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Comments by sanitago (page 5)

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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Warren police investigate city's 10 massage parlors
"Thompson said she might not know if sexual activity takes place in her spas because the massages always take place in private rooms, and she cannot always be present during operating hours." (Sargent Shultz from "Hogan's Heroes", hand over eyes): "I know nothing, NOTHING!" ;-)
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Strip clubs making it rain on politicians
well fuck, at least one politician isn't ashamed to admit they've got nothing against strip clubs. good for him! now if only we could get some of the hypocritical shmucks who love to sneak into a club, then go out on the campaign trail and harp on "family values" to 'fess up, things might be a bit better.
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14 years ago
avatar for viptease
What do you think?
not new. know several dancers who are always on their phones tweeting or chatting with guys/customers. gets kind of annoying if they're setting with you....okay, okay it annoys the shit out of me! might want to think about that while you're keeping everyone out of the club 'entertained'.
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14 years ago
avatar for DougS
Tall or Short?
it's not how tall, it's that they're not so heavy it feels like they're crushing my lap! haven't had that happen yet, but had a couple of close calls where one of the 'hefty' ones decided she had to latch onto me....and couldn't seem to take the polite hints to get lost. that said, a short, slender one is nice if she'll let you grab her hips and really start to move them yourself. not as good as ITC, but as close as you can usually get without unzipping! ;-)
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14 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Sasha Grey- Author ?
I ran across her page on MySpace where she has some pics she's supposedly made. some of them are fairly good, most of them are more along the lines of "okay". but what the hell, name recognition sells too, doesn't it?
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for quicknight
Cell phones in the strip club
I don't usually take a phone to the club with me. the rule I've run into is most often that you can't use the camera on your phone, but if you use it to take/make a call, they're typically okay with that.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for Scoops
ATMs in Clubs
the club figures that most of the customers are either going to be either a) too drunk, or b) too horny to worry about how much their account will get dinged by the club's ATM. have to admit, the fav club has an ATM and I've used it a few times, but they charge something like $1.50/transaction, and it doesn't list the club's name on the bank statement, so it's not too high a price for the convenience, and fairly anonymous to boot.
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14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Male bartenders/waiters at a strip club
if they're doubling as security, I guess it makes sense. after all, who's going to notice a problem quicker than someone working the tables? that said, only saw a guy working tables once, and he usually checked the dancers in and out of the private rooms. slow night, so they had him out clearing tables. he was a dick, so it worked for me.
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14 years ago
avatar for CTQWERTY
Get a lapper from the new Wonder Woman?
I don't know about getting smacked with those bracelets, but damn, I think I'd love to see her getting out of that costume!
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for dudeanonymous
Stripper Sex Lives (Or Lack Thereof)
I tend towards the "It's part of her pitch." camp on this one. odds are she's just hoping to get you thinking with the 'little head', then once it's in charge, hitting you with the $$$ she wants you to part with to help her with her "urges".
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for samsung1
FriendFinder Revisits Plans To Go Public
why do I see this IPO digging a hole in the ground that will rival the Grand Canyon?
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14 years ago
avatar for Clubber
Asian Women
"I see one in Key West every once in awhile, but they are usually Navy wives." probably *not* a good idea to hit one of them up for a lapper...lol! as to liking asians, I've seen them, but not in SC's, and those I've met have usually been very enjoyable to be with.
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14 years ago
avatar for Realist123
How long is your average visit?
my times vary all over the place, though usually I never stay less than half an hour. I was once in the club talking to a dancer and saw a guy walk in the door. he scoped the line-up out, gave me a fairly dirty look (the dancer that was talking to me was one of the better-looking ones working that night), then walk over and start talking to one of the other dancers. probably five minutes later, the two of them head for the private dancer area. I don't think he was in the back for more than two song's worth (about ten minutes max) before he came out and walked right out the door. not the type of SC experience I'd ever want.
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14 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Sound Familiar ?
I read somewhere that the reasons for those frescoes wasn't to "stimulate" the customers, it was because there were so many people passing through the port of Pompeii who didn't speak Latin (and still wanted to get laid) that they put them up so the non-Latin speakers could just pointed to what 'service' they wanted. nice way to add to the bottom line.
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14 years ago
avatar for looneylarry
what's been said about motels and ID's is pretty much universal: if you want a room, be prepared to give them some sort of ID they can have. most places demand you at least show a credit card so they can have it to bill in case of any problems they might find after you leave. cash, however, is usually accepted so no charges show up on your card bill for the room (unless the two of you trash the place, of course!).
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Ukrainian Strip Club Owner Faces May 3 Trial in Smuggling of Women
he brings women to the US, forces them to work in his strip clubs, steals everything they make, and he's facing only a "maximum of 20 years? someone needs to talk to the Justice Department or Congress or someone, that is waaay too lenient a sentence for something like this!
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14 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Sex Ed was never like this when I went to school....
I can't figure out WTF the stink is all about. it's not like the students were forced to stay, or that they weren't told that this was going to be a "graphic" demonstration of human sexuality. no, they were informed and all of them are adults, so why is anyone complaining? no, wait, let me guess: someone thinks sex is something we don't talk about for fear of "contaminating" our 'young folks'. fuckin' idiots!
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14 years ago
avatar for 10inches
not to be too blunt about it, but the club owners shaft everyone. the dancers get hit with "rent" fees to go on stage. They have to cough up a percentage of any money they get from private dances or have to pay a set amount to "rent" the spot they give the dance in (usually on a per-song basis). Meanwhile the customers get hit with a door fee, (usually) over-priced drinks, fees to "enter" the private rooms, any "tips" the staff can screw you out of, and if that weren't enough, part of the money they think they're giving to the dancer for her work gets skimmed off by the owners. when I think of it all, the term "racket" springs into my mind, how about you?
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14 years ago
avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Your Fantasy Ranch strip club offering nude lap dances in a party bus?
don't know the precise wording of the law, but i have no doubt some Bible-thumping moron will manage to set the law onto them before too long.
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14 years ago
avatar for vision_works
What is lingerie modeling ?
BTW, I followed the link and the site is (not surprising, given the language used in the quoted piece) run by one of the moral-mongers. they even go so far as to "out" one of the women who works there, giving her name, description and also a description of her car. WTF, do they have no concept of the danger they could be putting this woman in? bunch of fuckin' idiots, IMHO.
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14 years ago
avatar for vision_works
What is lingerie modeling ?
well, with two shops in Rockford proper and another one (I think) next door in Belvedere, it does have it's fair share of activity on this front.
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14 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Close Nevada brothels?
Prim0, it'd be nice if what you say were true, but when I look at the modern conservative movement, I see them talking about 'keeping government out of our private lives", but what do they do? they pushing through things like the Patriot Act, the various laws that define what they see as "marriage as it should be", restrictions on abortion, restrictions on almost any type of "adult" industry, etc., etc., etc. they're interested in freedom....as long as it's "freedom" by their definition.
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14 years ago
avatar for steve229
Going to the Strip Club on your Birthday?
steve, odds are, you won't get any 'freebies', either of the dancing or "extras" type. go, have some fun, get a couple of lappers from some hot young thing, enjoy yourself, just don't expect anything special. that's what I did when I went for my last birthday.
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14 years ago
avatar for looneylarry
Burning rubber?
once had a woman tell me I should shave the 'equipment' because she thought it'd look "sexier" (her term). I looked at her for a moment then pointed to my face and said "There are days I can't manage to shave *this* without knicking myself! No $#@#&^ way am I getting a razor anywhere near down there!". 'nuf said.