
Ten Things I Like About Strip Clubs

Thursday, February 16, 2012 12:00 AM
So far my "Ten Things" have been mostly negative, so here are Ten Things I Like About Strip Clubs: 1. Strip Clubs may be one of the last bastions of true capitalism. They operate very much on the principal of supply and demand, but with just enough room for "good will," a concept that is almost gone from all other business dealings in this country. 2. Strip Clubs, on the whole, tend to be very egalitarian. As long as you have cash (as a customer), you are usually welcome. Likewise, the dancers tend to come in a wide variety of sizes, ages, and colors... something for everyone! 3. Strip Clubs provide anonymity. I rather enjoy going to a place where "nobody knows your name," or, if they do, they keep it inside the club. 4. Strip Clubs are one of the few places you can talk about yourself and not be (openly) considered an egotist. OK, it may be a stretch to believe that every dancer is fascinated by your work in sales, but she seems interested, and that's more than you get elsewhere, right? 5. Strip Clubs give you an opportunity to relive high school . . . and the pretty girls will actually talk to you (and do more than talk)! Nerd/Geek paradise! 6. Strip Clubs are open late . . . often later than the bars in hotels (and they offer more than just booze and stale Chex mix). 7. Strip Clubs usually have hot waitresses. 8. Strip Clubs (or at least most of them) are not pretentious. The dancers know why you are there, and for the most part they don't pretend otherwise. 9. Strip Club patrons are not judgmental as rule, either of the other patrons or the dancers (at least not openly). 10. Strip Clubs frequently have clever names and logos, so you get a laugh at the start of your visit.


  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Um, I think you forgot the most important one: 0. Strip clubs have naked women. Sheesh!
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    AS usual, I'm with GMD on this one. THE reason is naked women.
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    umm . . . doesn't the naked women part go without saying? I mean I wouldn't post a list of ten things I like about a grocery store and start with "You can buy food there" :p
  • skeets35
    12 years ago
    They have naked women that rub all over you...that has to be #1
  • JackKash
    12 years ago
    Besides the obvious, I agree with 3-4. I like that I can truly be myself with no pretense. I deal with too many clients\customers that I have to tip toe around.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    They give me a reason to get out of the house. :)
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    " Strip Clubs, on the whole, tend to be very egalitarian. As long as you have cash (as a customer), you are usually welcome." This is important for some of us older, chronologically-challenged gentlemen. If I go to a regular night club, attractive young women don't flock to me like they do in a strip club.
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    - There are no screaming kids - I won't run into my ex-wife - If I get too cold it's easy to warm up - No one will rob me on my way back to the car, they know I'm out of money - They are often a better place to wait for a connecting flight than the departure lounge
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    <<- No one will rob me on my way back to the car, they know I'm out of money>> LOL!
  • fearius23
    12 years ago
    I like how you said they usually have hot waitresses, instead of hot strippers. LMAO. So true though.
  • LeeH
    12 years ago
    11. Strippers are the only realistic women on the planet. They dress provocatively and then don't act shocked when men stare at them.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    #5 is one that I hadn't thought of previously. I'd have to say I appreciate that part of going to strip clubs. I wasn't very socially adept in high school with young, pretty girls. I appreciate the opportunity now for a "do-over." @ Ermita: Great thoughts there!
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @LeeH: You may have been trying to be flip, but you are more right than wrong, I think.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    12 Strip clubs quickly break a $20 bill
  • striving
    12 years ago
    Nice list, but for #1 I don't see how this concept is gone in all other business dealings. Still plenty of capitalism in this country, for better or for worse...
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