Pros and Cons of Being a Strip Club Regular

avatar for rell
Now for those who are new to this or just dont have a clue here are some personal things I&#39;ve learned and pros and cons of being a strip club regular.</p>
-staff knows you and you normally get better treatment and less hassle from security<br />
-the dancers feel more comfortable approaching you and you can get better dances out of them<br />
- you get drinks on the house if your cool with the bartender<br />
- alot of hook ups and otc experiences if you play it right</p>
<br />
-dancers will try to &quot;claim&quot; you so if theres a new hot dancer at the club.. chances are shes been told that your taken<br />
-you learn too much about the dancers(personal issues,baby daddy drama)i come to see you shake your ass and tits not here about your issues<br />
-as soon as you come in.. $$$$$ is your name<br />
-if new talent doesnt come in for awhile.. its the same ol thing</p>
Here are some pros and cons of being a freelancer</p>
PROS<br />
-its always a new experience you get to see different girls all the time<br />
-if one of your favorite girls has left a club yourll probly bump into her again at another club<br />
-since most of the dancers have never seen you before you can play the whole &quot;i dont get out much&quot; role</p>
CONS<br />
-no deals from the staff<br />
- clubs that are more laid back the dancers are less likely to approach you<br />
-if your one of those guys that try to hook up with a stripper a halfway decent stripper will be more hesitant to drop you her #<br />
<br />
For some being a regular is a good thing for some it isn&#39;t.&nbsp; For me personaly I enjoy going to different clubs and seeing different dancers and having new experiences.&nbsp; But if you&#39;re a gentleman that finds a good strip club and you want to be a regular, have at it.&nbsp; Just weigh your pros and cons.</p>


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avatar for sexualchoc
14 years ago
Good points from both sides on both issues.....there are times I don't mind visiting my regular club but then again, roaming free and checking out new ones always keeps the SC experience fresh. I mean, the last thing you wanna do is end up paying some girls college tuition but at the same time if you're getting great "extras" from your regualar, hey.......
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
I'd say I'm a regular at one club and your pros and cons are pretty accurate. The girls do know that there is money to be had from me, though there are definitely guys who spend a lot more. The biggest thing that helps is I'm developed somewhat of a 'rapport' with the girls at the club - they're more comfortable with seeing me OTC as there's a level of trust assumed, etc.
avatar for DiamondJack90
14 years ago
Being a regular is always better than being a freelancer, although living in a place where there are several pretty good clubs it is always cool to check out the other places one doesn't get into but rarely. I am treated very well at my favorite club with comps and lots of the talent eager to greet me with hugs and kisses, and dances that are better than can be hoped for in the other clubs due to the familiarity factor, and them there is that trust thing also which helps immensely.
avatar for rell
14 years ago
i was once a regular at a couple of strip clubs 1 closed down and the other i stopped going into because of a datin situation gone bad with a dancer there.. that started my free lancing..were im at theres about 40-50 strip clubs around me thats in at least 45 mins driving range so i have alot of options and since most of the dancers here free lance as well sometimes its a good thing to roam around.. but i do know how greta it is having familarity factor with the girls and that comes very handy
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Excellent article and I also agree with others who have said that you nailed the pros and cons of being a regular.

I'll just add that I think that the freelancer comments are ok, except that I find the "traveling businessman" gig to be very helpful in some places, particularly with getting right to the point in OTC setups. With my suit they think that I must have some money, they learn quickly that I am staying in a nice hotel, and I am highly likely not to come back and haunt them by hanging out in the club night after night running my mouth. In fact, some girls out there are much more eager to do OTC in those situations than they are with locals, or so I have been told.
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
Being a regular a club out wat the cons
avatar for jhop75
14 years ago
I think you both make good points.
In my experience, I have seen that being a regular at one club doesn't mean living there, but maybe once or twice a week is enough. Once you get the OTC pattern down, you can usually miss your main girl (I am not big on hitting the clubs on the weekends anyway) and have a day with her and day without to see new talent.
The suit or dressed business class has always helped me fare well.
I did jeans and casual, even a basketball jersey once, and the girls think you are more of a peer and are more prone to the counseling sessions than when they try to measure up to a man with a suit.
My $.02.
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
i'm not a regular, and never have been one. can't really afford to be a regular. i've never been to a club twice in one week or anything like that. in fact, the most times i've visited a club in one month is 2 times.

i'm a freelancer, so i'll try to comment on the pro's and con's you stated on that. the first 2 pro's you listed about freelancers are very true, from my experience. because i don't often (in comparsion to other TUSCL members), i do always see fresh faces/ new dancers at the club i frequent. i mean, sure, there are going to be a few of the same ol dancers that i recognize, even if i haven't been in a while, but there are ALWAYS a lot of new dancers that are fresh faces to me. and then the second thing you said, is if you have a favorite, and she left the club, you'll probably bump into her at another club. that happened to me. one dancer at a club i frequent, suddenly didn't work there anymore. and then one day i went to another local club, and ended up bumping into her there. she recognized me, too.

rell, can you elaborate on the third pro you mentioned for freelancers?
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
Good pros and cons. Being a regular works for me because I've found a good club nearby where I like the girls. But a visit to a new club is sometimes fun.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
I am a 'free lancer' and not the 'business suit' variety, either. I do have cash and pretty good verbal game. I have no trouble at all in the 'sure thing' clubs. And, I even do passably well with OTC action after spending some bucks ITC on my targeted prey. I am certain that as a regular my OTC accomplishments would be much more stunning.
avatar for rell
14 years ago
@govikings i usualy use the 3rd pro to my advantage to create value for myself. they may be strippers but they are still women and alot of women wouldnt talk to a guy that spends most nights at the strip club.. usualy ive i havent been to the club in over 6 months and there are new dancers.. i play like its my 1st time there dancers seem to be more interested in you when they find out its your 1st time.. or ill put on a nice outfit "like im going to the nightclub" and use the "im just hanging out here before i go out with my friends i havent seen in awhile" for me it always seem to impulse the dancer to want to chat with you more even some of them try to do more to make you stay
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
^ ah, i see. i follow what you're saying.
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
I am in favor of the Pro's because all the Con's do is rip me off
avatar for ww
14 years ago
Unfortunately, I live in where the options are limited (or to be more accurate, there are a good number of clubs but they all suck), so I go out of town for my adventures...the funny thing is, even though I may not visit a certain club in 4-6 months (like ATL), not too many girls or bartenders change out, and they all remember me from the last time...they TELL me they remember...whether I gave them a dance or not! So, I actually feel like a regular in certain clubs...I think its better simply because if my favorite is there, I know I'm going to have a good time/value...on the occasions where there is a lot of change out of girls and I have to sift out who I like, it can be hit and miss, especially on a light day shift where you can't see how a girl dances with a different might "waste" $20-100 figuring out who to get a dance from and that could've went to a regular with better "results".

However, I've never gotten anything "special" on rates with bartenders...even the ones who remember me...but I don't chat them up, either
avatar for highlander2973
14 years ago
Regulars rule. You want to go where everybody knows your name. ;-)
avatar for wwpmi
14 years ago
I like that fine line between being a "reg" and appearing to be a freelancer.I travel a lot but many times to the same remote locations. I find a major advantage in being a regular is that you know the club and the dancers and know who to avoid and who to go to. One advantage of being a freelancer is that the dancer may not remember you and try harder to sell you. I like being able to respond to the question "do you come here often" with "I have been here before". I find a major con of being a regular at my local clubs is that one or more of the dancers will "mark" you like a dog and none of the newer dancers will approach you and if you approach them they tell you they thought I was with x and they do not want to cross x. Even after I declare my independance they stay distance unless x or y is not working. Too much BS. As a freelancer I feel I have a run of the club but as I try to visit the same remote clubs I know the personality of the club.
avatar for rell
14 years ago
@wwpmi yeah i do like the fact as a freelancer does keep the bs and drama down a little. being a reg and a freelancer both have thier benefits but they both have thier draw backs.. if i probly lived in a area where there was less clubs or less quality i would probly be a reg

i just think its funny to go into some of the clubs that have the local feel to them and see the regulars there .. you know the PL's and always thought i hope i never become that guy and see the hoovers come over there and just suck thier money right up
avatar for chimark
14 years ago
much prefer being a regular... the girls that aren't my type don't really bother me, they know who I like and focus on others... also I fairly often get in without a cover unless there is a newbie at the door... I never make a stink out of paying a cover when I have to do it, but it's really nice that they just let me in without paying....

i think the original article really hits the points accurately... everyonce in a while I like to be incognito in a new club but usually prefer to return to my home turf..
avatar for sharkhunter
14 years ago
How's this for another pro for being a regular.
You arrive and go to the restroom for a minute.
At the bar you see the waitress already has your drink ready and your change when you never even spoke to her or pulled out your wallet to pay yet.

As a regular even when a club gets crowded and many others have no dancers at their tables, I have two or 3 dancers at my table. I would have settled for one at a time but one of them attracts a number of others.

Another plus for being a regular, every once in a while you get an extra perk you weren't expecting. Sometimes I get free dances, a few weeks ago one dancer gave me some free passes to the club.

I find being a regular works out better. In a new club I often feel like a piece of meat left out among some hungry sharks that come at me left and right and sometimes two at a time. If this continues longer than 3 hours without much interruption, I will start to envy all those tables of guys with no dancer bothering them. If I'm a regular and dancers already know I don't want any dances from them, I get left alone except for new dancers who usually don't know me. Occasionally some long time dancers will come up to me and ask for a dance and say something like "I've been working here for x number of years and you have never gotten a dance from me, let's go."
avatar for AnonymousJim
14 years ago
As someone who generally hits the clubs once or twice a month, I'm kind of on the borderline about the whole "regular" thing.

On the one hand, I think it hurts you. If the girls know you've been there, they also know you'll probably come back and probably won't care if you get a crappy dance or a weak act when it comes to her seeming interested in you. That's not good. If she thinks you're fresh blood, then she might try harder.

On the other hand, if bouncers know you're trustworthy and will spend, they might let you get away with more in the club. And if a dancer knows you've got a reputation of spending and tipping well, she might do more to try and get you to do exactly that. Plus, if you're a regular and known, then I think OTC opportunities are more likely because of that trust.

However, this can be a two-way street. I recently had an odd experience I'm kind of embarrassed about. It was my first time with a particular girl from a club I visit regularly and we went from the club to a casino, which is something I never do. We both played on my dime. I knew, as a non-gambler, I might make mistakes and lose. I did. She also lost, though she was convinced she would win, and blamed me for us not winning more while also getting flustered. Now I don't want to go back to that club since I have a feeling she probably told the other dancers the next night I was dumb from the casino experience. Way to make your customer feel good about his "purchase."

Furthermore, it's tough if you've been going to a club for a long time and you have a reputation for one thing, then you start wanting something else. I was a lapdance guy for a long time. Now that I'm thinking OTC, I'm guessing the girls I've done lapdances with for a long time will think, "Why should I do that? Can't I get the money the way I always have?"

So yeah. I guess it all depends.
avatar for Gossage54
14 years ago
I bounce around between a few different clubs in my area. One I fall back on the most is very mellow, BYOB low pressure place. Music isn't too loud girls don't give too much pressure for dances if you just want to chill. I try not to be too much of regular at one particular club, I've been going to these clubs for years so I do get recognized but I don't want to be that guy that comes in 4 times a week. Another drawback to becoming a reg is you can no longer come in anonymously, sit and have your drink(s)and casually pick the girl you might want a dance with or not choose any. Say you're a reg/semi-reg you go and there might be a girl there you've danced with before but there's a newbie you see you're interested in but the one you've danced with is all over you. You're now committed to her for the visit, yes you could be blunt and say I want to hang with this new one in a polite way but that creates a bad situation. One of the clubs I go to I can't stay for more than 1-2 drinks because this one crazy dancer there knows me (she's always there and has been there for years) and smothers me the second I walk in the door. She's extremely loud and bad mouths basically every girl in the club (loudly) right at the bar. So as soon as I'm caught in that spider's web I have to come up with a reason why I have to leave almost immediately and bolt. She won't leave me alone otherwise, my only recourse would be to tell her not to talk to me which would create a huge dramatic scene. I like going into clubs I've never been to or haven't been in so long it's like I've never been there. I kind of like the anonymous factor.
avatar for highroller23
14 years ago
I think there are two caveats to the idea of being a "regular". One is being a regular with the club and another is being a regular with the girls. I think a major pro to being a regular, or at the very least, really knowing the club, is the comfort level of knowing what you can and can't get. I would consider myself a regular at a few clubs, one in Houston, Dallas and Atlanta. In these, no matter the girl, I feel I am the "regular". I know what I can get and I feel I have the upper hand. I don't need to "know" the girl, because I know the rules.

This one is tough, though, although I agree with most of the points. I was longing for the ability to be a "regular" somewhere here recently in terms of knowing some of the girls, but I travel so much and the club that I consider my place, always has so many girls, I hardly ever see the same one. The girls that I do know, I have spent too much money on in the past and so when I don't have that kind of change with me, they move on.

So, my "regular" status with the ladies never seems to work, but being the regular at the clubs has.

avatar for rell
14 years ago
you make a great point redmerc
avatar for fredandethal
14 years ago
Both are good of course, but you have to define your goals. If you are limited in the budget sense you got to max out your dollar value on the sure thing. If budget isn't the primary concern then explore There may be a new favorite that can be discovered. I usually tip well and then sort it out later. Having three or more choices is always nice. Keep in mind what the market is doing and respond accordingly. If the place is packed with 8s or above pick and choose. If only one or two have potential focus you $$ there.
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