So who else actually fucks civilians on the regular?

avatar for JamesSD
Wives, gfs, or random sluts... I know GACA has a civvy gf right now. Curious who else besides him and me at least occasionally gets the GFE and BBBJ without paying for it?

Let's put the cut off at the past month. No attractiveness requirements. Old and fat and ugly still counts. (Dicks count only if you were born with a vagina and boobs)


last comment
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
Let's not forget I duck strippers otc no fee
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Not that I’m a playa by any means that has hos all up on me; but at this point in my life I rather have the least entanglements possible and thus prefer P4P for my under-the-belt needs.

avatar for georgmicrodong
10 years ago
Not for a while now.
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
I'm under 30, so yeah.
avatar for shailynn
10 years ago
I have had a soccermoms/married women/girls with boyfriends on the side, but nothing steady at the moment. I have one that's a "friend" as in we haven't had any sexual encounters but I am just playing it cool until I can get into her pants.

As with all women they have their share of issues as well... They are crazy just like most strippers, but it's a different type of crazy. Strippers complain about money and boyfriends, soccermoms complain about husbands and their kids.

I am in my mid 30's and as long as I am okay with them being a little older than me, most of the time it's worth the drama. The bad part is I have had them back out on meeting far more than strippers. The one time I will stay strippers are more reliable, usually because I am either paying them, or they think they're going to be my next wife so they are impressionable.

Most of the ones I have messed with in the past are pretty affluent and for some reason they pay for dinner and hotel rooms, etc. I just think they enjoy spending their husbands money and get off on using it on sex encounters. I had one actually offer me a large sum of money just because she had it, but I declined mainly because I didn't need it for a specific reason and I was afraid it would come with 'strings attached.'

I actually had a long lost one call me the other day and set up a meeting. Of course she flaked out like she always does. I think in the last 10 planned meetings she came through on 2, so I don't go out of my way to agree to a meeting. Apparently her phone was stolen while shopping at the mall the other night, see, they have as much drama as the average stripper! lol

Lastly if you are married, attached, etc. dealing with a married woman is much more low risk than a stripper as long as the woman is somewhat cautious. After all, if you're doing this locally a woman that doesn't work and is married to a guy that is "well off" is surely not going to fuck up her ride and start drama, where I have always feared a stripper locally could possibly cause drama if she needed money or fell in love.
avatar for pensionking
10 years ago
Last two "love connections" with ball and chain were, wait for it -- 11/25 and 4/1, not that I'm keeping track or anything. Haley's Comet comes more often. Advice: stay single! Me so hawny!
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Does Josh43's sister count?
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
^^^^ if so 88% of the board gets to say "yes"
avatar for shadowcat
10 years ago
None for me. All these gals at the nursing home want to do is play bingo.
avatar for lopaw
10 years ago
Yeah I get it regular from the missus. She's good like that.
avatar for AnonymousJim
10 years ago
I've had a SO for some time now.
avatar for Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
10 years ago
Currently no but even during my strip clubbing I was still laying up with civilian gals on the semi-regular.
avatar for PhantomGeek
10 years ago
GACA, you "duck" strippers? Some new sex act there? ; )

I've always been a P4P boy. Comes with the shy, geek, terminally friend-zoned territory. The one time I got it free was easily among the most boring fifteen minutes of my life.
avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
Does Josh43's sister count?
@Dougster: You sure seem obsessed with my sister, lately?? Just make sure to wear a condom. The thought of your gene-pool in my extended family is absolutely terrifying.
avatar for Dougster
10 years ago
Don't want a Jewish brother-in-law?
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I still get together once in a while with this one AA slut I met at the bar a bunch of us from work had a gathering at. She's divorced and her kids are thru high school. I also occasionally get her Latina friend, but it's been over a month since I saw her last. I tried scheduling something with her last weekend, but she flaked. Or else she found somebody else to bang her bottom, who quite possibly was her husband.
avatar for 4got2wipe
10 years ago
Just missed the cutoff because my ex girlfriend kicked me to the curb a bit over a month ago! But I'm doing brilliantly now! ;)
avatar for rockstar666
10 years ago
My last civ G/F went back to her husband last fall although we remain friends. I'm in the market.
avatar for Josh43
10 years ago
Dougster wrote:" Don't want a Jewish brother-in-law?"
...actually I was thinking about the horrible prospect of nieces & nephews that are half human and half troll. At Thanksgiving, they might hide under the table and pop up occasionally to throw cranberry sauce in my eyes.
avatar for GACA
10 years ago
avatar for GoVikings
10 years ago
@ Josh43 last comment .....hahaha
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
Lol. Is there another war in progress?
avatar for bvino
10 years ago
Wife is beautiful. 5'6" 140 with double D's and long blonde hair. Unlimited menu (ain't love grand) and a healthy appetite. Clubs are for uninvolved variety. Had one affair while married (first time) and will never do that again. Too much drama. Cranberry sauce stings.
avatar for rbn1956
10 years ago
I am 78, lost my wife over 2 years ago. Do not want to get envolved with another women. Strippers and hookers for me.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
10 years ago
Dude you ALWAYS pay for in one way or another.
I suppose a soccer mom that get more in alimony than you make might not cost you if you hit it and move on.
avatar for skibum609
10 years ago
I have my normal 3-6 times of sex with wife every week on average, just like always for the last 25 years, although to be fair she has increased the bj level and amount by about 800% lately. We also did FFFM, which was fun; so much fun that it came close to being as much fun as skiing.
avatar for JamesSD
10 years ago
Skibum is either full of shit or living the dream!
avatar for pswzzx
10 years ago
Yeah, once or twice a month. Not too old, not terribly fat but not much to look at. Gotta beg for BBBJ, and she's horrible at it. She's a prude. I wouldn't call it GFE unless your GF has ADHD. Whatever grind she manages with her hips disappears completely once she cums, so I need to be close myself.
It used to be more often of course, but I started noticing that I was the one to "initiate" about 95% of the time, and it felt like begging. So I cut back until that was equitable, which means about 10% of the previous action.
So that's really why I go to clubs. Not to get laid, but to get flirted with by a girl that dresses (and undresses) suggestively and can move her body that way too.
TL;DR midlife crisis
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