
Tampa Strip Club Owner Insults Rich People and Republicans

Tuesday, September 6, 2011 12:00 AM
<p> Joe Redner, the owner of Mons Venus in Tampa, was quoted in the Huffington Post saying that he will be busier during the convention because &quot;republicans have plenty of money. They take it all from poor people.&quot; First off, that is the pot calling the kettle black; how many mortgage payments and marriages go up in smoke at that place because a poor guy is attracted to the glamor of it? Secondly, if you are either rich or republican, he is implying- no directly saying- you take it from poor people. He worked so hard for his money I suppose, but ours: we stole it from a beggar on a street, right?<br /> <br /> Well, wherever my money comes from, there will never be a dime spent in M.V. again. Maybe he should consider who his clientele are; if they are not the rich, he is taking poor people&#39;s money; if they are rich republicans, he is biting the hand that feeds him. Either way he is hypocrite, and while everyone is entitled to their views, if he is going to disparage a group of people, they have a right to know so they can vote with their feet and spend their money elsewhere.<br /> <br /> I am aggrieved by this characterization of who republicans are; this kind of class warfare from the club owner bears noting, and I just wanted those of you who affected by his feelings toward you to be knowledgeable so if it bothers you, you aren&#39;t spending money in his club while he, behind your back, denigrates who you are and your hard work in obtaining the money you are generously doling out. I am sorry that this is political to a degree; its not so much about the politics, as it is about insulting a substantial group of people for no good reason. What if he said financial consultants are thieves, or government workers are all lazy, or athletes are over-paid thugs, etc. Wouldn&#39;t they want to know his attitude toward a particular group they were a part of? I have an open-mind toward policy, but I despise people who choose to make cheap personal political generalizations about others that they should know are insulting.<br /> <br /> He won&#39;t miss me, but I hope it bites into his business. Sorry to have to say it, but I hope the republicans boycott your place next summer, MV dancers. You can thank your owner.</p>


  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Funny how the real spending power of the middle and lower classes has been eroded over the last 30 years, yet the true victims are the rich. I would think that wallowing in mounds of cash would give these people thicker skin, but I guess not. Foolish offhand comments made by a strip club owner now constitutes class warfare Warfare, really? I hate to break it to you moneybags out there, but you are lucky that the working class is so dispirited and dejected that they haven't gotten together and started rampaging through the country clubs. I don't think that people are too pleased right now with the moneyed class. The rich in this country are lucky that they are not getting pulled out of their limos and getting their asses kicked right there at the stoplight. When you are getting your house foreclosed, you can't find any job, your car is falling apart, you are carrying a pile of debt, and you are told that you have to go back to school to learn more computer skills (no, dammit, that's not me), you don't have a lot of patience for pampered whining. Ooops, I guess I just about pushed the nuclear detonator on class warfare again. So sorry.
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Oh Fuck, now I have to lock my limo door.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    Seriously? I feel stoopidur having read OP. Troll.
  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    Start by building a guillotine on the corner of Broad & Wall Streets in NYC
  • Bill1
    13 years ago
    Based on what the owner of MV has said - I am definatly going to support his business. Looney you're right - true class warfare is just a shot away. Seems the rethug rich are just a bunch of thin skinned babies.
  • rrbill
    13 years ago
    Hey, I can sit here and admire the view and not be bothered by Republicans.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    He has every right to say what he wants and you have every right to boycott his establishment. People say things that insult people everyday. Everyone has a right to interpret them in their own way. Some people will be insulted, others might not. Regardless, most people on both sides of the aisle don't care when they have tits in their face and their dick is being serviced.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    oh and Stiletto -- lol.
  • mooneater
    13 years ago
    I don't like the idea of being insulted while I am spending money with someone either, so I can empathize. (I keep thinking back to a dancer that had the gall to ask what kind of loser wouldn't want to spend the money on VIP. I see that girl often in one of my favorite clubs, but I will never buy another dance from her, the b*tch.) I think if I heard the owner of one of my phoenix clubs speaking ill of me, I would probably find another place to spend my money regardless of the level of service. But, as RH48R said, people will interpret that article in their own way, (by the way, author, you could have linked it) but any business owner plays a dangerous game laying out a line like that. I don't think its very smart to get quoted the way he did disparaging a large group, in any case.
  • pabloantonio
    13 years ago
    It's funny how the rich got their money. They fucked poor people out of it. I am glad we have rich people. They pay me enough salary so that I can give most of my money to dancers. The remaining 10% I waste on other things.
  • pacer317
    13 years ago
    Link to the article in question: [view link] And for the record, I agree with Redner on this one. I've got no problem with people making money as long as they're not doing it by defrauding or gouging their customers. That being said, more often than not it is Republicans and their 'family values' that seek to pass laws against the very establishments we on this site frequently visit or work at and that Redner owns. Funny thing is, they're as likely as anyone to get caught with their pants down at one of these establishments. Their flaming hypocrisy in these matters... passing laws against these clubs while seemingly getting caught in them themselves - their "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude - is among the many reasons I mostly always vote the other way.
  • Cheo_D
    13 years ago
    I'm with pacer317 in that those very people at the convention are going to be filling their yaps with talk about what champions of family values they are and how MV should not even exist. Then why should he bother pretending he thinks highly of them (that's the stripper's job!). Oh, and some people in America like to use the words "class warfare" while having no idea what it actually means or looks like. Wonder what they think about some dude who once compared rich people to camels trying to go through the eye of a needle...
  • wm2slc
    13 years ago
    @Stiletto25... if you need someone to ride in that limo and protect you, let me know... haha
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    A personal bodyguard..that's hot
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    A blonde Sandra Bullock? Now that's hot.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    I like the way that stiletto has hijacked this thread. You are smooooooooth, girl! Gotta hook up with you in a club to see if your chops match your words. Who is Sandra Bullock?
  • how
    13 years ago
    I don't hate the rich; I aspire to earn more myself... Also, how would one steal money from another who is without? The problem is too-large central government, wherein congresspersons can steal from makers and use that money to bribe the takers. Anything that engenders greater dependence of individuals on the central government is evil and must be stopped.
  • VoodooMan
    13 years ago
    Couldn't give a damn LESS about the owner's politics. I'm not there to discuss politics or to see the owner. I'm there for the girls. It's like how some fans decided not to listen to the Dixie Chicks or Springsteen anymore because of their political stance. It's still the same music. Well in this case, it's still the same tits. I can't believe that anyone would stop going to a top rated club such as Mons because of the OWNER'S political beliefs. I think life is being taken WAY too seriously in this case. Let's all settle down and enjoy some nudity!
  • MisterGuy
    13 years ago
    LOL...class warfare...yea, "boo hoo" for the rich & their buddies in the GOP...they've been winning their class war on the poor & middle class for the better part of at least the last 30 years! The gap between the super-rich & everyone else has only grown wider & wider during that time...sheesh...
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Then there's the rich and *their* buddies in the democratic party. From where I sit, it doesn't really look like anybody on *either* side of the aisle *really* cares about anything but power and money. They *talk* a good game, but when push comes to shove, none (OK, very few) of them give a shit about anybody who isn't filling their pockets.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    A couple of times when I've been at the Mons in the afternoon, Joe has stopped in. He seems like a fairly unpretentious guy. I consider myself a right-wing conservative, but I think I can let his remarks slide.
  • Player11
    13 years ago
    Its only a matter of time before working people unionize in a sort of National Union of Workers. The rich have the Republican party to represent them. Working people can take this country back if they excercise their power in numbers. They have let the Rich erode unions and workers rights the last 30 years.
  • sanitago
    13 years ago
    why is it when some says something about rich Republicans, it's "class warfare", but when Republicans talk about things like making Social Security a "privately financed" program by putting people into 401K's (yeah, like those have done real well of recent!), it's just them looking out for the "good of America"? I also agree with the statements that it's almost exclusively "family values" Republicans who are pushing harsher laws on strip clubs and other "adult" enterprises. it's like they're okay with the idea of companies raping their workers on things like retirement benefits and medical insurance coverage, but one little strip club in town is The End Of The World As We Know It! bunch a fuckin' frauds, imho.........
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    An infamous orator once said "I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker". Since we are not all blessed with such impressive advisors, why can we not differ without anger? A great commentator on effective administration, Michael Corrleone, said: "Never hate your enemies, it clouds your judgement". So on the one hand, conservatives think government is misdirected and too big while liberals see government as being misdirected as opposed to overgrown. I think they are both part right and part wrong and the sad part is that the solution is held by both but they must work together to put it in motion. Two people in modern times who understood that democracy requires compromise were Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neil, Conserative Avatar and Machine Democrat, respectively. Their common failing was that they bred no such progeny in their parties. Perhaps we should exercise our responsibilities in the voting booths by rewarding those legislators (from either side of the aisle) who craft legislation that addresses real problems rather than those who make incendiary speeches and draw lines in the sand. Qui Bono
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