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Comments by sanitago (page 13)

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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Porn Studio Makes Offer To Save Octomom's Home From Foreclosure
my bet is she takes them up on the offer. she seems to love the spotlight and I can't think of anything more likely to get people to pay attention to her again than something this fucking stupid.
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15 years ago
avatar for mitciv
Illegal Immigrant Murderer Lived in U.S. Off Federal Subsidies
wow, someone managed to use a fake ID to do something wrong. I'm shocked.
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15 years ago
avatar for steve229
The alleged mistress of Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James is a stripper
"I think tabloids should require random drug testing before accepting stories from people..it would add some credibility to their stories..." hell, I remember the old "Weekly World News" with much fondness. the stories were insane, but you knew it and nobody with the publication pretended they had any relevance, so it was a great laugh!
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15 years ago
avatar for steve229
The alleged mistress of Sandra Bullock's husband Jesse James is a stripper
and another loser picks the wrong chick to fuck. why ain't I amazed, given JJ's seeming desire to be-and-or-stay "famous"?
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15 years ago
avatar for CTQWERTY
Silk Exotic Milwaukee
might be time to get hold of your credit card company and protest that one. definitely runs towards the old loan-shark term 'vigorish' as far as costs of use go.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Exotic dancer suing D.C. strip club for wages
hell, clubber, I don't remember the Constitution saying anything about corporations having the same rights as you and me, but the current court seems to think they do. are they a "liberal" court?
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Exotic dancer suing D.C. strip club for wages
gods, I hope the Supreme Court doesn't step in! those people have their heads about five feet up their own butts of recent, IMHO.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Teacher tells class: I'm becoming a stripper!
jeez, and to think she was expressing her despair at a stupid decision on the part of the school board. what would they have done if she'd openly questioned the wisdom of laying off teachers when most schools are taking heat for students not matching the No Child Left Behind standards? tarred-and-feathered her?
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15 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Prince Phillip puts his foot in it again...
and to think some folks thing Joe Biden has a bad case of hoof-in-mouth disease!
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15 years ago
avatar for sharkiee123
My girlfriend is a stripper...
some options to consider (outside of the cynics/know-nothings blathering away above): she may not have told you because she *was* concerned that you'd think she was nothing but a wh**e for dancing. as you can see from that above, a lot of guys here seem to think that as well. whether or not they know which end should go down when it's time to take a dump is another matter. you might be getting calls because she's has a stalker. one dancer I know had a guy who started coming down to the club, acting like they were dating, getting freaked out if she went to do a private dance with a customer, etc, etc, etc. club owner had to have the bouncers throw him out and bar him from coming in again, which made matters worse until she got the cops involved. they managed to get the guy to pry his head out (amazing what the threat of time in a cell with Bubba And The Boys can do to a guy's attitude). is she doing extras? one person made the suggestion here that, if the club has a record of of that happening, she might. that's true, but then again, guys lie about sex all the time (hey, anyone here want to say they haven't, even once?), so reading it and it being so don't always end up being the same. bottom line: ask yourself if *you* trust her. would what she says, and how she acts with you, make you wonder if you'd never got those calls? if not, then f**k the mystery caller! if they would have, then I guess the next question is what do you feel for her? that one I can't help you with, but make up your own mind and don't let someone else tell you what to do.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Exotic dancer suing D.C. strip club for wages
an interesting problem. on the one hand, the dances can make a ton of money. the flip side is that dancers, like any other profession that is tied to how the person looks and can move (models come to mind) have a limited 'shelf live', so their "window of opportunity" to make that money is not very long. an accident or unforeseen illness can put them out of work very quickly. for myself, I wonder at the club, which, on the one hand, is claiming that they are not "employees" entitled to the considerations any other worker is, and on the other, fining them if they miss work for any reason. to impose that sort of punitive measure implies by itself that the dancer is expected to be there and working, i.e. a "regular employee". if they weren't fining the dancers they might have a case, but as it stands, I think she's got a pretty good chance at taking them (justifiable, IMHO) to the cleaners.
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15 years ago
avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
Update on TUSCL_Brother
if he was involved in kiddie porn, I doubt he's going to get a short-term stay at a "Club Fed", especially if he either had a large collection or was involved in distribution. in those cases, judges and juries rightly tend to specify long, hard sentences. either way, I think he's going to find out what those kids went through as everything I've ever hear says child molesters and their ilk tend to be the target of everyone looking for 'jailhouse love', and I can't find a lot of pity in me for them.
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15 years ago
avatar for CTQWERTY
"Seducing Cindy"
OMG, a "reality" show that looks staged!!!!! heavens, what will the (television) world come to?????? yes, I am being sarcastic, but why people even watch these shows is well beyond me, as even a quick bit of thinking has to tell you it's about as "real" as All Star Wrestling used to be back in The Day.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
City: $2M strip club lawsuit is 'frivolous'
these types of "nuisance" laws and regulations on city, county and state books have long been used in this way. I know in my county that the regulations to qualify for the type of special use permit that would allow a strip club to open are pretty extensive, and stringent enough to make qualifying almost impossible. might be kinda nice if some judge told these people they'd stepped well past the line and it was time to back off.
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15 years ago
avatar for casualguy
Anyone familar with online dating sites?
casualguy, I tried a site I won't name out front but talks a lot about bang in the name. within a day of signing on as a free member, I had something like five offers from women as young as 20, all asking to make them a friend. of course to do that, I had to cough up a nice-sized chunk of change (or let them automatically bill my credit card every month) to become a "full" member. so I figured out that the odds are they're a scam of some sort, probably run by the site, hoping to suck in guys who are letting the little head do all the thinking. on the other hand, I was a paying member of a site that refers to itself as "The largest adult dating site.", and I can tell you it was a total waste of money. met three women through the site, and I'm not sure that swallowing a semi load of Viagra could have let me get it up for any of these ugly-and-fat-assed hoes! so, my vote: save your money and take a stroll through Backpage or some similar site.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Bill to regulate Miss. strip clubs goes to gov
"The bill states any county's board of supervisors is 'empowered to promulgate, adopt and enforce ordinances which are necessary and reasonable for the regulation of establishments where public displays of nudity are present.' It's not mandatory for any county to adopt ordinances." alright, I must be dense. if there are no laws on the state books to *stop* counties from adopting regulations regarding strip clubs, WTF is the state legislature doing passing a law *allowing* them to? I'd blame it on the conservative Republicans, but in this case, a Democrat proposed the bill, so I guess that just proves that stupid is an equal-opportunity employer. jeeeeeez!
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15 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Woman Gets Life for Burning Dancer
WTF, she couldn't get a job in the club, so she attacks and nearly kills someone who did? what the hell did she think, if she got rid of one of her 'competitors', the club would overlook her doing so on their property? seriously f**ked up b**ch!
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Detective gets 130 lap dances, makes no arrests
who knows, maybe the fed who was getting all those dances paid for a bunch of multi-song sets and just was too stupid to know that doesn't count as just one dance. have to say, one f**kin' stupid waste of time, money and resources IMHO.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
Massive Miami-Dade prostitution ring busted in "Operation Fallen Angel"
once again our police get hijacked by the self-described "morality police to see to it all us 'unwashed and unsaved' types behave to their standards. WTF, do these people even care whether we want them to tell us how to behave??? some day someone should set them down and tell them it's our sex lives, not theirs, and if they don't like it they should move somewhere with a government that shares their views. hell, I'd even chip in to cover the cost of sending these clowns off to Iran or Saudi Arabia!
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15 years ago
avatar for mitciv
The Frankfurt School of Marxism: at work in America
clubber, "intrastate" commerce is business that is conducted inside the borders of a single state, while "interstate" commerce is business that crosses state borders. you're thinking of the latter, not the former. as for seceding, any state daft enough to do it is going to find, one Confederate politician once described one of their states that thought the Confederate government too "all-intrusive" as being "too small to be considered an individual nation, and too large to be considered an insane asylum", a fair description of things even today.
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15 years ago
avatar for Dudester
Pole Dancing in the Olympics?
some of the women I've seen dance do things I don't think a gymnast would try on a bet, so why not make it an Olympic event? I do have to agree, though, if it's going to be done, it has to be done right: minimum of three songs, gods-awful "platform" heels and nothing more than a G-string at the end of the performance (with extra points available for going full-nude and the number of judges the performers can make cum in their pants!).
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
State high court will review legality of 'pole tax'
actually, clubber, if you can offer me an example of someone who's active in the Religious Right who isn't interested in dictating the sex lives and/or religious beliefs of everyone in the US of A, I'd be happy to be proven wrong, so give me an example. all I ever hear from that quarter is how we have to crack down on such terrible crimes as prostitution, or how we have to make sure such "menaces" as adult book stores have to be run out of town (or the zoning laws arranged such that they can never open in a town to begin with), or how we have to have the cops watch and/or harass strip clubs because they're such a "bad influence on our community", or whatever. same things with our religious beliefs, as in they should be free to "save" us poor, unwashed Heathen, no matter whether we want to be @#@#$ saved or not, and our kids need to be taught their beliefs (because if they aren't then, their kids might hear about beliefs that aren't theirs, and that'd be a horror now, wouldn't it?). once upon a time I actually respected conservative. I didn't agree with them a lot, but I could respect them and their ideals. nowadays, since they crawled into bed with the religion nuts, I have nothing but contempt for them.
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15 years ago
avatar for samsung1
State high court will review legality of 'pole tax'
hell, clubber, they can track your cellphone now, and have been able to since about 2002/2003. some genius decided that all new cells would have to carry a GPS chip in case of another 9/11, so first responders could find you. of course, everybody and their dog quickly figured out you could do the same to just about anyone for just about any reason, so we end up with yet-another example of the Law Of Unintended Consequences. we go from protecting peoples lives to allowing the tracking of their every move. ain't technology grand everyone? as for the tax, sounds like something the Religious Right will be filing to support. they want us to be free in everything BUT our sex lives and religious beliefs. thank the gods they're out there protecting their freedoms (yeah, like hell!).
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15 years ago
avatar for WorldWideDancers
Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
I'm sorry, but this one smells, big time! If I'm wrong, an apology will be offered, but if you're a traffiker, I hope your next stop is a jail stocked with many large and extremely "friendly" men.
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15 years ago
avatar for Player11
Are the Backpage.com gals driving down POP, especially extras at the Club?
I've actually visited more than one BP woman. so far, no rip-offs and no hassle. as they say elsewhere, YMMV, but that's my experience to date.