
Comments by LeeH (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Don't ask rule
    Damn. All this talk about "blowing" and "dancers" and no one's made the obvious joke? WTF? Are we maturing or something? ;-)
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    14 years ago
    ass , ass, and more ass
    samsung, same answer ;-)
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    14 years ago
    Is upgrading to two dancers worth the extra money?
    DoctorDarby, good point about it being better when the girls start breaking (or shattering) the rules in lower-mileage clubs. That was definitely the case in the story I relayed earlier. If the club is primarily eye candy, it might as well be good eye candy. ;-)
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    14 years ago
    Don't ask rule
    I also don't think that you've blown it with her, as long as you send out a willing vibe next time. Maybe be a bit less subtle than last time, but just a bit.
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    14 years ago
    Don't ask rule
    Approach, no. But I will *initiate* on occasion. If a dancer is on stage and I go to tip her, I might ask for a dance when she's done her set. I used to rely on the post-set "thank you" rounds, but some dancers don't do them, and others will do them, but if the guy before me is interested in a dance, I may get my "thank you" two hours later. Which is nice, that she remembered, but hey ...
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    14 years ago
    ass , ass, and more ass
    6 - my ATF ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is upgrading to two dancers worth the extra money?
    Prim0, yeah, I think you're right.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"
    Well, yeah, rickdugan -- I probably am too much of a nice guy, but I enjoy myself at SC's, so what the hell? Besides, like I said, it wasn't part of an upsell or hustle -- she was just venting. And she had given me enough enjoyment in the past to where I could put up with it. And as I said in the article (thanks for reading it, btw), sometimes the nice guy thing really pays off. ;-) I have to agree with how, too: "I don't actually begrudge strippers their hustle plays, in general..." If a dancer is skilled at the SS (i.e. NOT "oh your dick is so big"), it can make me feel good. I know it's just a fantasy, but if she's a damn good actress, give her an Oscar.
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    14 years ago
    Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"
    Well, it's not *always* SS -- if it's not part of an upsell, it may be real. One fave who works in a club where extras are impossible is afraid of OTC, even with an established regular. She's in her 30's (so she usually thinks before she acts) and has kids. So if she's not getting it ITC or OTC, that leaves the non-customers in her life. Now, they're obviously all dumbasses, but I believed her when she said she hadn't had sex in 'x' months. She was kinda having a "woe is me" moment in the midst of a shitty week (personally), and probably got more specific than she intended.
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    14 years ago
    ink and piercings
    Fair enough, georg. Thanks for the clarification.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Is upgrading to two dancers worth the extra money?
    MattAT95 raises a good point. If you're in a club (or a city, dammit) with traditionally lower mileage, 2 dancers in the VIP room at once can be a good advantage b/c one can be a lookout. As to generally, it varies. If they're doing each other to the total ignoring of me, then no. But I like watching lesbo action well enough that if some good stick shifting is thrown in, I sometimes like it. And I guess if the main action is between 2 dancers, the bouncer (or whoever the official kill-joy is) doesn't say anything. One of my faves, T, first proposed 2 dancers at once to me one night. She offered to just go for 15 minutes (which I didn't even know that club did) at a rate less for 2 girls than it would be for 1 girl for 30 minutes (plus, then, the room was cheaper, too). I decided to try it. Turns out that T is an Olympic class pussy-eater. The "O face" (of which I am a big fan) on the other dancer was phenomenal! ;-) I told T afterward that if I ever do a 2-dancer VIP again (and I have) that I couldn't imagine her not being one of the two. If I have enough scratch, I might spring for 15 minutes with two, then another 15 minutes (or more) immediately afterward just with T. Even though I got some stick-shifting and random gropes both ways during the 2-dancer part, the alone time with T tends to be very satisfying as she is usually very horny by then. It can also be educational. ;-) T and C are my faves at this one club. They're *very* different-looking and not *that* similar in personality either, but way deep down they're a lot alike. I never thought C would ever be into another dancer, so I never brought it up with her. But T & C were talking one night in the dressing room, and the next time I saw C, she told me that T told her that I sometimes go 3-way with T and another dancer, and she'd like to be that "other dancer" sometime, if I wanted. Due to schedules, it was a few months before we were all at the club at the same time. But I had to see. Turns out, C was so deep in T's pussy, I think her tongue hit T's back teeth. I've seen T "in action" more, and she does it more, but C may even be (innately) better than T.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How long do you wait?
    Depends on the dancer and who else is available. Recent case in point: Saw this one dancer on stage and thought "I *have* to get a dance or two or ten from her". As she was coming down from stage, I asked her and she told me that she'd be right with me. She went over to the guy she had been with before her stage work -- obviously a regular. While she was with him, I was keeping an eye on another dancer who was with another regular -- had already had some dances from her and *knew* I wanted more -- but those two were really the only ones that I wanted (things were slowing down as we approached closing time). The first girl wound up with her regular for 30 minutes and he bought a whopping 1 or 2 dances in that time. I wasn't interested in wandering the club looking for others, no one came by, and I *was* enjoying the eye candy, so I stayed. The longer it went, the more annoyed I was getting with him and thinking he was a jerk. Then he finally left and I found out that he wasn't a jerk; he was a dumbass -- she has no personality and her dances are VERY bland. But in general, it's just a song or two. Then if another dancer comes by and offers, it's game on (if I'm interested in her).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    ink and piercings
    georgmicrodong, I hear ya but that's moreso a secondary thing (i.e. if she has tats/piercings, then there are other things about her that you're probably going to like). Do you like tats/piercings themselves? bigdude012, LOL! gk, yeah, they're not a dealbreaker for me unless she's got more than Biker Joe over at the next table. And there was one that actually intrigued me - down each side of her back, she had S-shaped tats like the cuts on the front of a violin. Her personality turned out to be a dud, but cool ink. I even half-jokingly talked about buying a tat for one dancer friend. Her stage dancing often leaves me -- literally -- breathless. I told her that I needed to buy her a tat that reminds me, "Don't forget to breathe". She said that it'd probably look better/classier if it was in Kanji. ;-)
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    ink and piercings
    OK, I take part of that back. Just saw a video and the girl had her nose pierced. Not a stud on the side, but a ring through the middle like she was a bull in search of a matador.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    I've had variations on that theme. Chalk it up to "shit happens". If it keeps happening, maybe it's time for a new ATF.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Would you stop going to the clubs if you were not as aroused from lapdances as y
    Also, depends on how you define "stimulated". If there's a beautiful naked woman rubbing herself on me, I can be very stimulated even if I'm not sporting a full woody the entire time.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Older vs. Younger
    I think you limit yourself a bit with the false dichotomy of "substance versus sexiness" as though they were mutually exclusive. I find substance to be very sexy. Of course, I'm 43, so what do I know? Unless she has a sign around her neck that literally says "Will F*** for Free", a non-substantive dancer isn't getting within 100 yards of VIP on my dime. Maybe a dance or two just to see what it's like, but probably not even that. It has been my experience that older dancers are less *initially* cynical, too. Younger dancers haven't learned yet that we (customers) aren't all assholes -- they generally pre-judge you and if you turn out to be nice, they generally figure that you're up to something and it isn't real. On the flip side, older dancers -- having given you half a chance -- are even more appreciative when they find out you're a nice guy, because they've had to deal with so many assholes over the years. And then there's the exception that proves the rule -- my ATF is 22. (But admittedly she doesn't act like it.) Outside of the substance/sexiness thing, I honestly find cookie-cutter looks to be boring as hell. And it's hard to be cookie-cutter when you're older.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs having "tip" Buckets at the Door
    Woman at the door gets $1, $2 if she's really hot. Man at the door gets a 'thank you'.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    new acronym: SCS
    samsung: "saying she is 'not allowed'." -- I've got no beef with that, even is she's lying about that. Hence my comment about the guy who was nice enough to hang up on me. bumrubber: "Not unique to SCs" -- Yeah, but I don't drive 45 minutes to get to a grocery store to spend several hundred dollars on one item. shadowcat: "many clubs never know who will show up" -- Present tense, not future. I'm not asking them if so-and-so *will* be there tonight, but if she *is* there. And if you don't know, say so. shadowcat: "the person answering the phone may not know the names of the dancers" -- Same thing. If you don't know, don't bullshit me. A couple of clubs gave me the dressing room number instead. I usually get the house mom and she always tells me the truth. Sometimes, if who I asked for isn't there, she'll try to plug another dancer who IS there, but that makes total sense. In fact, that actually has enticed me to go when I wasn't planning on it. bumrubber: "Even small clubs can have lots of different girls" -- One of the two times this happened at Tiffany's, there were 4 girls. One was on stage and the other three were at the bar, 5 feet from the phone. DandyDan: "girls come and go as they wish" -- I recognize that. And I realize that a dancer may leave early if it's a slow night. That's happened to me before. I'm talking about calling an hour into the shift (so she has time to be late) and showing up an hour later. Of the three clubs that I frequent, Tiffany's is the closest and was on the fast track to be my go-to club (i.e. go there regardless of who's there). It's a fun club, laid-back, and the mileage (even on the floor) is very good. Even if I never went VIP (and there are a couple girls there that make that impossible), I'd *easily* drop a C-note or more on every visit. But apparently, they'd rather just have $10 and have me show up about 1/3 as often.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I am, admittedly, more drawn to white girls at first sight, but there are some black girls that I like if I get to know them a bit. "Get to know" could be personality or discovering that they give good dances. My #3 fave is black and has both, big-time. There are some amazingly gorgeous Asian women, but for some reason, they don't do it for me. Don't know that I've encountered any Latina dancers yet, so I can't comment on that.
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    15 years ago
    I'm with the ones that don't go *seeking* extras, but don't turn them down if the dancer introduces the concept first. I'm sure there are dancers that I've taken to VIP that would give extras if *I* asked, but I've been content thus far. ;-) If I had to guess, I'd say that the percentage of extras claimed on this site is a good bit higher than actuality. We guys never get over the locker-room bragging.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother and gridget
    Paramedic seems like a logical job for a former stripper -- I've had several that almost stopped my heart. ;-)
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    15 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    Eh, my fave kind of dancer is the kind that makes me think, "What? There was music playing?" More to the point, I'd much rather the dancer like the song than I like it. Makes for a better dance 99% of the time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    There are a few dancers who, when stripping on stage, make me forget to breathe. But I guess that's my own damn fault.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What would be appropriate dress for a better grinding experience?
    Arrow Microfiber black dress slacks -- silky inside and out, so commando is quite comfortable One dancer likes the silkiness outside that she just sits there rubbing her hand all over my leg. Well, if you insist... ;-) I think she'd kill me if I ever went into her club wearing anything else.