Groups of women customers @ the club

avatar for potheadpl
Last night I made my first excursion in a while. One of the club's DJs has a taco wagon set up out front. Food is outstanding, so I stepped outside to order. I notice three women sitting on the planter in front of the club. Not attractive, so I didn't acknowledge them. As I was walking back with my food, I heard them say "He's cute!" and they summoned me over.

I talked to them for a few minutes, told some jokes, and asked them if they just hung out in front of strip clubs for fun. One of them said they wanted burritos. I said goodbye and went back inside.

About 20 minutes later all three of them came over and sat with me. Well, sat ON me. That was cramping my style so I excused myself to hit the head. They were @ the club all night, hitting on guys. So I figure they come to strip clubs to pick up horny dudes.

That's. Fucking. Brilliant. I guarantee you they went home with someone.

Anyone else encounter this? I've seen couples, and I've seen girls who are into girls, but never civilian women using the club as a pickup spot.


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avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
So, what was their thought with you? All 3 hump the same guy? Did the strippers disapprove of their presence as "competition"? How many guys were "confused"-- they had gone to a club to gawk and hand over money only to be hit on by civilian women looking for sex??? Would the manager have let you take all 3 into the VIP, so long as you paid the house fee?
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
That is a smart idea but I wonder if they were prostitutes?

I know some clubs that will not allow single ladies to enter because they assume they are prostitutes.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
samsung1: That's just about every club around here.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I've had that experience a couple times at my #2 club, complete with the taco wagon. Usually, they are seriously drunk and end up berating the dancers. I know the dancers don't like them.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
We have one club here in Detroit where I have seen a fair amount of 2 or more gals come in and drink. I get the impression that they are dancers on their night off, or bi-curious women. I don know of one club, no longer in business, the infamous(at least in Detroit strip club history) The Zoo on 8 Mile. Management let in hookers all the time, probably one of the reasons it closed, as well as the "mud wrestling" bouts that were the club's mainstay attraction.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
As more rules are relaxed, unescorted women looking for dates in SCs will become the norm. That's where guys are throwing away money. Why not, she says, on me? If extras are available, a civilian might offer OTC for a competitive price. The Great Recession produces great needs.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
I've never run into any problems going to a club stag, ever. I've been to clubs up & down the west coast, hawaii & vegas. Maybe it occurs in other areas of the country, but not here.
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
ran into a slightly similar situation Friday. I noticed a couple of actually very good looking women hanging out together at the club I frequent. they didn't seem to be with any guy or guys, actually never went into the room where the stage is, but did hang out a lot in the bar/pool table area talking to different guys. they walked out just ahead of me when I left chattering to each other about something, and headed to their car. if I'd have thought they were 'on the hunt', I think I would have paid less attention to the strippers and more to them.
avatar for lopaw
15 years ago
I just remembered that every once in a while I see the same 3 rather large ladies who are MTA bus drivers (they are in uniform) eating their lunch @ a topless club near the metro station. They never look up at the stage, and never tip the dancers. They just eat their lunch, keep to themselves, and I presume head back to work afterwards. They do seem oddly out of place in the club. But the food is good there, so I can see why they eat there every so often.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Here, a number of places offer a free lunch. I doubt, however, "customers" like them would go over well.
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
@CTQWERTY---I wondered that, too. Maybe they all wanted to take me home. First of all, I'm not nearly man enough to handle three women at once. Two, sure. But three is a different ballgame. The logistics are complicated. Secondly, they were kinda heinous. One was 45, one was kinda chunky, and the third was homely.

None of the clubs here have any restriction on unescorted females. As a matter of fact, they don't even charge 'em cover. Dancers, for the most part, like them. Well maybe not the diesel dyke types, but others are fine. There's a black lesbian who hangs out @ one of the lower-end clubs here. She looks like Queen Latifah with cornrows, and dresses like Ice Cube. Disturbing.
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