Dogs vs Cats

avatar for motorhead
The recent thread by GSB inspired me to post this.

I like cats. In fact I prefer cats to dogs. But I'm not here to try and convince anyone to change sides. My point is that it seems almost "unmanly" for a guy toovs kitty cats. Have you ever paid attention to TV advertisements for cat food? You never see a male cat owner. It's always a 30 to 45 year old female - and unmarried is strongly implied.

Let's stop the prejudice against male cat owners! I know I will have one supporter.


last comment
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Typo "toovs" should be " to love "
avatar for jackslash
12 years ago
I like cats. Cats are like women, and my cat Exxtacy is like a stripper. This was my previous post about my cat:

Was my Cat a Stripper in a Previous Life?
Posted December 4, 2012 (Last Comment: December 6, 2012)

I'm beginning to wonder, was my cat a stripper in a previous life?

The evidence:

1. She is beautiful and graceful
2. She sits in my lap without being invited
3. She thinks only of her own comfort
4. She is totally selfish and self-centered
5. She ignores me when I want to play with her
6. She always does exactly as she pleases
7. If she gets angry, her claws come out
8. She acts affectionate and rubs against me only when she wants food
9. Her name is Exxtasy

I would get rid of this ungrateful cat, but I need a little pussy.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
"Devotion is a dead rodent delivered to your pillow at 2AM".
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Amen, shadowcat. LOL
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
Three cats and two dogs. An equal opportunity employer! I guess, technically, two cats and one dog are my sons. One cat and one dog are mine. At least that is how they were acquired. The SO takes care of them.
avatar for mmdv26
12 years ago
I have both. I spend more quality time with the dog because the cat doesn't like to be held. Not sure if there is correlation to stripper, except the dog likes to lick my ears.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
@Moto-As usual, you bring up great topics.
@Jackslash-Love your list. 100% correct.
@Shadowcat-Ain't that the truth. I grew up in rural areas and we always had a couple of mousers.
I love both dogs and cats and have no preference. They each serve their purpose. Anybody remember the commercial where the cowboys herded cats? 3-5 years ago. Great commercial.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago
Dog guy here.

Lots of feral cats on my farm. Mostly I just shoot those characters. Any animal that spends such an inordinate amount of time licking its own asshole has no place in my house. If my dog even has the same disgusting habit she doesn't assault my eyes by doing it in my presence. Daisy loves to splash around in the stream that runs through my property. If cats did the same I might not find them so disgusting.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Anybody have any favorite breeds? I'm partial to red dogs-Vizslas, Rednose Pits, Irish Setters, Redbone Coonhounds,etc. Just something about a red dog. Must've been "Where The Red Fern Grows" that did it to me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago

The slavishly, idiotic devotion of most dogs creeps me out. And the ones that *aren't* slavishly devoted make me want to shoot them. There'd be a shit load of dead dogs around my neighborhood if I could get away with it. Stupid fucking owners refuse to obey the leash laws and then bitch when their dumbass dog gets hit.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Damn, George. That's some vitriol against Man's best friend.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I grew up with and appreciate both, but I'm definitely more of a dog guy. I don't like the snotty cats that disappear and hide when I want to pet them. I get enough one way relationship with the wife. At least I get free affection from the dog, and not that way you bunch of perverts! Lol
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I have three dogs, that roam as they please amongst the horses on my ranch. I also have 2 cats who control the toad population for me. They are all fixed, and I take good care of them. My dogs are my favorite since the cats typically stay to themselves. I have a bloodhound, a german shorthaired pointer, and a boxer. Bloodhound stays by the house all day. My boxer runs around and bothers everyone all day. My GSP is my loyal sidekick who fearlessly follows me no matter where I go. He caught a blackbird yesterday in mid flight, and brought it right to me. Hes a good boy.
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago

Cats may be extremely careful about cleaning themselves, but they still do not have the same bad smelling breath as dogs. Lol
avatar for ime
12 years ago
Dogs all the way. If cats didn't shed everywhere and use a litter box maybe. But i can't stand the smell of cat piss at least dogs go outside.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Cats,because of their low maintenance.No worries about the litter box,when the gf comes over with here pooch the dog eats the cat shit.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I love pussy but I hate cats.....I've got 2 pitbulls full bread 100% the girls name is Mr. Bojangls and the boys name is Duke
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
What litter box? My cats have always used a pet door and then when they do their thing outside they cover it up.

Dogs leave their shit for you to step in and love to eat shit. I had a rabbit hutch when my kids were little and our dog just are their droppings like they were chocolate chips.

Farmerart talks about cats licking their asses. Don't tell me your have never seen a dog suck his own dick. :)
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago

My dog's a bitch.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Dogs=PL's-goofy,drooling,will do anything you ask.
Cats=Strippers-size you up,get ready to pounch,purr after the bank deposit.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
Dog guy here too. Grew up with hound dogs - beagles, bassets, dachshunds. Got myself a bloodhound and I love her. Excellent tracker and scent hound and she can smell a dropped cookie from a half mile away!
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
Yo, Juice! What kind of "bread" are your Pits, Sourdough or Pumpernickel?
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
@juice, I almost named my dog Duke... That was my second choice
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Slick - Actually Juice's dogs are a cross between Bull Dog & Shih Tzu. They're call BullShits.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
Lol Shadow
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
I have both. I live in the country and a cat helps keep out the mice. The cat only come near me when it wants something and requires little attention. The dog requires a lot of attention and care. They both have their benefits.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
I've had both cats and dogs before. Right now, just dogs. I'd say that dogs are superior to cats as pets. Two reasons:

1. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

2. Dogs come when called. Cats take a message and get back to you later.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
I am a Cat Lover!

Have two - a gray male & a black female.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
To be fair, my vitriol should properly be directed at dog *owners* who don't understand their responsibilities, and the breeders who are so greedy for a buck that they refuse to actually *cull* the culls, but instead sell them as breeding worthy.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
^ I'll agree with that George, I rarely ever blame the dog.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
no bad dogs only bad owners.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
Shadow that was legendary ! Lol....i bow down in the presence of greatness
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Given the right temperament, I prefer dogs. But cats can be extremely entertaining.

I saw this video the other day, still laughing over it.…
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
@Farmerart, I hope you'd shoot feral dogs too.
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago

Of course I would shoot feral dogs as well but there just aren't any of them around my place. I think the coyotes deal with them quite handily. The feral cats can climb trees to escape the coyotes. My own dog is a big ol' bitch and probably intimidates any strange dogs that enter her territory. She intimidates the coyotes, I know. She is bigger than any coyote.
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
We've started getting coyotes here in S. Carolina te past few years. They're a real pain in the ass...
avatar for farmerart
12 years ago

Gotta disagree with you about coyotes. I have been around coyotes all my life, fascinating animals to observe. They are smart, crafty, adaptable, unpredictable creatures. I love watching them work. A coyote is the only predator that I have seen take out a porcupine without getting speared with quills. That is a tricky manoeuvre. Even my old dog isn't that smart. Her one encounter with a porcupine resulted in a faceful of quills. Ouch!
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
I can't disagree about them being smart, but deer and quail hunting is big in my area and coyotes seem to mess up both... This is probably because they are so smart and work well together.

avatar for jester214
12 years ago
Yeah they're growing up here apparently. Every now and then I hear about someone losing a dog or cat to them.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
I had lots of animals when I was a kid and don't care for any now. I'm allergic to cats. However they seem to go straight for me when they see me and want to rub up against me. Reminds me of strippers. Except the strippers only rub off glitter and body perfume usually instead of some allergic hair. Well makeup too. I guess cats and strippers are similar. Give a stray cat some food and it keeps coming back and hanging around. If you give a stray cat too much food, it will keep eating and eating until it can't even walk straight. Yep sounds like some strippers if food and money were the same thing.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
"I had lots of animals when I was a kid and don't care for any now"

You should change your mind. Having the unconditional love of a pet will help you live longer.

I prefer Pussy Cats, rather than Dogs. :)
avatar for gawker
12 years ago
Did anyone smear peanut butter on your dick and balls when you were a kid and have your dog lick it off? Just asking.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
gawker - that's not cheating because it's your dog. :)…
avatar for goodsouthernboy
12 years ago
Omg..... That's hilariously disturbing to think about with my dog laying beside me...
avatar for snowtime
12 years ago
I have always preferred cats, but have had both and love all animals. They are all capable of unconditional love. All you have to do is feed them and provide vet care. I prefer cats because they require a lot less maintenance. All the cats I have had let you know when they want to go outside and do their business. Like others have said, dogs will do it anywhere and I don't like stepping in it.
Thanks, Motorhead, for the topic. I actually thought the same thing when I read GSB's original post about his dog's snake bite.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I like coyotes too, but they can be a nuisance. My old Put Trouble, he'd put a hurting on the coyotes where I live at. That was a good dog. Damn that cancer.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
Generally I prefer cats. Cats tend to be more worthy of respect than dogs.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
Grew up with dogs and they are my fave. Cats are OK...have had a few of them as well when I had a small apartment that didn't allow dogs. But my GSD & Huskie are my furry kids.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@goodsouthernboy: "They're a real pain in the ass..."

@farmerart: "They are smart, crafty, adaptable, unpredictable creatures."

Um yeah, that's *why* they're a pain in the ass. :)
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
I meant Pit. To many Native Americans(First Nation), the Coyote is the trickster. I always thought that WB did Wile E Coyote wrong. I've seen enough Roadrunner corpses in the southwest. While I'm at it, Tom was also done wrong. That Jerry...
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
If I had a cat I would call her kit kat
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
A buddy of mine raised wolfs for a time. There never seemed to be cats around, however.
avatar for SlickSpic
12 years ago
My homeboy had these two cats, Wu Tang and The Ruckus. They lived up to their respective names. Protect Your Neck...
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
I like to put dawg into that kosher ?
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