Comments by KootchieKoo
discussion comment
15 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Yep, the personal attacks and political crapola are the reasons why I don't read this board much anymore.
discussion comment
15 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Has the speed of your DSL line been upgraded recently (perhaps without your knowledge?) A while back I was using a Cayman 3220 with Bellsouth 1.5 Mbit DSL without problems. I upgraded to their 3.0 Mbit DSL when it became available. Although rated up to 8 Mbit, the Cayman was showing huge amounts of CRC errors and causing similar weirdness like what you describe. I bought a non-ISP-specific Westell 6100 and all was well.
discussion comment
15 years ago
The Gold Club, my favorite club here in Memphis has gotten very slow the last couple of months. It is being renovated, the theory is people don't come in because they think it's closed, even though there are banners hanging that say it's open. My favorite there started working at another club (Christie's), I went there to see her this past weekend, I hadn't been there in months. Amazing how they moneygrub you to death. They have a small VIP room that is now $10 admission, used to be free. What made it annoying was a bouncer reprimanded my favorite for taking me into the area without a wristband, but I HAD bought one, he didn't even check! They do a "showtime" every hour or so where the girls are forced to push hats, t-shirts, lighters, and other crap on you. They charge $10 to bring in a bottle, this fee is not present at my favorite club, although both are run by the same company. If you order a can of Sparks they pour only half the can into a glass for you behind the bar and sell the other half to someone else! All this in a bad economy, when they should be providing value for your dollar.
Not sure how long I can continue to see my favorite in this kind of place. It makes me very sad.
discussion comment
15 years ago
Back then my mother was a cancer patient, her first chemotherapy was on 9/11/2001. We were in the waiting room of the doctor's office, they started turning on the TV's. I wasn't glued to it like some others were, I was trying to focus on getting my mother through the 2-3 hour chemo treatment and the resulting nausea and side effects.
discussion comment
15 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
Both about equally, around here people don't get too far into the different shades of meaning so the terms are interchangeable. Stripper is not derogatory, my favorite also calls herself a stripper.
As a verb I hear "dancing" much more often than "stripping" - as in "she quit dancing".
discussion comment
15 years ago
I was in Salt Lake City in late 2006 or early 2007 and paid for a cab to one of the clubs there, the girls were behind a barrier and there certainly was no VIP area. What was I thinking?
The clubs in Nashville are dying, Anthony's and Ken's closed recently, leaving only 3 clubs. I was there this past Christmas and bought a LD from a dancer at Ken's who said she'd been to Memphis a few times to work at Platinum Plus so I thought she had "potential", but when we went upstairs she wouldn't let me touch her at all and the whole thing was ultra lame.
discussion comment
15 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Recently I've had offers of $250 and $100, didn't partake, $250 is too much and the $100 gal is about a 4 on my scale.
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15 years ago
I got tired of paying $5.50 + tip ($7) for a fucking beer at my favorite club so now I bring a bottle of DeKuyper peach schnapps, I like the taste. Although some can't, I can drink it at room temperature so all I have to buy at the club is one setup. It's 15% alcohol.
discussion comment
15 years ago
I've been experimenting with Cialis and Viagra the last couple of months. I got some generics from
which is an Indian company that ships fast, I got my package exactly 7 days after ordering. The pills are made by Cipla which is quality stuff.
I tried a 100 mg Viagra + Tagamet once at home, it didn't have much effect. From my reading, Tagamet, taken with Viagra, increases its potency and duration, 400 mg is the amount to take.
I've had better results with 20 mg Cialis. I'm 47 and wouldn't call myself dysfunctional, but I've lost the ability to get it up just by looking, Mr. Happy requires direct stimulation and the Cialis helps get him up with less effort. Most of the time it gets him happy faster during a LD, that's what you're looking for so I'd recommend it. Maybe 1 time out of 5 it doesn't help much, not sure why.
Another thing that helps with blood flow is L-Arginine which is $4 for a bottle of 50 at Walmart. Recommended dose is 3 grams a day. I had moderate hypertension and have been using it to keep my blood pressure down. I don't take my BP medicine anymore, the one I was taking is in a class particularly bad in terms of hindering your ability to get it up.
discussion comment
15 years ago
There is something different about my favorite every time I go see her, a streak in the hair, more/less makeup, a new outfit - and she always looks great. One of the many things that keeps me interested...
discussion comment
15 years ago
Any place that interests me.
A few months ago I met a great girl at my favorite club. We hit it off so strongly that first time that I've been "faithful" to her ever since. Certainly a first for me. I don't even think of buying time from any of the other girls. Most of the others are aware of this and don't hit me up for dances, which is fine by me.
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15 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Good to know we're bigger than "theatre, opera, ballet, jazz and classical music concerts combined."
discussion comment
16 years ago
A useful Firefox browser extension for sites like this is called CoolPreviews. When you mouse over the [Here] link, CoolPreviews opens the nude pic in its preview window (that goes away when you mouse out of it) instead of opening a new browser window that you have to close. Great for taking quick looks at pics on any site.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Not a review written by an unbiased customer. I say delete it.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Recommended: Jules Jordan's Tunnel Vision 3
discussion comment
16 years ago
I dislike being double-teamed and have never VIP'ed more than one. Here, where it's low-mileage, one is plenty for me to concentrate on, two girls would probably be doing too much to each other and not enough to me. Would be much more open to it in a high-mileage club, assuming I had the money.
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16 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
A few months back I went to the Pony in Memphis, Pauly Shore had been there earlier that night. The dancers were still buzzing about it.
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16 years ago
I try to be a nice guy at all times, maybe a little more so ITC. Last visit the waitress kissed me on the cheek.
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16 years ago
Same thing happened to me with a beautiful girl "Tessa" in 2007 at the Playhouse in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Standing up with shoes on, she was almost eye-to-eye with me (I'm 6'4") but when they came off, seemed she was a foot shorter.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Well I certainly didn't see it when it came out as I was only 11 years old, about all I had done then was sneak a peek at a Playboy. I hadn't seen it until I downloaded it a few months ago, funny how tame it is compared to modern porn.
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16 years ago
A handful have done the humming thing on me but it's rare here. But that's not really saying much, most of my SC experience has been in the post-PP suckage here in Memphis. I suspect the real girls from the "good ol' days" did it more than the bozos of today. All the ones I recall that did it to me are ex-PP (or at least claimed to be).
Some do it better than others.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
Shadowcat - didn't know you'd been to our fair city. I grew up in the area about two miles east of the Memphis PP.
I remember the 2-girl shows being one of the "official" charges against Ralph Lunati they used to convict him. This article
sez "The live sex shows featuring two women that were a feature of Platinum Plus are at the heart of his conviction and sentencing." It also explains the prostitution angle that I'd forgotten (as did Ralph) that at one point the definition of prostitution had been changed from intercourse to "anything for sexual gratification for hire."
"I didn't realize the girl shows were prostitution. But I should have," strip club owner Ralph Lunati told U.S. District Court Judge Hardy Mays...
discussion comment
16 years ago
Breathe, breathe in the air
Maybe Jessica Lange and Virginia Madsen, but I've never had much of a fixation on any celebrity. If porn stars count, give me Sara Stone.