Do Swingers Make Good Strippers?

avatar for blacky

Over the years, when I go to a club, I try to talk to the girls that are going to dance for me as the more comfortable they are with me, in general, the more mileage I seem to get. One of the questions I usually ask is "What does your boyfriend think about you working here?" Sometimes, that raises a giggle and sometimes the girl says that she doesn't have a boyfriend, and this point, I always respond "what is a great looking girl like you doing without a boyfriend?" Again, play to their egos and your mileage will most likely improve.

So, what does this have to do with swingers? Well, one of the strippers who I have gotten to know over the years replied to my boyfriend question and said that she is married and he doesn't mind as they are into swinging, so it just an extension of the lifestyle.

Of all of the girls that I have met, she seems to have her head on straightest, there doesn't seem to be any drama, and she isn't always high as a kite, as many of them are. More importantly, when in the LD area, it is not uncommon for her to go well beyond the normal rules and in the CR, BBBJ is just part of the price of admission. I do believe that she draws the line at sex in the club but that is more than reasonable. To me, clubs are not the place to get laid but maybe I am old fashioned.

I honestly think that for most of the girls, they know that in order to make money, they have to do extras and this makes them feel like a hooker, even if they draw the line at HJ and BJ. Many of them turn into hustlers and seems more than half either drink or do drugs somewhat extensively. These are turn offs for me.

I know one girl who I have known for quite some time totally ripped me off recently - she said that she did 4 sets of 2 songs each when I know that I was with her no more than 12 minutes. This club doesn't do 1 1/2 minute songs, so there was no question she was taking advantage of the fact that 2 minutes earlier she was stroking my cock through my unzipped fly in the LD booth. While the attention was nice, the girl has lost so much weight recently, she doesn't look well and her dance didn't have any real appeal. I ended up chatting with another guy at the club and he said that she has a bad drug habit which was enough to say that she will never dance for me again.

However, this girl who swings with her husband is totally comfortable with her life. She has never ripped me off and in fact, am positive that there have been days when she has short changed herself in the song count (I guess that is what happens when she is orgasming as I stick my fingers in her wet pussy). She doesn't push for CR but asks if I want and has never seemed insulted when I say not today. But, most important, she is always smiling and she seems to be having a good time working as a stripper.

So, if you have the option, try to find a stripper who also swings. It could be a real nice change of pace.


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avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

Your discussion reminds me why dancers almost always have fucked up relationships with guys.

avatar for jackslash
12 yrs ago

She wants you to fuck her. For $300.

avatar for lopaw
12 yrs ago

Want to annoy a stripper? Ask her "What does your boyfriend think about you working here?". Like they haven't been asked that question 1000x a day. And besides - she might have a girlfriend, not a boyfriend. If she wants to volunteer that info, then so be it. But it is something that I would never ask.

And as far as swinging goes - I don't know if swingers make good strippers, but I'll bet strippers make good swingers, just by the nature of their job and their involvement in the sex industry can make them very open to alternative sexual opportunities.

avatar for looneylarry
12 yrs ago

One time I went to a SC that had an adjoining bar, with a shared lobby. The bar was curtained off, and they stopped me and said that there was a private party that night. I paid the cover and went into the SC. Asking around, I found out that there was a local swingers club that has an outing every month or so. They rent rooms at a motel about a block away then come to the bar/SC.

I couldn't get into the bar (since I was not a member of the swingers club), but there were several swingers that drifted over to sit and watch dancers, often as couples, and I'd say the talent in the bar was far better than the dancers in the SC. I don't know if swingers make better strippers, but I gave some serious thought into joining up to see the rest of the talent behind the curtain that night.

avatar for rogertex
12 yrs ago

Me thinks swingers make the best strippers.

I long for such women - they are highest category dancers in my book (Category 4)

Tell me more about the swinger in your club - I might visit.

avatar for bucca
12 yrs ago

I've never met a dancer who swings (that I know of), but I think it definitely make sense that they would be better dancers since they have adopted a lifestyle that fits their job so well. Mostly, the more comfortable a dancer is, the better the dances.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

I agree with lopaw 110%.

avatar for sanitago
12 yrs ago

maybe a swinger looking for something a bit "different" might strip, but I've never met one. all of the one's I've ever gotten a dance off were 110% mercenaries, strictly in it for the money.

avatar for blacky
12 yrs ago

Well, maybe asking a stripper about their family or boyfriend might get some upset, and not suggesting you are wrong, but can tell you, have asked dozens and never had a single problem and my mileage is usually pretty good. I can't remember exactly how I found out that this girl is a swinger but I am certain that this dramatically helps her be more comfortable with being a stripper and offering extras. And, yes, of course the girls are in for the money, but there is a big range here. Some of the girls will want to nickle and dime you and demand tips and gouge you for lap dances or extras or downright cheat you, as I mentioned in my initial post. However, the ones that I am regular with certainly don't do this. In fact, it is not uncommon for me to get a HJ in the LD booth for absolutely no extra charge, although I usually do end up tipping when this occurs.
Two simple observations. First, if you treat a stripper like a person, regardless of what questions you ask, and not demand services, your mileage is generally going to be much higher. Second, the more comfortable the girl is with stripping and doing extras, the more generous they are going to be. I have met many strippers that clearly don't want to be there but are doing it solely for the money. Their dances usually suck and it only by mistake that they dance for me again. However, a dancer who is enjoys the lifestyle because she is a swinger or because she loves teasing men or whatever else is going to be more comfortable and perform better.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
12 yrs ago

Strip clubs are an unnatural environment and most strippers actually hate men. Enjoy them as entertainment, nothing more.

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

i don't get the whole swinging thing. okay, if you're married and get bored, but don't want to get divorced for other reasons i can see it; but why marry someone in the first place if you like to sleep around? i'm a free spirit and i've never had a bf who didn't get jealous at least some of the time... and i don't need that, so i haven't had anyone serious in a long time.

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

@carolynne: You've improperly conflated love and sex. They're not the same, and there's no reason to treat them as such.

avatar for carolynne
12 yrs ago

@george: i had to look up 'conflated' (thanks for the vocab lesson) but i don't agree altogether. i'm not confusing them, it would just be nice if they were together and enough. someone you love can be a great friend, you don't have to marry them; someone you love and love having sex with would be a great spouse. not sure why i feel that way, since i've never come close and like i said, like to keep my options open and exercise them a lot.

PS: is your dong really micro, or was that just a funny name you picked?

avatar for brandyjane
12 yrs ago

i'm a stripper and i used to swing with my ex husband, i don't really think they're related bc dancing is all about hustling and conversing (day shift)

you don't need to stroke a strippers ego to get her to do what u want

all we want is money plain and simple, we'll sit with and dance for an asshole all day for the right price lol

avatar for Michellemarie
11 yrs ago

Yes we do! I started going to sex clubs and swinger parties with my ex and now I go to sex clubs alone once in a while. I definitely think that women who love swinging (as I do) would love stripping. There is definitely an aspect of exhibitionism in both. Both are fun worlds where women can enjoy their sexuality without being judged. Many strippers don't view stripping as a sexual activity, but I happen to get a sexual charge out of it. Some of us are just exhibitionists who enjoy grinding on strangers all night (clothed or not). I'm just lucky enough to have found a way to make money doing it!

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