
When plans go awry

Tuesday, June 11, 2013 6:04 PM
I was all set to enjoy a couple of days if clubbing next week, and then my dog got bit by a water moccasin. Damn snake bites are expensive! At least my boy made it, back home from the animal hospital, sleeping on his own bed. Easy trade to make, and hopefully I'll find some money laying around to keep my clubbing up.


  • ime
    11 years ago
    Sorry to hear about your dog dude, at least it's goid news he's gonna be alright.
  • ime
    11 years ago
    Sorry to hear about your dog dude, at least it's goid news he's gonna be alright.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Man, that bites. Seriously, nothing sucks worse than having your dog in pain. If you have a good dog, you really do have a best friend. I'm glad that the dog is getting better. I lost a good dog as a kid to a Mojave Green. She was a good dog, half spaniel, half retriever. BTW, what kind if dog do have, GSB.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Thanks fellas, the club will always be around another time right? He's my dream dog, full blooded German shepherd
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Right on.
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    Good to hear your boy is OK. I have a GSD too and they are awesome animals.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Ditto. Glad to hear that the pup is back home and doing well. You've got to prioritize your best friend! Strip clubs will be there next month.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    As a dog owner/lover, I too am glad to hear your dog will recover. I have a few photos of my puppies at the end of my profile pics.
  • snowtime
    11 years ago
    Glad your dog is recoveing. Kudos to you for getting him prompt medical care. His unconditional love is certainly something you will not find in a strip club.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    My old dog is a great companion for me. I have been a shitty owner for her but she continues to adore me. Wish I had found a woman with the same qualities.
  • victor2
    11 years ago
    I am very happy to hear your dog is recovering.
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    OK, what I said in the other thread about dogs doesn't apply to yours. German Shepherds are damn fine animals.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @George-You got me laughing over here.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    It's alright George, he is amazingly devoted to me, but I kinda like it. Hell get off of his soft bed and lay on the hard floor just to be next to me. He doesn't run free unless I'm up and my family's property shoes not a neighborhood nuisance. The little fucker will try to eat a turn every once in a while though, I smack him on the head if I see it.
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    @georg, I have your general dog disgust for all German people. Too many latent Nazi tendencies reside in that population. Even in their dogs, part of the reason why cops like them so much:)
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    ^^^^ Any views on Russian Wolfhounds? English Bulldogs? Canadian Geese?
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    ^^^^^^Canada Geese?.......rats of the skies! One of the joys of living in an isolated area is the freedom to blast those buggers out of the air whenever they come within range of my shotgun. Even better is to catch a mess of them on a slough; you can get a half dozen of them with one barrel.
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    I thought pigeons were rats with wings. I do know that geese shit every other step and make a huge mess. That is why I have a water dog to retrieve them when I shoot them. Don't ever count on finding any woman that will be as faithful or loyal as any decent dog. Wanted: Woman to be wife, cook, clean, and must have dog. Send picture of dog! Lost: wife, last seen on local lake in my bass boat>>> Reward for return of boat
  • Daddillac
    11 years ago
    I have an English Bulldog, all white named munson. Best friend in the world
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Tiredtravelerdude -- maybe you should try to find a wife that will dive into the water and retrieve the geese when you soot 'em. Just don't train the dog to blow you 'cos that would be sick.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    ^ right Zip! That was you don't have to worry about your dog catching a cold!
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I had a fave dancer that was bitten by a water moccasin once – but I didn’t spend my club money on her treatment though – it’s not as if it was my dog that got bit.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    As our friend Jack Frost would say, "that's cold! Brrrrrr!"
  • farmerart
    11 years ago
    All this talk about water moccasins chills my blood. Another reason I don't like southern climes. And, another reason I like my -40C(-40F) winters in western Canada.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I would freeze to death up there but I'm kind of afraid to go out in my yard at night without a flashlight now. I've always hated snakes. I was in let smart buying dog food and saw a dude with a boa or python crawling all over the dudes bald head. It gave me the heebie jeevies...
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