
Filipinas and Other Foreign Women

Strip Club Nation
Sunday, June 9, 2013 10:21 PM
I was talking to a Filipina dancer the other day. I mentioned I know alot of guys who married Filipino women and are quite happy. She said something along the lines of, "Filipino women treat their men like kings. American men prefer us because we can cook, take care, and sexually please. Many American women cannot and that is why there is so much divorce in the United States." Do you guys find Filipinas attractive? Would you agree that foreign women are more feminine and have better attitudes than American women?


  • gawker
    11 years ago
    Tough to speak in generalities.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Lol @ the myth of submissive Asian women
  • rh48hr
    11 years ago
    I would agree with gawker. It's tough to generalize but relationships fail many times because of the inability on both parties to compromise or put their partners needs before their own. There are times you have to put your partners needs before your own. Most successful relationships will have this dynamic. Doesn't matter the nationality.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    I definitely find Filipina women attractive and this thread instantly reminded me of a convo I had a couple weeks ago Would I agree that foriegn women are more feminine and have better attitudes than American women? I don't know. I haven't interacted with enough of them to be able to say. However, a buddy of mine who I play Madden with online use to live in the states but is now in Japan and has been there for 7 years. Since I've never been to Japan or anywhere outside of the states, I asked him what the women are like there and he told me he likes them much more than American women. I asked him what's the difference and he named a few things, one of which was that the women there are more feminine. Now I understand
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    Why is "now I understand there"? I didn't type that. My post was suppose to end after feminine. That's what I get for typing on a smart phone at 2AM in the morning, lol
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    The question on foreign women really depends on if you've been abroad, which I imagine some of you haven't. From my experience, places like the UK and Canada(minus Quebec) tend to be similar to the United States. Places colonized by the Portugeuse, Spanish, French tend to have a different culture and thus different norms in interpersonal relationships. I got back from South America a few months ago and there is a big difference. Women dressed sexier, were more family-oriented, far fewer fatties. I even went out with some girls who insisted on paying for my meals/drinks. You'd never see that in America. I went out on a few dates with American women since I came back home, and it seems everything is always about "what can I do for her" rather than "what she can do for me". One asked me if I could take them shopping on the next date. I blocked the number.
  • SuperDude
    11 years ago
    Some foreign women fake the submissive role to marry a U.S. citizen, get in the country, become a citizen through marriage and then divorce the PL. I've seen it happen more than once, but I will generalize that this is a pattern or a plan.
  • Dain
    11 years ago
    There is indeed a difference between European and American women. Americans are much more coy and defensive about their sexuality. Europeans are much more natural about their sexuality and more naturally "equal" to males.
  • sinclair
    11 years ago
    Interesting is that the Phillipines and the Vatican are the only countries that do not allow divorce. Also alot of the traditionally Catholic countries like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland did not allow divorce until the last 40 years or so. Divorce is very much a Protestant creation (Henry VIII, Church of England?). The United States culture has been, at least historically, very Anglo-centric.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    I've met some Filipinas, including one of my current faves, and they are certainly attractive if they aren't too old. There was one I met once who should have retired from dancing when I met her. I think that part of the problem with American women is that the necessities of work interfere with the necessities of having and raising children. It's hard to raise kids if you are gone at work 8 hours a day, at least. I don't know if they have those issues in other countries, although it's possible this premise is wrong.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    I have no experience with pinays in clubs. I do have experience with pinays in Canada's long term care system for the elderly. My mom is in a long term care facility and I have hired private companions for her to supplement the institutional care that she receives. Currently, three different pinays provide extra care and companionship for my mom. These three ladies are the hardest working, most compassionate, and best qualified care givers that I have found for my mom. Sadly for these ladies, Canada does not recognize their nursing certifications from Philippines. Each of these three ladies is working two or three jobs to earn money to send back home to family in Philippines and, at the same time, studying diligently to qualify as RNs in Canada. I have unbounded respect and admiration for these three women. May I also add the fact that these three ladies are smashingly attractive?
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    I'm with Duo. Asian women have a submissive myth. I work in Monterey Park,aka Little Taipei. Asian women are assertive and not at all like the stereotype. Especially Korean women. They are demanding. Lots of Pinoy's in the nursing sector.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    I like American women. That's my problem.
  • txtittyfan
    11 years ago
    I definately prefer attractive foreign women over ugly ones.
  • Dougster
    11 years ago
    Feels too exploitive.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    Thread from [view link]: "American Guys are Wimps! Marry one so you can have a husband you can boss around!"
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    The submissive Asian female is absolutely not a myth. It doesn't exist much in the US but it certainly does in Asia. And nobody said you can't be submissive and manipulative. Asian culture is very different from any Western culture.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    Phillipinas are about the only Asians I am attracted to. This is probably due to the fact many have some Spanish mixed in as Philippines used to be a Spanish colony I believe. There are definitely differences b/w cultures so it stands to reason women (and men) can behave somewhat different in different cultures. Having been born in a different culture myself; and having lived my first few years of life outside the U.S.; I would say there is often a difference b/w foreign women and American women. As others have said – the only real way to experience this difference is to live abroad in their “natural habitat” per se. No doubt many of these foreign women become “Americanized” once they have lived in the U.S. for a certain amount of time and start behaving more like American women. I believe part of the problem was the women’s liberation movement – not to say it did not have its merits – but that is beyond the scope of this thread. But it can be argued that if women want to be “equal” to men as this seems to be the “American way” – that they trying to be equal to men will thus make them less feminine.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I have two good friends that met and married Filipino women while in the military. Both couples have been married for over 20 years. I don't find either woman attractive, but I think I'm a minority opinion on this board. As The Beach Boys, (or David Lee Roth) would say, I wish they all could be California....
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    ...and I don't mean Korean
  • 10inches
    11 years ago
    never screwed a filipina, but one of the best fucks I ever had was a Korean. man she knew how to suck and fuck. thought she was going to wear Mr. Happy down to a nub !!!!
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