
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 17)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Inside Stephen Hawking's Surprising Love Life—Including Trips to the Strip Club
    A woman I was interested once told me, "If you figure out women, let us know, because most of us don't get us, either."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Extras in IL
    With you on this one, John. You have to earn the right to ask this sort of thing, and it should make you suspicious when someone who is new to the board asks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Strip club attire
    Heck, if you want to advertise access, just wear a kilt. Or a toga. I would think baseball spikes would be off limits, at least metal ones. Medieval armor as well.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    What do you guys consider low, medium, and high mileage?
    I second Ironman, for the most part. The quality of the grind can also play in. A medium-mileage grind might not even be a grind as much as her just rocking back and forth on your lap. In a high-mileage grind, she's got her bits on top of your bits, whether her bits are covered or not, and is sliding up and down with the right amount of pressure. I've had two-way contact dances that were medium mileage. It's kind of a requirement for high-mileage dances, though. And, it's obligatory to say, but your mileage may vary.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Is Detroit the best strip club destination?
    What else might even compete? Miami? COI? Atlanta?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Non-Stormy Daniels Detroit Questions
    I'm going to assume you know Savannah and Shelly, too. :) Don't worry; I treat them nicely and leave them in a good mood such that they're then even happier when they see you. "How much for de wee-men? Your wee-men, I want to buy them." - Jake Blues
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    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Non-Stormy Daniels Detroit Questions
    I'm leaning car right now, if only because it would easily facilitate hopping from FC to BT's to Criket if any just don't have it going on. I'd never club downtown. The entire reason for visiting would be the level of service available at clubs like FC (and what you used to get at PH). To visit a club that doesn't offer that level of service seems asinine. Might as well just stay home at that point.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Non-Stormy Daniels Detroit Questions
    Read the article, shai. Good piece. I am debating the car thing. Last time I flew in, I rented a car. It allowed me to get to PH faster than any other way, was cheap, and made facilitating OTC more possible. OTC didn't happen (was quoted stupid crazy rates), but it at least seemed more possible. I've never been in Detroit without a car, but due to the goofy nature of my work, sometimes I've been driving my generic-as-can-be, 12-year-old, practical Honda sedan from the west side of Lake Michigan. There's an outside chance I'll be driving this time, but more than likely, I'll fly. I'm thinking I might skip the rental car if I'm staying around the airport. Then again, I might not. Seems like it's only $20-30, which might be worth it. Thoughts? For a trip like this, I like to keep all the non-club expenses low so I can indulge at the club. I budget around $1K for a trip like this. Round-trip flight, hotel and car can all happen for $225 if smart. That leaves the rest for fun. I do have a passport, and I've always wondered about heading to Windsor to try a legal escort. But from DTW, it seems like it would be a hassle, particularly without a car. I am not much of a card-player or gambler. I am noticing the Tigers are in town the weekends I'm looking at. Wouldn't mind taking in a game during the day before clubbing later.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Dancing and hypocrisy - could a loved one be a dancer?
    I'd be all for it on the condition she be smart about it. Avoid the drugs. Do your best to avoid drama with other dancers. If they go seeking it, don't give them the satisfaction of engaging in it. Let the other dancer dig her own hole and get in trouble. See it as only an income supplement. Have another, or an additional, plan. That way, you can also choose not to do things you're not comfortable with if you don't want to -- like drugs, OTC with customers you don't necessarily trust, odd acts in the club that weird you out, whatever. Keep your head screwed on straight. The guys might think they're falling in love; don't let them. The guys might think they own you; remind them they have to stay within their bounds, or let the bouncers do that for you when needed. Then again, don't be afraid to make things extra great for the right guys, particularly if you benefit. If the club doesn't treat you right or make you feel comfortable, find another club. If no club does, then don't do it. I'm a believer we should share our gifts if we don't get hurt while doing so. I'm not one to hoard my SO. I've always told her, if another guy comes along you like, and it's just physical or playful, go for it. As long as you (and whatever other guys) still recognize what we have and don't disappoint, hurt or embarrass me in the process. Don't do that, and I'll both let you enjoy others and others enjoy you, as long as you let me enjoy others and let others enjoy me. I think it can be done. You just have to be smart about it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Non-Stormy Daniels Detroit Questions
    Yes, weekend travel. Fly in, have fun, fly out. BTs is worth noting, as is LS. Note that I'm looking for quality over value, though. I think 8 Mile isn't worth the trip right now due to its current issues. Plus, I'm flying in, so staying around the airport is more convenient, anyway. PH was worth it in past year's visits, but this time around, I suspect it will either be closed or without curtains, as seems to be the case for most of the 8 Mile clubs right now.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The physicist Stephen Hawking has died at 76
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The physicist Stephen Hawking has died at 76
    No BS whatsoever: Hawking loved strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Nashville area SC to go to
    I went to Pure Gold's Crazy Horse once while I was there. There's a moat (not with water, but a wall and a gap) around the stage to force you to keep your distance from the dancers. One-way contact only, unless you pay for VIP, then the dancers still don't allow much. A couple lookers, but pretty much all you for to do was look.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    Any quest to raise rates seems like it would be driven by ladies with GPS, and I'm not talking Google Maps. If the site wants to cater to them, all the more reason to seek other avenues. Hopefully they have a good sense of the economic curves and don't go that route. "I don’t think SA or sugaring is for you or me, @FTS. Most guys in their ‘30s who have a normal face, fit, own a home, and are comfortable in their own skin, they are out there smashing pussy where some had trouble in their teens or 20s those guys are finally coming into their own." There can still be a market to guys in that age range, and it's the same one clubs cater to: Guys with a SO who are willing to pay to practice discreet non-monogamy. Granted, those guys might not have a ton of money. Kids and the SO eat up a lot of it. But they also should be more relatable and fun than a 75-year-old retiree for a 21-year-old college girl. $200 for a date and a good time, with the only caveats being not telling anyone and no guarantee of another date or any future contact, still seems like a fair bargain. Better than doing it for nothing, as long as everyone's safe and can live in the moment. Those guys often can't just go to a bar or on Tinder for fear of being found out, so it's not necessarily easy for them to ply their trade. That's a market where SA could help, if it was smart and kept itself affordable. You'd hope there are girls out there that might want a balance between "I'm looking for a good time" and "I'm looking for a billionaire that I can lay on my back or get on my knees for every once in a while so I don't have to have a real job." A middle ground of, "I've found something I enjoy that is a nice supplement to my income." Avoid extremes; aim for the middle. It makes sense in my mind, but my mind's a goofy place, so maybe it only makes sense there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    on SA, "NSA FWB" arrangment?
    Look out for those NSA girls. They'll tap your phone.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    "But I would point out to you 89.95 is about what I spend in the first hour of a club visit one time." Exactly. I've had efficient nights where that's been my visit. $10 cover $5 for a beer $5 in singles for stage tips $60 for three dances at $20/per $10 tip for the dances There's your $90 and I'm set for the month if the dances and dancer were stellar. Yes, extras could be far more of I'm in the mood for them, but it's the same on SA. That $90 is just to get your foot in the door on SA. It's a higher-stakes game. I hit enough jackpots on the nickel slots to keep me satisfied.To each his own.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    She likes me, she really likes me
    She might like you more than other customers. But until she does something with you she doesn't do with other customers, or goes as far as you want her to, she doesn't like you as much as you want. I often "want to believe." But it doesn't turn into OTC nearly as often as I hope.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA question, is premium required to send/receive messages?
    It seemed to me like my first message to a girl went through fine, but then it started converting my messages to something generic after that, which got annoying fast. The sites fees are a tad too steep for me in terms of sunken costs (dollars with zero direct return for me). It's like a really high cover charge. I decided, for the time being, to sit it out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Seekimg those arrangements
    That's whay you tip? As in, in addition to other costs? [shakes head]
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Top speed you ever drove
    I drive cheap cars and save my money for clubs. There was one time I had to get to a place 100 miles away in 90 minutes. Usually a two-hour drive. Made it, but went as fast as 105 at one point. I expected my car to fall apart like the Bluesmobile when I got there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Alexis Texas
    Features are only worth it if you're a really big fan of the star. Even at that, it's difficult for me to justify anything more than watching the stage show, unless you're in a position where you can get away with getting a picture with the star. You're gong to pay 3× to 4× the usual dance price and she likely won't even be as good as the best dancers in the club. Go, enjoy the show, tip by the stage, but caveat emptor beyond that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    On a scale of 1 to 10
    I'm gonna go with 8. Don't mind the face. Love the boobs. Tattoos are a turn-off.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Figure Skaters: Hot or Not?
    Calling your shot like that is a mistake. Gotta be more subtle.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On a scale of 1-10......
    I'm right there with 9.5. Really hot. Just a tad too fake. I'd like a little different hair, too. Great, not quite perfect.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Figure Skaters: Hot or Not?
    Margot Robbie made Tonya Harding seem kind of hot. That's an impressive task and speaks to her all-world level of hotness. Evgenia Medvedeva, the Russian favorite, is hot. Her liking the Sailor Moon thing is kind of hot, too, if only because she looks great in the costume. She's 18, so she should have another Olympics in her. Shibutani's OK. Lorenz is pretty good looking. Wagner does nothing for me. She looks like the ugly daughter of the rich parents who let her have all the nicest clothes so she doesn't feel ugly, but is just kind of spoiled as a result. Her taking potshots at Medvedeva when she herself didn't even qualify seems petty.