"Hello, my name is Georg, and I'm a Pathetic Loser."
I do not *believe* I'm writing this shit.
I've been seeing my current favorite, let's call her "Becky", for a little over a year now, and for all that time, she's maintained that I am the only guy she's fucking. Not just fucking for money, but fucking, period, not even a boyfriend. Not in a strident or sickly sweet "ooh baby, you're the only one" way, but calmly and, frankly, without any apparent expectation that I'd actually believe her.
The subject doesn't come up very often, mostly as a result of me asking about work, and her complaining about some "disgusting dirtbag" who wants her to fuck in the VIP (something she never would do with me, either, though she'd blown me several times), then me looking puzzled or amused and making some comment about her doing it for me, and her responding with some variant of "yeah, but you're the only one I've actually had the nerve to do it with." When I ask her why, she's always saying "I don't know, it just worked out that way," or "You're different," or something like that. Blatant stripper shit style comments, straight from the "Phrases That Make Guys Spend More Money" book that all strippers seem to have read. And nearly every time, I make the comment that "You know I don't care, right?" And her's is usually a shrug and something like, "I know," after which we generally drop it and move on.
Mind you, she's never been reluctant to admit that it's about the money for her. Other than my birthday, she's never offered a freebie, though there have frequently been times when she needs some extra cash when she's given me a discount. Nor has there ever been any illusion of me just "helping her out" or other euphemistic misdirection with regard to the money; there's never been any doubt that it's a quid pro quo situation for both her and me. And, without taking my shoes off, I can count the number of times that *she* has called *me* asking to get together; it's usually me calling her, though for the last few months that's mostly been a call confirming that we're still good for the next time, as we tend to make such arrangements before we part company.
As well, she's never been shy about admitting that she's been with *girls*, which happens quite frequently, or jacked or ground some customer off occasionally, but she's never wavered from the claim that I am the only one she's fucking or sucking, even in the face of all those "I don't care" comments. It's not like she's wanting me to go bareback, or give her more money, or getting together more often, or anything like that, either.
She denies having a current boyfriend, citing bad experiences, and claims to be "over" men for the time being, not wanting the drama that goes along with a boyfriend. "You don't want a girlfriend, you just want some pussy, and that's all I'm willing to give up right now." A couple of months ago, she let slip that her last boyfriend, the baby daddy, beat her up. Well, tried to. Apparently she's no slouch in the fighting back department. She left him that day, and never looked back, not even asking for child support.
Stereotypical stripper background, right? Still no surprises here.
So, given how many times I've heard all this, I've been puzzled as to why she would bother to keep it up for all this time, long past when every other dancer I've ever been with had given up the charade. I've even actually come out and just told her once or twice that I don't believe her (which surprisingly, didn't upset her). She just kind of shrugged and said, "I know, but it's still true."
Anyway, here we are going along, getting together every couple of weeks for the good stuff, the subject occasionally coming up, her making the same claim, and me not caring. Then, weekend before last, I walk into her club (though her attendance the last couple of months makes the word "occasional" a large exaggeration), and notice that I'm getting smirks from the main bouncer and the DJ (who, despite being one of the most annoying DJs I've ever heard, has turned out to be a *really* nice guy).
Clueless at this point, I sit down at the bar, and order my usual bottled water, whereupon the bartender (who I've long suspected has at least guessed what Becky and I are about outside the club) sits down and tells me that one of the other dancers, "Kayla", whom Becky had at one point considered a friend, had outed us in front of the entire club, including the manager.
My response was "And? It's not like Kayla is exactly innocent there either. Or anybody else, for that matter, including you, as I recall."
Bartender: "I know, but as far as I know, you're the *only* person she's done anything with in the VIP."
I about choked on my drink at this point.
Me: "What do you mean?"
BT: "You're the only one she ever asked me to turn the camera off for, and nobody's ever caught her doing anything when it's been on."
At this point, I *did* choke on my drink. Turns out that the camera I'd spied in the VIP room, which according to Becky "didn't work", was in fact real and working. Most of the time. Turns out it has a tendency to "malfunction" with the application of sufficient graft to the manager's palm.
She goes away to check on another customer, and about that time, the bouncer and DJ both come over to sit next to me, and proceed to give me the business about the whole deal. "What's she like?" "How'd you get a piece, man?" etc, etc...
Fortunately, I was saved from actually answering by none other than Becky herself coming out of the dressing room, dressed and with her little suitcase she uses. She's overheard and starts yelling and screaming at them, about how I'm "nice" and "respectful" and "clean" and "pay attention" to her limits and wasn't always trying to "cop a feel" or "paw her like an animal" (obviously for effect, since I'd just gotten done doing exactly that a couple of hours before) and wasn't a "scumbag" or "player" just trying to get in her pants, and so on. Loudly and angrily. Since the music wasn't playing at that particular time, pretty much everybody in the place heard her, and my face is just about as red as it's ever been.
She winds down, starts heading for the door, turns around to me and yells "Well, you want to go *FUCK* some more, babe, and leave these losers her to jack each other off?" Not being a complete idiot, and not really wanting to be in that room anymore anyway, I followed her out the door.
We didn't actually go fuck, but just went to get a drink, where she apologized for dragging me into the scene, and for going off, etc, etc. Not really much for me to say at this point, other than the usual "it's OK" platitudes, but eventually she calms down a bit, and heads home.
I still haven't gone back to the club, but I did see her again tonight, and it was a little weird for a few minutes, until we got into it.
So now I'm living in a world where strippers might be telling the truth sometimes, and I just don't know what do do about it. :)
I didn't think it could hit me this bad, but I am a Pathetic Loser. Because, short of postulating a conspiracy, I think I believe her.
george - believing a dancer does not make you a pathetic loser. I have met a lot of them over the years that I have believed. And it doesn't sound like she was bilking you for money. Curious though about her exit from the club. Was that the end of her working there?
I'll preface this with a disclaimer: I'm more naive than I should be. So yeah, this could be SS, combined with BTS (bartender sh..), DJS (DJ sh..), etc. This could be the entire hierarchy of the club combining to play you.
That being said, let's look at the facts. They saw you and started laughing. This is not a good way to retain customers, which makes me think that was a real reaction, in part, to her real emotions about whatever went on behind the scenes. She clearly was willing to go places with you that she didn't go with others. And she clearly seemed to get emotional about the situation when she was confronted with it and, given there was laughing-at going on, she was obviously pissed with the laughers. Keep in mind, while we won't know what was said to her backstage and how hurtful it was to her, if she's got a REAL connection to you, she won't take kindly to you being laughed at, either.
Long story short, I think PLs are ones who believe what is blatantly SS. They're the ones who really believe they're cute, handsome, successful, etc., when the dancers tell them they are, even though they look like Stephen Hawking and are spending money from Mom at the club. They're the ones who aren't remotely bright enough to identify SS. Thing is, there are enough things going on here that aren't the types of things that are "faked" to keep business coming in such that I can see how you would feel, reasonably, that this isn't SS anymore but is a girl who actually likes you beyond what you pay her. Keep in mind, while a lot of sex workers can turn off the emotions most of the time, they're still women and they're still wired like women, too.
Furthermore, a PL backs down when things get "real." Yeah, I am a loser. Yeah, I shouldn't be here with you. Yeah, you're way out of my league. Yeah, I'm can't get a girl for real. Yeah, I probably could change that, but it just seems to be my destiny. That's how a loser acts. You stood up for her, followed her out and made sure she was OK. If it's not SS, that's not loserly. That's doing what's right for someone who's given you what you want for a long time.
Sure, it could all be an elaborate scheme. But there's enough going on here that it doesn't seem like it, at least to me. Don't think of yourself as a loser. Just understand, too, that a girl, particularly a dancer (and one who might have just lost her club income) who gloms onto you comes with her own set of challenges. Just face them like the club rockstar you are ... not a PL, because you're not.
Dealing with strippers using a healthy dose of cynicism is smart; it is a game for the most part, and you need to expect that 90% of what you're hearing is bullshit.
I'm not the most grizzled veteran, but I don't see how someone could endure your experience and not believe what you're hearing. At some point it's okay to have a little leap of faith.
Thank you for posting this; fantastic read and story.
Well,georg, I recently heard a couple of stories from a stripper in Toronto that topped any of those that you have posted on tuscl. BEFORE THIS ONE !!
This story about 'Becky' trumps anything you have posted before. A 30-year vet of clubbing like grizzled cynic georgmicrodong is puzzled?? What chance do neophytes like me have in this world?
The conspiracy theory is surely too far-fetched. The old Sherlock Holmes adage:
'If all probabalities are proven to be impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.'
(The quote is inexact but is true to the old fictional detective's intent.)
George, I don't know what to say. If this girl is for real, she is a keeper. Truly this has to be a once-in-a-lifetime relationship. You are very fortunate.
Now if only my ATF were so loyal, I would spend the rest of my life with her. But some things are not meant to be. Oh well.
gmd - Here I was waiting for the "punchline" - i.e., the part where you do in fact discover she's fucking everyone in the bar, including the bathroom troll. That it turned out the opposite suggests she's on the up-and-up, as my dear ol' mother used to say (but generally not relative to strippers).
I agree with pabloantonio; you have a keeper. I've fantasized about a few favs of mine in the past being "into" me in a special way, but alas, have concluded it's been an illusion on my part, and likely SS on the part of hers.
Don't be so hard on yourself; this is quite the story. I was in the same type of situation and believed her when she told me I was the only one. (To this day, even with the benefit of time and hindsight, I still believe she was truthful.) But I knew I was traveling through Loserville when the mere *thought* that she was screwing other guys made me sick to my stomach. I beat a hasty retreat, and though I still see her occasionally -- best sex I've ever had -- I try to keep things professional and at arms length.
Thank you for a great telling of an incredible story. I read no PL in it. The only choice I see is do as you did or be a cynical fossilized wart of an excuse for a human being.
GMD, you're being too hard on yourself. I would say you are not a PL, at all. As stated, you get your freak on, and you get it on your own terms. Both are not consistent with the PL definition. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say many members of TUSCL consider you a SC role model.
I agree with AnonymousJim and others above; she's really into you. I would think you might consider upgrading your relationship status, given how "faithful" she has been to you. Especially since she is your current Favorite.
Thanks for the article George. I always thought any guy with OTC action would never consider himself a PL. Also good to hear a nice guy continues to finish.
That sounds like just the kind of relationship we all want to have with a stripper. And based on your telling of the other staff's reaction, she's been honest with you and worth keeping around. Was her storming out of the club the end of her employment there or what?
Great read, most entertaining thing I've read here in awhile. My opinion- you are certainly NOT a PL. Everything has been on your terms and you have received value for payment. Whether she's telling the truth or not, and I think we all think she is, you would only be a PL if you allowed that information to modify your behavior/pay scale. I see no reason why you would do either. Neither of you are looking for a relationship other than what you already have. Just sit back, or lay back, and enjoy!
Surprising story, but no need to beat yourself up. She knows that you are basically unavailable, as is she. In order for her world to stay together, she has to rationalize you as the one exception--that she can say deserves the special treatment. If you no longer are the respectful, nice guy of integrity, then you fall back into the category of "all the rest" and she'll have to cut you off. She has already popped that cherry, so you need to continue the behavior that got you to that point. If you start acting like the rest, her rationalizations collapse, and it could get ugly. But still a healthy dose of skepticism should always be there, even though (this time) her story seems to bear out the truth. Lesson learned for me is that extra money for the supporting cast will probably open an extra door, if I can get that far.
For those who remember, this is the girl with whom I've been "in a rut". She's been seeing me for over a year now, and I've been exclusive, with the exception of the occasional blow job (about which BJs she was not pissed, another rarity for me), with her for most of that time. That's roughly twice as long as I've kept intimate company with any other dancer, and longer than any of my "normal" girlfriends, except for my wife. I'm not sure just how that happened, either. Am I getting old and set in my ways? :)
@shadowcat: So far, she hasn't been back to that club, or any other that I know of. She started working part time in a "regular" restaurant two or three months ago, because dancing has been less lucrative, so she's asking for more hours there. Fortunately, she's made no mention of wanting to break it off with me. :)
@GoVikings: Yep, she really did yell it. And yeah, it was awkward. She was *pissed*.
@art: It's just one of the very first times I've come across someone in this business who appears to be telling the truth about something like that. It *is* a bit disconcerting. Shakes my world view up mightily. :)
@pablo: She is real, and she is a keeper. If I were in the market for a girlfriend, I think I'd be interested. When she gets around to it, though, *somebody* is going to be a really happy camper.
@rod: The thing is, I'm not sure she's "into" me in the way you're thinking. Sure, she enjoys it, at least to the best of my ability to determine, but like I said in the article, she's never shyed away from, or been particularly uncomfortable with, the essential business nature of our relationship. I've not gotten any impression whatsoever that she's waiting for me to rescue her or any of that nonsense. Give her money for sex? Yeah. Move in with her and take care of her? No way.
@joesparty: The thought of her fucking somebody else doesn't bother me. One of the conversations about this ended with me saying something on the order of "What you do or don't do with or for anybody else doesn't matter, it's what you do for *me* that counts." Her response? "Thanks."
@Rlionheart: I try not to be cynical, though I *am* a skeptic at heart. Combine that with how long I've been doing this sort of thing, and the types of people I've met, and it's not hard to understand why I've resisted believing her for so long. Sometimes I take it too far.
@HonestT: I might as well admit that for some time now, "current favourite" has really meant ATF. My former ATF had some...qualities that this girl doesn't, but the, until now, drama free nature of our relationship has pretty much trumped the few things at which the former one excelled.
@silkypants: Thanks. Though my wife giggled when she read "nice guy". :)
@MrsGMD: Fuck you, bitch. You're a girl, what do you know about this stuff. :)
@AnonymousJim, @creepshow, @metaldude, @looneylarry and others who express denial for PLdom: Thanks for the kind words, but only PLs believe a word of what a stripper says. Since I believe her, that pretty much makes me a PL, doesn't it? :))
I know for a fact that I'm never going to question it again, other than to reassure her that I neither expect nor require that sort of behaviour. While all good (and bad, for that matter) things must come to an end, I will continue see her as long as she'll agree to see me.
When I first got into the SC Hobby I was manipulated by a ROB. Being new to the SC scene after a summer of striking out in bars during 2003 (too many men vs women, 53 and way older than the girls I was trying to pick up, married). Then when I started going to SC all of a sudden there were these beautiful women after me. An experienced ROB got money out of me from shopping trips, sucker tactics, etc. PL Anonymous thats me. A year later when I had my first otc experience (with many more to follow) I realized how I had ben taken by SS.
Strippers sell a fantasy. A good ROB can do it so welll the PL can't tell the difference between whats true and SS. She will keep uping the ante (money she asks you to outright loan or give her) like a poker player with a strong hand who keeps rising the bets until you loose it all with your weak hand. Being a PL is something you gradually get over.
Today I am rotating 3 girls otc all at $120 POP. Two are x strippers and one a gal off Seeking Arrangement. My prob is not lack of pussy but budget mgt, why am I cheating on a fav I have been seeing for 3 years (she is married to boot) who is the perfect mistress. I guess in the final analysis we all want variety.
George, I agree with some of the other guys. You aren't a PL but you got to keep it real man. These girls are all the same. When they meet you in the club, you will always be a trick to them. I have been with a half dozen myself otc the last 3 years. I always kept one as my favorite, but kept a minimum of 2 on the side. Don't fall in love with a stripper and you can have a good time. They are just entertainment and once you get tired of the ones you have, get you another couple of new ones. Sometimes entertainment is better than committment. Sometimes its the other way around. Just remember, she needs you more than you need her. YOU have the cash !!!
gmd - Here I was waiting for the "punchline" - i.e., the part where you do in fact discover she's fucking everyone in the bar, including the bathroom troll. That it turned out the opposite suggests she's on the up-and-up, as my dear ol' mother used to say
That comes after the 2 kids and a house in suburbs
Categorizing all strippers as ROB's and the like paints a broad brush stroke over their actions. I don't think many would say that about other groups of people they meet in life. Certainly, not all strippers are ROB's or have evil intentions and one may very well be interested in a patron. It's only human. However, as others have stated, one has to be careful not to believe every word uttered by a stripper. I'm all for strip clubs, but there are reasons these women decide to strip for us, and not all of them are genuine!!! ha ha I guess what I'm trying to say is that like in any other group in life, there is good and bad. Finding a good one is quite difficult, but maybe this is one of them.
@Stuibs: "ATF" = "All Time Favorite". For this and others, see the "Glossary" link at the bottom of each page.
@GCMan: I think I'm keeping it pretty real. My "commitment" (if that's not bastardizing the word too badly) to her isn't based on love, or loyalty, or anything like that. It's simply that she gives me everything I need, and I've apparently reached a point in my life where the regular application of consistently willing, enthusiastic, tight, hot pussy to my dick is more important than variety. :) Especially since variety carries with it the risk of letdown.
@DFFECHSWU: I don't think I've characterized all strippers as ROBs. It's true that I *am* skeptical, and I think I have enough experience in this hobby to provide more than sufficient justification for that attitude.
@c_wah: I suggest that you not take my experience here as very common at all. While Becky is certainly not the *first* stripper I've met who's told me the truth, she's certainly the first who acted the hooker with *me*, but not with anybody else, at least not at the same level.
@Stuibs: "ATF" = "All Time Favorite". For this and others, see the "Glossary" link at the bottom of each page.
@GCMan: I think I'm keeping it pretty real. My "commitment" (if that's not bastardizing the word too badly) to her isn't based on love, or loyalty, or anything like that. It's simply that she gives me everything I need, and I've apparently reached a point in my life where the regular application of consistently willing, enthusiastic, tight, hot pussy to my dick is more important than variety. :) Especially since variety carries with it the risk of letdown.
@DFFECHSWU: I don't think I've characterized all strippers as ROBs. It's true that I *am* skeptical, and I think I have enough experience in this hobby to provide more than sufficient justification for that attitude.
@c_wah: I suggest that you not take my experience here as very common at all. While Becky is certainly not the *first* stripper I've met who's told me the truth, she's certainly the first who acted the hooker with *me*, but not with anybody else, at least not at the same level.
I like this story, George. I want to believe it, but I think everyone here would agree I'm a naive romantic. Unfortunately, I don't have any advise. As long as you're making each other happy, I wouldn't change anything in the equation. She just wants some dick, money, and a friend. I can believe that. Of course it may change down the line. But for now, enjoy the roses.
Late to the party, but I'll echo what shadowcat and others have said. Believing a stripper doesn't automatically make you a PL. Believing a stripper such that said belief makes you spend more money than you would spend otherwise probably does, but that's not the case here.
I would have found it awkward up until she yelled from the door ("wanna go fuck?"). That, to me, would've been both funny and a badge of honor. ;-)
"It's simply that she gives me everything I need, and I've apparently reached a point in my life where the regular application of consistently willing, enthusiastic, tight, hot pussy to my dick is more important than variety. :) Especially since variety carries with it the risk of letdown"
This is pretty much what I've been advocating regarding the acquisition & cultivation of an ATF relationship as opposed to the "I must have variety" way of Clubbing.
Of course, those who MUST have their variety will greatly disagree with me. LOL
last commentThat being said, let's look at the facts. They saw you and started laughing. This is not a good way to retain customers, which makes me think that was a real reaction, in part, to her real emotions about whatever went on behind the scenes. She clearly was willing to go places with you that she didn't go with others. And she clearly seemed to get emotional about the situation when she was confronted with it and, given there was laughing-at going on, she was obviously pissed with the laughers. Keep in mind, while we won't know what was said to her backstage and how hurtful it was to her, if she's got a REAL connection to you, she won't take kindly to you being laughed at, either.
Long story short, I think PLs are ones who believe what is blatantly SS. They're the ones who really believe they're cute, handsome, successful, etc., when the dancers tell them they are, even though they look like Stephen Hawking and are spending money from Mom at the club. They're the ones who aren't remotely bright enough to identify SS. Thing is, there are enough things going on here that aren't the types of things that are "faked" to keep business coming in such that I can see how you would feel, reasonably, that this isn't SS anymore but is a girl who actually likes you beyond what you pay her. Keep in mind, while a lot of sex workers can turn off the emotions most of the time, they're still women and they're still wired like women, too.
Furthermore, a PL backs down when things get "real." Yeah, I am a loser. Yeah, I shouldn't be here with you. Yeah, you're way out of my league. Yeah, I'm can't get a girl for real. Yeah, I probably could change that, but it just seems to be my destiny. That's how a loser acts. You stood up for her, followed her out and made sure she was OK. If it's not SS, that's not loserly. That's doing what's right for someone who's given you what you want for a long time.
Sure, it could all be an elaborate scheme. But there's enough going on here that it doesn't seem like it, at least to me. Don't think of yourself as a loser. Just understand, too, that a girl, particularly a dancer (and one who might have just lost her club income) who gloms onto you comes with her own set of challenges. Just face them like the club rockstar you are ... not a PL, because you're not.
I'm not the most grizzled veteran, but I don't see how someone could endure your experience and not believe what you're hearing. At some point it's okay to have a little leap of faith.
Thank you for posting this; fantastic read and story.
had to be a very awkward moment
great read, by the way
This story about 'Becky' trumps anything you have posted before. A 30-year vet of clubbing like grizzled cynic georgmicrodong is puzzled?? What chance do neophytes like me have in this world?
The conspiracy theory is surely too far-fetched. The old Sherlock Holmes adage:
'If all probabalities are proven to be impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.'
(The quote is inexact but is true to the old fictional detective's intent.)
Now if only my ATF were so loyal, I would spend the rest of my life with her. But some things are not meant to be. Oh well.
So see, you're not the only PL here.
I agree with pabloantonio; you have a keeper. I've fantasized about a few favs of mine in the past being "into" me in a special way, but alas, have concluded it's been an illusion on my part, and likely SS on the part of hers.
So, my name is Joe, and I'm a PL.
I read no PL in it. The only choice I see is do as you did or be a cynical fossilized wart of an excuse for a human being.
I agree with AnonymousJim and others above; she's really into you. I would think you might consider upgrading your relationship status, given how "faithful" she has been to you. Especially since she is your current Favorite.
Please keep us updated on any breaking news.
@shadowcat: So far, she hasn't been back to that club, or any other that I know of. She started working part time in a "regular" restaurant two or three months ago, because dancing has been less lucrative, so she's asking for more hours there. Fortunately, she's made no mention of wanting to break it off with me. :)
@GoVikings: Yep, she really did yell it. And yeah, it was awkward. She was *pissed*.
@steve229: LOL!
@art: It's just one of the very first times I've come across someone in this business who appears to be telling the truth about something like that. It *is* a bit disconcerting. Shakes my world view up mightily. :)
@pablo: She is real, and she is a keeper. If I were in the market for a girlfriend, I think I'd be interested. When she gets around to it, though, *somebody* is going to be a really happy camper.
@rod: The thing is, I'm not sure she's "into" me in the way you're thinking. Sure, she enjoys it, at least to the best of my ability to determine, but like I said in the article, she's never shyed away from, or been particularly uncomfortable with, the essential business nature of our relationship. I've not gotten any impression whatsoever that she's waiting for me to rescue her or any of that nonsense. Give her money for sex? Yeah. Move in with her and take care of her? No way.
@joesparty: The thought of her fucking somebody else doesn't bother me. One of the conversations about this ended with me saying something on the order of "What you do or don't do with or for anybody else doesn't matter, it's what you do for *me* that counts." Her response? "Thanks."
@Rlionheart: I try not to be cynical, though I *am* a skeptic at heart. Combine that with how long I've been doing this sort of thing, and the types of people I've met, and it's not hard to understand why I've resisted believing her for so long. Sometimes I take it too far.
@HonestT: I might as well admit that for some time now, "current favourite" has really meant ATF. My former ATF had some...qualities that this girl doesn't, but the, until now, drama free nature of our relationship has pretty much trumped the few things at which the former one excelled.
@silkypants: Thanks. Though my wife giggled when she read "nice guy". :)
@MrsGMD: Fuck you, bitch. You're a girl, what do you know about this stuff. :)
@AnonymousJim, @creepshow, @metaldude, @looneylarry and others who express denial for PLdom: Thanks for the kind words, but only PLs believe a word of what a stripper says. Since I believe her, that pretty much makes me a PL, doesn't it? :))
I know for a fact that I'm never going to question it again, other than to reassure her that I neither expect nor require that sort of behaviour. While all good (and bad, for that matter) things must come to an end, I will continue see her as long as she'll agree to see me.
Strippers sell a fantasy. A good ROB can do it so welll the PL can't tell the difference between whats true and SS. She will keep uping the ante (money she asks you to outright loan or give her) like a poker player with a strong hand who keeps rising the bets until you loose it all with your weak hand. Being a PL is something you gradually get over.
Today I am rotating 3 girls otc all at $120 POP. Two are x strippers and one a gal off Seeking Arrangement. My prob is not lack of pussy but budget mgt, why am I cheating on a fav I have been seeing for 3 years (she is married to boot) who is the perfect mistress. I guess in the final analysis we all want variety.
That comes after the 2 kids and a house in suburbs
@GCMan: I think I'm keeping it pretty real. My "commitment" (if that's not bastardizing the word too badly) to her isn't based on love, or loyalty, or anything like that. It's simply that she gives me everything I need, and I've apparently reached a point in my life where the regular application of consistently willing, enthusiastic, tight, hot pussy to my dick is more important than variety. :) Especially since variety carries with it the risk of letdown.
@DFFECHSWU: I don't think I've characterized all strippers as ROBs. It's true that I *am* skeptical, and I think I have enough experience in this hobby to provide more than sufficient justification for that attitude.
@c_wah: I suggest that you not take my experience here as very common at all. While Becky is certainly not the *first* stripper I've met who's told me the truth, she's certainly the first who acted the hooker with *me*, but not with anybody else, at least not at the same level.
@GCMan: I think I'm keeping it pretty real. My "commitment" (if that's not bastardizing the word too badly) to her isn't based on love, or loyalty, or anything like that. It's simply that she gives me everything I need, and I've apparently reached a point in my life where the regular application of consistently willing, enthusiastic, tight, hot pussy to my dick is more important than variety. :) Especially since variety carries with it the risk of letdown.
@DFFECHSWU: I don't think I've characterized all strippers as ROBs. It's true that I *am* skeptical, and I think I have enough experience in this hobby to provide more than sufficient justification for that attitude.
@c_wah: I suggest that you not take my experience here as very common at all. While Becky is certainly not the *first* stripper I've met who's told me the truth, she's certainly the first who acted the hooker with *me*, but not with anybody else, at least not at the same level.
Why did this Dancer allow herself to get pregnant by the last BF?
"If he did it to me, he'd do it to my baby. No way that was gonna happen."
I agree. She's one of the more fortunate ones in that regard.
Keep us posted
Have you considered is she returns to the biz suggesting the stagename beckymicropussy?
I would have found it awkward up until she yelled from the door ("wanna go fuck?"). That, to me, would've been both funny and a badge of honor. ;-)
This is pretty much what I've been advocating regarding the acquisition & cultivation of an ATF relationship as opposed to the "I must have variety" way of Clubbing.
Of course, those who MUST have their variety will greatly disagree with me. LOL
It must be an older guy thing! LOL