To Lie or Not To Lie

avatar for SlickSpic
This weekend I ran into two situations with cute chicks where I chose integrity over the possibility of pussy. These two cuties were civie gals that I met-one on Friday and one on Saturday. Here's what happened.

I met the first gal on Friday at a live music venue. We were near one another, bobbing our heads to the music, and also checking each other out. I caught her glancing at me and went on over to introduce myself. We chatted it up a bit before I asked her to dance. We danced for a good 15-20 minutes before we decided to sit down ans hydrate. Conversation turned to dancing and she let me know that she studies belly dancing. Cool. She also wanted to know what nationality I was. She guessed Armenian then said maybe Persian. When I let her know that I was Latin, there was a look of defeat in her eyes. I guess she really wanted me to be something that I wasn't. From there on the chemistry fizzled. Strike number one.

The second chick I met was at a bbq/pool party at my friends house. I was cracking some strangers up when I noticed this real cute chica hovering close by, laughing at my stupidity. I started talking to her and we hit it off. We got some bbq and ate together. After the meal, we danced a bit. Everything was real cool. That is until age got brought up. She told me she was 20 and asked my age. Once again, integrity reared it's ugly head and I said the truth, 38. Strike number two for the weekend. I guess that 38 was too old cause after that, she cooled off towards me.

These were two civie gals and I wanted to be on the up-and-up. They both were cute and my type. Obviously, I was their "type" inside of their minds until I burst their bubble about who or what they that I was. I figured that if something long term happened to come about meeting either one of these gals, I didn't want to lay the foundations of future drama with present lies.

By being honest and planning ahead, I ruined what might've been two good opportunities for civie gal pussy. Should I have gone for the short gain and lied to get laid? If I had lied and things got complicated in the future, the blame would be squarely on me.

What should I have done-To Lie or Not To Lie, that is the question.


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avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Thats a tough one. In the long run you probably did the right thing.
avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
I see no reason to have lied just to get laid. If they were so shallow that they were attracted to you, *until* your nationality or age came out, then it almost assuredly wasn't worth it.

Hell, I don't even lie to strippers. If I don't want to tell them something, I don't. They can take me as I am, or somebody else will. *That* little truth has been tested over and over again.
avatar for JohnSmith69
10 years ago
I have a friend who lied to a civie girl he met on vacation. He told her he was a doctor. It turns out he fell in love and wanted to marry the girl. Of course he eventually told the truth and she almost left him but somehow they got past it and got married. But she turned out to be a real bitch and divorced him 10 years later, taking his money and kids. Not sure what the moral of that story is but it seemed relevant to your situation.

To be honest I probably wound have lied to them to get pussy. But of course how do you know that that is really what I would have done since I'm telling you honestly to lie. Bottom line here is you really couldn't lie because you didn't know what story to tell to get pussy. The 20 year old could have been into older guys, or the first girl could have liked Latins. When you can't tell whether a lie will really increase the chances of pussy I guess you might as well tell the truth.
avatar for pensionking
10 years ago
Tell her you're an American! Most of us are mutts by now, anyway.

I don't answer shit -- laugh it off or make a joke out of the question.

Why? Like the line from Ricky Roma in Glengarry Glen Ross: "I'm gonna tell you something you'd know if you'd ever spent a day in your life: You never open your mouth until you know what the shot is."
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
Honesty is the best policy
avatar for Corvus
10 years ago
To answer your question here is a list of everything men know about women:

Enough said?
avatar for Pole_Doc
10 years ago
NEVER apologize for who you are! You can NEVER go wrong being yourself.
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
Sometimes a question doesn't deserve a full answer. I.e., are you Greek, Armenian? I'm 100% American. My ancestors are from all over the world. Why do you want to know? How old are you? Old enough to know better and young enough to think you're hot. Does it make a difference?
avatar for ATACdawg
10 years ago
The truth shall set you free! (but first it will make you miserable!) ;)
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
Damn, these girls don't have love for the Latinos? Shit, I love me some Latinas!
avatar for Experimental
10 years ago
So you lie and fuck them. I've been there and done that and to me sooner or later when the lie is discovered what comes next no pussy is worth.
avatar for jackslash
10 years ago
"I chose integrity over the possibility of pussy."

You violated the man code.

avatar for deogol
10 years ago
Should have asked her if she was racist or something.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
I always find it funny how so often women will tell you how shallow men are, but women are so freaking "deep" and love men for who they really are.


Women are, in general, the most shallow creatures on the planet in spite of what they want you to believe. The list of reasons a woman won't date you is a mile long.

I'm about 5'11', but I'm so glad I'm not short. Because 95% of women will NOT date short guys. No way. And between them it's obvious. Just watch women discussing short guys. They all agree, it's obvious, no short guys.

But will they ever admit it? Of course not. There was a "candid camera" type of show a few years ago where a group of women were given a choice between three men, and they were secretly filmed deciding who they'd choose. Hilarious.

Anyway, women want tall, dark, handsome guys, who are bad boys on the outside but good boys on the inside, young and rich and good providers, and on and on. An incredibly shallow list of requirements.

And nowadays, with the "internet/Facebook/instant-gratification/like-dislike with the press of a button" age, I think it's getting far more shallow. These girls clicked the dislike button and poof, you're done. Shallow, ridiculous, but such is life.

Personally, while I'm a very honest guy, I'm starting to think that long term marriage commitments aren't something I'd recommend for a guy. So if you want some pussy, do what it takes, and be as shallow as these women are. Sad to say, but you're probably better off just doing the "hit it and split".
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Hey I know !!

When the chick asked you what nationality you are, say "Does it matter???"

Then watch her trip all over herself trying to prove to you she's not a shallow bitch, which she obviously is.

Ask her "You're not one of those judgmental racists are you?"
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Be a man, take control of the situation. Put her on the defensive. Act shocked that she would even ask, and then start to dismiss her as a racist, and take your drink and walk away. See if she comes running after you to proved she's not a racist...
avatar for mikeya02
10 years ago
^^^ "95% of women will NOT date short guys. No way"....Hahaha

Is there some weird nerd book that you get your stereotypes, blanket
statements and bullshit stats from?

Or did a stripper break your heart, therefore they are bitches and shallow and talk on their cell phones too much like cunts?
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
"Is there some weird nerd book that you get your stereotypes, blanket
statements and bullshit stats from?"

Is there some weird nerd book that you get your beliefs from that are always in opposition to what I say? Any facts whatsoever? Or do you just like to give me a hard time because you don't like me?

Yeah, that's it.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
Here's a revelation, jerkoffson. No one likes you.
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
Dancers and other women that I meet socially always seem to ask me - What do you do?

Invariably, I am not believed when I tell the truth; that I have my own oil and nat gas E & P company. Now I tell them that I am a mechanic, truck driver, financial analyst, welder, farmer - any trade or occupation that I can talk about with knowledge and confidence.
avatar for Dain
10 years ago
Tell them what you've told us--that you're Argentinian. Most girls don't think of that as Latino. As for age, tell them thirty; that seems to be the upper limits for girls under 25. I passed for 30 till I was forty and boned about fifty civvie girls that way.
avatar for SlickSpic
10 years ago
@Dain-The Argentine deal has helped with blondes not into Mexicans/Central Americans. The first girl wanted me to be something I'm not-She's into belly dancing/Mid East culture. Oh well.
avatar for alabegonz
10 years ago
Really doesn't matter how you answer it, the important part is projecting the calm-cool-collected personality. With that kind of attitude, you can say anything you want and still score high.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
Slick -- correct move both times. The what nationality are you question pisses me off to no end as I always say American and no one is ever fucking satisfied with that, wanting to know where my family "comes from" I tel them America and in reality the chances of me saying somewhere else after we've been here for almost 200 years is zero.
avatar for jester214
10 years ago
"A stiff prick has no conscience."

Obviously we all have things we wouldn't lie about to get laid and I can see how ethnicity/nationality would be one of them.

But age? If you're just trying for a roll in the hay, why not.

If you're actively looking for more then obviously no point in lying.
avatar for chandler
10 years ago
Sometimes I lie and tell strippers I'm part black. Then I ask them to guess which part.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
I'll tell hot stripper moms who rattle off endlessly about their kids how much I LOVE kids and babies and all of that shit just to get in their pants. Works every time.
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