Had this discussion w/ a buddy of mine and the topic of the first time we jerked off as kids came up. He told me he was in his early teens. I told him I was five. He was astonished that I started at such an age. The question I pose to you guys is when was the first time you guys did the self deed and is being under ten years old way too soon to be doing something like that?
Early teens I think. This topic reminds me of the classic skit on Sat. Night Live. It was a long time ago but is still the best thing I ever saw on the show. The skit starred Walter Matheu and John Belushi and was about young male bees at summer camp and their introduction to "buzzing off".
I remember distinctly that I was 11. But what I find much more interesting is the age at which GIRLS start to masturbate. My current girlfriend started when she was 10--after discovering Clint Eastwood. My favorite dancer now didn't start till she was 18, after she was fucking for a few years. What tales have you heard, guys?
Any of you Ohio guys remember when Cable first came along and you had the box with "P10". You could put magnets on the back of the cable remote and get the premium channels for free. P10 was the porn channel. That got me started as soon as I made the connection from the images on the screen to the tingle in my drawers!
I went from despising baths to instantly really liking them, after lathering up one day caused an unexpected development. So it was about 8 or 10. Good thing we had soap that wasn't harsh.
I have heard about little girls "riding" toys a lot. And had some friends who worried about their kindergarten daughter who got after it every night after getting tucked in. I am assuming these girls all grew up okay.
Gartor..Ginger or Mary Ann? (that could be a discussion topic all to it's own)
My first time was probably 11 or 12... was reading Jaws and the scene in which the hotshot oceanographer gives it hard to the sherrif's frustrated wife... (that never made it to the movie) I didnt' even know what I was doing, but it felt good and the very unexpected result was explosive to say the least. (I guess I led a sheltered life)
I was around 10. I actually remember having a wet dream when I was 9 after my uncle took me with to see The Graduate. Anne Bancroft was hot, but it was Katherine Ross that I was dreaming about. I just remember waking up scared as hell sweating and my soaked whitey tighties lol. Mary Anne for sure
I was nine. I had just started to notice it felt good to stroke it when I snuck out to the living room and could watch Skinemax. The movie was "The Bikini Car Wash Company," an absolute classic to say the least. All of a sudden, it felt really good and [pop]. Made a mess like nobody's business.
The first time it happened on purpose wasn't long afterwards and was while I was watching "Last Call" with Shannon Tweed, long before her Gene Simmons days.
holy shit!!! you actually shot off goo at the age of nine? when i shot off my first load of wad at age 14 i thought oh no something is wrong w/ me!!!! stuff is coming out!!! b4 14 no messes. even to this day i hate that messy shit.
I was always allowed to watch Rated R movies as a kid so I wasn't surprised when i succeeded the goal. Just don't remember what age it was. Definitely between 10 and 14.
I was born in June of '82. The movie came out in early '92. Not much stuff from that era is still good whacking material, but I got the tape, still have it and still like to whip it out (both the tape and something else) once in a while.
I was in fourth grade. I remember going to school the next day completely traumatized. I kinda thought I understood what happened from Sex Ed, but nothing prepared me for it actually happening.
I'm not going to say it's good to be early. One of the things they look for in young basketball players is guys who hit puberty late because they tend to grow more. I grew two feet in 18 months starting around then, but stopped growing at age 12 and a height of 5'6". It was fun being a power hitter in Little League ... for one year, before everyone else grew.
I kind of wish it had happened later, to be honest. I was ready for sex while a lot of the boys/girls still thought the opposite sex had cooties. When you're physically ready for women, but you have to repress your urges because you think you're going to get made fun of for them by the other kids, you get kinda messed up. I never dated until college and never got to do the deed until after I graduated (I did whack a lot, though).
Nice GGG girlfriend now and a bright future ahead. But I still have to escape to the club when I get the chance. Can't help myself.
last commentThis topic reminds me of the classic skit on Sat. Night Live. It was a long time ago but is still the best thing I ever saw on the show. The skit starred Walter Matheu and John Belushi and was about young male bees at summer camp and their introduction to "buzzing off".
I have heard about little girls "riding" toys a lot. And had some friends who worried about their kindergarten daughter who got after it every night after getting tucked in. I am assuming these girls all grew up okay.
I don't have a clue either. Sometime between birth and maybe 13-14.
My first time was probably 11 or 12... was reading Jaws and the scene in which the hotshot oceanographer gives it hard to the sherrif's frustrated wife... (that never made it to the movie) I didnt' even know what I was doing, but it felt good and the very unexpected result was explosive to say the least. (I guess I led a sheltered life)
The first time it happened on purpose wasn't long afterwards and was while I was watching "Last Call" with Shannon Tweed, long before her Gene Simmons days.
holy shit!!! you actually shot off goo at the age of nine? when i shot off my first load of wad at age 14 i thought oh no something is wrong w/ me!!!! stuff is coming out!!! b4 14 no messes. even to this day i hate that messy shit.
I was born in June of '82. The movie came out in early '92. Not much stuff from that era is still good whacking material, but I got the tape, still have it and still like to whip it out (both the tape and something else) once in a while.
I was in fourth grade. I remember going to school the next day completely traumatized. I kinda thought I understood what happened from Sex Ed, but nothing prepared me for it actually happening.
I'm not going to say it's good to be early. One of the things they look for in young basketball players is guys who hit puberty late because they tend to grow more. I grew two feet in 18 months starting around then, but stopped growing at age 12 and a height of 5'6". It was fun being a power hitter in Little League ... for one year, before everyone else grew.
I kind of wish it had happened later, to be honest. I was ready for sex while a lot of the boys/girls still thought the opposite sex had cooties. When you're physically ready for women, but you have to repress your urges because you think you're going to get made fun of for them by the other kids, you get kinda messed up. I never dated until college and never got to do the deed until after I graduated (I did whack a lot, though).
Nice GGG girlfriend now and a bright future ahead. But I still have to escape to the club when I get the chance. Can't help myself.