
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 48)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Disappointing Saturday day shift talent
    Flight Club has occasionally had some diamonds in the rough. You don't expect hoards of 10s, but I live by the mantra that "all it takes is one."
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Disappointing Saturday day shift talent
    Hmm. Given my coming trip will likely have a Saturday day shift component, this is disheartening. I will keep a mental note about 'Star'.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Decent time, interesting to see what the future holds
    I'm not excited about the downtown location. This is the monger in me speaking: You can sneak out to their current location and not be seen. That's not going to be the case downtown. You could be walking in or out at any time (it's Milwaukee, everyone goes to bars) and someone you know who just happens to be downtown is going past when you're leaving. No thanks. Plus, yeah, there's barely enough talent to staff Silk and OTB adequately. Add a third club and you're just diluting the talent pool further. I'm not optimistic, but this is also why I club in Milwaukee less and less.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    at Flight Club with just one.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    There's only been one time in my life two girls at once was a good idea, and it was mostly due to one girl who was celebrating a birthday, was a little tipsy, remembered me from a previous visit and, I think, liked me. Otherwise, yeah, avoid the two-girl hustle, especially someplace where you can get the kind of service you can
  • review comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    Upstairs VIP Review
    Solid review. Very detailed. What few things I want to add may just come down to different experiences I've had. Well done, though. I don't think I've ever been to Polekatz and not directed upstairs. I think there are reasons: 1. My ID isn't from Illinois, so it's probably assumed I travel and am of means accordingly 2. I always wear a dress shirt and slacks, so I don't look like a slob 3. I almost always go on Friday or Saturday nights, so the club is usually a little more crowded 4. I always go alone, so it would be a waste of space for me to be at a downstairs table where larger groups could be I will say this: For all those reasons they might direct you upstairs, they certainly don't do it based on your car, as I drive a beater. Then again, some of the richest guys I know dress, look and act like some of the poorest, because they just stash all their money away, so you never know. Heck, for all I know, maybe they've figured out I write reviews on TUSCL and want me to have a better experience. Who knows? That said, while I do think they put you upstairs if they think there's better odds of you doing a room, I don't think they necessarily expect the guys going up there to do one. VIP lap dances? Sure, and they do cost a little more in the upstairs lapper room. But I don't think they're expecting you to do a room. So I inevitably start upstairs and, after a waitress finds me for an initial drink order, a dancer is usually sent my direction, often followed by another one or two if I turn them away after some conversation. I think this is done in part by the staff. Sometimes they ask, when they seat you, what your taste is. I've told them before what that taste is, and one of the staffers recognizes me, so I usually am pleased with what comes my way, particularly if that staffer is in the building that night. But I also think some of the girls just take the initiative on their own. I have found, if I turn a few girls away, I am occasionally approached by a staffer and asked if I have some sort of preference. Then they usually find someone to my liking. I have a distinct preference and they rarely fail me. With regard to the girls and the DJ booth, yeah, I'm sure there are some just hanging out. But the DJ announces, and girls will tell you, there are certain girls they "reserve" for only the VIP area who never go on stage on weekends. Oh by the way, yes, they are often the top talent. So I think some of the girls "hanging out" are those girls. Seems like a few of them never end up on stage the nights I go. That doesn't mean I doubt there are some girls just lingering there rather than in the locker room, but I'm willing to bet it's a combination of the two. I have also found I have no issue going downstairs, walking around, even getting a drink from the downstairs bar if I want, and returning upstairs if I wish. I'd rather go downstairs and try and catch the eye of talent I might see walking around down there if it intrigues me rather than asking a staffer to go retrieve her for me, which would feel weird and kind of pushy to me. Better conversations happen with the girls in the VIP area. And I mean better as in quality (no, not in the nudge-nudge, wink-wink sort of way). I find the girls at Polekatz to be refreshingly honest. There is one who claims to speak seven languages; we've had legit conversations in two. Another is an aerialist who has always felt she could open up to me about what she liked and didn't like about the place, the other girls, dancing in general, etc., and I've always found her candidness refreshing. You feel like you make real connections, and there's value in that. I think that's why my ATF, a CF and many of my all-time top 10 have come from Polekatz. While I've never had OTC happen at Polekatz, one dancer told me in the middle of my massaging her hand, "As a rule, I don't, but I've never thought about breaking the rules more." Had I pushed her more, it might have happened. Another was keen on it until I said I had a SO, and another has told me, "Not while I'm doing this, but I'm not doing this forever, and if I see you when I know I'm closer to being done, we'll talk." Even though this is technically 0-for-3, it's three hard-hit line-outs as opposed to three strikeouts looking. I have done a room twice, and it was the lowest-level room. Once it was outstanding; the other time, not so much. The outstanding time was with a girl I had a history and enjoyed my company in a number of ways. When we agreed to do the room, she was excited and found a way for something a little beyond the rules to happen: She was perfectly fine with my fingers exploring her, but knew it couldn't be too obvious. She knew how to shield the camera, but when the waitress was on her way, she knew and said, "Put your hand here" on the bench next to me. She then sat on it and shifted such that fingers could still be in a lovely, damp place the whole time the waitress was asking us questions. I think it turned her on a little to be bad, too. This brings me to the conclusion they'll let stuff slide if it isn't blatant. Don't clearly be getting a BJ or doing FS. Don't let the camera guy see anything outside your knickers that shouldn't be. Don't let there be a one-minute period of time on the screen where she's clearly fiddling with your belt and fly. Beyond that, it's up to the dancer what she's willing to let happen. That's in a champagne room, though. They watch the upstairs dance room about as closely as they watch the regular one, but they let more slide there in terms of where hands can go. It's a lot easier to tell when the guy is there watching. If you and the dancer are smart, you can abide by her rules rather than the club's, keeping in mind the "nothing blatant" rule above. Bottoms on versus off isn't something I care a lot about. I find some girls give better dances with their bottoms on because it's not as rough on their sensitive parts. Some girls will ask if you want them on or off. Some will assume you want them off in the upstairs room, and this is better for their bottom line because they make more money. If you're feeling cheap, you might have to ask her to leave them on. Some won't take them off unless you say something, and some will say they just don't do dances with them off. The same girl above I did the room with surprised me one night when she didn't take them off until we did a second dance. I wasn't expecting it and it was kinda hot, like, "You earned this and now we're getting down to business." Long story short, if you have a preference, ask. I don't, personally. Be careful in the dance room, though, as the benches are occasionally in some disrepair. One girl I went back with figured out she could literally make one of the benches rock back and forth because it was starting to come loose from the wall. It was kinda cool, but also kinda rough and not necessarily good for the grind. It got worse when I decided I'd try and help the ride by putting my hands behind my head. The bench caught my finger and damn near crushed my fingertip into the wall from her rocking. Just be careful. Also, I find the corner of the bench uncomfortable. That said, here's the bottom line: Polekatz is expensive and doesn't have extras available. But I've been to Rhino in Vegas and the high-end clubs in Detroit and find Polekatz to consistently have the hottest talent roster I've seen at any club. It's worth the trip for me to the southwest suburbs, even though I'm coming from well north of Chicago. I don't understand why Chicago clubs get such a bad rap. You're already paying for company, and I'd rather get close to there with an 8 or 9 than down and dirty with a 5. Why not pay a little more for top-notch company?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    After crackdown.
    Might as well just turn it into a regular bar at this point.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Decent club. I prefer Rio.
    Lesson: Don't pay up front. If she starts trying to run that scam on you, better to get out early. You live and learn.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    My first bad Flight club review ever!!
    You would think more talent would push prices down. Must be a lot of idiot PLs out there who aren't very smart. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope this was one bad night. One's an accident. Two's a trend. That said, Penthouse reopening may take some talent away ... briefly. Then the girls and customers will find out what having no curtains means. Then they'll all be back at Flight Club.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Several changes and they seem to be struggling
    Well, it was fun while it lasted.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Good Midpoint Chicago to Milwaukee
    Your definitionof halfway is a little askew. Halfway is about Gurnee. The border OTB references is Milwaukee County's southern border; you still have to go through Racine, Kenosha, Lake and much of Cook County to get to Chicago. What you call "halfway," I pretty much call "in Milwaukee." The rest of the review is OK factually, but isn't very detailed, either. Do better next time, sir.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Sunday Evening Fun
    Be careful about street parking; have heard other bad stories. $5 for the valet isn't tragic.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Decent trip to Flight Club
    Shelly is a doll. Good to hear she's still around. I may have to connect with her again.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New girls every week, because other club is closed for remodelling !
    Could also use either an English lesson or a typing class.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Weird Times With Beautiful Women
    Yeah, don't fret, bud. The thing I love about these places is that they allow you to "learn & return." When you set your sights, be focused. If you want to be polite, have a set of lines you can use to break things off with the dancers you don't want to deal with. "I'm going to go down by the stage; it was nice talking to you." "I'm going to use the restroom." It can even be, "I'm sorry, but I was waiting for another lady and I see her now." These girls can be aggressive, so they'll try and snare you. You have to be able to wriggle out. But you can, and you will the next time. Consider this a learning experience. As for the vomit smell ... weird. Could have been a booth next door, or yeah, maybe the dancer. Sounds like a one-off anomaly; don't let it faze you.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Is This A Gentlemen's Club???
    I have been to clubs before where, on entering, they've said, "No cover, no girls here yet." That seems fair. If you want to sit and waste your time waiting, it's your own risk and time at that point with nothing else invested. Hopefully they didn't charge you cover or for valet. If they did, boo on them.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Possibly First Ever Visit To Polekatz On A Saturday
    Ella and Thalia? Wow, you won the night. Two of my favorites. Ella is ... talented. Even if you're only getting dances. I've debated doing a room with her at some point. And Thalia is delightful. Great woman to talk to. Very much a woman of the world. Good to hear she's back; she bounces around the country. Were you in the VIP seating area? I find the hustle factor is lower up there. I don't get pushed too hard for rooms for some reason. I like Fridays and Saturdays, but the club is too far away for me to get there other nights of the week. I find those are the nights when the hottest ladies are there ... like the two you encountered. I wouldn't necessarily write it off.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Dances have always been $35/per or three for $90 for as long as I can remember. VIP options start at $305, except at the end of the night, when you might be able to sneak in a 15-minute session for less.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Friday Night In The Twilight Zone!
    Almost everything you wrote says to avoid this club at all costs right now, lest your phone get stolen, your car get hit or you just have a real bad time.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Maybe Northern Wisconsin's Best Option
    I mean, yeah, it is (or was) relatively low contact. Probably a better bar for seeing boobs, having beers and maybe even chatting up the ladies than actually getting action from. However, if you're planning on going, Google the recent news reports and/or call ahead. They're in a legal fight to even be open right now. Make sure they are before you go out of your way.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Bar Is Closed
    A legend dies.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Still A Fan
    I said Polekatz was sometimes better, complained about the lighting and called the surrounding area iffy. Plus, I have some negative Scores reviews in my history. If I'm a shill, I'm pretty bad at it.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Good for the area
    Mileage can be found at OTB. If you like white girls with big backyards, look for delightful young woman whose name begins with 'P' and whose name is also one of many things you'll find in any book. Get to know her, treat her well and, after a while, she will increase her level of friendliness with you. While she is on the extreme end in terms of mileage, just about every dancer at OTB lets you get feels. At Heartbreakers, not so much. Plus, the talent is better at OTB, too. Dances are more expensive, though.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Destiny is hot
    I will say this: I have been to Bristol, I remember a short, very cute blonde girl who works weekdays named Destiny, and I will only say that I have had an experience at Bristol in line with what this gentleman speaks of, albeit not with Destiny. It all kind of depends on the day, who's watching and the willingness of the girl. I'm not calling Bristol an extras club. I am saying that there are some girls who are rather friendly. That is all.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Amazing moment.
    This is rather jibberishy for a backwoods Wisconsin club. I thunk this can safely be added to the 'Ignore' list.