I've had my fair share of experiences of lap dances throughout my life.. and there is a common trend usually with all the strippers. The ones that are average looking (5 to 7 in a 10 point scale) usually give exceptional service.. which includes high mileage and I will be extremely satisfied with my lap dance...nd the ones who are hot (9 or 10 in a 10 point scale) would only allow you to top her boobs at the very most. And I would uually get frustrated and will not enjoy the dance as much.. based upon these experiences.. I tend to go for the not so hot girls just so I know they will provide a lot more exceptional service. I believe t here was only one time that I've had a high mileage hot girl but in very extreme rare cases... It's almost sad to say that I go for the not so hot girls than the hotter ones... I rest my statement. What do you guys think?
It's like anything - people generally know where they stand on matters of attractiveness and desirability. A hot chick already knows it - especially a stripper. Therefore, if she's making beaucoup bucks with only dropping her top, why do more? I wouldn't, either, so long as the greenbacks poured in.
There's probably a ceiling as to how much she can make that's defined by how much she's allowed to charge in the VIP, how many sessions she can squeeze into a shift, etc. A 9 or 10 will hit the ceiling just by looking fantastic, whereas a 7 or 8 will have to add another value added proposition to make her bucks, and so it goes.
If I'm looking for eye candy and don't mind low mileage with a distant personality, I'll occasionally do a 10 for a lapdance. But like yourself, I've generally found the 7-8s give the best mix of looks, sexiness, and service.
IMO you are probably statistically accurate than the real 9-10s done give as much service over a large enough sampling, but... you can get lucky and there has to be some UHM locations where the menu doesn't vary that much or the 10's just don't work in such a UHM club.
I always go for the 9's and 10's. There have been a few that didn't meet my standards as far as lapdance quality, but for the most part I've got pretty dances and VIP from the 9's and 10's.
Agreed, Alucard. But to the point, I'd say remember the old Avis rental car slogan, back when Avis was the second biggest car rental company, right behind Hertz: "We try harder". They were trying to make a positive out of a negative (that they were the number 2 company). I do think that you can shoot for the second or third best-looking dancer in the place and get some pretty good returns. The hottest chick usually just coasts.
Tonight I found a couple of extremly hot dancers and was enjoying the show trying to decide which one to have dances with when a goddess walked by who put all others to shame. A truly exquisite woman, the single most beautiful AND sexy dancer I have ever seen. Light bronze skin, fine ass, slim, standing 5' 11" bare foot. I have never given a score of 10 to any woman. This lady is a 9.9 IMO. If not for the store bought tits, which were very well done, I would declare her a 10.
Not only did she give a very nice high mileage dance, in a club not known for HM dances, but she was great fun in my room later. And worth every dollar I gave her. A new fav. In fact, I nearly do not have the strength to finish this post.......
Occasionally I am lucky enough to run into women who are among the best in club (sometimes *the* best in my opinion), and still give amazing mileage for lap dances, or even extras. It's happened often enough that I would not proclaim that the hotter girls give lower mileage as a general rule. In fact, I'd say there is no real rule to it. The only consistent way to tell mileage I've found is the vibe I get from the girl during conversation. If she's laid-back, isn't totally pushy to get you into a lap dance you may have a winner. I'm also a firm believer that not every girl is going to give the same mileage to every guy, and a lot of it is in the moment. I've taken shots with girls before and gotten amazing mileage out of it, even things like DFK (which I find super hot and boner inducing) in a club where kissing "isn't allowed." Money talks with strippers, but much like with real checks, if there's even SOME degree of natural chemistry/good vibe, you're gonna get better service. Some may think I'm crazy, but this is what I've observed.
1. Are there a lot of attractive girls at the club or is she the only one in constant demand? the more supply, the hotter the dances will be.
2. Has she gotten comfortable with you? A hot girl might perform better for guys she is attracted to, and or has developed some conversational chemistry. Of course a lot of hot dancers only give you the "wanna dance?" chance to get their attention. A couple have been good. A lot depends on their confidence/experience level.
3. How much money does she think she stands to make from you? A hot babe isn't going to work as hard for $10/dance as she does for $30/dance. This also factors in how busy the club is.
4. Is she feeling money pressured at the time. Is her rent due? Is she working hard to get more dances/customer? Almost any offer for OTC I've gotten has been accompanied by a story of needing money for a loser boyfriend, etc.
5. Do you groom yourself well? No dancer wants to get close to a smelly warthog that hasn't showered or brushed his teeth in a week any more than we want that not so fresh pussy smell (at least before a dance!). Other factors may include wearing dress pants instead of jeans (less burn, etc.).
6. How sober/high is the dancer?
Fortunately the hottest dancer I've ever seen/met also delivered the most fun I've ever had with clothes on and off. Every dance she did was unique, and usually more aggressive than the previous one. But there was at least some chemistry/money involved. I never dated her even though she made several advances herself. Probably the only time I resented my rule about not dating dancers. She at least made me feel the chemistry was real. She knew how to engage the mind and body. I'm getting hot just thinking about her and that was fifteen years ago.
are you really there for her looks or get grinded down/ have fun n party? thats tha question u gotta ask yourself. i have been 2 plenty of clubs and get dances from that no so hot chick cause she was just fun to be with while the super hot 10 was stuck up and did nothing more than air dances
I agree with MIClubber and GSV but might add another variable: Competition.
Its probably easiest to grab the attention of super hot chicks when you are the only game in the room, or look like you are the 'alpha' high roller for that venue at that place and time. Situational awareness of the venue and the crowd.
Of course, even if the venue is target-rich from a dancers' perspective, if she keeps looking your way there might be a chance. If she catches your eye and smile, why the hell NOT get in the chase ?? ;-)
In addition to the vibe/chemistry during a conversation, you can also tell a lot by a girl's attitude and moves while she's on stage. I look at it as a short audition. If a girl is attentive and freaky on stage, it's a good sign.
I couldn't agree with you more. I have always found the same thing. I never go for the 8's and up. I've had the most luck with 7's, usually willing to make sure you're satisfied.
OK, I have another way of approaching this problem. I go to SCs for the total fantasy of it. If I can get my hands on a 10 I go for it... regardless of the mileage. I could never handle a woman like that in the real world so it satisfies that part of why I go. Now comes the kicker...for the past 10 months I have been dating a total 10. Why she "picked" me is the question of the decade. Everywhere we go I get comments on how hot she is. Makes my mind spin. Last week we shopped for an engagement ring. Talk about Fantasy!!! I don't know why or how, but I am living my fantasy with a woman who is so hott it scares me. Let me add I am NOT a young stud, I am 61, pudgy and not rich by any means... But she seems to like that. I got MY 10... by going for the top pick...never realizing she will someday be my wife! So guys you never know!
For the longest time I believed this. Noticed that the clubs I went to regularly the 9's (usually the best there) were snotty and disappointing. Lo and behold the one time I had actually run into a 10 she had an excellent personality, HM, and I ended up seeing her outside of the club too. Best thing to do is just talk to them first.
If a girl's pretty, I get a dance. If she's OK with me caressing her boobs and butt, I get lots o dances. The only "extra" that I like is being allowed to kiss her on the nipples. I've never been offered HJ/BJ/FS ITC, don't think I'd be comfortable with that in any case. I think a regular clubber has to expect to spend up to 20% of his money on bad dances, as part of the process of finding one's favs.
I always go for the hottest girl in the club. But admittedly, my standards of "hottest" don't match most guys' standards. But that just means that all you fuckers are wrong. ;-)
My experience bears that out also--in two states so far. If a girl is Playmate-of-the-Year quality & knows it, you won't get too much mileage from her because she knows she's desirable. That goes double if she's the only 9 in the place while the others are 6 at most. I prefer the average-looking ones. Treat them as if they're 9 or better & you'll get mileage.
Interesting topic. And probably statistically correct. I've found that the true 9-10s are just there to draw guys in and hang out with the bouncers and regulars....hoping that some super high roller walks in. They're whores just like the others...but they ain't getting totally naked and giving a Hj/BJ unless she's making enough to cover at least a car payment.
Meanwhile...yeah, the ugly fat ones...you place your hand on their crotch and they're liable to grab it and put it inside for you.
I normally follow the advice of not taking the hottest ones to the back nut one nite in Jon's in Bell-ville Mi a accidentally took the hottest one in vip for 100 dollars FS then about 30 min later we went back for a 50 dollar hand job after I realized how hot she was some of best money ever spent first time ever in that club
last commentThere's probably a ceiling as to how much she can make that's defined by how much she's allowed to charge in the VIP, how many sessions she can squeeze into a shift, etc. A 9 or 10 will hit the ceiling just by looking fantastic, whereas a 7 or 8 will have to add another value added proposition to make her bucks, and so it goes.
If I'm looking for eye candy and don't mind low mileage with a distant personality, I'll occasionally do a 10 for a lapdance. But like yourself, I've generally found the 7-8s give the best mix of looks, sexiness, and service.
Not only did she give a very nice high mileage dance, in a club not known for HM dances, but she was great fun in my room later. And worth every dollar I gave her. A new fav. In fact, I nearly do not have the strength to finish this post.......
1. Are there a lot of attractive girls at the club or is she the only one in constant demand? the more supply, the hotter the dances will be.
2. Has she gotten comfortable with you? A hot girl might perform better for guys she is attracted to, and or has developed some conversational chemistry. Of course a lot of hot dancers only give you the "wanna dance?" chance to get their attention. A couple have been good. A lot depends on their confidence/experience level.
3. How much money does she think she stands to make from you? A hot babe isn't going to work as hard for $10/dance as she does for $30/dance. This also factors in how busy the club is.
4. Is she feeling money pressured at the time. Is her rent due? Is she working hard to get more dances/customer? Almost any offer for OTC I've gotten has been accompanied by a story of needing money for a loser boyfriend, etc.
5. Do you groom yourself well? No dancer wants to get close to a smelly warthog that hasn't showered or brushed his teeth in a week any more than we want that not so fresh pussy smell (at least before a dance!). Other factors may include wearing dress pants instead of jeans (less burn, etc.).
6. How sober/high is the dancer?
Fortunately the hottest dancer I've ever seen/met also delivered the most fun I've ever had with clothes on and off. Every dance she did was unique, and usually more aggressive than the previous one. But there was at least some chemistry/money involved. I never dated her even though she made several advances herself. Probably the only time I resented my rule about not dating dancers. She at least made me feel the chemistry was real. She knew how to engage the mind and body. I'm getting hot just thinking about her and that was fifteen years ago.
Gents, always take a nice long shower before hitting the club. Makes a world of difference.
Its probably easiest to grab the attention of super hot chicks when you are the only game in the room, or look like you are the 'alpha' high roller for that venue at that place and time. Situational awareness of the venue and the crowd.
Of course, even if the venue is target-rich from a dancers' perspective, if she keeps looking your way there might be a chance. If she catches your eye and smile, why the hell NOT get in the chase ?? ;-)
Funny, this is the only extra I really look for although I did end up dating the hottest girl at a club for 3-4 months.
Meanwhile...yeah, the ugly fat ones...you place your hand on their crotch and they're liable to grab it and put it inside for you.