
Comments by LeeH (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    mile high heels
    DandyDan, good catch on the title. ;-) Thought about that after I typed it.
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    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    mmdv, you're right -- it made us both happy. Although I appreciate the assurance that it was cool, I was even moreso asking about the "normalcy" of it, and you kinda answered that, too.
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    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    imnumnutz, you're a geek -- I like that! 1988oim, well, it's not like I won't be going back soon, and I don't think she'll forget. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    who first (or at all) in VIP ?
    good inputs - thx folks
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    15 years ago
    gifts for dancers?
    skeets, please up the reading comprehension level. I specifically said that I wasn't trying to get a dancer to be my girlfriend.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    condom or not?
    yndy -- ROTFL!!
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    15 years ago
    mile high heels
    lopaw, that IS what i'm talking about -- but that's my point. Why the *extra* 4" ? Not like 8" heels make your legs look better than 4" heels.
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    15 years ago
    ATFs or New Exploration?
    Got to the club where my ATF works about an hour before close (just wanted to unwind and ogle a bit). She was there and sat and chatted with me. It had been a lousy night ($$$-wise) for all the dancers. I missed most of another girl's (call her Alice) last set of the night while talking to ATF. Alice is the sweetest girl there (except for my ATF) so this was a bit of a bummer. So I said to my ATF, "Let me get a dance from Alice, and then you and I can do a VIP". I figured the promise of the VIP $$$ would make ATF happy enough. Then she asked if she could sit next to me and watch during Alice's dance. Hubba hubba. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    help out the n00b in atlanta
    phillip, thanks, figured as much. Though, as I said, not looking to get fucked (though you were probably just going for the pun) chandler, and the horse you rode in on. minnow, 1) I have no idea 2) None -- my reference to $25 in other cities is that I could actually get a LD in other cities. 3) I stated my "reasonable desires" -- a good LD or maybe a bit more -- "good" meaning not an airdance. My post sounds nothing like your analogy, unless one's reading comprehension skills are lacking.
  • article comment
    10 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Voyeurism in a Strip Club, Part II
    Looking forward to part 3. ;-)
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    10 years ago
    Earn Respect by Giving Respect
    Several of the comments here prove that the OP is fictional -- solely because it portrays a young man who's willing to learn. Might as well have added a unicorn to the story. You guys are unbelievable. If it doesn't result in an immediate, tangible advantage to you, you see no value in it. You realize that makes you dumber than most strippers (whose intelligence gets crapped on here a lot)? They know that cultivating a good relationship with you over time will result in more money in the long run. As to the one who talked about waitresses/bartenders and tips, they depend on them greatly. The legal minimum wage gets tossed out the window if you have a job where you receive tips (at least, that's how it "works" here in the US). Most wait staff are given a base pay of between 1/3 and 1/2 of the legal minimum wage. Is it right that employers are shifting to the customer the financial responsibility of their employees? Probably not. But that, my dear, is the way it is. Bitching about it is quixotic. As to specifics: * I'm a sexist. If the door person is female, she gets a tip (even though all she did was take my money). If the door person is male, he gets a "thank you". Similarly, female bartenders generally get bigger tips than male bartenders. (All in all, this makes sense to me. I'm there to see women. Males in SCs are nothing but a necessary evil.) * While I won't make statements about all bouncers, I personally have never met a bouncer who wasn't a self-absorbed asshole with an IQ of negative 23. Only one got any money from me, and that's just because it was the first club I'd ever been in where bouncers "escort" you to VIP rooms -- it's usually waitresses around here. AND he was 10 times more nosy and restrictive than any waitress. First and last VIP in that club.
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    11 years ago
    Witness Protection
    I'm with mjx01
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    12 years ago
    To go or not to go for the hottest girl?
    I always go for the hottest girl in the club. But admittedly, my standards of "hottest" don't match most guys' standards. But that just means that all you fuckers are wrong. ;-)
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    12 years ago
    Strip Club First Timers
    Nah, motorhead, it was clearly written by a bouncer, not a dancer. Without #4, nobody with a lick of sanity would *ever* broach the possibility that anything is to be gained by tipping a bouncer.
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    12 years ago
    Enjoy Yourself
    gmd, play nice. If I listened to many of the dickwads on this site, I would think that I was doing it wrong because I was doing stuff that I enjoyed but the afore-mentioned dickwads frowned upon. You're one of the few sane (read: non-dickwad) people on here - surely you understand that.
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    12 years ago
    Hostess Bar: An Unexpected Experience
    I thought a Hostess Bar was where you got Twinkies.
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    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers as Independent Contractors: Good or Bad?
    All I know is that the law that prevents the bartender/co-manager from showing me her tits SUCKS !!!!
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    13 years ago
    A Year Being a Regular: Part I
    From OP: "Alanna." she says with a warm smile. This was how I met Krystal... What is this, the SC version of How I Met Your Mother (with tales of 47 women who aren't)? ;-)
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    13 years ago
    Ten Things I Like About Strip Clubs
    11. Strippers are the only realistic women on the planet. They dress provocatively and then don't act shocked when men stare at them.
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    13 years ago
    A catch-all account
    Pathetic Losers Anonymous
    Late to the party, but I'll echo what shadowcat and others have said. Believing a stripper doesn't automatically make you a PL. Believing a stripper such that said belief makes you spend more money than you would spend otherwise probably does, but that's not the case here. I would have found it awkward up until she yelled from the door ("wanna go fuck?"). That, to me, would've been both funny and a badge of honor. ;-)
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    13 years ago
    Building the Perfect Strip Club: Part 2, The Stage
    I think you miss my point. You seem to be implying (by saying "You just don't hire the 'typical' club DJ.") that SC DJ's are somewhat close in ability to dance club DJ's. In other words, that the problem is that SCs are hiring the wrong kind of DJ. I'm saying that they're not even close in ability to homo sapiens in general. ;-)
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    13 years ago
    Building the Perfect Strip Club: Part 2, The Stage
    I think you give most SC DJ's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much credit. ;-) The vast majority of them that I have encountered seem to need to have only the following skills: 1) Count to 3 (using a calculator is permitted) 2) Announce stage dancer(s) name 3) Say "Last call"
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    13 years ago
    Building the Perfect Strip Club: Part 2, The Stage
    "For a DJ with audio editing skills this should be no problem." Dude, you really need a spit-take warning before you say something as ridiculously funny as that!! Let's see if we can locate a SC DJ with any audio skills whatsoever before we try to find one with audio EDITING skills.
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    13 years ago
    Laura's 3:00 PM Doctors Appointment
    AliLandryFan, kiss my ass on the way to my ignore list.
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    jerikson, so what you're saying is that the club personnel should assume that rell is a poor, thug who's unworthy of respect, simply because of a statistic. rell, I think we just found the club owner.