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Comments by sanitago (page 14)

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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Strip club bill advances in Missouri
typical Republican Bible-thumper idiots. you listen to them scream about how "Big Government" is intruding into our lives and destroying our freedom, then they support some crap like this? why can't these jerks just shove a sock in it and leave people to decide what they want to do? and to think, some folks wonder why we have such a dim view of politicians in general.
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15 years ago
avatar for tim987
strip clubs in USA
agree with gk, you can run into all manner of regulations for clubs depending on where the place is and what the folks there are like. case in point: the nearest "big" city to me allows clubs in downtown and most other "non-residential" areas, but the dancers are only allowed to strip to bikinis. two counties south, there's a club, literally in the middle of nowhere where the local laws let the women get down to G-strings on stage, and completely nude (plus a fair amount of hands-on contact) in "private fantasy" dances. the club in the country is in a county that's about as hard-core conservative as you can go, so figure that one out.
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15 years ago
avatar for potheadpl
Groups of women customers @ the club
ran into a slightly similar situation Friday. I noticed a couple of actually very good looking women hanging out together at the club I frequent. they didn't seem to be with any guy or guys, actually never went into the room where the stage is, but did hang out a lot in the bar/pool table area talking to different guys. they walked out just ahead of me when I left chattering to each other about something, and headed to their car. if I'd have thought they were 'on the hunt', I think I would have paid less attention to the strippers and more to them.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Man Pleads Guilty To Hiring 14-Year-Old Stripper
damned silly of the guy not to make sure of the girl's age, but that said, I can remember from my own youth that some of the girls developed very early indeed. given the way they're encouraged to use make-up and dress like a streetwalker, could any of us tell a girl's age by just looking?
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15 years ago
avatar for MisterGuy
Rhode Island
An Irvine cop ejaculates on a (stripper) motorist but escapes criminal liability
sounds like cop justice. kinda reminds me of the case in Chicago last year where an off-duty cop (6'+, well over 200 lbs.) beat the crap out of a female bartender who barely broke 5' and walked, even though the whole thing was caught on the bar's security camera! I guess there's the law for citizens, then there's the law for cops.
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15 years ago
avatar for mrlover2010
Trapeze Club - swinger club
potheadpl pretty much said what I've run into from these clubs. some will let single guys in, but more than a couple I've read/heard of prefer that any such guys be bi, which leaves me out. not saying you can't get in, or that the club you're interested in is going to have the same policy, just warning that you might run into some conditions that you don't want to fulfill.
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15 years ago
avatar for vincemichaels
Here we go again, Detroit lawmakers take up strip club regulation
seems a common theme: someone sees a way to look 'virtuous' and 'morally upstanding' for the Morality Police types and grabs hold of it with both hands. we had something like that near here a couple years back. the district attorney was wanting to make a name for himself so he decided to target the only strip club in the county (Heartbreakers GC). made lots of noise about it being a 'bad influence' (even though the place had been open for five or so years at that point) and vowed to shut it down. he won the election handily and, guess what, he suddenly didn't have a problem with there being a strip club in his county anymore. ain't that amazin'?
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15 years ago
avatar for stripclubspy
They're not employees... or are they?
From what I know from talking to the ladies working at my "local" gentlemens's club (Heartbreakers, Compton, IL), they pay the club. The club charges them "rent" when they're on stage (though I can't remember if it's a percentage of tips or a flat rate). The club also gets a cut of the money they make off "fantasy" dances, the ones in the private booths in the back. A nice racket for the club owner, ain't it?
article comment
12 years ago
avatar for blacky
Do Swingers Make Good Strippers?
maybe a swinger looking for something a bit "different" might strip, but I've never met one. all of the one's I've ever gotten a dance off were 110% mercenaries, strictly in it for the money.
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13 years ago
avatar for jackattack107
A Year Being a Regular: Part V
I will conclude from the hints dropped that Alanna's 'fuck buddy' relationship did not go well. guess I'll have to watch for the next installment to find out for sure.
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13 years ago
avatar for farmerart
Risk in Strip Clubs and in Life
art, whether you do fs covered or not is up to you, not anyone else. for myself, I'd probably do it covered with most of the strippers I know. then again, I know one I'd love to spend the night bare with (and have zero chance of doing so, of course!).
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13 years ago
avatar for inno123
Building the Perfect Club: Part 4, Lapdance Lane and VIP Alley
no need to have someone constantly monitor the video for anything other than security/safety purposes, which is what you're paying your floater for anyway, true? the real beauty of the idea is on the revenue front: at the end of the night, when the dancers have to settle up, you use the computer system to do a search keyed to that dancer's ID. all the videos come up, showing time in and time out. then you just tell the dancer how long they used the room, and because you've got all the transactions on video, there's no disputing how much they owe the house. it also offers you proof if you go to fire a woman for breaching club rules. your club, your call though.
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13 years ago
avatar for inno123
Building the Perfect Club: Part 4, Lapdance Lane and VIP Alley
if you want to have some sort of equitable timer set-up, and you're club is running a video monitoring system for security/"proper behavior" enforcement purposes, you could have it set up where the dancer and customer go into the room, and when she starts dancing, she hits a button. when she finishes, she hit the button again to indicate that the dance is over. you time-stamp the video stream (most modern system already do this) and use this to have a record of how long the dancer was using the room. that way there's no customer's complaining about being charged for waiting for the next song to begin, or for the dancer to get her costume off/get ready for the dance. it also offers indisputable proof in case a dancer claims she's being "over-charged" for the time she used the room. simple and easy. it also offers you evidence if a customer gets out of hand or assaults/cheats a dancer, evidence that will stand up in court if need be. a very powerful deterrent, that sort of thing.
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13 years ago
avatar for LordStark
Tampa Strip Club Owner Insults Rich People and Republicans
why is it when some says something about rich Republicans, it's "class warfare", but when Republicans talk about things like making Social Security a "privately financed" program by putting people into 401K's (yeah, like those have done real well of recent!), it's just them looking out for the "good of America"? I also agree with the statements that it's almost exclusively "family values" Republicans who are pushing harsher laws on strip clubs and other "adult" enterprises. it's like they're okay with the idea of companies raping their workers on things like retirement benefits and medical insurance coverage, but one little strip club in town is The End Of The World As We Know It! bunch a fuckin' frauds, imho.........
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13 years ago
avatar for davephx
Some Dancers Value Friendship
no big shock. I know a dancer at my local club who gives me a smile every time she sees me walk in. if she's not working a customer for a dance, she'll usually come over, set down, and we'll spend as much free time as she has between stage shows just shooting the shit. I don't know, but she seems to like to be able to talk to a guy who's willing to talk to her and not busy trying to get his hands all over her. so yeah, dancers are humans too.
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14 years ago
avatar for ArtCollege
Escort 101
uassexguide is a good source of intel on different women working as escorts, both the good and the bad. fair warning: they usually do not just jump forward to help FNG's, so you're going to end up reading a lot of reviews and reports to get an idea of who to see. the up side is, if you're willing afterwords to write up a report of your experience, you'll get some credit from the folks who've been on there a while, and they'll be more likely to open up and share more intel with you.
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14 years ago
avatar for kumasdaisy
Stripping My Way through College
johnbrwon001, it only seems good. get caught and you're reputation goes down the toilet fast. there's a couple of discussion threads about a woman who was a lawyer, now, she's facing charges she was a prostitute. evidently the local cops are looking into the possibility that she might have worked her way through law school turning tricks. now, even if she can get herself found innocent, her career is shot because of all the negative publicity. doesn't sound like a good trade to me.
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14 years ago
avatar for beaverbandit69
The Facade of Anti Strip Club laws & perceived negative "secondary effects"
you hit the most important part of this: that people have to draw a line somewhere so the people who want to legislate morality and "save" us who don't hold their beliefs know their "help" is not wanted nor is their interference in our lives appreciated.
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14 years ago
avatar for waydownnorth
Clubs that Get It and Clubs that Don't
I think a lot of the reason the dancers don't get up on stage if no one is tipping is because (at least from what I know) the clubs charge them "rent" for the time they're on stage. think about it: they get up on stage, no one comes over to tip, and at the end of their set they're in the hole to the club. no one with any money sense is going to buy that deal.
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14 years ago
avatar for joker44
In the wind
First Missouri, Now Kansas: Sexually Oriented Business State Laws
you have to love the out-and-out hypocrisy of conservative Republicans. "Oh gosh! Those so-and-so Socialist Democrats are out to get the government involved in every aspect of our private lives!". meanwhile, they're dictating damned near every aspect of our sex lives, from how we get our enjoyment, to who we get our enjoyment with, to what to do if things don't go quite right. yeah, they're really worried about our freedom......like Hell!
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14 years ago
avatar for DougS
How to enjoy SEXtracurricular Activities (Without the SO Finding Out)
good alternative to clearing out the wallet (especially if you're just 'stashing cash') is a second wallet you keep in a secure place. then, when you go 'on the hunt', all you have to do is pack it with you, then transfer your drivers license (in case you're unlucky enough to get in that car crash) when you're ready to go out. fast and simple. pre-paid phones now offer pretty much anything you can get on a "regular" cell, and you can get then very cheap, which means you can loose the phone (either by accident or because a woman starts harassing you) and not take a major hit. buy one in a convenience store, Dollar Store, Wal-Marts or any other large and/or frequently visited outlet with cash and it's about as untraceable as you can get (in case you end up trying to make a "date" with someone who turns out to be a cop). kept stashed somewhere you can get at it when you want, it's a safe way to keep in touch with nearly zero 'footprint'. good to see someone else who knows the value of a "dead-drop" email account, one you can hand out that isn't tied to you personally. that, a business card with a matching name and your "fun phone" should be "must-haves" for anyone who wants to have any fun.
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14 years ago
avatar for bigreddo
The Mysterious Orient in Raleigh, NC?
have to agree with the individual who said it's probably about them not knowing you. too many of these places get burned by Uncle LEO because one of the girls was willing to offer a bit more than she should have to someone who ended up wanting nothing more than to bust them.
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14 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Asian Travel Guide
mmdv26:<br /> from what I've read, you'd probably be wasting your money (not to mention the ugly scene you described) if you tried taking your own 'blue pills' with you. at least in Thailand, you can supposedly go into any pharmacy and buy them over-the-counter at a lot cheaper prices than you can get them here.<br type="_moz" />
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14 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Asian Travel Guide
people looking to get some information on this sort of thing would be well advised to also check out the following site:<br /> http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/index.php<br /> it's not a lot different from here: people who have been to different places share information on what's happening, prices, different women they met/recommend, etc. remember prices are usually quoted in local currency, which in the case of, say Thailand, means it takes something like 32 local to buy the same as one dollar, so a local price of 2000 for a night figures out to something like $65, which is pretty cheap!<br /> (no, I've never managed to have the spare cash/time to go, but once I stumbled across this site, it was definitely one I put on my &quot;bucket list&quot;!)<br type="_moz" />
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15 years ago
avatar for georgmicrodong
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Maintaining discrete contacts
seems like a lot of work when you can walk into any Wal-Marts, Target or convenience store these days and buy a phone for less than $10. I keep a phone for &quot;fun&quot; that I picked up at one of those Dollar General stores, buy minutes for where ever I happen to be when I start getting low on time, and handle everything to do with it in cash. they ask for a phone number to active most of them, but a quick look through a phone book can give you that in short order, so why go to all the trouble to try to outsmart Google?<br type="_moz" />