Is Mongering a dying sport in America??

We all know the Golden Age of Mongering are far gone. And it seems that law enforcement and other feminist type groups are cracking down on any and all fun mongering like. I'm specifically speaking on the cities I've spent a lot of time in (DC and ATL). DC is a shell of itself. DC/MD use to be a Mongers dream. Now you have to drive to Baltimore to have a good time. There's still a little fun to be had in PG county MD, but you have to know this game and area very well. I visit Atl a lot, honestly I feel like the clubs are very overrated. Maybe I'm not visiting the right spot and the right time. I've read a lot of reviews of Atl and it doens't seem like a lot of guys are really having a good time. Hopefully my fellow mongers are having better times in say Cali, Detroit, FL and TX. Let me know....
I'm not sure I want to live in a country where a hardworking, law abiding citizen can't go out and have some fun. On that note, I'm heading to Germany in 3 weeks. Be safe fellas.
last commentAs an aside I have totally different experience in Atlanta. Rarely do the clubs there Follies in particular fail to please.
Prostitutuon hasn't declined in several thousands of years of human society, I doubt the next few will accomplish the task.
Where I'm at, it's actually gotten a little better lately. But as we say so often, the quality of the clubs often depends on the quality of the dancers, and because dancers come and go, every club will be better sometimes than others. Maybe the ones you've frequented lately have just hit a bad stretch.
I wouldn't get too down on clubs. A lot like the stock market, which has corrections but generally trends upwards over the long term (i.e. decades), these clubs tend to allow more and more over time, too. The general trend will be towards allowing what makes money to happen, and greater permissiveness makes more money.
Remember that lap dances weren't really a thing before the 80's. Now, a club without lappers wouldn't do any business. I think extras culture is becoming more and more understood and allowed. Sex is starting to be better understood as a natural urge and not something dirty. As kids grow up with Tinder and hookup culture, I think they're realizing that sex and all things related don't necessarily hurt anyone, and some are probably thinking, "I like to do this, why not get paid to do it?"
Much like how we've seen a greater acceptance of things like homosexuality, recreational marijuana use, etc., I think the straightforward exchange of money for sexual services, from lap dances to prostitution, will become more accepted over the next 20 years. There might be stretches where things take a few steps backwards, but then they'll get better in due time.
And it does look like the current trend is more anti-SC vs pro-SC in many areas – very few “good areas” have popped up in the *recent* past but seems like quite a few good areas in the past are no longer.
IDK WTF is going on but I don’t like it.
w.r.t ATL – in my limited knowledge it seems like Follies is about the only dub w/ liberal two-way contact w.r.t. dances (and Shooters is not bad but not as good as Follies IME).
I could go on, but the point is that that this shit is cyclical. All it takes is for LE to lay off for a while for things to get swinging again. LE in most areas doesn't have the resources to keep sustained pressure on these activities, so really it is about riding out the storm and waiting for calmer times to set in.
Local municipalities are becoming less SC friendly. They may allow existing clubs to hang around, but opening a new club is painful in many areas.
Extras culture has emerged, in no small part due to competition from the Internet and hookup culture. A lot of you older PLs may have come of age when getting a girl naked in the flesh was a struggle. A willingness to show tits could earn money in the past. These days? Meh.
Lap dances are the same or cheaper than 10, even 20 years ago in nominal dollars. A lot of the older strippers on SW lament how stripping used to be more about actual dancing for dollars. US PLs demand and get a lot more mileage for our cash.
Of course that increased mileage may be contributing to increased LE scrutiny.
Men like seeing women naked. But there's streaming porn and camgirls and more sexual openness than ever. Perhaps the physical club isn't necessary? But I expect they will be around long after most of you are in the ground.
Now if they come out with affordable holodecks as in star trek, strip clubs are dead.
The subgroup of feminists who want to outlaw sex work support the "Nordic model" -- only the custies are the "criminals".