
"You can pay me later"

Sunday, March 28, 2010 11:36 AM
Just as we were finishing up a dance I heard the DJ calling out the dancer's name. She told me she had to go on stage. I was still fumbling with my wallet, and as she hurried to the stage she said over her shoulder, “you can pay me later.” I thought that was pretty trusting since we had just met (maybe I just have an honest face?). Ever happen to you?


  • 59
    14 years ago
    Not that I can recall. They just wait until they get paid, even if the DJ and/or bouncer is on their case. I kinda prefer to settle up and move on anyways. With a fave generally my credit is good. We may do some dances, she'll get called on stage. Then do some more dances and we'll settle up just the once. Been discussed before but I've had girls leave their purse with me while they're on stage. They figure it's safe with me. While not crazy about having to hold onto the purse it's good stripper repellent if another one comes by, "girl on stage is coming back!".
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I think the DJs are idiots when they call a dancer to stage and she is in the back. I was just coming to the back with a dancer when I heard her name announced by the DJ to be next on stage...I'm thinking WTF this dance is going to suck. It was just one single dance. I like having the option to extend our time together, which gives better mileage and lets her make more money. Instead we just had to settle for one dance and it felt rushed.
  • springfan
    14 years ago
    I had a "you can pay me later" moment... Awesome little brunette in Dallas, probably 2 hours into our private time and I had to bolt. I asked her where a money machine was, and she said "you have to go to the counter and buy {club name} bucks". Can't remember the club name, but she advised I not do this since they charged a 35% or so surcharge. She told me to go to the Dave & Busters across the parking lot and use their ATM. When I returned, I saw her across the bar and she looked very flustered. I walked up and handed her her money and said "were you nervous I wasn't coming back?" She nodded and smiled.
  • neoguy
    14 years ago
    I have had more than 5 different dancers at my favorite club do this. We will spend time together, do a few dances and then she has to go on stage. They all know I will be waiting on them to finish and come back to get their money. Some times I will just meet them on stage and give them what is owed, plus a tip for seeing them on stage. I had girls say that when they show trust to us, we come back often....well they use different words, but you get my meaning. I have done it the other way to a few. I will give one or two dancers a certain amount and just count off the dances as we go. Some times I have to leave early or whatever and we will settle up the next time I stop in. I wouldn't do that with just any dancer, but there are a select few. I have also seen this as a danger area. I have had a few dancers give me a few dances, then leave and go smoke, or go to the bathroom, on stage, etc. When they come back you go to resume the dances and after that she says you owe me 7, when we really did a total of 5 (or whatever). So it is a way to try and play you for more money. With certain dancers I will put money on the table for each dance we do as I know I can't trust them.
  • casualguy
    14 years ago
    I've had this happen to me several years ago. Most dancers I know now will let the DJ keep calling out their name and ignore him and dance for me instead except in one club where it seems more mandatory. I pay quick though and like to get that part over with rather than trying to remember how much I owe or sticking around if I want to leave because I didn't pay someone.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    At the PP the DJs do not seem to know where the dancers are and the dancers could give a shit. If they have a good customer, the girls will ignore it. Stage growes empty.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    I've had this at least 4 times, including once within the last month. Most of the time, I end up giving them their money as a tip onstage.
  • uscue13
    14 years ago
    Like Shadow, at PP the DJ just follows his rotation and sometimes calls girls that are giving dances or might even be in the back and don't make it out (must have personal issues at the time). I find that depending on time of day, some will say forget the song and stay with you (day shift) and others will go to the stage (night shift). Most of those night shift girls tell you ahead of time they're going to be called on stage soon. All the ones I remember said to pay them when they get off stage if they had to hurry up there. Surprised they all were so trusting, it's been maybe 6 girls that have trusted me with that. At another club, a newbie to me asked if I had a "jacket" after about 5 songs. Told her in my car. She said go and get it...didn't bother to worry about me paying for the 5 songs before I stepped outside the club.
  • licklick
    14 years ago
    I've done what other have said, paid the dancer while she's on stage, and a lot of the other guys sitting around the stage think I'm a big spender!!!!
  • gatorjoe2
    14 years ago
    I think it is the vibe that person gives off while "being courted" and during the dance. Sometimes you know a person is a cheapskate, sometimes you know he is honest. I will say the girls at my frequent trust me a lot. I will say I have to go to the ATM, but they have to stay in the dance room and pay their "fee". There have been times where I had t hunt the girl down in the back to make sure she got her money. The ATM is right by the door and far from the dance room. It would not be hard to get to "sneak" out. I never will do it, because I will be back and never want the karma of doing that.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Haven't ever had it with someone I just met. But I've even had VIPs where the dancer forgot to collect. One was because her short-term memory and alcohol don't get along at all. The other dancer was because we had both become a bit, er um, distracted.
  • mreef
    14 years ago
    I've had the "If you agree to N dances, I'll go tell the DJ to skip my next rotation" I've also made the mistake of only having $100 bills left and the dancer got called up. She couldn't break the $100 so I went to the bar and gave her $60 like a $1 stage tip -- I think the other guys at stage were like WTF! (I had planned to keep her until I hit $100, 5 dances, we were only at 3).
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Since we've wandered off the original topic a bit, sometimes DJs can be bribed to skip a dancer in the rotation and/or call someone else to take her place. Sometimes you have to insinuate that you're about to go to VIP; sometimes they're just glad to pocket the money.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    I was back at the same club again and the same thing happened with another dancer. Turns out the club fines them if they are late getting on stage. I did ask her later why they weren't worried about a customer skipping out on them. She said, "oh, we all know you now." So I guess that answers the "club regular" question too.
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