
Comments by farmerart (page 40)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    "You Fuck Good But You Can't Kiss Worth Shit"
    The same old story of my miserable life. My lack of socialization as a teen-ager and young man bites me in the ass once again. I shall struggle on. How pathetic is it that a 64 year old man must learn what normal guys learned when they were 18-25 years old?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    When plans go awry
    ^^^^^^Canada Geese?.......rats of the skies! One of the joys of living in an isolated area is the freedom to blast those buggers out of the air whenever they come within range of my shotgun. Even better is to catch a mess of them on a slough; you can get a half dozen of them with one barrel.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Saved by TUSCL.
    I haven't ever loaned a nickel to a stripper. Spent many, many $Ks on them. Even once gave $30K to a stripper to assuage my conscience for getting her blackballed. A loan?............Never.
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    11 years ago
    When plans go awry
    @georg, I have your general dog disgust for all German people. Too many latent Nazi tendencies reside in that population. Even in their dogs, part of the reason why cops like them so much:)
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    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dogs vs Cats
    @shadowcat, My dog's a bitch.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dogs vs Cats
    Dog guy here. Lots of feral cats on my farm. Mostly I just shoot those characters. Any animal that spends such an inordinate amount of time licking its own asshole has no place in my house. If my dog even has the same disgusting habit she doesn't assault my eyes by doing it in my presence. Daisy loves to splash around in the stream that runs through my property. If cats did the same I might not find them so disgusting.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dark or Bright Clubs ?
    Lighter rather than darker. I do my best work in the light of the day.
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    11 years ago
    When plans go awry
    My old dog is a great companion for me. I have been a shitty owner for her but she continues to adore me. Wish I had found a woman with the same qualities.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When I tried to log on about 24 hours ago and was blocked, I just figured I had a virus in my corrupted play computer.
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    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Game of Thrones Fans
    Game of Thrones??????????????
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    11 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Filipinas and Other Foreign Women
    I have no experience with pinays in clubs. I do have experience with pinays in Canada's long term care system for the elderly. My mom is in a long term care facility and I have hired private companions for her to supplement the institutional care that she receives. Currently, three different pinays provide extra care and companionship for my mom. These three ladies are the hardest working, most compassionate, and best qualified care givers that I have found for my mom. Sadly for these ladies, Canada does not recognize their nursing certifications from Philippines. Each of these three ladies is working two or three jobs to earn money to send back home to family in Philippines and, at the same time, studying diligently to qualify as RNs in Canada. I have unbounded respect and admiration for these three women. May I also add the fact that these three ladies are smashingly attractive?
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    11 years ago
    OT:Belmont Stakes
    ^^^^^^ Rats! Horse hung in the stretch, finished 10th or so. Gotta sell an extra three barrels of oil.
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    11 years ago
    OT:Belmont Stakes
    I have had brief entanglements with the thoroughbreds over the last 40 years. Two years of ownership of the animals 1973/1974 and happy off work hours at Hollywood Park in 1994/1995 while fulfilling a contract in California. It is the only gambling that I have ever enjoyed. I phoned in a bet with my Calgary bookie on Chuck Fipke's horse, Golden Soul, in the Belmont. Will know the results in about 30 min.
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    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    @Dougster, You are entirely correct about the Finns and WWII. However, their alliance with Germany was really just an alliance of convenience against the Finns' most serious threat, the Soviets. The Finns were stuck between a rock and a hard place in WWII. Their real aim was to retain the integrity of the territory of their country against the aggressive encroachment of the Soviets. No alliance with Britain, France, or any other Allied power was possible so the Finns held their noses and signed up with Germany. In the end, that decision cost the Finns a good chunk of their territory, lost forever to the Soviets. It was a tragic end for a pragmatic effort at self-preservation. Many Finnish-Americans and Finnish-Canadians returned to their home country to join the fight against Soviet aggression.
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    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    @SlickSpic, I have no great knowledge of the Pacific War. Others here will know much more than I do; I shall defer to them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Thou shalt always use cash. Thou shalt never prepay.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    @minnow, My intention in this entire thread was not a 'piss job' on the American war effort in Europe. It was merely an attempt to shine the light of fact on the dark hole of ignorance and propaganda portrayed as history in the movie, The Longest Day. Only a fool denies the value of the American war effort in achieving the goal of ridding Europe of the Nazis. A bigger fool insists that the Americans won the war all by themselves. To your points. General Patton? He was, by streets and yards, the best American combat general in Europe in WWII. After Sicily and Italy he was given only minor roles in the fighting. For D-Day he was left behind as a decoy in England. The Wehrmacht feared him so much that they looked on Allied High Command's use of Patton as a mere ploy for something deadly later. Why wasn't Patton given a larger role? He could motivate soldiers. He was respected by GIs who fought like hellcats under his leadership. I regard that as a failure of leadership by Eisenhower and his clique. Quality of mass produced armaments? The American mass production of heavy industrial goods was the saviour of the Allied war effort in Europe. The other Allies did not have the resources, the skills, or the population to come close to American capabilities. In addition, the Brits were being bombed by the Luftwaffe. American quality was very low, however, improving as the war progressed. You cite the P-51; no argument about the merits of that plane at all. But at the crucial times of the war, the Hurricanes and Spitfires were tops; the Churchills were a better armoured and gunned tank than than the Shermans; the Lancs were better and tougher than B-17s and B-24s. Lancs were assigned the much more dangerous night time bombing raids. No American plane could match the speed of the de Havilland Mosquito, the plane tasked with shooting down the flying bombs that the Nazis developed late in the war. The Rolls Royce Merlin engine in all its configurations was the best power plant that the Allies had at their disposal during WWII. What do you think powered the better American planes late in the war? American quality got much better as the war progressed. War of the Atlantic? You are really off base here. Starting from virtually nothing in 1939, the Royal Canadian Navy was the world's third largest navy by 1945. The RCN's prime task was convoy protection. Up to 1942, most convoys to Britain left from Halifax and were escorted by RCN to mid Atlantic where they were turned over to the Royal Navy and air cover from the British Isles. After that date convoys would leave from New York and meet with more ships from Halifax where RCN would take over convoy protection. US Navy capabilities were stretched in the early years of the war. Up until 1943 RCN had to escort returning US merchantmen from Newfoundland to New York because the US Navy did not have enough ships in the Atlantic. From 1944 until the end of the war RCN had full responsibility for convoy protection for the entire North Atlantic crossing. Of all the merchant seamen lost in the Battle of the Atlantic more than 10% of them were Canadian sailors, a very heavy price paid by a small country, population-wise and a much higher price than that paid by US merchant seamen. But, quibbling about numbers, quality, and capabilities misses the real point of all this. The war to rid Europe of the Nazis was a true WORLD war. It is just rude and unbecoming for you Americans to claim responsibility for the final result. Mention in this thread has been made of the Finns. The Poles probably fought Nazis in more different countries in Europe than did the troops of any other Allied nation. The Free French acquitted themselves admirably. The Indians fought gallantly in Italy. There were active underground fighters and partisans in virtually every occupied country in Europe.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lame excuses for visiting a strip club.
    I'm lost.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Percent of Time You Think about Sex?
    Tough question to answer, jack; very hard for me to quantify. I think that the time I spend thinking about business is really just sublimated sexual thought. Even so, I would put my percentage much lower than what you claim for yourself - maybe 50%?
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    11 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    Operation Overlord
    Thanks, SuperDude. You made me aware of my egregious misspelling of Eisenhower's name in my posts in another thread. I think that there would be no worry about the population of your country stepping up for duty in any genuine crisis. Almost every military venture of USA since WWII has had nothing to do with national self-interest and everything to do with politics. Politics is an area where honest disagreements will always occur.
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    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    What little credibility I might have had on this subject with you American guys must surely be shattered. I just realized from reading another thread that I have been constantly misspelling Eisenhower's name. Sheesh! I am such an idiot.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Does exotic dancing not pay as well as it did 10 or 15 years ago?
    I am too new to the hobby to have SC experience from 10-15 years ago. My Toronto sweetie, the stripper that I know best, is not complaining about her income stream. The national economy in Canada is in fine shape but could always be better. The local economy in Alberta is slowing slightly but is really rock 'n roll compared to almost any other part of North America. My personal economy allows me to spend whatever amount that I choose to spend on my SC hobby. There is no argument that the rational economic response to rising prices is lower consumption of the higher priced goods and services. During my three years in the hobby I haven't noted any significant increases in SC pricing in the clubs that I patronize.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    Sheesh! This is becoming the farmerart/Dougster love-in. Another perceptive, knowledgeable observation from Dougster about the Finns. Check out the story of Simo Hayha, the greatest combat sniper the world has ever seen. He is credited with killing 705 Russians during three months of the coldest part of the winter of 1939/1940 as the Soviets invaded Finland. The Russians could never get him. Hayha was finally seriously wounded but he survived and lived well into his 90s. It is a fascinating saga of a great warrior.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    Interesting discussion for a strip club discussion board. I make no apologies for my passion or my words about this subject. All that I am really trying to point out is the unattractiveness of American jingoism, something that Dougster concedes as existing. Many of the points that you American guys make just reinforce what I am saying. The point that Omaha was heavily defended is a perfect example. Poor planning, poor intelligence, poor leadership. The Canadian Army learned the pure folly of attacking a beach heavily defended from the heights after the catastrophe of Dieppe, Canada's blackest hours of WWII. I was wrong to insult the movie. The Longest Day is a good piece of entertainment. As a piece of history it is a travesty.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    OT: TLD
    Sorry, mikey02, you are living in a fantasy world if you really believe that. The facts are different. The main American contribution to defeating the Nazis in Europe was the overwhelming superiority of your system of mass industrial manufacturing. Your country could produce the stuff faster than the Germans could destroy it. It was sub-standard materiel but there was just so much of it. The Brits produced much higher quality planes, guns, and tanks. The Germans produced the best artillery and tanks of all combatants. Your country also had generals who were logistics experts viz, Eisenhauer, lousy as a combat general but pure genius at organization and logistics (and politics). The American military did not really distinguish itself admirably in any European WWII battle. Omaha/Utah was a fiasco. Anzio was no better. Getting caught by the exhausted Germans at the Battle of the Bulge was a disgrace of leadership. The Russian Army's men and women were the true heroes of WWII. They chewed up the cream of Germany's army so badly that the western allies mostly had only second stringers to fight in Normandy and on to Germany. Hitler sealed the fate of his armies when he invaded Russia in June, 1941 which was six months before your country even entered the war, mikey02. Your cheap shot at the Canadian Army is uncharitable. During WWII Canada had over 10% of its entire population in uniform; three times the participation rate of your country's population in the war effort. My country keeps no huge standing army but whenever my country deems its national interests at risk we always respond magnificently. Please note that I am not impugning the bravery or courage of your WWII fighting forces. Far from it. I respect and honour all who fought the Nazis in Europe during WWII.