
Comments by LeeH (page 30)

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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    "i dont want to be stereotyped for liking ass i just want her to put her ass in my hands instead of her tits " And how is she supposed to come to that conclusion, short of you specifically telling her? On a side note, I never got ass men of any color til I saw my ATATF. I would literally forget to breathe for a minute whenever I saw her ass, particularly in black lace. ;-)
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    ok, rell, so maybe I overstated by saying "knickers in a twist". But every one of your "negative" bullets is addressing a different stereotype that many club personnel play into, that you feel they should not (and I agree with you on all of it). "Don't stereotype me as a thug, just because I'm young and black" "Don't stereotype me as poor, just because I'm young and black" "Don't stereotype me as automatically being interested in the token black girl, just because I'm young and black" "Don't stereotype me as needing the white girl to 'act black', just because I'm young and black" "Don't stereotype me as unworthy of respect, just because I'm young and black" "Don't stereotype me as unsuccessful, just because I'm young and black" But buried right in the middle of the list is (essentially): "Please *DO* stereotype me as being more interested in ass than tits, just because I'm young and black" It is, at best, bad business to play into ANY racial stereotype; and at worst, it's dead wrong. And frankly, I'm sure a lot of this crap goes on because of stupidity more than it does because of just plain ignorance (simply not knowing better). As Ron White says, "Ignorance can be fixed, but stupid is forever." Yet you're encouraging club personnel to play into at least one stereotype. Perhaps my implication of indecision was wrong; but it *is* inconsistent.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Atlanta Strip Clubs... They Ain't so Bad.
    That should be "nights that CC is open"
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Atlanta Strip Clubs... They Ain't so Bad.
    Great post, sc. Two comments: "DJs - all clubs have them ..." That's hardly a selling point. ;-) I've yet to encounter a SC DJ that wasn't a waste of perfectly good carbon. "Valet parking - a few clubs have them but it appears that only Cheetah has mandatory valet." Main Stage / Coronet Club has mandatory valet parking on Thur-Sat nights (the night that CC is open)
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    motorhead, so *you* have tied a link between (1) dress and music genre and (2) race. And *you* have tied a link between (1) "undesirable clientele" and (2) race. And the *club* is the one that's racist? Sounds to me that the club was trying to discourage a *culture* that (by your own admission) both black and white people participate in. Yet *you* turned it into a race issue. And the *club* is the one that's racist?
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    from the OP: "yes its true most black men prefer ass over tits, remember that and stop sticking your fake boobies out" I find it interesting that most of the other points show you getting your knickers in a twist over club personnel playing to stereotypes, but when it comes down to the dance, you WANT them to play to a stereotype. Make up your mind.
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    13 years ago
    New Kindle e-Book! True Confessions of a Hollywood Strip Club DJ
    A) I have to second troop's question -- the non-answer response notwithstanding. B) The text of this book only has two sentences. "I don't know shit about music. I don't know shit about decibel levels."
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    wasted, good article. As many have said, #1 should be enough, but it often isn't. Until they learn the hard way, additional rules are helpful.
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    13 years ago
    Rules for Lending Money to a Stripper
    rickdugan: "This article is crap. There should be no rules for this as nobody in his right mind would ever lend money to a stripper." Rick, welcome to Iggyland. Maybe you and Dougster can cuddle up.
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    13 years ago
    BBBJ and HJ STD Risks
    Stiletto25: "I agree with Dougster." Well, that's gotta suck.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Laws across the USA
    "With the economy and jobs crises across our country one would think lawmakers priorities should be on FISCAL matters NOT on misguided attempts at legislating everyone's UNIQUE MORALITY." Why would you think that for a second? Are you new to this country? "in most cases it's Republican far right wingers who are initiating these draconian laws" Oh, puhleeeeeeeeeeeze. Dems are just as guilty of legislating morality. They *do* generally have a different set of morals, but they make no less attempt to cram them down my throat and up my @$$ than do the Reps.
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    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Some First Timer Hints
    <p>SV, minor dissent. You're right to say "don't get emotional about strippers", but the flipside (treating it like it's ALWAYS just a business transaction) is as boring as the former is dangerous.</p> <p>If the "flavor of the day" interests you (even if it's just a gamble), then go for it. But if not, drop that money on a fave, or just leave.
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    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Some First Timer Hints
    <p>Good article, skeets. There will always be "newbies to boobies", so there's always someone that can benefit from this.</p> <p>"Never, and I mean NEVER, bring in an ATM card" -- I'm safe with this, in that I'm not interested in a SC ATM showing up on my bank statement. That said, I *did* once leave a club long enough to hit the ATM at the convenience store next door. But that was "special circumstance" - a dancer that I always take to VIP was there when I didn't think she would be. Yeah, that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.</p>
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    14 years ago
    What Goes On in a Woman's Brain When She Has an Orgasm
    Barry Komisaruk: 'So the evidence is that women tend to have longer orgasms and can experience several in rapid succession.' Pity poor Mrs Komisaruk that Barry needed an MRI machine for that "evidence". Regardless, $20 says that my tax dollars pay Barry's salary and for his research.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Changes...and maybe changes in me too
    hayleydog, Dougster. Dougster, hayleydog. You guys enjoy my iggy list.
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    14 years ago
    The way Dancer are treated
    I'm a 43-year-old old fart. I don't care if I am paying $$$; if some hot girl half my age is willing to take her clothes off for little ole me, I see it as a privilege (for me).&nbsp; Hell, if some hot girl who <u><b>is</b></u> my age is willing to do that, I see it as a privilege (for me).
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    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Stripping is a Business, keep it that way.
    from the comments:&nbsp; <i>[having] an ATF relationship sort of defeats the purpose of a club.</i><br /> <br /> Bzzzz - wrong - thanks for playing.<br /> <br /> Perhaps it defeats <b>your definition</b> of the purpose of a club.&nbsp; Don't push that on others, though.<br /> <br />
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    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Stripping is a Business, keep it that way.
    I agree with a lot of this -- particularly making sure that the big head is doing the thinking and not assuming that the dancer feels anything for you like you might for her.<br /> <br /> That said, different guys get different things out of a SC. And sometimes, different things for the *same* guy at different times. Some nights, I just want to get my rocks off (metaphorically, if not literally). But sometimes that's not the only reason I go to SCs.<br /> <br /> In contrast to your next-to-last paragraph, I *did* follow a girl to another club in a pretty shitty part of town. But I like being with her. Now, I have no illusions of a relationship between us (if for no other reason than that she's 17 years younger than I am). But I get to hang out with a pretty girl that I really connect with, who happens to have an ass that could stop traffic and will let me see it for a mere $10. ;-)<br /> <br /> While I don't think it's the case for this girl, I really don't give a damn if every nice thing she's ever done/said is total SS. It makes me happy and someone else's opinion of how I take that isn't worth two shits.<br /> <br /> A lot of your advice in this article is good. But I think you swing the pendulum too far.<br type="_moz" />
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    14 years ago
    The Lido Room - Exclusive Private Lap Dance Parties
    Ditto what arbeeguy said.&nbsp; Are the guys running the site paying attention?<br type="_moz" />