
Non-Stormy Daniels Detroit Questions

Scanning the room from the back
Wednesday, March 14, 2018 10:16 AM
I will be making my about-annual trip either in mid-April or Memorial Day weekend. It'll be my sixth clubbing trip there. I fully understand things there have changed some. 1. Is either of those times a better time to go? I will either be traveling on a Friday or a Saturday, so it will be weekend clubbing for me, likely at night, but maybe Saturday during the day. 2. Penthouse was always my first option. Flight Club moves up from secondary to primary with Penthouse closed. Tried Coli on my last visit; didn't care for the Saturday night vibe or talent at all. Is there a good secondary option I can add? Seeking my busty blonde DD experience, with the service level I have come to expect in Detroit, as always.


  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Assuming you’re going on a weekend? I’m like you, travel to the D for fun and I’ve done it many times but haven’t clubbed there in the past 6 months so I can’t comment on the current state of affairs but can still offer some suggestions. I usually go to Flight Club then if I can’t find what I want I go down the road to BTs. Some others will suggest Landing Strip as a back up to Flight Club instead of BTs. I personally like BTs better. Up on 8 Mile, like you I’d do Penthouse, Coli and sometimes stop in Players. I agree, Coli is frustrating on the weekends because girls won’t pay attention to you. I tried it on a weeknight once and had a ball, girls were literally fighting over sitting with me, among offering other things. So if you’re there on a weeknight I’d recommend giving it a second chance.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    Yes, weekend travel. Fly in, have fun, fly out. BTs is worth noting, as is LS. Note that I'm looking for quality over value, though. I think 8 Mile isn't worth the trip right now due to its current issues. Plus, I'm flying in, so staying around the airport is more convenient, anyway. PH was worth it in past year's visits, but this time around, I suspect it will either be closed or without curtains, as seems to be the case for most of the 8 Mile clubs right now.
  • stanlee
    6 years ago
    If you go in April let us know the results. I'll be going again in May and I'm hoping for better results from FC and hogwarts Bogarts. I may even give legends a try. But that would be a long shot.
  • s275ironman
    6 years ago
    I was at Players as recently as last Friday and they do still have their beaded curtains up in the VIP. My guess is as good as anyone's for how much longer they will be up. Probably a smart move to just go with the clubs near the airport. I would also add Criket as a possibility during your visit.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Will you have a car? If you look at my account I wrote an “article” sometime ago talking about this. If you’re looking for quality then I feel Flight Club, LS and BT are your only options near the airport. I’ve had lots of success at BTs over the years, I often found a few quality girls there on the weekends. My favorite hotel in the area is Henry Autograph which is in walking distance to several decent restaurants near the mall. Staying at the hotel in the airport is nice too, but a little inconvenient when hailing a cab, etc. Hint: if you didn’t know when flying out - go through security at the hotel instead of the main entrance if it’s backed up. If you’re bored and need something to do, and don’t want to go downtown there’s a card room called MoMos in Dearborn that have cash games and tournaments on Friday and Saturday evenings. I’d often stop in and play for a bit before heading to the clubs.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I don't know of any difference between mid April and Memorial Day. Penthouse is closed for remodeling and it would probably reopen without private VIP. I also think the clubs near the airport will be the best. Flight Club, Landing Strip, BT's. I don't like dives, but Bogart's, Henry ViII and Criket are near the Flight Club.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ you don’t like dives but you do like lasagna and German cars so you’re okay in my book.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    Read the article, shai. Good piece. I am debating the car thing. Last time I flew in, I rented a car. It allowed me to get to PH faster than any other way, was cheap, and made facilitating OTC more possible. OTC didn't happen (was quoted stupid crazy rates), but it at least seemed more possible. I've never been in Detroit without a car, but due to the goofy nature of my work, sometimes I've been driving my generic-as-can-be, 12-year-old, practical Honda sedan from the west side of Lake Michigan. There's an outside chance I'll be driving this time, but more than likely, I'll fly. I'm thinking I might skip the rental car if I'm staying around the airport. Then again, I might not. Seems like it's only $20-30, which might be worth it. Thoughts? For a trip like this, I like to keep all the non-club expenses low so I can indulge at the club. I budget around $1K for a trip like this. Round-trip flight, hotel and car can all happen for $225 if smart. That leaves the rest for fun. I do have a passport, and I've always wondered about heading to Windsor to try a legal escort. But from DTW, it seems like it would be a hassle, particularly without a car. I am not much of a card-player or gambler. I am noticing the Tigers are in town the weekends I'm looking at. Wouldn't mind taking in a game during the day before clubbing later.
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    To keep it simple based on recent trips: 1) Avoid 8 Mile right now; agree that Coli has a bad weekend vibe; PH still closed; probably not worth going up there just for Players. 30 minute drive from DTW area. 2) Base yourself near DTW; the Days Inn on Middlebelt is cheap, clean, central to the clubs below. 3) In descending order (my preferences) Flight Club, BT's, Cricket, Landing Strip, Bogarts, Henry VIII. 4) A car would be best unless you plan to drink in excess; although for just a couple nights the Uber / Hotel shuttle to DTW would probably work out cheaper with less convenience though. 5) Without a car the border crossing to Windsor would be tough and quite frankly obtaining a legal escort is not prevalent in Windsor. I do like a couple of the clubs (read reviews) but, I would say if you are only there for a few nights don't bother with Windsor. 6) If you are downtown for a Tigers game Bouzouki and Legends are OK but, keep in mind like 8 Mile they are in Detroit proper which has seen a big crackdown lately.
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    I'm leaning car right now, if only because it would easily facilitate hopping from FC to BT's to Criket if any just don't have it going on. I'd never club downtown. The entire reason for visiting would be the level of service available at clubs like FC (and what you used to get at PH). To visit a club that doesn't offer that level of service seems asinine. Might as well just stay home at that point.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    AnonymousJim: "Seeking my busty blonde DD experience" Jim, stay away from my strippers! No Flight Club for you!
  • AnonymousJim
    6 years ago
    I'm going to assume you know Savannah and Shelly, too. :) Don't worry; I treat them nicely and leave them in a good mood such that they're then even happier when they see you. "How much for de wee-men? Your wee-men, I want to buy them." - Jake Blues
  • samsung1
    6 years ago
    I met a really hot stripper offering extras at legends in detroit.I would consider that as second choice. Hustler used to be good but the last few visits I made were disappointing.
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