
I may have reached a new level of PLness

Friday, March 20, 2015 7:15 PM
I went to my favorite Sc recently and had a great time. My SC funds is starting to get pretty low, so I didn't want to spend as much as I normall would. I figured two of my current favorites would be working so I had a decision to make on which one I wanted faces from. Dancer one (Candy) is a 7 in the looks department but she has some nice fake tits and a great body. I've gotten dances from her a few times and the last time I got a LD from her she gave me a HJ in the LD booth. Extras are the norm at the club but she's he only dancer that has given me a HJ in the lap dance area while all the others only give extras in the VIP room (other thank LDKs). Dancer two (Haley) is younger, has a perfect all natural body, and is a 10. I've only recently been getting dances from her. She gives extras in VIP including FS but it costs a decent chunk. So I figured I only had enough for one of the dancers, since I couldn't decide which one I decided ex to just go with whoever I saw first. Candy approached me shortly after I arrived and we headed back for some lap dances. She didn't disappoint, after the first few songs she started giving me a HJ right there in the LD booth. Like I said, she is the only dancer that has done this. These booths are open but somewhat dark but she did an amazing job hiding what she was doing. She would occasionally look to make sure no one was watching before she would give me dick a few licks before going back to stroking me. After a few songs I heard the DJ announce that Haley was taking the stage and I was a little bummed I wasn't Gomes be getting dances from her but if continued with Candy anyway. After a few more songs she brought me to orgasms and luckily my boxer pretty much absorbed everything, it didn't make a mess. When I was done I decided to sit down and finish my beer before I left. Well not more than 5 minutes later and Haley sat next to me. I had some money left so I figured I would get a few lap dances from her but I was regretting that I now didn't have enough to go to the VIP win her. So about ten minutes total after my organsm with Candy I went back to the LD book with Haley. The few other times I had gotten LDs from her she provided an excellent grind, definitely enough to LDK but I had always held it in since I was going to go to the vIP with her in the past. I figured there was no way I would be able to LDK consider I just came but I figured I'd get 2-3 dances from her anyway just so I could play with her perfect tits. Well during the third song she started grinding away and really getting into it and before I knew it I LDK'd. That's how good of a grind she gave (plus the combination of her being so hot and allowing me to pretty much do whatever I wanted with her tits helped). So in the span of less than 30 minutes, two different dancers made me cum. Im not sure if I should be proud of my accomplish,met or ashamed of it. Anyone else ever go back for dances with a different dancer right after a different dancer made you cum.


  • grand1511
    9 years ago
    What do you want me to do, drop my pants and fire a rocket?
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    I don't necessarily think you should be ashamed two dancers made it happen for you in 30 min. A lot of the older guys on this board would love to be able to recover that quickly. I guess the thing that makes me go 'ew' is that you say your boxers absorbed the mess you made with the first girl? Unless you really don't release much at all, I find that hard to believe. Even in your scenario, it still made a mess in your boxers, which I assume still had a big wet spot up front, so even if you went to the bathroom and turned them around so you were wearing them backwards or inside out or something, you still have a wet spot you're feeling. And you not only didn't leave ... you let another girl dance with you and rub it all into you and stuff? Ugh, no thanks for me. Furthermore, I find it hard to believe it didn't somehow get through to your outer layer unless you were wearing some REALLY thick jeans. If I think there's any chance there might be that kind of activity, I generally wear protection, both in case FS is on the table and because, if I think I might LDK, it saves both her and me from it getting all over both of us.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    You're getting a whole lot better lap dances than what I'm getting.
  • 3LeggedMan
    9 years ago
    I generally go clubbing commando in microfiber pants, so there's no escaping some major wetness in the event of LDK. The chances of a second girl climbing on board are pretty remote. Congrats to you for making that happen.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It has happened but that was a few years ago. These days it takes a great GFE for me to do it twice.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    A touchdown and 2-point conversion.
  • footballguy
    9 years ago
    @Jim I know it's hard to believe, but it really did not make a mess after I came the first time. I guess I didn't cum as much as I normally do cause there were definitely no visible wet spots and I couldn't feel any either. Trust me, normally after I LDK, I pretty much go to the bathroom and then leave immediately. After I went to the bathroom this time I noticed it didn't look like I came at all (even though I did) so I decided I'd stick around for a few more dances. I guess my main concern is that I think Candy saw me going back to the LD booth with Haley, so hopefully Candy doesn't tell her that she had literally jerked me off ten minutes before. I don't think she would though because I'm pretty sure the HJs are only supposed to happen in VIP and not in the LD booth.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    I don't think she cares. Or, if she does, she's in the wrong business. I sometimes think we have the errant perception these girls care about us customers way more than they actually do. Ultimately, we have the money, so we make the choices. Here's a thought: Next time, take both back together with you. Maybe the ATF can teach the new girl some tricks in the process. Plus, it sends the message to both that there's always room for more.
  • footballguy
    9 years ago
    @Jim neither one of these girls was my ATF. My ATF no longer dances (but I see her OTC). The girl that gave me the HJ is good but she's not one of my favorites. The second girl has become my CF and has ATF potential. I'm not concerned about dancer 2 finding out I got dances from a different dancer because I don't think most strippers care about that. But I am considered that dancer 1 might tell her that she had just given me a HJ Riley before dancer 2 gave me a lap dance. I would imagine that almost all dancers would be grossed out if they found out they gave a lap dance to a guy that had just cum about a 15 minutes earlier, even if my pants weren't wet.
  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    Go for it. Twice without the cost of VIP. I could not do that anymore. Next time go for three!
  • 4got2wipe
    9 years ago
    You know what you need footballguy? A system! Systems are brilliant! Once you decide on a system it will make decisions for you, like a computer algorithm! Brilliant!
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    If you wait a few weeks, footballguy, the HJ dancer won't even remember what she did. Also, generally speaking, you're probably not the only guy she gives that sort of treatment to, and dancers generally have difficulty hiding their reputation from other dancers. Good chance everyone knows what everyone else does and, if they weren't OK with it some level, they wouldn't work at the club.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    I’ve never been a big fan of HJs; I think is kinda of a lazy way for a girl to get an extra tip w/o her having to do any hardcore extras. Plus – I like to spend time at the club watching all the eye candy and getting dances from different dancers – if I get a HJ I usually lose my “SC motivation”. But – I have continued to SC on occasions after busting a nut – especially when I am on an out of town SC trip and I wanna make the most of the trip since I don’t plan to be in the club or city again at least for a good while.
  • AnonymousJim
    9 years ago
    In some places where cameras and bouncers are both watching closely, a girl sneaking an HJ can still be fun. In my younger days, before I put on some pounds, there was a girl who was very good at reaching inside my pants (not through the fly, mind you, over the top) and doing it completely out of sight. She was fun.
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