
avatar for looneylarry
I need to tap the vets here. So things are going well with you and your new fave and you ask if she does anything OTC and she gives you her number. You call in a few days and line something up. I am assuming that the default is that the PL lines up the motel room. Assuming that it is in your town, what next? Any tricks to cover your tracks? Pay with cash? Sign under different name? Don't put down your real address, since who would get a room in your own town? Give her a key? Tell her the room number and to meet you at the room? Meet at bar first? Do it in the daytime? Watch to see if anyone comes with her or is waiting in her car? Insist on showering together first? Hide your money someplace in case she and it goes missing when you pop into the bathroom? Leave it in an envelope and there is no discussion about it? What are some common scams--usually just grab and dash? Getting some money upfront and a no-show?

What is the endgame--if you shoot too quickly, is everything over in 15 minutes and she grabs the money and leaves? Does she stay for the full time, talking baseball or women's shoes? What is a good sign--if she is the first to suggest that you get together again? Is it understood that you bring all the necessary stuff with you? When does the radar go up that she may be pursuing you more than you are comfortable? If her preferred mode is texting, how do you do it? Do you use a code word, or just write "Monday, 10:30 am, Super 8?" or something like that?

I know it sounds like I couldn't find my ass with both hands, but I do appreciate any tips.


last comment
There's a few articles and blogs, and the comments thereunto attached, that might help you out. Older articles, though, not necessarily on the first page.
To actually answer your questions though:

I don't bother to cover my tracks. My wife already knows, and who else do I really care about is gonna have an interest? Most places these days want a drivers license, in case of room damage or something like that. I pay with cash, or one of those pre-paid Visa cards you can get at Wal-Mart. If you want to avoid having your name associated with it, have *her* rent the room and then give her the cash to do it.

If it's the first time with this girl, don't give her the room number in advance. Meet her in the lobby or restaurant or hallway, or other place where you can see who's following or watching her. Then take her to your room. Once there, lock the door; if she gets near it, check it again. If she makes or receives a phone call, listen in to make sure she's not setting you up.

Showering is fun, and gets you both clean. I've done it more often than not, and I have yet to meet a girl who doesn't like having her back scrubbed.

I leave everything except what I expect to use in my car, which is not parked near the room or the hotel entrance. I take in only the amount of money we've agreed to, no more, and she doesn't even see it until we're getting ready to leave. I tend to leave my clothes right outside the bathroom door, and leave it open. If she doesn't like me taking a piss or something, she doesn't have to watch.

How long she stays and what you do, or how many times you do it, should be the subject of prior negotiations. And let her know that you're not going to pay, or at least expect a discount, if she leaves early, or doesn't get you off, or whatever. And hold the line on that no matter what the excuse.

Arranging a followup is whatever you and she prefer. I often don't know when, or if, I'll even see her again, and pinning most strippers down to more than a few hours in advance is an exercise in futility. By all means, prearranged possibilities if you're so inclined, and just confirm or provide details as the time gets closer. Do *not* commit incriminating details to text mesages, email, or voicemail. Even if my wife knows what's going on, I don't want the cops stumbling on it. In person is best, over the phone for just times and places is acceptable, as long as you remember that could be recorded as well. :)

Hope that helps some.
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
It sounds a little like trying to thread a needle while riding a motorcycle sometimes. Some of my possibles don't give me much confidence that they will remember some of the critical details, but your advice about avoiding any record is sound. I suppose it is as it always is: if something is going to happen, then she will make sure it happens, and if she wants it to happen, then her organizational skills and memory will improve dramatically.

I scanned the last year or so of articles and blogs and didn't see much. Appreciate the tips. Given your track record, how do you know when your OTC fav is asking for more than you want? In other words--too clingy?
You might have to go back further than that. I wrote one, and I think rickdugan did another, and there are numerous additional helpful comments on them as well.

As for your other question, *you* have to know what you want before you can know what constitutes more than that. For some, wanting to talk afterwards is too much. For others, anything short of "I want to have your baby" might be OK. You're call on that one. Decide, and then pay attention to what she's saying and doing to figure out if it's more than you're willing to give.

Mostly though, what she's gonna want too much of is your money. At some point, she'll start talking about how she needs more money. That's an opportunity to set up another meet, rather than just giving her more for the current one. Another reason for only carrying only what you agreed to; many of these girls are adept at picking pockets. :)
avatar for baltimoretraveler
14 years ago
Unless I've chilled with the dancer before, I usually wait to check in with the girl. They may ask u to text them the room number but that is risky. Someone could show up, or their boyfriend/ex might check their phone and see it later. (Dancers are not usually thinking about deleting their messages).

Never had anything strange happen except for one time the girl pulled out a goldpointsplus card at the Radisson front desk when I gave her cash for the room. She told me since she's there a lot she decided she may as well earn gold points.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Someone mentioned here they only do OTC in Hotels where you have to enter through the lobby to get to the room, sounds like good advice.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Usually avoid the chain lodging establishments when doing OTC; I have found that locally-owned motels understand the short stay model and charge accordingly if the city doesn't ban them from doing short stay pricing. When possible, the 2-4 hour room charge is typically half of a full night charge; that makes it $35-$45...2 lappers.

I am OK with rooms that access from the parking lot. Never had a just got to be careful who you whore around with.

When I smell curry in the front office, I know I'm in the right place. LOL
Personal security is paramount. Too many stories around about customers getting robbed, mugged or worse during OTC. Sometimes it gets real public. U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow's husband got caught getting a BJ in a Troy, Michigan hotel room. Divorce followed. Sen. Stabenow has dropped at least two dress sizes since the divorce.
Yes, Personal security is paramount. There is a dancer at Columbia Platinum Plus named Anna. Stage name Skye. She started back working at the club last year. She sat with me and we chatted for awhile but I passed on any dances. I was not ready. Later I mentioned it to gridget. She said "OMG, if that is who I think it is, she has been in prison for accessory to murder. She lured a customer to her hotel room. Her BF came in, robbed and killed the guy". gridget's curiosity was up. She went over and asked Anna if she used to work here many years ago. Anna replied yes. That she had just spent 8 years in prison. This story really hit close to home. Anna is still working there and is a ROB when it comes to dance prices. I don't know if she learned her lesson or not but I am not about to test it.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Unless there is a really good, just have them over to your place. They aren't likely to rob you. As stupid as strippers are they at least realize that if they rob you then they aren't going to be getting any future business from you.
I agree with other posters that the first time you meet them in the parking lot, bar, lobby just to make sure they haven't brought company. I think the actual hotel is personal preference as I've met them in Super 8's and in Marriott's.
It is very difficult to rent a hotel/motel room and remain anonymous. I suppose there may be some budget hotels in your area that might take cash and ask for no ID, but virtually all of the chains require IDs.

Now some of the chains will let you pay in cash and even give them a cash deposit in lieu of running your credit card, so if your concern is hiding it from your wife you should simply call around to the local motels and find out which ones will let you do this. Tell them that you do not have a credit card so need to use cash.

In terms of safety and scams, be sure to communicate upfront with the girl about what your expectations are. If you want a full hour, negotiate that upfront and stick to your guns during her visit. Also, NEVER pay a stripper upfront. While I hear that escort services operate differently, strippers can usually be told that you pay after the fact. And if she has an issue with that, let her know that it is a deal breaker, but also show her that you have the money. If she is serious about doing it then she will be ok with taking payment after the fact.

As far as your belongings, simply keep them in a visible location far away from the door. Also very important: piss before she gets to your room or before you have taken your clothes off. While I have never had a problem with "grab and dash", that might be in part because it is easier for her simply provide the services rather than to try to take my stuff from across the room, past me and out the door. ;) Also, in that location it is impossible for her to rifle through your clothes without you seeing it.

Don't worry about the clingy shit - if she does do it you can be sure that it is an act.

Don't rely upon her to bring supplies - these girls can be flaky as hell. Make sure you have your favorite condom with you.

In terms of time, I always negotiate for a full hour. Sometimes I use it all and sometimes not, but until I am done with her or my hour is up she is not getting paid. Be a man and hold firm.

During a first time visit I tend to wait in my car outside to see who she is coming with and how she gets there. I have never had a problem with strippers, but this saved my bacon once about 4 years back in one of my rare forays into online escorts. An ounce of prevention, etc., etc.

Good luck!

And damned, I should start charging for this stuff. ;)
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
Man, the more I read the background articles, the less I like the looks of it. When some of you old special forces military guys start packing and taking extraordinary precautions, I get nervous. Even if I don't pick a ROB, I have absolutely no room for error. If the girl knew that I can't have any slip-ups, then she could even use that as leverage. All she'd have to do is peek at my DL or car registration, then drop a hint abound driving down [my street] some time, and she'd have me by the short hairs.

Met a tall black girl one time and she soon asked me if I'd like to be her sugar daddy [red flag]. She gave me her number and I called it later. She and her kids were living at a motel [red flag]. She mentioned that she had been kicked out of the domestic violence shelter [two red flags]. I said that I had enough time to drive over (30 minutes) and have lunch. She bitched about giving her enough notice to get ready [red flag]. When I showed up, I parked in the lot and she came out and said some things to a black dude and girl that walked to their car [red flag]. It looked like she was maybe traveling with them [red flag]. Took her to lunch, and she bitched about most things, mostly lack of money [red flag]. Radar for me was up; I didn't look for any afternoon delight from her. I dropped her off and she hit me up for more money and I gave her a little, but I didn't bring much extra. Glad I drove away.
Looney, if you are that paranoid then you should not to it. And by all means you should stop picking up black girls at their shitty budget motels for lunch and by no means should you be anybody's sugar daddy.

Most of my games happen on the road so I don't deal with a lot of these local issues, but I do have a local fav. However, if you are going to screw around locally then you should be careful in ensuring that your friend has no interest in having her activities outed any more than you want your shit to be out there.
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
Rick, sound advice. I probably shouldn't put myself in a position where I am seeing girls that I should first be patting down. Just a couple of quick ones: do you go only at night? OTC for me would have to probably be during the day and local. Also, if you do it on the road, do you have the time to vet these girls on a quick trip, or have you already established a beach head with them and you are just revisiting them?
LL--I'll chime in here a little. Like Rick, I do all my otc playing out of town, and I've done both day and night playtimes. In my experience, I have spent several visits in the club with the dancer so we each feel comfortable with the other before meeting up outside. While I feel the time "investment" is worth it, others on here would disagree with that. Also my out of town visits are within an hour or so of home, which enables me to sneak away for an afternoon delight and get back home at a normal time.

You should be able to tell pretty quickly who you feel comfortable seeing outside. I like to get to know them in repeated club visits, which takes most of the risk away. I'm way more leery of hooking up with a stripper the first day/night I meet her so I take more precautions in that case.

Good luck and when it does work out, it's a nice experience for sure.
Looney, gmd is giving you good overall advice. It sounds like your game would need to be more similar to his than mine.

I travel a lot for work so I am gone a lot of nights. This allows me to fully run my game in a variety of cities. Also, I usually stay in nice hotels, so my OTC game benefits enormously from this.

Locally, I also tend to do my thing at night as I work late hours and have a certain amount of cover. However, OTC is more difficult for the credit card and anonymity reasons that you raised. And I am certainly more careful about doing this with the right girl when I am local. I will usually see her at least a few times in the club before OTC is broached.

Here's the good news. Most girls that do OTC do not want their shit publicized any more than you do. Many clubs will fire a girl for this, so they often have good reasons to be discreet as well. Also, IME dancers that do OTC are often less risky than anonymous escorts off of the Internet because, among other things, you do know where they work if something goes bad. Net-net, while it is a good idea to be cautious with a new hookup, the girlish dramatics you read around here about rip-offs and other bad acts are very much overdone and most OTC meetings with strippers go off without a hitch.
avatar for sanitago
14 years ago
what's been said about motels and ID's is pretty much universal: if you want a room, be prepared to give them some sort of ID they can have. most places demand you at least show a credit card so they can have it to bill in case of any problems they might find after you leave. cash, however, is usually accepted so no charges show up on your card bill for the room (unless the two of you trash the place, of course!).
I'll admit what I posted might seem overwhelming, but it really isn't, once you get into the habit. Lots of the things I do aren't so much "doing" as "avoiding". You just have to pay attention to what others are doing as well.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
The club in Calgary where I make my most successful OTC hook-ups is right behind the hotel I use. I wait for the dancer to finish her shift and walk with her to the hotel or I meet her in the hotel's lobby. No security worries with this arrangement. I am a long time customer of this hotel and there is never any hassle if I use the hotel for an assignation with a stripper.

I am more careful in towns where I am not so comfortable but I am not so paranoid as some other posters seem to be. I am probably living in the belief that I am the same hardass that I was 35 years ago.
But art, you are what's commonly referred to as a "tycoon", used to making deals and ferreting out bullshit and avoiding cons. The folks in this thread mostly don't have that experience. I certainly don't; most of what I know I learned from being stupid. And from family members who made it their business to separate fools from their money.
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