Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, get your money and place your bets. If everything goes well, tonight will be a better night than last night at the sc. It was a ghost town last night. Anyways, good luck.
@motorhead I believe NFL training camp starts on July 25th and preseason games start around Aug 8th or so. Can't wait for football season to start, and for Hardknocks it doesn't matter the team the show is always good.
@Motorhead-Do you think the popularity of MMA has more or less to do with the decline of boxing than criminalistic promoters, bad and numerous organizations, and fan dissatisfaction?
I think it's a combination of all of the above. The popularity of MMA for sure is helping to put a nail in the coffin of boxing. As well as the factors you mention.
But pay-per-view has ruined boxing too. Back in the day (gosh I saw old) boxing matches were available on network TV. I remember watching Ali-Ernie Shavers in my college dorm lounge in 77. The room was packed.
Even the casual fan knew all the names - and just the big guys like Ali, Norton, and Frazier. But we all knew the likes of Jerry Quarry and Tex Cobb.
About the only guy I know now is Floyd Mayweather, and that's more due
Mayweather is actually a defensive and technical boxer. He has a persona, that's for sure. The media doesn't portray another side of Mayweather. Genaro Hernandez gave Mayweather his first title shot. When Hernandez passed away, Mayweather took care of all the funeral arrangements, payments, reception, etc. He's not the most exciting fighter to watch. I agree with you on your points. Especially the pay per view. That sucks.
I have had brief entanglements with the thoroughbreds over the last 40 years. Two years of ownership of the animals 1973/1974 and happy off work hours at Hollywood Park in 1994/1995 while fulfilling a contract in California. It is the only gambling that I have ever enjoyed.
I phoned in a bet with my Calgary bookie on Chuck Fipke's horse, Golden Soul, in the Belmont.
i too had golden soul-absolutely a pc. of shit!!! no excuses-horse shoulda been mowing down those tired horses in the stretch. this year's 3 year olds mostly garbage.
last commentWhen does NFL training camps start?
Go Pats!
But pay-per-view has ruined boxing too. Back in the day (gosh I saw old) boxing matches were available on network TV. I remember watching Ali-Ernie Shavers in my college dorm lounge in 77. The room was packed.
Even the casual fan knew all the names - and just the big guys like Ali, Norton, and Frazier. But we all knew the likes of Jerry Quarry and Tex Cobb.
About the only guy I know now is Floyd Mayweather, and that's more due
I phoned in a bet with my Calgary bookie on Chuck Fipke's horse, Golden Soul, in the Belmont.
Will know the results in about 30 min.
Gotta sell an extra three barrels of oil.