
You, Your Friends & the Hobby

They never tell you what you need to know.

I was thinking, how do your friends play into your clubbing hobby? I know this topic has come up before and it seems the majority of the guys on this board prefer to club alone, I do as well but on occasion going to the clubs with friends can be fun.
I have 3 groups of friends.
Group 1 – my childhood friends (same age as me) most of who are as mischievous and dirty as me and the ones that aren’t, can easily be talked into it.
Group 2 – Mrs. Shailynns’ friends husbands (within a 5 year radius of my age in both directions). These are mostly nice guys, but really they’re fucking nerds and I wouldn’t be friends with any of them if their wives weren’t friends with mine.
Group 3 – Neighborhood friends (age 50-60) cool guys, borderline nerdy because they are all engineers but they like to party. Strip clubbing has never come up in our discussions and I am not sure if it would be an acceptable topic. I know two of these guys travel more than I do for work and I always assumed they were banging strippers here and there. I always imagined that Tiredtraveler or Skimbum was one of them! Lol

Group 1 – just about all these guys would fuck a stripper given the opportunity. All don’t mind paying for it either. Some of them you have to “guide” when going to a club but they will play along. A few of the divorced and unmarried guys act like they’re “too cool” to pay for sex at first, but in the end they have in the past and will do it again in the future. The few married guys jump at the chance to be with a stripper as those opportunities don’t happen that often.
Group 2 – all these guys are pussy whipped. I remember when the wives went on a girls trip and I talked these guys into going to a sportsbar where the waitresses wore yoga pants and tank tops. One guy got shit for a month for going to such a place and his wife flipped out on him while she was on the trip because he had to check in with her every 20 minutes and tell her where he was. I continually busted his balls for it as well. I have never mentioned strip club to these guys in fear I would be shunned from the group. Some of the wives flirt with me already so it’s not a good idea to push the envelope as I am already the “bad boy” of the group. All of these guys have some sort of PhD, hence the nerdiness. Also why their bitch ass wives have tightened the leash over the years. The more successful these guys get as they have progressed in their careers the tighter the leash has become.
Group 3 – I think most of these guys would be a blast in strip clubs because they love to drink, and aren’t afraid to spend money. That combined with a few of their wives are prudes I could see these guys letting loose. I just wonder how to bring it up one day… like “hey lets go to the city this weekend and go to a hockey game then get drunk, and go out and try to fuck some strippers.” Not sure how a comment like that would go over…


  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    I’ve never had a large network of friends but of my friends none were seriously committed to the cause.

    I’ve had some go w/ me from time to time; but they don’t seem to be too much into it and don’t like spending $$$ in them so as “SC wingmen” they are kinda dead weight.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Geez dude, hate nerds much? Maybe you're talking about Big Bang Theory super nerds?

    I think there's a big difference between hitting a titty bar for a couple beers and extras hunting. My main group of friends is mixed gender. The girls would be fine going to a topless bar as long as there were beers. But disappearing into the VIP room for half an hour would make tongues wag.

    I mostly day club, sneaking away from work. Coordinating that with a friend would be tough.
  • JamesSD
    10 years ago
    Papi, the first couple times I clubbed I was super tight with my money. I'm still not the biggest spender, but my wallet has loosened up.

    I have a feeling a SC newbie is either likely to blow his cash way too fast or be tight with his dollars.
  • Tiredtraveler
    10 years ago
    I go solo. Unless it is a special occasion like a divorce (more likely at my age) or bachelor party. Most of my friends are married have SOs or have business ties to me in one way or another.
    I do not know nor do I want to know my clients personal lives and I see no reason to include them in mine.
    What they do not know cannot hurt me.
    Besides clubbing is all about the dancers and me. I usually am out to relax with some entertainment on the side. When out with friends I don't need entertainment.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    James, I don't hate nerds at all and after posting that I realize strip clubbing may just not be those guys cup of tea...I should have clarified - I was talking about just going to a club in general... Now I did add in how most of my childhood friends have graduated to extras...

    I am shocked these "nerds" consider an exciting evening ordering pizza and being allowed to drink beer and watch a hockey game... there's nothing wrong with that, but it's hard to argue what straight guy wouldn't want to go to a decent strip club occasionally. I can't see any of those guys wanting to go ever, even if they were allowed to go. I have a hard time accepting these guys aren't even allowed to go, and take orders from their stay-at-home wives.

    I'm also not talking about spending big money, just going in general. Where as all my childhood friends would always be down with going to a club. I feel these "nerds" that I described would never go because they feel it is immoral or wrong, and none of them are religious. They sure as heck wouldn't blow money on strippers as tight as they are, that's for sure!
  • impala
    10 years ago
    I was introduced to the hobby by a friend while we were out of town for work. I was pretty young and had never been to a SC before, but it was an instant attraction. Every time we were out of town we would hit a different (or several different) strip clubs. Then the dumb ass had to go and get himself married and he was no longer allowed to hang out we me, his wife would say that I was a bad influence on him (go figure). Today, most of my friends are married, in serious relationships, in jail (story for another time), or just don't want to go. Once in a great while someone rides shotgun, but usually I go alone anymore, just simpler that way.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    Thing in my life have evolved to the point that all of my real friends are members of TUSCL. My life is uncomplicated.
  • Player11
    10 years ago
    A good friend introduced me to the hobby ten years ago. I have advanced in the hobby and at this time have had a stripper (now x stripper) approximately 7 yr as mistress / sugar baby. I have also done numerous others.

    I do not discuss hobby w others especially civilians. I currently go to a club near my office to chill. I did a 25 yo girl that danced there 8 times in 2014 but she was not as good in sack as mistress so that was just 4 variety.
  • PhantomGeek
    10 years ago
    I really don't have much in the way of social friends, just a handful of people I game with every couple weeks. The guys are pretty straight-laced, so I'm pretty sure even fringe entertainment like strip clubs (even just for viewing) would be out of the question.

    But I proudly admit that I'm a nerd/geek and I've delved deeply into this hobby pretty much all by my lonesome for probably over 30 years now.
  • sclvr5005
    10 years ago
    None of my buddies are really fond of strip clubs. I think it has been beaten out of them by their insecure wives & girlfriends. Its a shame, really.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    The friends I still associate with from before college tend to like strip clubs, at least. The one friend got married, though, so he can essentially go only when I am there. The other friend is still single and still goes occasionally to strip clubs, but he also lives west of Chicago, so there isn't much in the way of good options and I have no idea if he gets extras.

    The few people from my college years I still associate with, OTOH, want nothing to do with strip clubs. I would say their wives beat it out of them, but they were that way before they were married. Unfortunately, I lost contact with the friends I knew from college who went to titty bars and in retrospect, they weren't really close friends to begin with.

    As for after college, there's my buddy Kurt, who I met at my first permanent job here in Omaha, who I will go with still, although we no longer do long distance road trips together, or at least anything farther than Hamburg, Iowa. Other than him, there's really no one I consider a friend I go with. I wouldn't mind going with the one old guy at work, but he essentially can only go on Husker football Saturdays in the fall and whatever random excuse he can come up with for leaving the house for several hours.
  • georgmicrodong
    10 years ago
    I don't involve friends at all. There are some who know that I go, but believe it to be for reasons U associated with banging strippers.

    I've also met up with a couple other monger's from the area, but not more than a couple times.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I've had mixed results with visiting clubs with friends from work. In a small town, true friends were cool with it and we had fun. I was the only single guy. One was married, not sure what he told his wife and the other was practically married but never officially. He was living with someone. He said afterwards he really needed the break from his routine. All we did was visit strip clubs.

    Later on more recently, one night or a couple occassions, went out to regular clubs in town, not strip and we met up. Ended up going club hopping. Night wasn't that bad but the aftermath was terrible. while at work where others could easily overhear, one guy went on and on about a supposed dance move I could have made with one girl and went on and on about how I passed on this one drunk girl who approached me. If I wanted my private life made public, I would already have been talking about everything at work. Never went with them anywhere again and definitely not to a strip club.

    Now one coworker I met up with in one club and I thought he didn't know how to react. He looked at his phone a lot, didn't have much cash on him, and seemed to act like he was better than most of the dancers in the club. He did at least to me pretend to be dating some hot girls. He had some pics from parties on his phone. we parted company and he was busy hitting on a hot waitress, said he was going to hang around. When he came in and a dancer I've known for years sat with me and he called me his boy, I was thinking, oh crap, he doesn't know how to act. Decided not to bother with correcting him. If I had joked he's not my father, he probably wouldn't have been amused.

    Made me happy to visit clubs alone. Although I've thought about bringing someone just to save my table. when I'm visiting clubs out of town in years past, I wanted to I occassionally join some other groups after an hour or two of being the wanna dance guy ever dancer approached and lots of guys had no dancers ever visit their table. I haven't experienced anything like that in a couple of years though.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I suspect when someone from work talks about wanting to go with me, they just want to watch me so that they can talk away about it back at work. I suspect they have boring lives if all they want to do is talk about whatever happened to me.
    Well I guess if they went with me on some nights, they might be talking. Some nights things just seem to happen around me. Freak storms, electrical disturbances, hot girls coming over wanting dances. They might wonder what drugs we were on if both myself and one dancer said we have both been inside dust devils that formed around us. Of course if they happen to switch into an alternate universe with me, they are on their own unless they rode with me.

    If not, then we can talk about how the hot blonde dancer suddenly became brunette or how one dancer who had breast implants a year ago suddenly lost them or how one dancer said she hadn't seen me in 2 years, then she said the same thing to me one week later.
  • rickdugan
    10 years ago
    I have rarely had good results going to clubs with other guys. There is only one guy who I will club with anymore. I've known him for 20 years, he knows how to keep his mouth shut and he doesn't get in the way of whatever I am trying to accomplish. Otherwise, I always fly solo. Almost anyone else I've tried to club with over the years, including family and close friends, have either developed diarrhea of the mouth afterwards or were anchors while they were there.
  • Mate27
    10 years ago
    My friends have either stayed broke or else too frugal to search for satisfying their desires. Very conservative mind set they have and prefer to stay in their comfort zone. I have a couple buddies who love clubbing with me, but for whatever reason their success is limited. I would say I prefer to go alone because whatever game I have isn't hampered by making sure they are also having a good time. The mischievous girls prefer discretion and are even weary of your friends finding out if inappropriate actions occur. Girls are sluts and you just have to figure how they go about it.
  • AnonymousJim
    10 years ago
    As far as my friends are concerned, I went to a strip club a few times in my younger days but haven't been in a long time, which is hilarious, but very much fits my personality.

    Have I mentioned I like anonymity? I like anonymity.
  • skibum609
    10 years ago
    Other than going with two golf buddies in flroida every night of our annual golf trip I prefer to go
  • pensionking
    10 years ago
    Once upon a time, me and several dads wound up at a SC while on an out-of-town youth sports weekend late one night. I felt quite inhibited and didn't have a good time. Sure enough, the next morning, through the hangover fog phase, the topic of everyone's convo was the one dad that got himself a (probably boring) one-way contact private dance like he was a criminal. Whoomp there it is . . . Never again.

    I fly solo.
  • shailynn
    10 years ago
    well this sums up my suspicions. I can't ask you all because you're equally as perverted as me and like going to strip clubs. I guess I was trying to find out if this was something that most men like, but aren't allowed to /or/ are afraid. But I am learning it seems more like something that guys just aren't interested in at all. Of course, there are several reasons, as it isn't worth the risk for them, it's "too taboo," or maybe they don't have the money or feel it's not okay to spend their money on anything involved with a strip club.

    I guess for me I travel a lot for work and have a decent amount of free time along so I strip club away from home. I do not do it locally because I don't want to be seen hanging out at a strip club locally plus they really suck. I guess if the strip clubs where I live were as good as they are in Detroit I would figure out a way to go to them... but I'm not losing anything staying out of them when I'm at my home base. Another angle to that is if a guy doesn't travel like I do, he my not get the opportunity to go to a strip club even though he wants to.

    Lastly, it's interesting how we all chimed in on friends. I didn't even mention my co-workers, because I don't have any but I do have customers which are like co-workers. I do not let any of them into my personal life, seems to be the same for my respondents. Seems most of us do not stay in touch with college friends either. Common link seems to be life-long (i.e. high school, middle school, friends) and guys you've become friends with through wives, or children.
  • FullPress
    10 years ago
    Flying solo not such a bad idea. We're a couple so we're not exactly solo but we don't tell any of our friends. And maybe the guys who are married aren't real interested in pizzzzing off their wives? If a yoga pants restaurant push the wives over the cliff , a strip club might not be worth it.
    Few guys will admit they don't really want to go or for whatever personal reasons know they should not go.
    Blaming it on the wife is a pretty easy way to stay out of the clubs and out of trouble$
  • seaboardrr
    10 years ago
    A few of the guys I used to work with and a few of the women mrs sea works with know we go clubbing. 1 guy that would go but he just got married and I seriously doubt his new wife would allow it anymore. I'm pretty sure his SC days are over unless he does it on the sly. A couple of close friends mrs sea works with have talked about coming with us or even the women going to a chippendale show but they've always backed out at the last minute so I really don't think they're serious.

    I think most people talk a big game but when it comes down to it we're on our own and that's just fine with us anyway. We can go have fun together and not worry about what people may think the next day. I can count the number of people that know on 1 hand probably and all they know is we go. They know nothing about what happens and most likely never will.
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