The Mysterious Orient in Raleigh, NC?

Being a monger and traveling used to be easy if you wanted an erotic massage: You would search Craigs List, look for someone near to where you were traveling who advertised 'table shower' - and a happy ending was in sight. So on a recent trip to Raleigh NC, I followed the formula but nowadays the search is done on backpage dot com. The result showed this hopeful ad:<br />
Grand Opening Chinese Spa<br />
Private massage rooms<br />
Clean, Quiet and Comfortable<br />
919-844-7776 7313<br />
Six Forks Rd<br />
Raleigh, NC 27615<br />
Table Shower Available<br />
Monday - Saturday 9:30 AM - 10:00 PM<br />
Sunday 11:00 PM - 10:00 PM<br />
I arrived without phoning. Nice place. It's behind a McDonalds, on their level (other stores are up one story). Bottom line: If you're looking for a great massage while you're nude, this is the place. If you're looking for something sexual - it's wasn't here, at least for me. I paid $70 for an hour massage and an addtional $20 for the table shower. I got 90 minutes of massage attention, so it was a reasonable deal. Both table shower and massage were wonderfully done. I was naked, the girl was comfortably dressed but not in any revealing way. In the table shower she placed a folded towel first over my butt then, on flipping me to be face up, she covered my private parts with it. The same covering technique was used in the massage room. Even when I asked her at the end to help me with my private parts, she insisted she couldn't because she would be fired. Back home, the girls will give you a happy ending without asking. There's no place like home.... There's no place like home....</p>
But here's the mystery: The table shower had a hand-held shower head on a flexible shower cord. Why did she lay the shower head down on the table and aim it right into my private parts while she was soaping me? That warm water was nicely arousing! During the table shower and during the subsequent table massage there was the usual fingernail or fingertip brushing of the private parts, even with the towel on top of the bits that were supposed to be covered. She even moved the covering towel more than once in ways the resulted in my erection getting even more excited. During the table shower, she spent more time massaging and brushing my butt than any other single part of my body. So it's an oriental mystery in Raleigh: With all the clues that hinted toward a happy ending at that oriental massage parlor, there was nothing like it in sight.</p>
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last commentI would not trust backpage or craiglist with picking out an erotic message. Too many rip off gals on there. I do trust (although it does cost money if you want to read the full reviews - you can still read partial reviews to get an impression of if a place is worth visiting)
have to agree with the individual who said it's probably about them not knowing you. too many of these places get burned by Uncle LEO because one of the girls was willing to offer a bit more than she should have to someone who ended up wanting nothing more than to bust them.
Uncle LEO??? LMAO!!! Do you mind if I quote you santiago??
I think your first mistake was picking a Chinese massage place. By me Chinese means no hanky panky. Korean is the operative word for a touchy feely masage. I have had a Chinese massage in Vegas that fit the bill but maybe every massage in Vegas is hands on? Alot depends on how you lead up to happy ending. Playful 2 way touching says I'm not Uncle LEO. Passively laying doesn't give the girl any confidence. Also laying the tip in plain site sometimes makes the difference.
As others have said, your big mistake was using Backpage. If you want accurate information, use Some shills write there, but generally it is far, far, more helpful than backpage, which lacks reviews by users.