I need ideas for what to do with a stripper on a date. Obviously we are going to have sex, but that comes at the end of the date. Usually I take her out for drinks and dinner beforehand, but that's getting a little routine. Any serious ideas for an alternative activity? I was thinking of taking her to a strip club other than the one she works at, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not.
last commentAsk her what she wants to do.
Yeah Dallas, I have done that. She kind of looks to me as the guy to make the plans and is pretty flexible, so I was just trying to be creative.
Sounds like she needs to put her big girl panties on and make a decision once in a while. In the meantime do a movie or maybe wine tasting. Some high end neighborhoods have upscale pool halls. Be creative.
Spend a day at an amusement park. Girls like that.
OK, how about these "weird" date ideas:
Hit a flea market, buy cheap useless stuff, get all sweaty in public.
Go to a museum (Plenty of A/C, corners with soft lighting, laughable displays, occasional things of real interest)
Only try a strip club if she is also interested in women. Buy her dances.
Go to a 60's or 70's style dance club. Make fools of yourselves trying yo do the "shuffle," or "frog," or "twist." Laugh a lot and again get sweaty in public!
Picnic! A quiet place on a beach, or in the woods or even just a neighborhood park. She might think of something to do with her "flexibility" while you two are stretched out on a blanket with a little wine and cheese.
I have tried all of these with surprisingly good (if varied) results. If she has been stripping for long, she probably hasn't done a lot of "mundane" dating in a long time and may really like some of these.
You need to know what she likes and find common ground. Ideas of what to ask about what she likes might be regular night clubs the beach, the mountains or outdoor activities, shopping or strolling down a mall (I never ask about this because I rarely want to go shopping), what she does for fun, what you think is fun outside of strip clubs, any others?
If you ask, nine out of 10 strippers answer SHOPPING.
If you have a date with her you have to know something about her already. Just do dinner and see where it goes. Something fun after dinner more causal. Ice cream always works.
Take a paid tour of the city. The two of you might see things that you don't know about. The Detroit River tour at my 50th high school reunion was entertaining and informative, also a lot of clubs were pointed out that I had never visited. Try a casino if one is available and you can afford it. If she can handle it, try a light play or a musical at a nearby college or amature theater.
With 3 strippers that I have brought to my house, we spent several hours on my computer looking a TUSCL, etc. Also took one to the zoo.
Take her somewhere she is familiar w/ like Walmart :)
Or if you really really like her; take her to Vegas – you should get the puss for free if you do that.
shoe shopping, the way to a stripper's heart and more.
I think with the best of dates, you are taking the girl to do something you like and enjoy on your own anyway. No, I don't mean like shopping in the auto parts store, but something you like that women would also like, something made better with a woman on your arm.
Otherwise you are just doing it to impress her or to please her, and that is a bottomless pit. So diner is good, as you also need to eat, and with her you would probably go to a nicer place than you would by yourself.
Showing her your personal life can be good, if appropriate. Invite her to show up at your work place just before closing or before lunch. Give her a tour, and then take her out to eat.
Ever seen in 9 1/2 weeks, the woman ( Kim Basinger ) showed up at the guys office, uninvited. She was testing him.
I wrote before about an 18yo Latina super hottie with big tits who was coming on to me, and then obviously dressed for me and showed up in my office uninvited. I was uncomfortable and this showed. I tried later to patch it up with her, and it was no use. I had failed the test and I was done for.
Being welcome in your personal sphere, being seen with you, is something they look for and test you on. So better if you can beat her to it by offering.
What I mean is, try to show her what you are like, but try to draw a line when it is just stuff to impress or entertain her.
I think night clubs will be a problem when there is a age difference, and dancers are going to be good dancers. So I might not do that. I wouldn't take her to a strip club, because that is expensive and it would seem pointless. Look for things with a higher average age, and also for things which cater to well off and well educated people, as she might be new to this.
Performing arts can be nice, symphonies, plays, etc, but only if that is something you like. Though be aware that most of the other patrons will be conservative couples of the same age and married for decades.
I hope to someday have a big sail boat. I would take her out and teach her to sail. Then maybe on little trips where we eat on shore in different cities.
like: http://www.catalinayachts.com/yachts.cfm?act=model&id=90&sid=6
If you had a circle of male and female friends you were close to, that you could also introduce her to, that would be good. Have a lunch with her and some of these people. Let her have lunch with just the women.
Strippers are big girls, so you don't have to entertain them, just to make an excuse to be able to have sex with them. But if you can make them part of your ordinary life, I am sure that they will love it.
Well, I have seen the commercials for that new show on VH-1 "Dating Naked".
That might be fun.
Miniature golf is always a winner. Let her win without making it too obvious and she will want to console you later. Just don't let her smack your balls around!
I took my ATF to a firing range where you could "rent" all kinds of firearms and target shoot. She really got off on shooting a fully automatic machine gun. The visceral excitement of trying out lots of weapons was a great turn- on. She swore she got more than a little damp between the legs when she shredded a paper target of a man.
Someone mentioned museums. These are also good. All the more so if it is something which also interests you and if she will be able to see that. I am thinking here more of art museums.
Gawker: You took a known heroin addict to a gun range? Are you nuts??????? But I guess you like running on the edge to stay so close to that girl's drama.
Since she is a stripper, and you're paying for dinner and sex, and you and her will never be more than a business arrangement (if you're smart), then here's an idea: do whatever the fuck you want to do.
And if you're trying to impress her, why bother? It's not a real date. She's not a real girl. She doesn't really like you.
Sorry for being negative again, but geez, you guys who act like these girls are "dating" you cuz they like you or something. Get real.
Personally, what I'd do is have her dress up in some ultra sexy outfit and take her out and fuck her in public somewhere...maybe a parking garage or something....
And she'd probably feel more comfortable and natural doing something like that. Miniature golf? Does she even know what that is? :)
Jerikson, you can't understand having fun on a date? What do you do for fun, write scathing reviews of restaurants on the internet?
"Jerikson, you can't understand having fun on a date?"
Did you read what I wrote Mikey? Did you not understand it? My point is if HE is paying HER, why should he care what they do that SHE will enjoy?
If HE is PAYING, and she'll never be anything more than a business arrangement, why doesn't he choose something that HE will enjoy? If that's miniature golf, and he doesn't mind paying some hot stripper to accompany while he play miniature golf, the fine I suppose. But assuming he's not an idiot, I'm suggesting he thinks of cool fun stuff HE would enjoy.
I read what you wrote. You don't know what a fun date is. That's what the op was asking about.
"You don't know what a fun date is"
How the fuck do you know if I know what a fun date is? And why does it matter to you? The point is the OP should decide what's fun to HIM and do that.
He's asking a fucking question, not telling us shit about what he or she thinks is fun, and asking us to magically figure that out and come up with ideas that will work??
I can give a list a mile long, but none may apply to him. So the best he can do right now is decide for himself, not worry about some chick he's paying.
"Or if you really really like her; take her to Vegas – you should get the puss for free if you do that."
Dude, a trip to Vegas is some pretty expensive "free" puss... :)
It's like the guys who travel half way around the world, spending thousands of $$ on plane tickets and hotels, just to get some of that cheap pussy overseas...
These are all things I've done with success:
Dinner - Try sushi. I've found the art of eating raw sushi is something many strippers are ignorant of. If she's Bi and makes her face up about the fish being raw, a good pussy eating joke usually helps with that.
Horseback Riding - Make sure she likes horses though.
Comedy Club - Nothing like humor to break the ice.
Six Flags Amusement Park - This can either make or break the chemistry between you, so be sure you really like her and able to hold her attention through conversation.
Gun Range - Idk... There's something about guns that strippers see as a turn on (I agree with Gawker)
Strip Clubs - Only if she's bi and freaky and only if you go hopping to different ones in a single evening... If you're lucky, you may get a threesome (been there, done that). The key is to shut the fuck up and let it happen! Let her do all of the talking. You're just there to buy drinks.
Swingers Club - Nothing like watching other ppl fuck to get the juices flowing.
Concert - Make sure the artist is someone you both can enjoy, even if she's unfamiliar with their music. My CF loved Jill Scott at Chastain.
Before I go, let me say something directed @jerikson40. In my opinion, your comments are infelicitous. You don't know enough about his relationship with this girl to draw the conclusions you have. As you've already admitted, you are being negative and I think it wrong of you to dampen this guy's spirits. The truth is, when it comes to strippers, every situation is different.
My CF and I have NEVER exchanged money for sex. Our OTC friendship has never been based on that. To be clear, YES, I HAVE FUCKED HER but money does not and never has played a part in any of it. It truly depends on the girl and the situation.
Hey, Man, have fun on your date!
"You don't know enough about his relationship with this girl to draw the conclusions you have."
If he doesn't even know what she would enjoy, there is no relationship.
Yea, and that's the objective of dating... Getting to know each other for the purpose of potentially building one (relationship).
Again, you don't know what you're talking about! Unless, you know the two of them personally, by name, and you're equally familiar with the idiosyncratic intricacies of their friendship, you're not qualified to have an opinion worthy of merit, Sir!
Here's an idea - skip the date and go straight to the sex.
Jerk off son. You need to read more, think more, and post less.
Date ideas:
"Unless, you know the two of them personally, by name, and you're equally familiar with the idiosyncratic intricacies of their friendship, you're not qualified to have an opinion worthy of merit, Sir!"
Absolutely true. And neither are you, or anyone here. Including the OP, apparently.
I'm merely going by the fairly reasonable belief that the likelihood of a real relationship between a strip club customer and stripper (who is being paid for her time and her sex) is something less than 0.001%. Maybe one in a million. Therefore, treating a business relationship like this as a real dating relationship seems, well, misguided.
But I will gladly be proven wrong. Hopefully he'll update us next year and let us know how things worked out. :)
Tons of good ideas. Enough for ten dates. You are looking for GFE. My MO in past, shopping , thenbuy her panties and pair of shoes then a picnic in a guiet corner of a park. Spread the blanket and get lots of finger foods to feed her by hand. Sushi is great. Shrimp with cocktail sauce, strawberries. Have everything prepped in your cooler. She will appreciate the effort . and thought you put in. . Then DFK.
"Jerk off son. You need to read more, think more, and post less."
Lemme guess....Mr. SailMD has one or more "ATF's" who he's paying to act like his girlfriend, and he really thinks they are his girlfriends, and he gets really offended when someone suggests they're only there for the money. Which they are.
That about right?
Words of wisdom from a real life stripper. Keep this in mind when planning your "date":
"Dear regular who thinks they are my man,
You need to see this relationship for what it really is. Sure, I act sweet, interested, and like I actually like you. I don't. I hate the way you are so grabby with me every chance you get. I hate the way you try to grab my face in an attempt to mouth kiss me. I hate the way you act like you are giving me a massage and try and reach down and touch my pussy.
And I despise the way you think everything and all human relationships in life revolve around sex. They dont.
It grosses me out how your hands shake all excitedly when you try to touch me. Ugh.
But the worst thing is when you act like you own me. After our time is up and I am paid, I move on to the next customer. I don't need you "investigating" who else I dance for and do VIPs with. You don't need to compare yourself physically or professionally against ANY other guy. There's one reason I deal with ANY of you. Because you pay me. You aren't my boyfriend or my husband. You have NO say in ANY of my relationships. In or outside of the club.
You are guaranteed money to me, and that is all."
Good suggestions, except for JerkOffSon's comments, as usual. Thanks for all of the ideas.
@jerikson40: How can you say, "... And neither are you?" You're attempting to use my own words, initially directed at you, against me. However, your point is moot, seeing how I never attempted to voice an opinion on the matter; you did.
The man asked for dating suggestions and that is what I gave him. You began raining in his parade and I addressed your comments as being infelicitous. What the fuck are you talking about?
As for your negative attitude, it is obvious to me that you speak from experience (paying strippers for sex). As I will never deny being guilty of paying strippers for sex, I can also honestly say all of my sexual experiences with strippers have varied. As already stated, my CF (pictured with me in my profile) and I have never done anything sexual for money.
My point is this. When it comes to strippers, every girl and situation is different. You don't know what the situation is between this guy and his CF. Don't hate on someone else, because your personal experiences, thus far, have limited you to a myopic view of strippers. If paying strippers is all you've experienced, don't assume all of us are as limited in our respective experiences. Some of us actually get lucky sometimes and are able to form personal relationships with them. You should try it!
Chandler and Electronman have it right.
"You are guaranteed money to me, and that is all."
True Dat! In most cases, this truly is all that's going on. No one here is gullible enough to not know this. However, there are aberrations.
I'm sorry you've yet to be so lucky.
FWIW, I have never ever paid a stripper or hooker or whatever you want to call them for their time outside a club. And inside a club 90% of my experiences have been limited to VHM lap dances, and only very rarely FS. But never, ever, anything outside a club. So my negativity is totally unrelated to, as you seem to believe, bad experiences with OTC activities with strippers.
My negativity is based on reading over and over about guys who have this strange view that for some reason these girls really like them, and show absolutely no self respect, and waste all kinds of money chasing this dream that can never happen.
Ask anyone who knows anything about stripper psychology and they will tell you that a real relationship between strippers and customers is EXTREMELY rare. Now it's wonderful if you are one of the rare guys, and it seems you've got a fucking HAWWTTTT black girl. For that I'm jealous of you.
However, to assume that anyone else has or will have had your luck is going against all the odds. Yes, each situation is different, but in general, the honest objective customers and strippers here and elsewhere will echo what I'm saying.
What upsets me is seeing guys fawning over these women, feeding them shrimp and wine in the park, losing all self respect, when it is highly likely she is there just for the money and maybe the food.
If the guy is having fun, and doesn't mind spending money like that, then fine. But for you to assume it's a real, wonderful relationship, or possibly can be in the future, is just as misguided as my assumption she's only there for the money. And the odds seem to support my position far more than yours.
Sorry to rain on his parade, but I think it's better going into a situation knowing what you're really facing, and what the real situation is so you can make better decisions. But if all you guys want is "AWESOME, GO FOR IT", then when the guy gets crushed and used you might wish you'd rained on his parade a little more...
Or not...
Of course, you're right and to be clear my CF is not my girl. However, that doesn't justify voicing a negative opinion about a situation you know nothing about.
As for determining how "real" she is, it's probably best to NOT lead with the wallet. In most cases, when I've started off paying her, that is the extent of where it goes.
I see your point and I too hate to see guys made into suckers. However, it takes a while for some guys to learn those truths and even longer to learn the skills of discernment required to determine what's fake from real.
Why do you sound like a red ass with a popsicle stick stuck up your butt? We were talking about a date. You don't know what that is, do you?
"Good suggestions, except for JerkOffSon's comments, as usual."
Okay, well then fuck you. Go ahead, feed her shrimp in the park. Don't forget to bring a dozen roses too. Chicks love that. I'd also suggest hiring a violin player to play love songs while you eat. And then hand her tickets for the two of you on an all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas...and arrange for a limo to suddenly pull up and take you both to the airport. Make sure limo is filled with roses and "I Love You" banners.
Have fun. Let us know how she screws you.
In all my years of clubbing, I have only taken 4 strippers out on what I would classify as a date. I am picky in that regard. The thing that makes taking them out worth while is that it builds trust. Once they trust you, you will have much more "FUN".
Jerikson also doles out expert medical advice. He never went to medical school and has no experience but he has read a LOT of WebMD articles over and over.
"Jerikson also doles out expert medical advice. He never went to medical school and has no experience but he has read a LOT of WebMD articles over and over."
You're missing the point. People here don't actually disagree with me, they just don't like that I'm negative and rain on their parades. Or, god forbid, disagree with them.
Ask any experienced strip club customer or dancer if what I say is true, and I guarantee the vast majority will agree. I even posted a letter from a real dancer whose comments echo most strippers' thoughts.
Nobody will actually argue that with facts, they just call me "jer off son" because they have nothing intelligent to say, so they sling mud.
Kinda like you do all the time jester...
Here's a fact for you: You, by your own admission, don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Yet you respond half a dozen times in direct opposition to what the OP is asking.
But seriously, what was your intention? To rain on his parade? Convince him that he's a loser for wanting to have a pleasant evening with a stripper? It certainly wasn't to answer his question. I'll venture it was to be a dick.
Kinda like you do all the time.
I picked up a dancer at her apartment tonight ( not my ATF) and took her to a convenience store & bought her 2 packs of cigarettes, then to a coffee shop for coffee and a bagel, then sat in my car and talked for two hours. Then, she sucked mt dick and finished me off with a HJ. We're gonna get a hotel room later in the week where she promised to make me forget my ATF. Not a bad night for $25.00
Tske her to a strip club
"But seriously, what was your intention? To rain on his parade? Convince him that he's a loser for wanting to have a pleasant evening with a stripper? It certainly wasn't to answer his question. I'll venture it was to be a dick."
Be honest. You don't give a fuck what my intention was, do you? All you want is to find some way to prove your theory that I'm a dick. You don't want a rational discussion, you just want to prove I'm a dick. Maybe I criticized you long ago, or said something you disagree with, or whatever your reason. And there is NOTHING I can say to convince you otherwise.
Believe what you want, since you will anyway.
Way to go, Dude!
I remember the first date with my CF. It wasn't planned at all. After her shift, one Saturday night (Sunday morning), we met at a nearby IHOP, where she watched me eat everything in sight (I was starved)! She refused to let me order any food for her, because she was determined to lose weight and at the time was on some strict diet, as a result (she had hot chocolate only - I think).
Anyway, afterwards, we went to a Wal Mart down the street, where she proceeded to ask if there was anything I wanted (Not really a grand gesture, considering she had an EBT card). I, of course, gratefully declined her offer.
After that, we both went home. The first date really doesn't have to be anything grand at all.
As usual, you are right on point! I appreciate your posts - very insightful!
Again, you are, of course, correct in your assessment of how things work, in general, between strippers and their OTC customers. I don't think anyone disagrees with you on any of it. However, you seem to be missing the point.
I, like you, am aware of the stats and posses quite a bit of the same knowledge. However, the difference in our respective approaches is that I choose not to beat people over the head with it. To do so can come across abrasively and rub people the wrong way. If your true intent is to be helpful, insulting someone's intelligence isn't the way to go about it.
The first thing I try to remember, when making my posts, is that I'm not the only person with sense (and that I'm still relatively new). I take into account that there are those, in this forum, every bit as experienced and knowledge (or even more so) as I. Unless someone gets specific with me about something, I do not assume ignorance. I see all as my equal, until proven otherwise. You have a condescending tone that causes people to become defensive. Although I appreciate your candor, you must realize not everyone has a thick skin.
I've been misunderstood the majority of my life. As a result, I've developed an affinity for people and things given to misunderstanding and preterition. I believe you mean well and probably fall into this category. Therefore, I'm taking the time, in reaching out to you this way, asking that you consider some of the things I'm pointing out to you. The next time someone asks for date suggestions, just stick to the script and give him what he asks for. Do not assume he doesn't already know the things you've pointed out. Just stick to providing the information requested. I'm sure JohnSmith6 is a big boy and can take care of himself.
"I do not assume ignorance. I see all as my equal, until proven otherwise."
Wow, Pole_Doc, thanks for the reasoned response. I totally agree. The only area I'd have a small issue is the part about "I see all as my equal, until proven otherwise". I always try to do the same, but as far as TUSCL is concerned, for me, that point came long ago.
Between you and me, yeah, I hate to say it, but the vast majority of guys on this board really act like fucking morons. Just sort thru all the ridiculous alias posts of mindless drug-induced nonsense, and the incessant "you're a faggot" insanity, and it becomes clear that this is fucking 3rd grade.
But yes there are a few notable exceptions. And for them, the reasonable response you made certainly applies. For the others, who gives a shit? :)
See, here you go again:
"... the vast majority of guys on this board really act like fucking morons ... it becomes clear that this is fucking 3rd grade."
In all fairness to all who may choose to respond to these types of comments, you sound as though you're in a position of superiority. Now, granted, to some extent, you may very well be stating fact. However, that being said, it is unfair to pass total judgement on comments people make, when they feel as though they are under attack!
When you are condescending towards others, it is only natural for them to become defensive. When people say off the wall things in response, you can't totally blame them. Again, if your sincere attempt is to be helpful, you should be able to see where I'm coming from.
It was Frantz Fanon who said, "Mastery of Language Affords Remarkable Power." From your writing, it is clear to me you are educated and a man of erudition. Surely you can take the time to think about the words you post, before declaring them.
Then there is also, of course, Mom's aged old advice, "If you don't have anything good to say, it is perhaps best to say nothing at all. " I'm gonna work with you, @jerikson40. I think you really want to be helpful. We just need to work on your tact.
^^^Jerickson does not give advice. His head blows up when other people enjoys things he doesn't. Take this thread for example. There, boiled it down for you.
Did JohnSmith dude actually indicate this was a paid "date". If so, jerikson dude has a point.
But I don't think he said that (maybe I missed it in the back and forth). If this is unpaid (other than John dude picking up the costs for the actual date activities) the consider it a date and use on of the many ideas -- from the art museum to zydeco dancin' -- and have fun.
It could be in the middle -- she could expect money for the fuck but still want to hang out. Strippers are also women who want human contact (contrary to some assertions). Maybe John dude treated her with respect and she likes him, at least to some degree. If so, 'tis still a date. No scare quotes. The "date" comes later. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
Just don't suggest a drumstick up the "asswhole". That only works for the J-man. It ain't for amateurs!
After sleeping on this I have thought more. There are different kinds of night clubs. Some cater to college age people, and some cater to people who work a little bit older and work in offices. But either of these types is still more conservative than what your stripper does for a living. So I would say no night club.
Now there are two types of strippers. One type is on drugs and alcohol and has a new phone number every week and is always in trouble with the law and always getting restraining orders on ex's.
I assume that since you are posting about her, your lady friend is nothing like this and that she conducts herself responsibly, and likely is thinking about second career and retirement.
Consider Swingers Clubs. Now, there are two types of these two. The primary type, 80%, cater to people who are married and well off and claim to be open minded, but in fact are nothing of the sort. At a place like this, their women might huddle and declare your lady friend to be a paid escort and kick the both of you out.
But there is a second type. These cater to people who are younger, often not married, and usually less well off. These people really are open minded.
You could take your lady friend there. The two of you could watch other people having sex. You and she could have sex in front of other people.
Most of those who first start going to swing clubs only have sex with the person they came with. It is to see and be seen.
Much may go on in her strip club, but not this. Likewise, not getting paid is even more radical than doing it for money.
So she could really like this and really appreciate you for opening her to it.
Where are such clubs, two I know of are Club Kiss in San Francisco and Club Orage in Montreal. But maybe there are some others near you.
I talked about talking her to your work place, if that is appropriate. For her to get to meet the men and women of another social environment would be very good for her. Again, she would appreciate you for exposing her to that.
Maybe there are other things you would like to do, but previously did not have a beautiful woman to bring with you. So now you could start to do these things. Just so long as it is your own genuine interest, and not something invented just to baby sit her, I think it would be good.
Travel costs money, means time off work, and usually means continuing to maintain your residence while gone. But maybe there is someway to make it work.
I would never take her to a strip club. It is pointless. Also, she would expect you to be generous with their dancers. No good.
OP: Take her to a fun restaurant next to a Viet nail salon. After you have some food and drink casually notice that her nails are all fucked up and need a refresh. Go the nails salon and both of you have a manicure and pedicure at the same time. Sneak some beers in, usually they don't give a shit. Tell her she needs to get her funky eye brows (or some other body part) waxed too. It is really not that expensive and it is a lot more fun than it sounds.
Thanks for the many thoughtful and creative responses. I would have never thought of the swingers club, but I will look into it as well as other ideas.
I don't pay her for a "date,"but I do pay for the sex afterwards. I personally find a date before the sex to be a big turn on. It is erotic to me to interact with a beautiful young woman who is dressed in a sexy outfit with a low cut blouse and beautiful huge breasts poking out. If you don't get that, try it sometime and maybe you'll see.
In addition to being extraordinarily beautiful, this particular young woman is also very smart, articulate, funny, and a great conversationalist. I would enjoy being with her even if I didn't get to fuck her afterwords, although the sex makes it that much better. This might not be fun with many, probably most, strippers, but it is with her.
I get the fact that it's all about money for her. In 20 years of going to strip clubs, I figured that out pretty early on. However, the fact that a relationship is primarily based on business does not prohibit it from being real and genuine. For example, I am friends with several customers at work. A mutual business relationship is what brought us and keeps us together, but I still like them, interact regularly with them and their families, and enjoy being with them in social settings. The fact that our relationship is strongly based on business interests does not prevent it from being real or genuine.
I'm not in love with the girl, I don't plan or want her to be my wife or girlfriend, or to have my babies, or anything the sort. I'm not that much of a PL, and by using the term "date" I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. From the responses, I get the impression that many people know what it means to be with a dancer who is fun to "date" along with the sex.
If she is going out on a "date" with you, and then you are paying for sex, it is not all about money. Dates take time. She is going out with you and having sex with you because she likes you. She is taking your money because you are offering it to her. Don't worry about it, it will all work out its own way.
The standard "I know strippers are all about the money, but they seem to genuinely like me beyond just my money. No I didn't just contradict myself!" thread.
You forget I suggested (among other things) swingers clubs yesterday.
^^^^^ homo
This girl likes being with you. She likes dressing like she is a paid escort when she is with you, because she knows that that is what you like. She is having at least as much fun with you as you are having with her. You pay her some, so it shows that you are concerned about her. But money alone could never buy the times you and she must be sharing. Just enjoy it.
^^^^^ homo
San Jose Guy sez: "She is going out with you and having sex with you because she likes you. She is taking your money because you are offering it to her."
Probably true. I'm sure you could not even pay her and she'd still go on the date AND have sex with you.
Pole_Doc suggests: "Mom's aged old advice, "If you don't have anything good to say, it is perhaps best to say nothing at all. ""
Mikey sez: "What do you do for fun, write scathing reviews of restaurants on the internet?"
SailMD sez: "Jerk off son. You need to read more, think more, and post less."
JohnSmith69 sez: "Good suggestions, except for JerkOffSon's comments, as usual."
Douqster sez: "homo"
And on and on....
Or maybe Mom's advice only applies when you're addressing people you like huh?
Oh yeah, and of course Mikey sez: "Why do you sound like a red ass with a popsicle stick stuck up your butt?"
and Jester sez: "But seriously, what was your intention? I'll venture it was to be a dick."
and Mikey sez: "Jerickson does not give advice. His head blows up when other people enjoys things he doesn't."
I always find it interesting how I'm fair game for getting scolded about negativity and "if you don't have something nice to say", whereas all this other shit goes on and nobody says anything.
Hence my belief that the majority of people here really do act like fucking hypocritical 6 year olds.
You're correct. I did take the time to "school" you, because as I've said before, I have an affinity towards people and things misunderstood and pretermitted. I see you being in this category. I also "picked" on you, because I knew my words would be "heard". Also, I don't believe in "...casting my pearls before swine..."
If you don't believe me, go back to the "hey lopaw" discussion and read how I defended you earlier! I could've dug in further but why?
Of course we really don't know what you are intending with this lady. Maybe you don't know either, and so this is why you are posting. This is also why I find this thread amusing.
Has she been to your home yet? Have you taken a bath with her yet? Has she stayed overnight? Do you have to set an alarm clock to make sure the two of you don't just fall asleep together? Has she made your breakfast yet? Does she call you on the phone when she has problems, yet? Does she check for evidence that you may be seeing other women, yet? Does your P4P money seem to be going further and further with her, yet? Have you figured out that P4P does not really give you any protection, yet?
Last night I tried some to imagine you and imagine her, and then to imagine strippers and other women I might have known who might be like her. I try to limit my thinking to those I have actually met and talked with some, as opposed to just seen in pictures and videos.
There is no shortage of girls with high voltage sex appeal, and there's also lots of others who are phenomenal in the bedroom. There have also been a bunch who I could see as being my intellectual and spiritual partners in creative ventures. You might call these last, hipster girls.
But the women most sought after for public companionship have always been in a special class, hetaira.
Of course they were beautiful, but what they were most noted for was their intellect. They were not like these hipster girls, who would see themselves as co-equal partners, rather they knew their place. They listened much, and when they talked it was to validate you. So they were always welcomed into social situations, where as the wives were left at home.
In Ancient Greece most of these hetaera were not Greek, they were Ionian. So being foreigners they could not really aspire to becoming wives of prominent citizens. So it was a good and workable situation.
I have not known many women who are like this, except for a few Asians. One I think of in particular could probably best be described as a professional courtesan. She was here from Hong Kong. She was already past retirement age in her country and she was financially fixed. The reason she was here was just to try and extend her working career a bit longer by doing GFE sessions in AAMPs. Far and above all the other AAMP girls she was the smartest and the most pleasant to be around. The others would often reveal their ignorance by saying stupid and disrespectful stuff. But never this Hong Kong courtesan.
She explained to me how things usually worked in her country. Business executives would text her, inviting her to accompany them on overseas business trips. They would describe the parameters of the trip, and also offer her a substantial gratuity. Of course usually she would accept. Of top of this she would always be offered opportunities to invest her money into ventures which were all but guaranteed because of government collusion. She has led a pleasant life, as have all of the people around her.
40 Days and 40 Nights http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0243736/?ref_=nv_sr_1
This is a hilarious movie, set in a fantasy version of DotCom San Francisco. One guy, distraught over an old girlfriend, decides that the only way to get her out of his head is to give up sex. He decides to give up sex for Lent.
His brother is a Roman Catholic seminarian, and so he instructs him in all the rules of total celibacy.
Of course his office workers think this celibacy is just a big joke. They start a betting pool on when he will break. Then some of the women take it upon themselves to try and break him. First they are just doing it for the money. But then there comes in a second reason. They see, what actually should be obvious, that the whole reason for celibacy is just to take power away from women. Of course they are not going to stand for this. So two of them corner him in a supply room. Like all the women in that office they are in mini-dresses, high heels, and makeup. They hand him a contract where they have disqualified themselves from the pool money. Then they start open tongue kissing. And it's just like in strip clubs, it's a show of female power. He is reduced to a quivering mass.
Well, I won't spoil the movie. But I would suggest that all the rules of patriarchy exist simply to take power away from women. Celibacy yes, but P4P also is intended to take power away from women. Thing is though, they find ways to turn the tables. Good thing too, as these patriarchal rules have caused nothing but harm.
I suggest Genesis ch 38, the matter of Tamar and Judah, as an example of how the tables can be turned.
Now in modern America, we seek to dissolve all the social strictures, and especially the most basic one, that which divides women into two categories. So every girl now gets a chance to wear every kind of hat. This is why yours is having so much fun with you going out with you and showing so much cleavage.
But still we are left with the problem of where does it all go? I plan to write more about this soon.
Anyway, just have fun and enjoy, as you are clearly way beyond the point where turning back could be an option.
I have had three different dancers out to Rancho farmerart for sex visits. Outside of the sex stuff here are the various "date' activities:
Cross country skiing and snow shoeing - failure
Ski Dooing - another failure
Shooting my rifles - big success
Mowing the grass in my yard (tractor) - amazingly, another big success (girl had never driven a tractor before)
Looking at my flowers - big success
Pulling weeds in my flower beds - big failure
Watching me work in my machine shop, handing me tools as needed - success for 30 seconds, then.......epic failure
Sitting on verandah listening to tunes blasting at 200 decibels from my entertainment centre - epic success
Drinking beer with Fat Farley and the boys at the local watering hole - failure for the girl....big success for me with the boys
Cooking with Chef farmerart - success
Drinking the contents of farmerart's wine cellar or whiskey cellar - failure
Canada Day fireworks - monster success
I don't have a perfect batting average with stripper date activities.
One other idea would be a waterpark with her in a bikini, of course, bodies getting wet and shiny, holding each other as you slide down the runs. Should be very arousing.