
At what age did you get "old"?

Avatar for GACA
GACAUn-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.

I believe (maybe cuz I'm here) the 30's to be a peak age for a man. I'm having a blast and don't want it to end. But another birthday passes and I'm inching my way to 40 in a few years. Feels like I'm staring my own mortality in the face.

How is life in your 40's compared to your 30's, and what age did you finally say "fuck, I'm old!!!"


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Avatar for GACA

And because Shadow married a younger girl, what too big of a marriage age gap?

And No JS69, we don't need you to answer that :p

Avatar for mikeya02

A lot of factors are involved. If you don't get stressed out , or depressed, and stay healthy and happy, you've got a ways to go.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

You're only as old as the women you fuck.

That's all that needs to be said on the subject.

Avatar for Clackport

From what I hear, 30 is the new 20. I think the 40's is when you start really feeling old.

Avatar for Clubber

Last Thursday. I had the day off and did a lot of OUTSIDE work around the house. NINETY FOUR degrees. Damn, I was old.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I do think there is sorta a significant shift at 40 when you don't quite feel as invincible and the little soldier may not always ready for war at a moment's notice.

But I would think every decade has it's “shift” per se – i.e. when you turn 30 and not in your 20s anymore – when you turn 50 and not in your 40s anymore; etc

Depends on what kind of shape one is in I think someone in their 40s can still be considered young – especially if they take good care of themselves and some folks may look and feel better in their 40s than they did even in their 20s b/c they have a very good diet and they exercise.

And not to be discounted – although some physical ability declines w/ age (especially if you don't exercise – use it or lose it) – the wisdom/experience one gains does have its merits.

Moral of the story I guess – don't sweat it – make the most of it and take good care of yourself so you can enjoy yourself for many many years in the future.

Avatar for shadowcat

I keep catching myself all of the time calling other people "Old people" and I have to remind myself that I are one. I'm dealing with some health problems at 73 but I see others around me in a lot worse condition including dead. I do believe that 70 is the new 60. I don't know how much longer I have left, so I live each day like it may be my last. That includes using Viagra and going bare back.

Avatar for Danny206

As a middle aged guy who closely observes his friends and colleagues, I think a lot of people walk off the most significant cliff (physically speaking) in their late 40s or early 50s. It can be earlier depending on genetics and lifestyle factors ("hard miles"), but even those who eat right, exercise, work indoors, etc. start to look and feel significantly older around 50. A few Hollywood actors can continue to paste it together (at least on camera and with body doubles and optimal lighting and editing) into their 50s, but it's tough.

So as Papi_Chulo said, take good care of yourself and make the most of every day and year. Tomorrow is promised to nobody; but with a little luck, these days you can lead an active and fun life into your 70s and beyond.

Avatar for IHearVoices

I think it was 33 for me. That was when I first noticed that I couldn't do the things I used to physically (not sexually). There were just certain things that I didn't recover from as quickly and I started getting these random aches and pains and whatnot. On the other hand, I started working out more and eating better - thanks to a higher-paying job - and packed on muscle, so it's more of a trade.

Avatar for MrDeuce

I turned 60 last year and don't feel old, though Little Deuce sometimes disagrees :) The major difference I've noticed in my strip club life compared to 10 or 15 years ago is that I'm less likely to nut twice in the same day. Even so, at bikini bars in Melrose Park/Stone Park in March I came twice in the same evening -- from lap dances! And I sometimes come twice in an evening from blowjobs in ESL or Detroit. I figure if shadowcat can still be orgasmically active at 73, I certainly can at 60.

Avatar for Danny206

P.S.: When I say around 50, I'm also thinking of athletic performance limits. At 49 I was still taking on new physical challenges. At 51 I was happy to get out of bed without any major aches. Even in golf, which isn't the most physically demanding of sports, there's a senior tour -- open to players 50 and older. It seems to be a significant 'break point', punctuating the more gentle/subtle changes in the decades before and after.

Avatar for DoctorPhil

math whizzes i see. your thirties are middle age. (30 + 30 = 60 and 39 + 39 = 78) every day past thirty and you are officially old, careening downhill toward the grave.

Avatar for Danny206

Cute, DoctorPhil. :) CDC says US life expectancy is about 79, so yes, the average half-way POINT is 39 or 40. The question is, how many years on either side of 40 counts as "middle age"? 5, 10, 15? It's a good bar topic, since there's no clear answer.

And aren't we all careening toward the grave, from the moment of birth? :)

Avatar for Danny206

Father Time and Death, both undefeated. The good news is, a hot lapdance can make you feel young at any age!

Avatar for rickdugan

Things definitely started changing for me in my 40s. I first really came face to face with my mortality in my mid 30s, when I had my first kid and realized that she could be in her 40s or younger when she buries me. Having young children with endless energy is a constant reminder that I am not a youngster anymore.

Avatar for rockstar666

I've stir fried with olive oil for 35 years and people say I look 40 because my face remains smooth. When I tell people I'm 55 they think I'm lying, so to answer the question, I haven't got there yet. My dad is 85 and he could pass for 65 so genes help too.

Avatar for Mate27

The CDC # for life expectancy shouldn't be used to gauge middle age. It's called the Center for "Disease" Control for a reason, it takes in account those who are diseased or die early due to accidents. If you are in good health and don't take unwarranted risks, your lifespan should cover 90-100 years.

Avatar for DoctorPhil

^^^^^^ my fucking gawd. seriously, really seriously. who in the fuck wants to live that fucking long? my fucking gawd Noooooo!

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I wonder if the life expectancy of a SC goer is longer b/c he is having so much fun (and getting “exercise”) :)

Avatar for GACA

Anyone here get married in their 40's?

Avatar for Danny206

Dr. Phil, you're right, nobody wants to be 90 ... except most 89 year olds.

Avatar for Mate27

The biggest ass whooping I got in golf was from an 87 year old man. Hit it straight down the fairway every time for about 200 yards. Had an excellent bump and run chipping game, and putted well too. That my friends gave me the hope that you can live well even late in life.

I've seen several other guys living actively in their 80s and 90s too, and one common theme was they were educated with a hunger for improvement. Poor uneducated people don't fit that mold as they tend to be stagnant. Keep reinventing yourself. There are many health and science practitioners claiming generation X will live well into their 100s, and the financial planning for that will be astounding! Guess we will have to wait 5 decades to see if that's true.

My grandparents all lived into their 80s and 90s with hard living. I plan accordingly.

Avatar for Danny206

Oh crap. If Gen X is gonna live into their 100s, how can any of them afford a lapdance? And how are the rest of us supposed to support the club economy?! There's a crisis coming, people. One way or the other.

Avatar for impala

I remember back when I was a badass, recently realized that the older I get I'm just an ass now.

Avatar for rockstar666

Meat: "Hal" in my league is 92 and he has a high handicap, but his game inside 100 yards is better than mine.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

"don't take unwarranted risks, your lifespan should cover 90-100 years."

Awesome. But wait. You don't count what I donwith strippers as an " unwarranted risk" do you? Sure, it's a risk, but it's clearly warranted.

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I'm 50 and I don't feel old at all. Actually feel better than 40 cause I've lost some weight and kept in better shape.

Avatar for seaboardrr

I just turned 44 a week ago but like i've said before; I still feel like I'm 25. I'm in the best shape of my life and eat healthier than I ever have. I look around at other guys my age I know and tell myself I will never look or act like they do. Most are ~50lbs over weight and act like they have nothing more to do in life except go to work and go home. Me and mrs sea were those people a few years back and one day we decided enough is enough. Started working out on a regular basis and eating right. We're both in the best shape of our lives and are still working to improve. My goal is to be mrs sea's "magic mike" lol. We get the normal aches and pains everyone gets but that's just part of life and you keep on going. I plan to live to 100 and hopefully never stop. Mrs sea has said more than once we'll still be at the SC's when we're 80.

Avatar for sharkhunter

If I live into my 100's, I will need to see lots of tits to keep me happy. :)

Avatar for just_the_nuts

If da juice mane aka da bade mane lives to see 100 may God help us all

Avatar for Danny206

Everything seems to point toward retirement planning that includes a club budget. Gawd, I hate delayed gratification!

Avatar for jabthehut

Still looking forward to it at 68.

Avatar for jackslash

When I hit 60, I knew I was old. But I don't feel old. I'm active, I'm in good health, and I'm enjoying life.

Avatar for Clubber

Age is mental. My body is 66, but my mind is still 12! :)

I never want to "grow up"!

Avatar for 4got2wipe

"Age is mental. My body is 66, but my mind is still 12! :)

I never want to "grow up"!"

Brilliant! I also plan to stay young at heart my whole life! :)

Avatar for warhawks

I only feel "old" in the morning sometimes when getting up out of bed.

Don't remember being that stiff before in previous years. But once I'm up, after a few minutes, I feel as good as I've ever felt. :)

Avatar for Mate27

Hey Clubber, I've heard the last thing that goes soft is your brain. I will probably never admit I'm old.

Avatar for farmerart

I finally realized that I was OLD when I was 63. I filled in at a rig pig's job for just 5 hours on an emergency basis and I like to have died. That was work that I formerly performed 12 hours a day with ease.

4 years later and in bad health now, I am really fucking ancient and decrepit.

Avatar for sclvr5005

No matter how old I get, I can't imagine not still hitting up clubs.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

I think it was George Burns who said something like, "A man can't help getting older, but he doesn't have to get old."

I've decided to live by that one. Time enough for being "old" when I'm in the grave.

Avatar for pensionking

I felt old when the last of my two parents passed away. At that time, it hits you that the buck stops with you and that there is no one there to bail you out. EVER. You're truly on our own. THAT'S feeling old.

Avatar for deogol

Shit.... now I ain't counting the years I have been on the earth, I'm counting down the years I have left (statistically).

That is when your getting old.

Avatar for Mate27

Cheer up! Life is great and enjoy what remains of it. For me it's my walks in the morning before it gets to be 100 degrees outside in the summer. A club visit during the day to escape the heat builds a bridge to a perfect bedtime around 9 PM.

I make for a shitty night clubbing partner. I just wait for all the 2 AMer posts from Shadowcat.

Avatar for ATACdawg

Old? I'm not old! Old by definition (mine) is five years more than wherever I am. ;-D

Avatar for pensionking

Some years ago, I used to awake every morning with a stiff cock. My buddy -- the EMHO. Now when I awake, every other part of my body EXCEPT my cock is stiff.

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