
Comments by bumrubber (page 15)

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    14 years ago
    Strip Clubs Owners, It's time to "Get It"
    About pricing, is it total spent, or bullshit like drink hustles and other charges you didn't expect? I'd rather pay more at the door and for dances than deal with that. Stuff like that makes me leave, and I won't go to clubs that have it.
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    14 years ago
    Significant Others and Strip Clubs
    I don't see that in myself. The women I came closest to marrying were so great at sex that I had no interest in anyone else. In a really long term relationship that might be different, but I wouldn't know. One of those women would kill me if I went to a SC. The others would probably turn it around somehow. Current GF who is a dancer likes to take me to clubs and make me squirm by buying me dances.
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    14 years ago
    The Perfect Night Out
    If you're young and rich, you don't need strip clubs.
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    14 years ago
    The Las Vegas Strip Club: Why Do We Love Them?
    My current girlfriend likes working in Vegas for exactly the reasons you all hate it. She makes a lot of money without having to do much! There's plenty of eye candy in Vegas but from this customer's perspective, dancers are all business and prices are insane. Really insane. The only place I like to go is OG during the day, where occasionally there are veteran hotties who are fun to be with. Beware the trolls too though, hiding in the dark.
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    14 years ago
    How to be a less pathetic PL
    For me, the fact that the whole SC experience is fleeting and temporary is what makes it so much fun. You can flirt and tease and be teased and touch and grope without implications. I find that the more "in the moment" I can be without getting personal, the more the girls loosen up and the more fun we all have. That itself is a social skill worth cultivating and a SC is a great place to do it. All that said, over the years I've dated 3 strippers now and I think a lot of it had to do with being able to be "light."
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    14 years ago
    Women and strip clubs
    Current flame who is a stripper wants to take me to a club and buy me lap dances, sort of like using other women as sex toys to tease me with. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this but I'll go along with it.
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    14 years ago
    A Guide to Pushy Dancers
    Most of the time a "no thank you" is enough, but some persist. This industry does attract people who are not wired correctly so there will always be problem individuals. One at a local club is short, fat, ghetto, and pushy as hell. The other girls there are quite attractive, and very nice, so she sticks out like a sore thumb. If I tell her no she asks what kind of girl I like so she can go get her for me. She's caused me to leave 3-4 times without spending any money. I wish management would get a clue. Otherwise this is a good club. It's always the fat ones. I guess they have to be pushy. Anyone know where to get those "no fat chicks" T-shirts from the 70s?
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    14 years ago
    Why I'm Quitting Las Vegas
    shadowcat: you're right but like a lot of things, Vegas has grown past what it originally was. Laughlin has taken over a lot of that business, with the casinos subsidizing everything else, so you can still stay and eat cheap. I don't know of any SCs around Laughlin, but the river party crowd gets really wild there - all kinds of naked rompery going on! If I were looking for serious pay to play action I would probably head to Canada. Hot escorts are everywhere, and legal. I've been hit up so many times in bars and nightclubs in Vancouver and Victoria, plus there are ads everywhere. A friend of mine does a lot of websites for escorts there. The SCs in BC do suck though.
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    14 years ago
    I have a very few friends I can go to SCs with but it's a secret from everyone else. Most who are closest to me would be shocked that I do such things. I'm in my mid 40s, in shape and look younger. I'm not quite over the hill when it comes to "getting" attractive women. In recent years I've even been with a few college girls (I lived in a college town and used to hang out downtown). I have a couple of pseudo-girlfriends that I've been seeing off and on for many years, plus whatever women I meet around town and while traveling. I rarely go a month without sex. So I don't "need" SCs but I still enjoy the experience, without seeking extras. Eye candy for sure, but also the interaction and conversation with a variety of women. I love experiencing all their personalities. And while I'm not there to get off I sure don't mind feeling a sweet ass in my lap. Inspiration to keep my sex drive up. If I'm in a relationship I would never go to a SC, and I don't really have a wandering eye. But while I'm single I'll enjoy all the female flesh and charm that I can. If you guys want to just lay out the cash for the whole enchilada, or taco as it may be, then enjoy. If I'm still single in a few years I may be right there with you.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What Do the Boyfriends Know?
    +1 sinclair
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    14 years ago
    The Las Vegas Scene
    "The saddest part of all the changes is that the girls used to go out and party on the town when they weren't working. I haven't seen that, no doubt due to the economy." I travel a lot and date around in my travels. Not P4P but regular girls looking to have fun. I'm not getting the action I used to and it isn't just me getting older. There used to be groups of girls out on the town in every city. No more -- no one can afford it!
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    14 years ago
    The Las Vegas Scene
    What keeps the sex industry going in LV is all the convention business and the traveling businessmen who have an opportunity to misbehave away from home. It's also easy enough for men to escape from family/friends while on vacation. As others have said, the casinos provide great excuses for missing money and time. So "Sin City" will always be there, but business is way, way down with the economy. I've enjoyed LV clubs for drinks and eye candy and people watching, but the expense is so ridiculous that I don't "partake." What allows prices to be so high is that it's the only opportunity that a lot of men will ever have, so they pay whatever it takes. I can have a much better time near home where the dancers are more relaxed, besides the cost being more realistic. I have no wife/girlfriend to answer to so I can do what I want at home. I don't have to wait for the company to send me to LV.
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    14 years ago
    I budget for stage tips for every girl who spends time with me, as long as she's not annoying. I also think it's rude to sit there all night without tipping. Even if it's just $1, that little acknowledgment is important. Most girls appreciate it at least a little. SoCal clubs are weird in that people rarely sit by the stage, even when the room is otherwise full. The implied obligation to tip is one thing, but I think people are more afraid of showing too much interest, and then having that girl hound them for a dance the rest of the night.
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    14 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Eating in Strip Clubs
    Some are probably pretty good but some probably serve bad food on purpose, just to see how badly they can rip you off like they do with everything else.
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    14 years ago
    Future of Strip Clubs
    nelson, You speak the truth but some tame clubs seem to do well. We just had a new one open in SoCal. Even without "action" it's still a great place for drinks, eye candy, and light company, and will probably be successful. A few clubs may be able to do this, but the rest are probably in a race to the bottom. It did take me aback when, after a few years away, I went to a nicer club not known for action, and had a beautiful college type get right to business dry humping me like an animal for ten bucks. Hot damn. In years past, girls that hot and cute could make bank doing air dances all night, and at that club in that city that's all you'd ever get. Competition has changed that. As this site clearly shows, sex in SCs is becoming a culture all its own. Even legalizing prostitution won't stop it because the game has enough of its own enthusiasts. I feel a "belly up or go home" vibe at some clubs, which is what the drink hustle is about. Notice how it's most aggressive in the dirtiest clubs. They don't want you hanging out, wasting girls' time, and taking a seat from someone ready to pay big bucks to get blown/fucked in the VIP. So they make you uncomfortable sitting there, and/or try to get more money from you. But again, tame clubs will do fine if they can provide a nice atmosphere, and beautiful girls with some class.
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    14 years ago
    Future of Strip Clubs
    Seems to me too that more clubs are becoming outright brothels, with little being done about it (not that there should be). Mileage at formerly tame clubs seems to be going up too.
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    14 years ago
    New York
    Holding the $20 line
    If anything, prices in SoCal have been going down. If not list price, then specials or whatever. Most clubs seem to be gravitating toward $10 dances, or at least starting there. You might or might not get what you pay for , and it's true that you might get the same or better dance for $10 as $20.
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    14 years ago
    it is what it is
    2 for 1 Lapdances
    Lots of 2 for 1 and 3 for 2 around here, but you have to ask yourself how long the songs are.&nbsp; Also the quality of the girls, the club itself and its clientele, which can be pretty ghetto.<br type="_moz" />
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    14 years ago
    List of states that have seen an increase in the number of strip clubs since 2001
    How about strip clubs per capita?<br type="_moz" />
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who don't seem to want anything from you -- the most confusing kind
    MisterGuy, I think you're right.&nbsp; Just be nice and they'll be nice back.<br /> <br /> I had a young dancer (19-20?) glom onto me for like an hour before pressing for a dance.&nbsp; As you say I think she had a hard time asking, so she tried to win me over by hanging out and getting me to like her (it worked, BTW).<br type="_moz" />
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    15 years ago
    Dancers who don't seem to want anything from you -- the most confusing kind
    It's weird, in the South I always have dancers glom onto me but in California I can hardly get their attention to get a dance.&nbsp; So far my southern states exploits (fewer than 10 visits) have gotten me a bunch of real-life dates with one girl, a real-life fling with another that also happened to go to my gym, and in about half my club visits a girl befriends me for no reason at all.&nbsp; Not in California though.&nbsp; I can't figure it out.<br type="_moz" />