Dancers who don't seem to want anything from you -- the most confusing kind
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So what of the dancer who does this all the time? I suppose there are few explanations. She enjoys the conversation and finds you more interesting than sitting in the back texting on her phone or hanging around some random dude. Doesn't mean that she wants to be your best friend outside the club but that you are the "lesser of many evils" when she is at work. She might also be really into you. I find it hard to believe that women attractive enough to make money off their looks are flocking to me because they want me to rock their world. I occasionally get the feeling they might but I suspect that, in most cases, they are just hoping to lure me into dances (however unlikely) or perhaps some sort of OTC arrangement. You may want to adjust your own expectations in these cases. If attractive young women often come on to you, then it is possible the dancer is too. If not, I would proceed with caution. That being said, the warnings about "dating a dancer" on here should also serve as a warning about pursuing anything with her.<br />
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But what of the dancer who actually refuses drinks, sits with you for way too long, gives out her real name and contact information, actually buys you little gifts, remembers every little detail about you that you've ever discussed and even agrees to spend time with you outside the club? What of the dancer who says she will give you a ride home if you have had too much to drink and need it? What of the dancer who texts you her random thoughts in the middle of the day? What of the dancer who comes by your work just to say hi? She has a boyfriend and doesn't seem particularly interested in me romantically. So what is in it for her? I am very tempted to conclude that this young lady just wants to be my friend and is serious about it. It is confusing as that is the last thing I would expect one of these ladies to want. There's no money, no sex, no drugs, really nothing in it for her except my company. So there you go. The most confusing kind of dancer. I'm perplexed.<br type="_moz" />
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They just liked that a bunch of big strong construction guys were hanging out in the club, watching out for the girls. I remember one of the girls telling me that the owner of the bar felt that if something went wrong we have their back <br />
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Sadly that bar is gone and the company is no more, but the memory lives on. What I can remember. Freaking bunch of alcoholics.
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I had a young dancer (19-20?) glom onto me for like an hour before pressing for a dance. As you say I think she had a hard time asking, so she tried to win me over by hanging out and getting me to like her (it worked, BTW).<br type="_moz" />