Okay, I'm going to ask for everyone to submit their Top 3 or Top 5 or whatever candidates for the Hottest Chick on the Planet.
Now this is difficult because it's limited to girls who can be searched on the internet, not some hot ATF who nobody else knows about.
Okay, I'll start (no particular order, there is no best):
1. Aileen Taylor: a German internet model who does some insanely hot web videos. This chick has an almost perfect body, long bleached blonde hair, INSANE tits, and is just fucking NASTY hot. And she really knows how to move and tease and be insanely hot.
2. Valerie Cormier: holy fuck this chick also has an almost perfect body. Insane tits, long blonde hair, and a very hot (though not perfect) face.
3. CJ Miles: no, not the ball player, she's an Asian (maybe Filipina?) with the hottest Asian face I've ever seen, a perfect, tight, spinner body with incredible tits, and also knows how to move for maximum boner effect. Her tits aren't super huge, but they are absolutely perfect for their size.
4. Ashley Lawrence aka "Fembomb": a bleached blonde MILF with the tightest and most perfectly chisled body that ever existed, and the finest examples of fake boobage I've ever seen. The guy who did those was a genius. Many examples of her fotos and vids all over the web.
Fuck yeah. She's #5 on my list. Fuckin' Brazilian chicks are the hottest on the planet. If you've never been to Brazil, especially Rio, chicks like that are all over the place. Walked thru the mall in Rio with a boner the entire time. And they dress like hookers. Well, cause many are in Rio...
BTW, speaking of Brazilians I almost forgot. The hottest "black" chick on the planet is actually a Brazilian named Darlene Silva aka Tyra Lex. Especially when she sporting her long blonde hair look. Holy fuck if I saw her in my favorite VHM/UHM lap dance club my life would be complete.
I've never been to Brazil, but I've heard a few times that there's a high volume of very attractive women over their. I'm sure it's a sight to see, but it's probably very intimidating as well.
My oh my, if I got to fuck Suelyn, my life would be complete. She's a 12 on a scale of 1-10. I wonder who is the lucky motherfucker that is hitting that.
At the present time, my favorite "hot chick" is Melanie Iglesias. She's hot, not over the top, and has a great sense of humor. I love her smile. Check her out on Guy Court, Guy Code or Girl Code.
Unlike many Celeb Jihad posts, which are fakes (but fakes with hilarious commentary),I'm fairly certain all of Emily's are real. That chick LOVES to show her tits. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
OK, the fake double anal is pretty cheesy, but Hermione is still a major league hottie.
And the Celeb Jihad commentary is frickin' HI-LAR-EEE-OUS. And doin' a DP with Hermione would be LEGEND-wait for it-DARY!! Me up her asshole and Dobby the elf in her pussy! WEEE-YAWWW!!!
But I draw the line at double anal. Me and Dobby ain't close enough to rub our dicks together in Hermione's magical poop chute.
(I shouldn't have to say this but I'll add a disclaimer for the too literal minded pervs -- Emma Watson is an actress who played Hermione in the movies. Dobby the elf is fictional. And CGI if I recall correctly. But I do suspect Ms. Watson's poop chute is magical...so WEEE-YAWWW!!!)
To me this is like picking the 5 movies you'd want to watch over and over for the rest of you life. I find it hard to say who is hotter between Zoe Saldana, Alexis Texas, or Alice Goodwin to give 3 examples. They are each hot in their own way, I'd want to get busy with all three, and with lots of other chicks if I had the chance. And of course there's a lot of stuff you can't tell by looking, like will she groan and moan with you, will she get wet with you.
Sorry GV but you can find a Suelynn that is less shapely. She use to date a sugar daddy/fashion mogul who took care if her. Now she seems to be married, with a family, and happy. Good for her.
I can't vote for anybody who doesn't have any nipple shots that come up in a Google search. And of the ones listed who do show some nudity, I don't consider over-inflated fakes to be my favorite kind of tits. I wouldn't kick any of these women out of bed. I'd probably get dances from any of them in a strip club. But I am going to have to think about it to come up with my idea of the hottest.
My definition of "Hotness" has to include her skills in the bedroom. There are plenty of beautiful women, sexy looking women, and hot in the sack women. My hottest would have to have a combination of good looking face, hot body (of which there are different types), a good voice (one I don't find annoying), good BBBJCIMNSNQ with DT skills, Has to know how to move her ass in the sack and love every minute of it. She would have to be bisexual as well.
I can't think of anyone who has that ALL right now but the best BJ queen to catch my attention is Heather Brooke from Icandeepthroat.com.
Holy shit, this chick is hot and NASTY !!! A body that is made for getting fucked.
Now, as far as the guys who think fake tits are "grotesque" or whatever. Honestly, I've always thought that the only people who call big, fake tits "grotesque" are flat, ugly women who are so fucking jealous of hot girls with big tits that they find reasons to knock them down.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't imagine a male not liking big tits, whether natural, implants whatever. Who gives a shit if they're man-made?
Oh I do like big tits, and I don't care if they are man-made. However, if they are man made, they should be well done, especially if they are being held out as an example of near-perfection. Here is a handy checklist:
1. I would like a little mystery. I'd rather not know they are fake from the parking lot.
2. I don't want the skin stretched so tight that they look like a pin prick would deflate them.
3. I'd like the nipples to be roughly the same height and pointed in roughly the same direction.
4. I'd like the nipples to not be unnaturally high on the breast or unnaturly to far inside or outside.
And Jerikson40. You're wrong. Fake boobs are a big turnoff for this male. Especially if it involves touching. And since we're on a strip club site, it does.
@jerikson dude...you do realize that Art isn't talking about the 90 year old O'Hara, right?
@Art... alas, it is hard to judge. While O'Hara was undoubtedly a hottie back in the day, he day did not have continual stream of nip slips, up skirts sans panties, and general drunken sluttiness that characterizes today's HollyWOOD. And I like to be able to google a stars name plus the word "nude" and see some tits. That's just me and my pervo ways.
@Slick... well, I did once google the new Wendy's girl hoping for some T&A photos. Her name is Morgan Smith Goodwin. Alas, no easily accessible shots o' tits, ass, or bush. But there are rumors of a sex tape. We can only hope it was really dirty shit...WEEE-YAWWW!!
last commenthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?…
Fuck yeah. She's #5 on my list. Fuckin' Brazilian chicks are the hottest on the planet. If you've never been to Brazil, especially Rio, chicks like that are all over the place. Walked thru the mall in Rio with a boner the entire time. And they dress like hookers. Well, cause many are in Rio...
I've never been to Brazil, but I've heard a few times that there's a high volume of very attractive women over their. I'm sure it's a sight to see, but it's probably very intimidating as well.
Shame Suelyn didn't get her tits out
But c'mon pervo brothers. You need to be posting links to nekkid pics of these beautiful chicks. For example, Emily Ratajkowski:
Unlike many Celeb Jihad posts, which are fakes (but fakes with hilarious commentary),I'm fairly certain all of Emily's are real. That chick LOVES to show her tits. WEEE-YAWWW!!!
OK, the fake double anal is pretty cheesy, but Hermione is still a major league hottie.
And the Celeb Jihad commentary is frickin' HI-LAR-EEE-OUS. And doin' a DP with Hermione would be LEGEND-wait for it-DARY!! Me up her asshole and Dobby the elf in her pussy! WEEE-YAWWW!!!
But I draw the line at double anal. Me and Dobby ain't close enough to rub our dicks together in Hermione's magical poop chute.
(I shouldn't have to say this but I'll add a disclaimer for the too literal minded pervs -- Emma Watson is an actress who played Hermione in the movies. Dobby the elf is fictional. And CGI if I recall correctly. But I do suspect Ms. Watson's poop chute is magical...so WEEE-YAWWW!!!)
Of the ones you guys have mentioned, I like Melanie Igelsias and Emily Ratajkowski the most
Patricia Ford
Asa Akira
Apparently Michelle Keegan Instagramed a selfie o' her magical fun bags and deleted it 8 seconds later. Oops!
Here be some Keegan Tit-TAYZ!!!
I can't think of anyone who has that ALL right now but the best BJ queen to catch my attention is Heather Brooke from Icandeepthroat.com.
To be perfect, she would also have to cook, clean and do windows.
One of the top 3 hottest women on the planet:
Armie Field
Holy shit, this chick is hot and NASTY !!! A body that is made for getting fucked.
Now, as far as the guys who think fake tits are "grotesque" or whatever. Honestly, I've always thought that the only people who call big, fake tits "grotesque" are flat, ugly women who are so fucking jealous of hot girls with big tits that they find reasons to knock them down.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't imagine a male not liking big tits, whether natural, implants whatever. Who gives a shit if they're man-made?
1. I would like a little mystery. I'd rather not know they are fake from the parking lot.
2. I don't want the skin stretched so tight that they look like a pin prick would deflate them.
3. I'd like the nipples to be roughly the same height and pointed in roughly the same direction.
4. I'd like the nipples to not be unnaturally high on the breast or unnaturly to far inside or outside.
5. I'd like them to move a little.
Kristen Bell
Alyson Hannigan
And Jerikson40. You're wrong. Fake boobs are a big turnoff for this male. Especially if it involves touching. And since we're on a strip club site, it does.
If still alive she would be in her 80s or 90s.
Hottest redhead in the history of the world.
Ummm, okay, well, seriously... NO ! I mean, not even close.
And if you really want to lose your lunch, take a look at some recent fotos of her. I'm sure she's a nice lady, but damn she didn't age well.
Art, go stand in the corner and don't come out until you're ready to apologize.
@Art... alas, it is hard to judge. While O'Hara was undoubtedly a hottie back in the day, he day did not have continual stream of nip slips, up skirts sans panties, and general drunken sluttiness that characterizes today's HollyWOOD. And I like to be able to google a stars name plus the word "nude" and see some tits. That's just me and my pervo ways.
@Slick... well, I did once google the new Wendy's girl hoping for some T&A photos. Her name is Morgan Smith Goodwin. Alas, no easily accessible shots o' tits, ass, or bush. But there are rumors of a sex tape. We can only hope it was really dirty shit...WEEE-YAWWW!!