Yesterday, I recieved a message from a dancer that I had met a few weeks before. She was cool but slightly off, I figured probably a drug problem. Well she needed $300 to pay for a DUI. Theres my first big shiny warning sign. I told her no I dont loan money to strippers at the advice of my TUSCL peers. She then sent me five pics of her to entice my interests. Said she would do anything for the money. I then said ok, that'll work. Then as I was heading over there she called and said her roomates mom was there and she would meet me outside. I told her.I didnt have much time to visit. Then she said no problem just give her the $300 and shell get with me later. I laughed and said hell no, told her I wasnt coming anymore. She proceeded to flip,out on me. Then her boyfriend got on the phone and yelled as well. I thought to myself thank god for TUSCL, If it wasnt for this site I could of been robbed, or worse all over $300 bucks. Lesson learned thanks to you fine folks. Good job fellas and ladies.
Fuck that shit, Lion. I got an army of day laborerers and for $10, those wetbacks will do just about anything. They gonna ride and handle business. Nobody messes with TUSCL. This, is SPARTA!
Im not posting her pic on here. Her name is Christy and is not working at any strip club. She was recently fired Thats all thats neccesary. Idf she starts working again then ill,let you guys know. Until then, I wouldnt post pics like that of someone even if she did steal from me. A name is al that is needed. And a club if she starts at one again.
It might seem obvious to Experimental that a customer (I don't like to use the term "PL") shouldn't loan money to a dancer, without having read advice on TUSCL. But, I think that guys tend to fall harder for strippers than they might for girls in the general population. Therefore, it takes some extra control of oneself to deal with strippers. I'm glad Lionshare has benefitted from our advice. I wish I had TUSCL's advice before I started "loaning" money to strippers.
"Yesterday, I recieved a message from a dancer that I had met a few weeks before. She was cool but slightly off, I figured probably a drug problem. Well she needed $300 to pay for a DUI. Theres my first big shiny warning sign. I told her no I dont loan money to strippers at the advice of my TUSCL peers. She then sent me five pics of her to entice my interests. Said she would do anything for the money. I then said ok, that'll work. Then as I was heading over there she called and said her roomates mom was there and she would meet me outside. I told her.I didnt have much time to visit. Then she said no problem just give her the $300 and shell get with me later. I laughed and said hell no, told her I wasnt coming anymore. She proceeded to flip,out on me. Then her boyfriend got on the phone and yelled as well. I thought to myself thank god for TUSCL, If it wasnt for this site I could of been robbed, or worse all over $300 bucks. Lesson learned thanks to you fine folks. Good job fellas and ladies."
Copy and paste the entirety of the original post just to make a one noise response that isn't even a word?
Good job, Lionshare. If that was one of your first OTC attempts, it might have been tempting to keep going just to get some pussy. Good on ya for letting the big head do the thinking. Keep it up.
It was my first dancer requested otc. I was very cautious. She said her roomate was a cuban chick. Turns out it was her man, pimp, loser boyfriend. Either way, without this site I probably would have kept giing just to get some. Cautionary tales from you folks brought me to a better conclusion.
This story doesn't make sense to me. If the original intent was to rob you, why even bring up the mother and meeting outside? If the bf was going to rob you outside anyway, he could just wait till you show up.
Yeah – I think TUSCL definitely opens one’s eyes w.r.t. the games and scams many strippers constantly run.
I think many a custie not familiar with their hustle could fall into their trap.
If a female comes crying to you telling you a sob story and you have the cash to spare, you may want to give it to her thinking you are honestly helping her out of a jam.
Reading from other TUSCLers how these hos operate is definitely an education.
On several occasions I've loaned $$ (paid in advance) and have never been burned because I'm very selective to whom I prepay and its usually a situation where they believe there's a lot more where that came from ( and there usually is).
I'm so good at saying no, that the other day a guy in a wheel chair approached me in the parking lot asking if I could help him out. I told him I didn't have hardly any cash. He quickly moved on to try to bum money from someone else. A few months ago someone in the Walmart parking lot said he was in the army and ran out of money and really needed enough to buy some gas to go 50 miles up the road, told him I didn't have much, sorry. A few months some other guy tried to get a free handout in the same parking lot. I swear The Walmart parking lot is worse than a strip club now.
Maybe not, I still get strippers asking for tips after I tell them no thanks to dance requests. That happens more frequently than the lying bums trying to get handouts at Walmart. I have a similar opinion of both. Neither deserves money for nothing and they are both trying to get it just because they had success in the past. I do not believe all the stories.
The girl who asked for a ride first before she told me she was asking money for a taxi, I helped out by giving a ride.
TUSCL promotes a healthy cynicism about strippers. I'm a pretty trusting person and usually assume people are telling the truth. Stories on this forum have made me aware that strippers may lie and have kept me from getting ripped off big time. As it is, I have "loaned" my AFT and favs some amounts ranging from $50 to $300. None of the money has been repaid.
I loan money (that I would survive not getting back) to close relatives or friends, or people (generally dancers) with whom I have an ongoing business relationship. Been burned, but so far never by dancers.
Fellas, I dont know what her intentions were. I wasnt trying to make sense of it. I was just sharing the experience with everyone and pointing out that this site helped with my reaction to that situation. I may have handled the situation much differently had it not been for others experiences. Then who knows what would have happened.
I'm thinking that doogie howser has nailed it in calling you a retard because it is really retarded to post something on a public forum and then tell someone that what you said wasn't meant to be understood. On second thought that isn't retarded, it is fucking insane. I think you should seek psychiatric help...seriously.
I just learned how to handle such a situation if it ever arrived. Though 300 bucks would raise awareness, I'd probably handle it differently and then probably go to jail if it did include robbery
last commentSpent many, many $Ks on them. Even once gave $30K to a stripper to assuage my conscience for getting her blackballed.
A loan?............Never.
Good job, Lionshare. If that was one of your first OTC attempts, it might have been tempting to keep going just to get some pussy. Good on ya for letting the big head do the thinking. Keep it up.…
I think many a custie not familiar with their hustle could fall into their trap.
If a female comes crying to you telling you a sob story and you have the cash to spare, you may want to give it to her thinking you are honestly helping her out of a jam.
Reading from other TUSCLers how these hos operate is definitely an education.
I'm not saying anything of the kind. Don't attempt to read my mind.
I Better & more Educated one than yours.
Maybe not, I still get strippers asking for tips after I tell them no thanks to dance requests. That happens more frequently than the lying bums trying to get handouts at Walmart. I have a similar opinion of both. Neither deserves money for nothing and they are both trying to get it just because they had success in the past. I do not believe all the stories.
The girl who asked for a ride first before she told me she was asking money for a taxi, I helped out by giving a ride.