
Laura's 3:00 PM Doctors Appointment

Monday, September 19, 2011 12:00 AM
“Kink”: Where Do You Draw The Line? So how “kinky” are you? Are your kinky passions things you've actually executed in a hot sexual, lustful moment of passion, or is it just something that reverberates in your consciousness that you fantasize about on a daily basis? If it's only a fantasy, I'd have to assume that it's extremely kinky. After all why is it just a fantasy and not a reality? Probably because it's too “Kinky.” If you go online to your favorite search engine and ask the question, “What does kinky mean?” You'll come up with a variety of answers, but the one common thread is kinky sex in the bedroom. Perhaps it's not in the bedroom, but in a glass elevator where others can witness your kinkiness. Suffice to say, kinky means different things to different people, but at the end of the day, I think it's pretty safe to say, it pretty much means anything other than mundane missionary sex. The question again is…, “Where do you draw the line” when it comes to how much kink is too much kink?  Tell me, if the following story resonates with any of you out there. Because in my book…this is about as “Deliciously Kinky” as it gets. “Laura's 3:00 PM Doctors Appointment” I was having lunch with a girlfriend the other day and Laura proceeded to profess what I'd call one hot kinky ass story. By the time she finished the story, my red panties were completely saturated. This is one of those stories that for most women stay a fantasy, but never becomes a reality. Laura is a happily married mother of two, and at 45 she looks more like 35. She's tall, sexy, and gorgeous. She usually dresses in short sexy skirts that I'm sure all the guys (young and old) lust over. She's a loyal wife to her husband that she just adores like no other. Laura said that she was having some back issues, and called her primary doctor for a referral for a Chiropractor. She said her first appointment was a couple of weeks ago on a Tuesday afternoon. “I forgot about the Dr. Appointment that day until after I got into work” Laura explained. She said she wanted to come home that day and seduce her husband because it had been a few days since they had sex. “I woke up horny that day, and I was looking forward to coming home and attacking my husband” she said. I figured I'd wear something extra sexy that day so I was wearing my 4” high heels, and a short tight off white skirt that shows plenty of leg that Mark loves. All I had on underneath my skirt were his favorite white lace panties. I had a low cut off white top that revealed plenty of cleavage. I felt extra sexy that day, and I got plenty of compliments from the guys at work that confirmed how desirable I was. I forgot about the stupid Dr. Appointment that was at 3:00 PM until almost the last minute. I got to the office right at 3:00 PM, but of course had to wait. My mind was totally on what I was going to do to Mark when I got home. They called me back to the examining room at about 3:15 PM as I continued to wait for the Doctor. A few minutes after doing all the preliminary questions and answers with the nurse, I heard a knock on the door. I'm thinking, “Finally! It's the Doctor.” When the door opened, he walked in and I couldn't believe my eyes. The Doctor looked more like a male model than a Doctor. He was tall, dark and gorgeous. He looked like and reminded me of Mark. As I sat there in the chair in the examining room with my legs crossed, I could sense this strong mutual attraction. My heart started to beat hard and fast. As he started asking me questions his voice seemed to have this magical power over me. I was so physically attracted to him; it was driving me out of my mind. I started to fantasize about having sex with him. As much as I tried not to think about having sex with him, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I started the day out horny, and now I was on fire. I could feel my panties getting moist with every passing second. It wouldn't be long before the hot musty smell of my juices was in the air of the examining room. He told me to lie on the examining table so he could look at my back. As soon as I stood up, I felt a small drop of moisture running down my leg from my panties. I couldn't believe how wet I was. I laid face down on the examining table while he started to manipulate my back and spine area. I could feel my short skirt climbing up my thighs as he started to adjust my back. He moved around the table to the other side, and I'm sure that he was able to get a bird's eye view of my white lace thong panties as he passed around the back of the table. He said that I had some minor issues, but nothing that a few adjustments couldn't cure. By this time, the room seemed like it was inundated with the smell of sex. I was sure that when I get off the examining table, there will be a wet spot on the paper covering the table. Not to mention a wet spot on my skirt. I was starting to feel embarrassed. He said he was done and instructed me to sit up on the table. He said he was going to write me a prescription, and when I sat up he had his back turned to me as he was writing the prescription. You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. I knew what he was thinking, and I'm sure he knew what I was thinking. When he turned toward me, he had the prescription in his right hand. He was about 5 feet away as he started toward me. Our eyes were locked on each other as he proceeded toward me. I stood up so that I could be at eye level with him. As he moved toward me it was like watching a movie in slow motion. Our eyes were fixated on each other the whole time. He stopped directly in front of me, and I was surprised how close we were to each other. My lips were on fire as my mouth became moist with an abundance of saliva. The first thing he said was, “What's that perfume you're wearing? It smells so good” as he inched even closer. Our lips were just inches apart. My heart was pounding like a drum, and I was going out of my mind. No sooner did I say “It's called Angle” our lips came together and we were passionately kissing each other. As he pulled me closer to him, I could feel the bulge of his enormous cock throbbing in his pants. He was so big and hard as he positioned his cock so that it was directly on my wet crotch. He started to kiss me all over my neck and my exposed chest. I grabbed his cock with my left hand as I started to rub it in a slow back and forth motion. I started to unbuckle his pants with my right hand as he continued to kiss me passionately all over my neck. He placed both his hands on each one of my shoulders and started to push me down toward the floor. Without hesitation I was on my knees while at the same time I pulled his pants down exposing his hard throbbing cock through his bikini style underwear. I pulled his massive cock out of his underwear and before I knew it I had my lips around his throbbing tool. He pulled my hair back so that he could view my total enjoyment of his cock going back in forth in my mouth. His cock was rock hard, and I could tell he was getting close to exploding. He told me to stop as he grabbed me underneath my arms and pulled me up. He turned me around and positioned me so that my hips were facing the examining table. With his left hand in the middle of my back and his right hand placed on my right hip, he slowly bent me over the side of the table so my ass was in perfect position for him.   He pulled my skirt up over my hips exposing my entire ass with the only coverage being my white lace thong. He got down on his knees and at the same time he pulled my thong panties back with his left hand. I could feel his tongue starting to lick me from behind. I was moaning as quietly as I could, but it felt so good I was having a hard time being quiet. He made me cum several times in about 5 minutes when he stood up and said that he wanted to fuck me. While I was still bent over the side of the examining table he spread my legs out further than they were, and he positioned himself between my legs. He then slowly slid his huge cock into me. It was so big it took my breath away, but at the same time it felt so incredible. He said, “This won't take long” as he started to slide his cock in and out of me. Within a minute or two I could tell he would explode. And before I knew it, I could feel his hot cum shooting inside me. It felt like someone turned on a water hose inside me. When he pulled out, I couldn't believe what had just happened. It was like a dream, but I knew it was reality. I didn't know what to say and neither did he. As he got dressed and gained some composure back I said, “So do you make house calls too?” When Laura finished, I told her that was the hottest, kinkiest story I've ever heard. I was all wet and horny and couldn't wait to go home to play a little “Doctor” myself.


  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Two thumbs up!
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    I might choose a different chiropractor, but that's just me. I liked her outfit, though.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Christal, this is good sex writing. We should have an award for best sex writing on TUSCL. Maybe we could call the award the Stiffy.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Wow! Omg! Wow! Um! Ya! Shit! Ooooooooooo! Their I go! Damn that was good : ))
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Thank you guys so much for your comments. That was a fun story to write. I have to tell you, it was a true experience I had. I'm Laura in the story. As far as the true part, well... The sex sean with the doc and how it happened. The rest was added to make a great storie :) Christal
  • AliLandryFan
    13 years ago
    The whole story is B.S. No doctor would come on to a patient that way unless she gave him much more of a green light than the story portrays. she would have to strip naked and then start touching him for a normal doctor to react. They dont want lawsuits.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I know it sounds crazy, but it was true as far as how it happen with the doc. I thought to myself, if I wanted to make a fortune, this would have been the time to do it, but ... I'm not like that. It takes two to tango and I wanted to tango. When everything was over, I asked him why he wasn't concered. He did not seem very smart in that he said " you seem like a nice girl. I just figured you would not kiss & tell." He was right. Lucky for him I guess. He did tell me however, that he had an affair with one of the receptionist & later broke up with her. She didn't like thAt so she reported him. I was shocked after hearing this considering what he did with me. But hay... I got a great story out of it and he got a good fuck. Believe it or not. Christal
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Christal, I for one would never doubt your veracity. I find your stories truthful and sexy.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    They are based on truth and embellished with fantasy. To me, that's what makes a story fun. Christal
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Uh, Laura, uh, I need an adjustment....
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    So I'm trying to now parse the account of "Laura" and figure out which is the truth and which is the embellishment. She is 45 but looks like 35 and has 2 kids. She likes to wear white lace panties. She likes to seduce health care professionals with fellatio. She can cum several times in five minutes. Am I missing anything?
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Christal, love your writing. Now that I know that you are "Laura", that adds another great layer to the story. I'm not sure you even look 35. Maybe I should write a story of my own for you. Your photos might provide some inspiration, my Indian princess. ;)
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Your Indian princes. :) I love that! I am now 46 OMG!!! I feel more like 30. Where have the years gone. I want to thank you all once again for the great coments. I'm thinking about writing a book with short stories. I would love it if anyone would like to be a part of it. We could have a lot of fun.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    A good imagination really helps, & I suppose a bit of practical experience.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Yes you r write about that alucard.
  • fillyfan
    13 years ago
    To my fellow readers, I don't think it matters if it's true at all. It's a fucking hot story that if your a healthy guy must have given you a steely erection! It did for me and made me wonder if I missed my true calling as a chiropractor. Nice work Christal!
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    AliLandryFan, kiss my ass on the way to my ignore list.
    12 years ago
    omg, I don't smoke - but Christal, I had to have a cigarette after reading this......effin HOT!!!!
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