- seems to be making a comeback. When I think of heroin, I think of Janis Joplin, John Belushi, and the late 60's and 70's. But a few months ago a dancer at a club I frequentt was fired for giving $10 blow jobs in the parking lot. She was rumored to have been a heroin addictt And last weekend my ATF pointed out two dancers who did heroin. I was a little surprised but not shocked. Afterall, dancers and substance abuse go together like Brad and Angelina. It wasn't until my local news ran a story tonight that heroin has become the drug of choice of teenagers. It's cheap. It's abundant. And it's easier to gett now than oxy. Huh, who knew?


  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    People probably having trouble affording oxy in the current economy. motorhead: "a few months ago a dancer at a club I frequentt was fired for giving $10 blow jobs in the parking lot" Be careful! txtittyfan likes to disguise himself as a woman so he can give $10 blowjobs to straight guys. That might have been him!
  • sinclair
    13 years ago
    Saw a girl the other day with all kinds of scarring and holes on her arm. Intravenous drug user?
  • spoonie
    13 years ago
    ^^^ that and she's probably a cutter
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I didn't know it was gone. I can think of two users recently at my favoriet club. Both were known to do BBFS. Cheap. One got kicked out for shooting up ITC. The other is suspended due to pregnancy.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    Twenty years ago, a heroin junkie bit a chunk out of my leg (resisting arrest). Because we didn't know all that much about AIDS, I had to go through five years of blood tests (and I wasn't allowed to donate blood for that period of time). The sad thing is that he was a onetime teammate on my high schoool football team, and older brother of a close friend who had just become a U.S. Marshal.
  • jester214
    13 years ago
    It was never "gone" but its certainly more popular now than it was 5 years ago.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    They just started banning Bath salts and I believe some kind of synthetic marijuana here in South Carolina. Well I know bath salts just got a new ban after it suddenly got a lot of statewide attention. I believe the synthetic stuff got a ban earlier. I never knew these substances produced narcotic effects as bad as much harder drugs. Well that's probably because I never heard about them before. The bath salts were completely legal until just the other day. They are probably still legal in other states where they haven't gotten much attention yet. I guess it's sort of like a form of cocaine being legal and politicians and others don't know yet. The guy who invented the compounds for research or the compounds that make synthetic marijuana did not even know people would use the formulas in all kinds of creative ways. In a live news report to Russia, the satellite transmission was so slow the viewers thought his response was so slow that he must be smoking the stuff. Poor guy. [view link]
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I personally think people driving around super slow and/or careless weaving around etc. on the roads while talking or texting on phones are worse than drug users and drunk drivers. I think those talking or texting are far more distracted than anyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if they cause more accidents and deaths than drunk drivers or drug users as well. I guess if people don't seem to be very well aware of a problem, they ignore it even if it's a whole lot worse than much talked about problems. Back to strip clubs, I heard dancers can get fired for giving free BJ's too. That's probably not happening anymore in today's economy without some catch.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I recently had to fire a rig pig for testing positive for heroin use. First time in my career for an employee heroin positive test; cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, barbituates on occasion but never heroin before this test last month. That idiot just blew off a $1000/day job and got himself blackballed forever from the oil patch. Good luck pounding nails, you goof! Even worse, my partner and I had to fill in for the idiot until the drilling contractor lined up a replacement. I learned last spring that I am now too old to be slapping chains and shoveling mud.
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    One thousand $$$$ a day. OUCH !!
  • smokeshopjoe
    13 years ago
    and that is why all committed drug users should have synthetic urine laying around. and birthcontrol we dont need to breed.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Well, Shadowcat, hopefully my baby won't be a heroin addict. (:
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    VM - I hope so too. LOL.
  • HonestT
    13 years ago
    Bath Salts became illegal in Ohio last week (10/20/2011). You can still get synthetic MJ, and despite a ban on Four Loko, you can still find it around. I have never seen any dancers with tracks, but I always wonder when you see the skeleton-skinny dancers. How can anyone in the USA be that skinny?
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Heroin never went away but I think Meth is the new one with the kids
  • Jackmd
    13 years ago
    FARMERART That idiot just blew off a $1000/day job and got himself blackballed forever from the oil patch. Good luck pounding nails, you goof! Jobs pounding nails at least in the States will eventually ask for a pee test now. He may be a bigger goof than you think. The only job I know where he may not get tested is as a bouncer/stooge in a SC.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I don't offhand know about anyone who has done heroin, but meth has been popular in the midwest for at least a decade by now. I know of at least three dancers who've been busted for meth possession. That's to say nothing of the one dancer I used to know who was so stoned on meth she got a gun and blew her brains out.
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